def test_app_to_entry_docker(self): """Tests convertion of app dictionary to ldap entry.""" app = { '_id': 'xxx', 'cpu': '100%', 'memory': '1G', 'disk': '1G', 'tickets': [], 'features': [], 'endpoints': [], 'environ': [], 'traits': ['foo'], 'services': [ { 'name': 'foo', 'image': 'testimage', 'useshell': True, 'command': 'echo', 'restart': { 'limit': 3, 'interval': 30, }, }, ] } ldap_entry = { 'app': ['xxx'], 'cpu': ['100%'], 'disk': ['1G'], 'memory': ['1G'], 'trait': ['foo'], # Affinities 'affinity-level': [], 'affinity-limit': [], # Endpoints 'endpoint-name': [], 'endpoint-port': [], 'endpoint-proto': [], 'endpoint-type': [], # Envvars 'envvar-name': [], 'envvar-value': [], # Services 'service-command;tm-service-0': ['echo'], 'service-image;tm-service-0': ['testimage'], 'service-name;tm-service-0': ['foo'], 'service-restart-interval;tm-service-0': ['30'], 'service-restart-limit;tm-service-0': ['3'], 'service-useshell;tm-service-0': [True], } self.assertEqual(ldap_entry, admin.Application(None).to_entry(app)) app['affinity_limits'] = {} app['args'] = [] app['passthrough'] = [] app['ephemeral_ports'] = {} self.assertEqual(app, admin.Application(None).from_entry(ldap_entry))
def test_app_to_entry_and_back(self): """Test converting app to/from entry populating default values.""" app = { 'cpu': '100%', 'memory': '1G', 'disk': '1G', 'services': [{ 'command': '/a', 'name': 'a', 'restart': { 'interval': 30, 'limit': 3 } }], 'endpoints': [{ 'name': 'y', 'port': 2 }], 'traits': [], } expected = { 'tickets': [], 'keytabs': [], 'traits': [], 'features': [], 'endpoints': [{ 'name': 'y', 'port': 2 }], 'environ': [], 'memory': '1G', 'services': [{ 'command': '/a', 'name': 'a', 'restart': { 'interval': 30, 'limit': 3 } }], 'disk': '1G', 'affinity_limits': {}, 'cpu': '100%', 'passthrough': [], 'ephemeral_ports': {}, 'args': [] } admin_app = admin.Application(None) self.assertEqual(expected, admin_app.from_entry(admin_app.to_entry(app))) app['services'][0]['root'] = True expected['services'][0]['root'] = True self.assertEqual(expected, admin_app.from_entry(admin_app.to_entry(app))) app['vring'] = { 'cells': ['a', 'b'], 'rules': [{ 'pattern': 'x.y*', 'endpoints': ['http', 'tcp'], }] } expected['vring'] = { 'cells': ['a', 'b'], 'rules': [{ 'pattern': 'x.y*', 'endpoints': ['http', 'tcp'], }] } self.assertEqual(expected, admin_app.from_entry(admin_app.to_entry(app))) app['passthrough'] = ['', ''] expected['passthrough'] = ['', ''] self.assertEqual(expected, admin_app.from_entry(admin_app.to_entry(app))) app['ephemeral_ports'] = { 'tcp': 10, } expected['ephemeral_ports'] = { 'tcp': 10, 'udp': 0, } app['schedule_once'] = True expected['schedule_once'] = True self.assertEqual(expected, admin_app.from_entry(admin_app.to_entry(app))) app['data_retention_timeout'] = '30m' expected['data_retention_timeout'] = '30m' self.assertEqual(expected, admin_app.from_entry(admin_app.to_entry(app))) app['lease'] = '3d' expected['lease'] = '3d' self.assertEqual(expected, admin_app.from_entry(admin_app.to_entry(app)))
def test_app_to_entry(self): """Tests convertion of app dictionary to ldap entry.""" app = { '_id': 'xxx', 'cpu': '100%', 'memory': '1G', 'disk': '1G', 'tickets': ['a', None, 'b'], 'keytabs': ['a'], 'features': [], 'args': [], 'environ': [ { 'name': 'BAR', 'value': '34567' }, { 'name': 'FOO', 'value': '12345' }, ], 'services': [ { 'name': 'a', 'command': '/a', 'restart': { 'limit': 3, 'interval': 30, }, }, { 'name': 'b', 'command': '/b', }, { 'name': 'c', 'command': '/c', 'restart': { 'limit': 0, }, }, ], 'endpoints': [ { 'name': 'x', 'port': 1, 'type': 'infra', 'proto': 'udp' }, { 'name': 'y', 'port': 2, 'type': 'infra' }, ], 'affinity_limits': { 'server': 1, 'rack': 2 }, 'passthrough': [], 'ephemeral_ports': { 'tcp': 5, 'udp': 10, }, 'shared_ip': True, 'shared_network': True, 'traits': ['foo'], } ldap_entry = { 'app': ['xxx'], 'cpu': ['100%'], 'memory': ['1G'], 'disk': ['1G'], 'ticket': ['a', 'b'], 'keytab': ['a'], 'trait': ['foo'], 'service-name;tm-service-0': ['a'], 'service-name;tm-service-1': ['b'], 'service-name;tm-service-2': ['c'], 'service-restart-limit;tm-service-0': ['3'], 'service-restart-limit;tm-service-1': ['5'], 'service-restart-limit;tm-service-2': ['0'], 'service-restart-interval;tm-service-0': ['30'], 'service-restart-interval;tm-service-1': ['60'], 'service-restart-interval;tm-service-2': ['60'], 'service-command;tm-service-0': ['/a'], 'service-command;tm-service-1': ['/b'], 'service-command;tm-service-2': ['/c'], 'endpoint-name;tm-endpoint-0': ['x'], 'endpoint-name;tm-endpoint-1': ['y'], 'endpoint-port;tm-endpoint-0': ['1'], 'endpoint-port;tm-endpoint-1': ['2'], 'endpoint-type;tm-endpoint-0': ['infra'], 'endpoint-type;tm-endpoint-1': ['infra'], 'endpoint-proto;tm-endpoint-0': ['udp'], 'envvar-name;tm-envvar-0': ['BAR'], 'envvar-value;tm-envvar-0': ['34567'], 'envvar-name;tm-envvar-1': ['FOO'], 'envvar-value;tm-envvar-1': ['12345'], 'affinity-level;tm-affinity-0': ['rack'], 'affinity-limit;tm-affinity-0': ['2'], 'affinity-level;tm-affinity-1': ['server'], 'affinity-limit;tm-affinity-1': ['1'], 'ephemeral-ports-tcp': ['5'], 'ephemeral-ports-udp': ['10'], 'shared-ip': [True], 'shared-network': [True] } # TODO this logs "Expected [<class 'str'>], got ['a', None, 'b']" # see treadmill.admin:_dict_2_entry self.assertEqual(ldap_entry, admin.Application(None).to_entry(app)) # When converting to entry, None are skipped, and unicode is converted # to str. # # Adjust app['tickets'] accordingly. app['tickets'] = ['a', 'b'] # Account for default restart values app['services'][1]['restart'] = {'limit': 5, 'interval': 60} app['services'][2]['restart']['interval'] = 60 self.assertEqual(app, admin.Application(None).from_entry(ldap_entry))