コード例 #1
def treat_economic_flow_info_desag(flow,UP, column_number, UP_list, sign, A, UP_scaling_factor, unit_converter, 
                             marker, uncertainty_info, infrastructure_rescale, UP_meta_info,UP_list_desag_1):
    from treat_pedigree import treat_pedigree

    UP_name = flow[0]
    coefficient = float(flow[2].replace(',','.'))
    if marker == 'Remaining waste' or marker == 'Separated waste': #these flow display less info
        unit = 'kg'
        distribution = 'NA'
        spread1 = 'NA'
        spread2 = 'NA'
        spread3 = 'NA'
    else: #otherwise, the unit, distribution and spreads are in regular places
        unit = flow[1]
        distribution = flow[3]
        spread1 = float(flow[4].replace(',','.'))
        spread2 = float(flow[5].replace(',','.'))
        spread3 = float(flow[6].replace(',','.'))
        pedigree = flow[7]
    except IndexError:
        pedigree = ''
    #raising a warning if a process calls itself
    for process in UP_list_desag_1:
		if UP_list[UP_list_desag_1[process]['UP_number']]==UP_name:
    line_number = UP_list.index(UP_name)
    if line_number == column_number:
        print 'alert! UP is calling itself:'
        print line_number
        print UP_list[line_number]
        print ''
    #adjusting the coefficient for unit consistency.  
    #Two conversions have to be made: one for the process calling, and one for the process being called
    coefficient = float(coefficient) * unit_converter[unit][1] / UP_scaling_factor * sign
    if UP_name.find('/I ') != -1: #if the process does NOT NOT contains the infrastructure chain of character, rescale it
        coefficient = coefficient * infrastructure_rescale
    A[column_number][line_number] = coefficient
    uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number] = {}
    uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['distribution'] = distribution
    uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['spread1'] = spread1
    uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['spread2'] = spread2
    uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['spread3'] = spread3
    if pedigree != '':
        uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['pedigree'] = treat_pedigree(pedigree)
    return UP_list, A, uncertainty_info
コード例 #2
def treat_elementary_flow_info(flow, column_number, EF_list, B,
                               UP_scaling_factor, unit_converter, compartment,
                               uncertainty_info, EF_unit, UP_list):
    from treat_pedigree import treat_pedigree
    #for more comment, see treat_economic_flow_info, the structure is the same.

    EF_name = flow[0]
    sub_compartment = flow[1]
    if sub_compartment == '':
        sub_compartment = '(unspecified)'
    unit = flow[2]
    coefficient = float(flow[3].replace(',', '.'))
    distribution = flow[4]
    spread1 = float(flow[5].replace(',', '.'))
    spread2 = float(flow[6].replace(',', '.'))
    spread3 = float(flow[7].replace(',', '.'))

        pedigree = flow[8]
    except IndexError:
        pedigree = ''

        EF_list.index([compartment, EF_name, sub_compartment])
    except ValueError:
        EF_list.append([compartment, EF_name, sub_compartment])
        EF_unit[EF_name] = unit_converter[unit][0]
    line_number = EF_list.index([compartment, EF_name, sub_compartment])
    coefficient = float(
        coefficient) * unit_converter[unit][1] / UP_scaling_factor
        B[column_number][line_number] += coefficient
        #if there is no error, it means this line already exists.
        if (spread1 > uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number]
                or spread2 > uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number]
                or spread3 > uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number]
            #if the uncertainty of the new one is bigger, the uncertainty info of the new one is
            #reatined, just to be on the safe side.
                'distribution'] = distribution
                'spread1'] = spread1
                'spread2'] = spread2
                'spread3'] = spread3
            if pedigree != '':
                    'pedigree'] = treat_pedigree(pedigree)
    except KeyError:
        B[column_number][line_number] = coefficient
        uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number] = {}
            'distribution'] = distribution
            'spread1'] = spread1
            'spread2'] = spread2
            'spread3'] = spread3
        if pedigree != '':
                'pedigree'] = treat_pedigree(pedigree)

    return EF_list, B, uncertainty_info, EF_unit
コード例 #3
def treat_economic_flow_info(flow, column_number, UP_list, sign, A, UP_scaling_factor, unit_converter, 
                             marker, uncertainty_info, infrastructure_rescale, UP_meta_info):
    from treat_pedigree import treat_pedigree

    UP_name = flow[0]
    coefficient = float(flow[2].replace(',','.'))
    if marker == 'Remaining waste' or marker == 'Separated waste': #these flow display less info
        unit = 'kg'
        distribution = 'NA'
        spread1 = 'NA'
        spread2 = 'NA'
        spread3 = 'NA'
    else: #otherwise, the unit, distribution and spreads are in regular places
        unit = flow[1]
        distribution = flow[3]
        spread1 = float(flow[4].replace(',','.'))
        spread2 = float(flow[5].replace(',','.'))
        spread3 = float(flow[6].replace(',','.'))
        pedigree = flow[7]
    except IndexError:
        pedigree = ''
    #if the UP is not in the list yet, add it
    except ValueError:
    #raising a warning if a process calls itself
    line_number = UP_list.index(UP_name)
    if line_number == column_number:
        print 'alert! UP is calling itself:', 
        print UP_list[line_number],
        print "("+str(line_number)+")"
    #adjusting the coefficient for unit consistency.  
    #Two conversions have to be made: one for the process calling, and one for the process being called
    coefficient = float(coefficient) * unit_converter[unit][1] / UP_scaling_factor * sign
    if distribution=="Normal":
		spread1=float(spread1) * unit_converter[unit][1] / UP_scaling_factor
    if UP_name.find('/I ') != -1: #if the process does NOT contains the infrastructure chain of character, rescale it
        coefficient = coefficient * infrastructure_rescale
    try: #sometimes, a process is called several times.  In this case, the coefficient should be added to the existing one
        A[column_number][line_number] += coefficient
        #if there is no error, it means this line already exists.  
        if (spread1 > uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['spread1'] or 
            spread2 > uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['spread2'] or 
            spread3 > uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['spread3']):
            #if the uncertainty of the new one is bigger, the uncertainty info of the new one is
            #reatined, just to be on the safe side.  
            uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['distribution'] = distribution
            uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['spread1'] = spread1
            uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['spread2'] = spread2
            uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['spread3'] = spread3
            if pedigree != '':
                uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['pedigree'] = treat_pedigree(pedigree)
    except KeyError: #the process has been called for the first time, so the info has to be created from scratch
        A[column_number][line_number] = coefficient
        uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number] = {}
        uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['distribution'] = distribution
        uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['spread1'] = spread1
        uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['spread2'] = spread2
        uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['spread3'] = spread3
        if pedigree != '':
            uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number]['pedigree'] = treat_pedigree(pedigree)
    return UP_list, A, uncertainty_info
コード例 #4
def treat_economic_flow_info(
    from treat_pedigree import treat_pedigree

    UP_name = flow[0]
    coefficient = float(flow[2].replace(",", "."))
    if marker == "Remaining waste" or marker == "Separated waste":  # these flow display less info
        unit = "kg"
        distribution = "NA"
        spread1 = "NA"
        spread2 = "NA"
        spread3 = "NA"
    else:  # otherwise, the unit, distribution and spreads are in regular places
        unit = flow[1]
        distribution = flow[3]
        spread1 = float(flow[4].replace(",", "."))
        spread2 = float(flow[5].replace(",", "."))
        spread3 = float(flow[6].replace(",", "."))
        pedigree = flow[7]
    except IndexError:
        pedigree = ""

    # if the UP is not in the list yet, add it
    except ValueError:

    # raising a warning if a process calls itself
    line_number = UP_list.index(UP_name)
    if line_number == column_number:
        print 'alert! UP is calling itself:', 
        print UP_list[line_number],
        print "("+str(line_number)+")"

    # adjusting the coefficient for unit consistency.
    # Two conversions have to be made: one for the process calling, and one for the process being called
    coefficient = float(coefficient) * unit_converter[unit][1] / UP_scaling_factor * sign
    if distribution == "Normal":
        spread1 = float(spread1) * unit_converter[unit][1] / UP_scaling_factor
    if UP_name.find("/I ") != -1:  # if the process does NOT contains the infrastructure chain of character, rescale it
        coefficient = coefficient * infrastructure_rescale
    try:  # sometimes, a process is called several times.  In this case, the coefficient should be added to the existing one
        A[column_number][line_number] += coefficient
        # if there is no error, it means this line already exists.
        if (
            spread1 > uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["spread1"]
            or spread2 > uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["spread2"]
            or spread3 > uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["spread3"]
            # if the uncertainty of the new one is bigger, the uncertainty info of the new one is
            # reatined, just to be on the safe side.
            uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["distribution"] = distribution
            uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["spread1"] = spread1
            uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["spread2"] = spread2
            uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["spread3"] = spread3
            if pedigree != "":
                uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["pedigree"] = treat_pedigree(pedigree)
    except KeyError:  # the process has been called for the first time, so the info has to be created from scratch
        A[column_number][line_number] = coefficient
        uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number] = {}
        uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["distribution"] = distribution
        uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["spread1"] = spread1
        uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["spread2"] = spread2
        uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["spread3"] = spread3
        if pedigree != "":
            uncertainty_info["technology"][column_number][line_number]["pedigree"] = treat_pedigree(pedigree)

    return UP_list, A, uncertainty_info
def treat_elementary_flow_info(flow, column_number, EF_list, B, UP_scaling_factor, 
                               unit_converter, compartment, uncertainty_info, EF_unit, UP_list):
    from treat_pedigree import treat_pedigree
    #for more comment, see treat_economic_flow_info, the structure is the same.  
    EF_name = flow[0]
    sub_compartment = flow[1]
    if sub_compartment == '':
        sub_compartment = '(unspecified)'
    unit = flow[2]
    coefficient = float(flow[3].replace(',','.'))
    distribution = flow[4]
    spread1 = float(flow[5].replace(',','.'))
    spread2 = float(flow[6].replace(',','.'))
    spread3 = float(flow[7].replace(',','.'))
        pedigree = flow[8]
    except IndexError:
        pedigree = ''
        EF_list.index([compartment, EF_name, sub_compartment])
    except ValueError:
        EF_list.append([compartment, EF_name, sub_compartment])
        EF_unit[EF_name] = unit_converter[unit][0]
    line_number = EF_list.index([compartment, EF_name, sub_compartment])
    coefficient = float(coefficient) * unit_converter[unit][1] / UP_scaling_factor
        B[column_number][line_number] += coefficient
        #if there is no error, it means this line already exists.  
        if (spread1 > uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['spread1'] or 
            spread2 > uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['spread2'] or 
            spread3 > uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['spread3']):
            #if the uncertainty of the new one is bigger, the uncertainty info of the new one is
            #reatined, just to be on the safe side.  
            uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['distribution'] = distribution
            uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['spread1'] = spread1
            uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['spread2'] = spread2
            uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['spread3'] = spread3
            if pedigree != '':
                uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['pedigree'] = treat_pedigree(pedigree)
    except KeyError:
        B[column_number][line_number] = coefficient
        uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number] = {}
        uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['distribution'] = distribution
        uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['spread1'] = spread1
        uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['spread2'] = spread2
        uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['spread3'] = spread3
        if pedigree != '':
            uncertainty_info['intervention'][column_number][line_number]['pedigree'] = treat_pedigree(pedigree)
    return EF_list, B, uncertainty_info, EF_unit
コード例 #6
def treat_economic_flow_info_desag(flow, UP, column_number, UP_list, sign, A,
                                   UP_scaling_factor, unit_converter, marker,
                                   uncertainty_info, infrastructure_rescale,
                                   UP_meta_info, UP_list_desag_1):
    from treat_pedigree import treat_pedigree

    UP_name = flow[0]
    coefficient = float(flow[2].replace(',', '.'))
    if marker == 'Remaining waste' or marker == 'Separated waste':  #these flow display less info
        unit = 'kg'
        distribution = 'NA'
        spread1 = 'NA'
        spread2 = 'NA'
        spread3 = 'NA'
    else:  #otherwise, the unit, distribution and spreads are in regular places
        unit = flow[1]
        distribution = flow[3]
        spread1 = float(flow[4].replace(',', '.'))
        spread2 = float(flow[5].replace(',', '.'))
        spread3 = float(flow[6].replace(',', '.'))
        pedigree = flow[7]
    except IndexError:
        pedigree = ''
    #raising a warning if a process calls itself
    for process in UP_list_desag_1:
		if UP_list[UP_list_desag_1[process]['UP_number']]==UP_name:

    line_number = UP_list.index(UP_name)
    if line_number == column_number:
        print 'alert! UP is calling itself:'
        print line_number
        print UP_list[line_number]
        print ''

    #adjusting the coefficient for unit consistency.
    #Two conversions have to be made: one for the process calling, and one for the process being called
    coefficient = float(
        coefficient) * unit_converter[unit][1] / UP_scaling_factor * sign
    if UP_name.find(
            '/I '
    ) != -1:  #if the process does NOT NOT contains the infrastructure chain of character, rescale it
        coefficient = coefficient * infrastructure_rescale

    A[column_number][line_number] = coefficient
    uncertainty_info['technology'][column_number][line_number] = {}
        'distribution'] = distribution
        'spread1'] = spread1
        'spread2'] = spread2
        'spread3'] = spread3
    if pedigree != '':
            'pedigree'] = treat_pedigree(pedigree)

    return UP_list, A, uncertainty_info