コード例 #1
ファイル: test_treetime.py プロジェクト: neherlab/treetime
    def ref_lh():
        reference likelihood - LH values for all possible variants
        of the internal node sequences

        tiny_aln = AlignIO.read(StringIO(">A\n" + A_seq + "\n"
                                         ">B\n" + B_seq + "\n"
                                         ">D\n" + D_seq + "\n"
                                         ">E\nACGTACGTACGTACGT\n"), 'fasta')

        myTree = TreeAnc(gtr=mygtr, tree = tiny_tree,
                         aln =tiny_aln, verbose = 4)

        logLH_ref = myTree.ancestral_likelihood()

        return logLH_ref
コード例 #2
    def ref_lh():
        reference likelihood - LH values for all possible variants
        of the internal node sequences

        tiny_aln = AlignIO.read(
            StringIO(">A\n" + A_seq + "\n"
                     ">B\n" + B_seq + "\n"
                     ">D\n" + D_seq + "\n"
                     ">E\nACGTACGTACGTACGT\n"), 'fasta')

        myTree = TreeAnc(gtr=mygtr, tree=tiny_tree, aln=tiny_aln, verbose=4)

        logLH_ref = myTree.ancestral_likelihood()

        return logLH_ref
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_treetime.py プロジェクト: neherlab/treetime
def test_seq_joint_reconstruction_correct():
    evolve the random sequence, get the alignment at the leaf nodes.
    Reconstruct the sequences of the internal nodes (joint)
    and prove the reconstruction is correct.
    In addition, compute the likelihood of the particular realization of the
    sequences on the tree and prove that this likelihood is exactly the same
    as calculated in the joint reconstruction

    from treetime import TreeAnc, GTR
    from treetime import seq_utils
    from Bio import Phylo, AlignIO
    import numpy as np
        from itertools import izip
    except ImportError:  #python3.x
        izip = zip
    from collections import defaultdict
    def exclusion(a, b):
        Intersection of two lists
        return list(set(a) - set(b))

    tiny_tree = Phylo.read(StringIO("((A:.060,B:.01200)C:.020,D:.0050)E:.004;"), 'newick')
    mygtr = GTR.custom(alphabet = np.array(['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']),
                       pi = np.array([0.15, 0.95, 0.05, 0.3]), W=np.ones((4,4)))
    seq = np.random.choice(mygtr.alphabet, p=mygtr.Pi, size=400)

    myTree = TreeAnc(gtr=mygtr, tree=tiny_tree, aln=None, verbose=4)

    # simulate evolution, set resulting sequence as ref_seq
    tree = myTree.tree
    seq_len = 400
    tree.root.ref_seq = np.random.choice(mygtr.alphabet, p=mygtr.Pi, size=seq_len)
    print ("Root sequence: " + ''.join(tree.root.ref_seq))
    mutation_list = defaultdict(list)
    for node in tree.find_clades():
        for c in node.clades:
            c.up = node
        if hasattr(node, 'ref_seq'):
        t = node.branch_length
        p = mygtr.propagate_profile( seq_utils.seq2prof(node.up.ref_seq, mygtr.profile_map), t)
        # normalie profile
        # sample mutations randomly
        ref_seq_idxs = np.array([int(np.random.choice(np.arange(p.shape[1]), p=p[k])) for k in np.arange(p.shape[0])])

        node.ref_seq = np.array([mygtr.alphabet[k] for k in ref_seq_idxs])

        node.ref_mutations = [(anc, pos, der) for pos, (anc, der) in
                            enumerate(izip(node.up.ref_seq, node.ref_seq)) if anc!=der]
        for anc, pos, der in node.ref_mutations:
            mutation_list[pos].append((node.name, anc, der))
        print (node.name, len(node.ref_mutations), node.ref_mutations)

    # set as the starting sequences to the terminal nodes:
    alnstr = ""
    i = 1
    for leaf in tree.get_terminals():
        alnstr += ">" + leaf.name + "\n" + ''.join(leaf.ref_seq) + '\n'
        i += 1
    print (alnstr)
    myTree.aln = AlignIO.read(StringIO(alnstr), 'fasta')
    # reconstruct ancestral sequences:

    diff_count = 0
    mut_count = 0
    for node in myTree.tree.find_clades():
        if node.up is not None:
            mut_count += len(node.ref_mutations)
            diff_count += np.sum(node.sequence != node.ref_seq)==0
            if np.sum(node.sequence != node.ref_seq):
                print("%s: True sequence does not equal inferred sequence. parent %s"%(node.name, node.up.name))
                print("%s: True sequence equals inferred sequence. parent %s"%(node.name, node.up.name))
        print (node.name, np.sum(node.sequence != node.ref_seq), np.where(node.sequence != node.ref_seq), len(node.mutations), node.mutations)

    # the assignment of mutations to the root node is probabilistic. Hence some differences are expected
    assert diff_count/seq_len<2*(1.0*mut_count/seq_len)**2

    # prove the likelihood value calculation is correct
    LH = myTree.ancestral_likelihood()
    LH_p = (myTree.tree.sequence_LH)

    print ("Difference between reference and inferred LH:", (LH - LH_p).sum())
    assert ((LH - LH_p).sum())<1e-9

    return myTree
コード例 #4
def test_seq_joint_reconstruction_correct():
    evolve the random sequence, get the alignment at the leaf nodes.
    Reconstruct the sequences of the internal nodes (joint)
    and prove the reconstruction is correct.
    In addition, compute the likelihood of the particular realization of the
    sequences on the tree and prove that this likelihood is exactly the same
    as calculated in the joint reconstruction

    from treetime import TreeAnc, GTR
    from treetime import seq_utils
    from Bio import Phylo, AlignIO
    from StringIO import StringIO
    import numpy as np
        from itertools import izip
    except ImportError:  #python3.x
        izip = zip
    from collections import defaultdict

    def exclusion(a, b):
        Intersection of two lists
        return list(set(a) - set(b))

    tiny_tree = Phylo.read(
        StringIO("((A:.060,B:.01200)C:.020,D:.0050)E:.004;"), 'newick')
    mygtr = GTR.custom(alphabet=np.array(['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']),
                       pi=np.array([0.15, 0.95, 0.05, 0.3]),
                       W=np.ones((4, 4)))
    seq = np.random.choice(mygtr.alphabet, p=mygtr.Pi, size=400)

    myTree = TreeAnc(gtr=mygtr, tree=tiny_tree, aln=None, verbose=4)

    # simulate evolution, set resulting sequence as ref_seq
    tree = myTree.tree
    seq_len = 400
    tree.root.ref_seq = np.random.choice(mygtr.alphabet,
    print("Root sequence: " + ''.join(tree.root.ref_seq))
    mutation_list = defaultdict(list)
    for node in tree.find_clades():
        for c in node.clades:
            c.up = node
        if hasattr(node, 'ref_seq'):
        t = node.branch_length
        p = mygtr.propagate_profile(
            seq_utils.seq2prof(node.up.ref_seq, mygtr.profile_map), t)
        # normalie profile
        p = (p.T / p.sum(axis=1)).T
        # sample mutations randomly
        ref_seq_idxs = np.array([
            int(np.random.choice(np.arange(p.shape[1]), p=p[k]))
            for k in np.arange(p.shape[0])

        node.ref_seq = np.array([mygtr.alphabet[k] for k in ref_seq_idxs])

        node.ref_mutations = [
            (anc, pos, der)
            for pos, (anc,
                      der) in enumerate(izip(node.up.ref_seq, node.ref_seq))
            if anc != der
        for anc, pos, der in node.ref_mutations:
            mutation_list[pos].append((node.name, anc, der))
        print(node.name, len(node.ref_mutations), node.ref_mutations)

    # set as the starting sequences to the terminal nodes:
    alnstr = ""
    i = 1
    for leaf in tree.get_terminals():
        alnstr += ">" + leaf.name + "\n" + ''.join(leaf.ref_seq) + '\n'
        i += 1
    myTree.aln = AlignIO.read(StringIO(alnstr), 'fasta')
    # reconstruct ancestral sequences:

    diff_count = 0
    mut_count = 0
    for node in myTree.tree.find_clades():
        if node.up is not None:
            mut_count += len(node.ref_mutations)
            diff_count += np.sum(node.sequence != node.ref_seq) == 0
            if np.sum(node.sequence != node.ref_seq):
                    "%s: True sequence does not equal inferred sequence. parent %s"
                    % (node.name, node.up.name))
                print("%s: True sequence equals inferred sequence. parent %s" %
                      (node.name, node.up.name))
        print(node.name, np.sum(node.sequence != node.ref_seq),
              np.where(node.sequence != node.ref_seq), len(node.mutations),

    # the assignment of mutations to the root node is probabilistic. Hence some differences are expected
    assert diff_count / seq_len < 2 * (1.0 * mut_count / seq_len)**2

    # prove the likelihood value calculation is correct
    LH = myTree.ancestral_likelihood()
    LH_p = (myTree.tree.sequence_LH)

    print("Difference between reference and inferred LH:", (LH - LH_p).sum())
    assert ((LH - LH_p).sum()) < 1e-9

    return myTree