def test_provides_iagent(self): """ The agent returned by agent_spy() provides the IAgent interface. """ agent, _ = agent_spy() self.assertTrue(IAgent.providedBy(agent))
def test_add_unknown_auth(self): """ add_auth() raises UnknownAuthConfig when given anything other than a tuple. """ agent, _ = agent_spy() invalidAuth = 1234 self.assertRaises(UnknownAuthConfig, add_auth, agent, invalidAuth)
def test_type_validation(self): """ The request method enforces correctness by raising TypeError when passed parameters of the wrong type. """ agent, _ = agent_spy() self.assertRaises(TypeError, agent.request, u"method not bytes", b"uri") self.assertRaises(TypeError, agent.request, b"method", u"uri not bytes") self.assertRaises(TypeError, agent.request, b"method", b"uri", {"not": "headers"}) self.assertRaises(TypeError, agent.request, b"method", b"uri", None, b"not ibodyproducer")
def test_add_basic_auth(self): """ add_auth() wraps the given agent with one that adds an ``Authorization: Basic ...`` HTTP header that contains the given credentials. """ agent, requests = agent_spy() authAgent = add_auth(agent, ('username', 'password')) authAgent.request(b'method', b'uri') self.assertTrue(IAgent.providedBy(authAgent)) self.assertEqual( requests[0].headers, Headers({b'authorization': [b'Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=']}) )
def test_add_basic_auth_bytes(self): """ Basic auth can be passed as `bytes`, allowing the user full control over the encoding. """ agent, requests = agent_spy() auth = (b'\x01\x0f\xff', b'\xff\xf0\x01') authAgent = add_auth(agent, auth) authAgent.request(b'method', b'uri') self.assertEqual( requests[0].headers, Headers({b'Authorization': [b'Basic AQ//Ov/wAQ==']}), )
def test_add_basic_auth_utf8(self): """ Basic auth username and passwords given as `str` are encoded as UTF-8. """ agent, requests = agent_spy() auth = (u'\u16d7', u'\u16b9') authAgent = add_auth(agent, auth) authAgent.request(b'method', b'uri') self.assertEqual( requests[0].headers, Headers({b'Authorization': [b'Basic 4ZuXOuGauQ==']}), )
def test_records(self): """ Each request made with the agent is recorded. """ agent, requests = agent_spy() body = FileBodyProducer(BytesIO(b"...")) d1 = agent.request(b"GET", b"https://foo") d2 = agent.request(b"POST", b"http://bar", Headers({})) d3 = agent.request(b"PUT", b"https://baz", None, bodyProducer=body) self.assertEqual( requests, [ RequestRecord(b"GET", b"https://foo", None, None, d1), RequestRecord(b"POST", b"http://bar", Headers({}), None, d2), RequestRecord(b"PUT", b"https://baz", None, body, d3), ], )
def test_record_attributes(self): """ Each parameter passed to `request` is available as an attribute of the RequestRecord. Additionally, the deferred returned by the call is available. """ agent, requests = agent_spy() headers = Headers() body = FileBodyProducer(BytesIO(b"...")) deferred = agent.request(b"method", b"uri", headers=headers, bodyProducer=body) [rr] = requests self.assertIs(rr.method, b"method") self.assertIs(rr.uri, b"uri") self.assertIs(rr.headers, headers) self.assertIs(rr.bodyProducer, body) self.assertIs(rr.deferred, deferred)
def test_add_basic_auth_huge(self): """ The Authorization header doesn't include linebreaks, even if the credentials are so long that Python's base64 implementation inserts them. """ agent, requests = agent_spy() pwd = ('verylongpasswordthatextendsbeyondthepointwheremultiplel' 'inesaregenerated') expectedAuth = ( b'Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6dmVyeWxvbmdwYXNzd29yZHRoYXRleHRlbmRzY' b'mV5b25kdGhlcG9pbnR3aGVyZW11bHRpcGxlbGluZXNhcmVnZW5lcmF0ZWQ=' ) authAgent = add_auth(agent, ('username', pwd)) authAgent.request(b'method', b'uri') self.assertEqual( requests[0].headers, Headers({b'authorization': [expectedAuth]}), )
def setUp(self): self.agent, self.requests = agent_spy()