コード例 #1
def test_bad_unicode_in_file(tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    """Test error on read of bad unicode in control markdown."""
    bad_file = tmp_path / 'bad_unicode.md'
    with open(bad_file, 'wb') as f:
    with pytest.raises(TrestleError):
コード例 #2
def test_get_control_param_dict(tmp_trestle_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    """Test getting the param dict of a control."""
    test_utils.setup_for_multi_profile(tmp_trestle_dir, False, True)
    prof_a_path = ModelUtils.path_for_top_level_model(tmp_trestle_dir,
    catalog = ProfileResolver.get_resolved_profile_catalog(
        tmp_trestle_dir, prof_a_path)
    catalog_interface = CatalogInterface(catalog)
    control = catalog_interface.get_control('ac-1')
    param_dict = ControlIOReader.get_control_param_dict(control, False)
    # confirm profile value is used
    assert ControlIOReader.param_values_as_str(
        param_dict['ac-1_prm_1']) == 'all alert personnel'
    # confirm original param label is used since no value was assigned
    assert ControlIOReader.param_to_str(param_dict['ac-1_prm_7'],
                                        ) == 'organization-defined events'
    param = control.params[0]
    param.values = None
    param.select = common.ParameterSelection(
        how_many=common.HowMany.one_or_more, choice=['choice 1', 'choice 2'])
    param_dict = ControlIOReader.get_control_param_dict(control, False)
    assert ControlIOReader.param_to_str(
        ParameterRep.VALUE_OR_LABEL_OR_CHOICES) == 'choice 1, choice 2'
コード例 #3
def test_control_with_components() -> None:
    """Test loading and parsing of implementated reqs with components."""
    control_path = pathlib.Path(
    comp_prose_dict, _ = ControlIOReader.read_all_implementation_prose_and_header(
    assert len(comp_prose_dict.keys()) == 3
    assert len(comp_prose_dict['This System'].keys()) == 3
    assert len(comp_prose_dict['Trestle Component'].keys()) == 1
    assert len(comp_prose_dict['Fancy Thing'].keys()) == 2
    assert comp_prose_dict['Fancy Thing']['a.'] == [
        'Text for fancy thing component'

    # need to build the needed components so they can be referenced
    comp_dict = {}
    for comp_name in comp_prose_dict.keys():
        comp = gens.generate_sample_model(ossp.SystemComponent)
        comp.title = comp_name
        comp_dict[comp_name] = comp

    # confirm that the header content was inserted into the props of the imp_req
    imp_req = ControlIOReader.read_implemented_requirement(
        control_path, comp_dict)
    assert len(imp_req.props) == 12
    assert len(imp_req.statements) == 3
    assert len(imp_req.statements[0].by_components) == 3
コード例 #4
def test_write_control_header_params(overwrite_header_values,
                                     tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    """Test write/read of control header params."""
    # orig file just has one param ac-1_prm_3
    src_control_path = pathlib.Path(
    # header has two params - 3 and 4
    header = {
        const.SET_PARAMS_TAG: {
            'ac-1_prm_3': {
                'values': 'new prm_3 val from input header'
            'ac-1_prm_4': {
                'values': 'new prm_4 val from input header'
        'foo': 'new bar',
        'new-reviewer': 'James',
        'special': 'new value to ignore',
        'none-thing': 'none value to ignore'
    control_path = tmp_path / 'ac-1.md'
    shutil.copyfile(src_control_path, control_path)
    markdown_processor = MarkdownProcessor()
    # header_1 should have one param: 3
    header_1, _ = markdown_processor.read_markdown_wo_processing(control_path)
    assert len(header_1.keys()) == 8
    orig_control_read, group_title = ControlIOReader.read_control(
        control_path, True)
    assert group_title == 'Access Control'
    control_writer = ControlIOWriter()
    # write the control back out with the test header
    control_writer.write_control(tmp_path, orig_control_read, group_title,
                                 header, None, False, False, None,
                                 overwrite_header_values, None, None)
    # header_2 should have 2 params: 3 and 4
    header_2, _ = markdown_processor.read_markdown_wo_processing(control_path)
    assert len(header_2.keys()) == 9
    assert header_2['new-reviewer'] == 'James'
    assert len(header_2[const.SET_PARAMS_TAG]) == 2
    assert 'new' in header_2[const.SET_PARAMS_TAG]['ac-1_prm_4']['values']
    if not overwrite_header_values:
        assert 'orig' in header_2[const.SET_PARAMS_TAG]['ac-1_prm_3']['values']
        assert header_2['foo'] == 'bar'
        assert header_2['special'] == ''
        assert header_2['none-thing'] is None
        assert 'new' in header_2[const.SET_PARAMS_TAG]['ac-1_prm_3']['values']
        assert header_2['foo'] == 'new bar'
        assert header_2['special'] == 'new value to ignore'
        assert header_2['none-thing'] == 'none value to ignore'
        assert 'orig' in orig_control_read.params[0].values[0].__root__
    new_control_read, _ = ControlIOReader.read_control(control_path, True)
    # insert the new param in the orig control so we can compare the two controls
    if overwrite_header_values:
        orig_control_read.params[0] = new_control_read.params[0]
    assert test_utils.controls_equivalent(orig_control_read, new_control_read)
コード例 #5
def test_read_control_no_label(testdata_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    """Test reading a control that doesn't have a part label in statement."""
    md_file = testdata_dir / 'author/controls/control_no_labels.md'
    control, group_title = ControlIOReader.read_control(md_file, True)
    assert group_title == 'My Group Title'
    assert control.parts[0].parts[2].props[0].value == 'c'
    assert control.parts[0].parts[2].parts[0].props[0].value == '1'
    md_file = testdata_dir / 'author/controls/control_some_labels.md'
    control, group_title = ControlIOReader.read_control(md_file, True)
    assert group_title == 'My Group Title'
    assert control.parts[0].parts[2].props[0].value == 'aa'
    assert control.parts[0].parts[2].parts[1].props[0].value == 'abc13'
    assert control.parts[0].parts[3].props[0].value == 'ab'
コード例 #6
ファイル: modify.py プロジェクト: IBM/compliance-trestle
 def _change_prose_with_param_values(self):
     """Go through all controls and change prose based on param values."""
     param_dict: Dict[str, common.Paramter] = {}
     # build the full mapping of params to values
     for control in self._catalog_interface.get_all_controls_from_dict():
             ControlIOReader.get_control_param_dict(control, False))
     # insert param values into prose of all controls
     for control in self._catalog_interface.get_all_controls_from_dict():
         self._replace_control_prose(control, param_dict,
                                     self._params_format, self._param_rep)
コード例 #7
def confirm_control_contains(trestle_dir: pathlib.Path, control_id: str,
                             part_label: str, seek_str: str) -> bool:
    """Confirm the text is present in the control markdown in the correct part."""
    control_dir = trestle_dir / ssp_name / control_id.split('-')[0]
    md_file = control_dir / f'{control_id}.md'

    comp_dict, _ = ControlIOReader.read_all_implementation_prose_and_header(
    for label_dict in comp_dict.values():
        if part_label in label_dict:
            prose = '\n'.join(label_dict[part_label])
            if seek_str in prose:
                return True
    return False
コード例 #8
def test_get_profile_param_dict(tmp_trestle_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    """Test get profile param dict for control."""
    test_utils.setup_for_multi_profile(tmp_trestle_dir, False, True)
    profile, profile_path = ModelUtils.load_top_level_model(
        tmp_trestle_dir, 'test_profile_a', prof.Profile, FileContentType.JSON)
    profile_resolver = ProfileResolver()
    catalog = profile_resolver.get_resolved_profile_catalog(
        tmp_trestle_dir, profile_path)
    catalog_interface = CatalogInterface(catalog)
    control = catalog_interface.get_control('ac-1')

    full_param_dict = CatalogInterface._get_full_profile_param_dict(profile)
    control_param_dict = CatalogInterface._get_profile_param_dict(
        control, full_param_dict, False)
    assert ControlIOReader.param_to_str(
        ParameterRep.VALUE_OR_LABEL_OR_CHOICES) == 'all alert personnel'
    assert ControlIOReader.param_to_str(
        ParameterRep.VALUE_OR_LABEL_OR_CHOICES) == 'monthly'
    # param 7 has no value so its label will be used
    assert ControlIOReader.param_to_str(control_param_dict['ac-1_prm_7'],
                                        ) == 'organization-defined events'
コード例 #9
ファイル: modify.py プロジェクト: IBM/compliance-trestle
    def _replace_ids_with_text(prose: str, param_rep: ParameterRep,
                               param_dict: Dict[str, common.Parameter]) -> str:
        """Find all instances of param_ids in prose and replace each with corresponding parameter representation.

        Need to check all values in dict for a match
        Reject matches where the string has an adjacent alphanumeric char: param_1 and param_10 or aparam_1
        for param in param_dict.values():
            if param.id not in prose:
            # create the replacement text for the param_id
            param_str = ControlIOReader.param_to_str(param, param_rep)
            # non-capturing groups are odd in re.sub so capture all 3 groups and replace the middle one
            pattern = r'(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_])' + param.id + r'($|[^a-zA-Z0-9_])'
            prose = re.sub(pattern, r'\1' + param_str + r'\2', prose)
        return prose
コード例 #10
def test_control_failures(tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    """Test various failure modes."""
    part = common.Part(name='foo')
    assert ControlIOWriter.get_label(part) == ''

    assert ControlIOReader._strip_to_make_ncname('1a@foo') == 'afoo'
    with pytest.raises(TrestleError):

    with pytest.raises(TrestleError):

    with pytest.raises(TrestleError):
        ControlIOReader._indent('  foo')
コード例 #11
def test_control_objective(tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    """Test read and write of control with objective."""
    # write the control directly as raw markdown text
    md_path = tmp_path / 'xy-9.md'
    with open(md_path, 'w') as f:
    # read it in as markdown to an OSCAL control in memory
    control, group_title = ControlIOReader.read_control(md_path, True)
    assert group_title == 'My Group Title'
    sub_dir = tmp_path / 'sub_dir'
    # write it out as markdown in a separate directory to avoid name clash
    control_writer = ControlIOWriter()
    control_writer.write_control(sub_dir, control, 'My Group Title', None,
                                 None, False, False, None, False, None, None)
    # confirm the newly written markdown text is identical to what was read originally
    assert test_utils.text_files_equal(md_path, sub_dir / 'xy-9.md')
コード例 #12
 def read_additional_content(md_path: pathlib.Path,
                             required_sections_list: List[str]) -> Tuple[List[prof.Alter], Dict[str, Any]]:
     """Read all markdown controls and return list of alters plus control param dict."""
     new_alters: List[prof.Alter] = []
     final_param_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}
     for group_path in CatalogInterface._get_group_ids_and_dirs(md_path).values():
         for control_file in CatalogInterface._get_sorted_control_paths(group_path):
             control_alters, control_param_dict = ControlIOReader.read_new_alters_and_params(
             for param_id, param_dict in control_param_dict.items():
                 # if profile_values are present, overwrite values with them
                 if const.PROFILE_VALUES in param_dict:
                     param_dict[const.VALUES] = param_dict.pop(const.PROFILE_VALUES)
                     final_param_dict[param_id] = param_dict
     return new_alters, final_param_dict
コード例 #13
    def _get_profile_param_dict(
        control: cat.Control, profile_param_dict: Dict[str, common.Parameter], values_only: bool
    ) -> Dict[str, common.Parameter]:
        Get the dict of params for this control including possible overrides made by the profile modifications.

            control: The control being queried
            profile_param_dict: The full dict of params and modified values made by the profile

            mapping of param ids to their final parameter states after possible modify by the profile setparameters
        # get the mapping of param_id's to params for this control, excluding those with no value set
        param_dict = ControlIOReader.get_control_param_dict(control, values_only)
        for key in param_dict.keys():
            if key in profile_param_dict:
                param_dict[key] = profile_param_dict[key]
        return param_dict
コード例 #14
ファイル: modify.py プロジェクト: IBM/compliance-trestle
    def _replace_params(
        text: str,
        param_dict: Dict[str, common.Parameter],
        params_format: Optional[str] = None,
        param_rep: ParameterRep = ParameterRep.VALUE_OR_LABEL_OR_CHOICES
    ) -> str:
        Replace params found in moustaches with values from the param_dict.

        A single line of prose may contain multiple moustaches.
        # first check if there are any moustache patterns in the text
        if param_rep == ParameterRep.LEAVE_MOUSTACHE:
            return text
        staches: List[str] = re.findall(r'{{.*?}}', text)
        if not staches:
            return text
        # now have list of all staches including braces, e.g. ['{{foo}}', '{{bar}}']
        # clean the staches so they just have the param ids
        param_ids = []
        for stache in staches:
            # remove braces so these are just param_ids but may have extra chars
            stache_contents = stache[2:(-2)]
            param_id = stache_contents.replace('insert: param,', '').strip()

        # now replace original stache text with param values
        for i, _ in enumerate(staches):
            # A moustache may refer to a param_id not listed in the control's params
            if param_ids[i] not in param_dict:
                    f'Control prose references param {param_ids[i]} not found in the control.'
            elif param_dict[param_ids[i]] is not None:
                param = param_dict[param_ids[i]]
                param_str = ControlIOReader.param_to_str(
                    param, param_rep, False, False, params_format)
                text = text.replace(staches[i], param_str, 1)
                    f'Control prose references param {param_ids[i]} with no specified value.'
        return text
コード例 #15
    def read_catalog_imp_reqs(md_path: pathlib.Path,
                              avail_comps: Dict[str, ossp.SystemComponent]) -> List[ossp.ImplementedRequirement]:
        """Read the full set of control implemented requirements from markdown.

            md_path: Path to the markdown control files, with directories for each group
            avail_comps: Dict mapping component names to known components

            List of implemented requirements gathered from each control

            As the controls are read into the catalog the needed components are added if not already available.
            avail_comps provides the mapping of component name to the actual component.
        imp_reqs: List[ossp.ImplementedRequirement] = []
        for group_path in CatalogInterface._get_group_ids_and_dirs(md_path).values():
            for control_file in CatalogInterface._get_sorted_control_paths(group_path):
                imp_reqs.append(ControlIOReader.read_implemented_requirement(control_file, avail_comps))
        return imp_reqs
コード例 #16
    def read_catalog_from_markdown(self, md_path: pathlib.Path, set_parameters: bool) -> cat.Catalog:
        Read the groups and catalog controls from the given directory.

        This will overwrite the existing groups and controls in the catalog.
        if not self._catalog:
            self._catalog = gens.generate_sample_model(cat.Catalog)
        id_map = CatalogInterface._get_group_ids_and_dirs(md_path)
        groups: List[cat.Group] = []
        # read each group dir
        for group_id, group_dir in id_map.items():
            control_list = []
            group_title = ''
            # Need to get group title from at least one control in this directory
            # All controls in dir should have same group title
            # Set group title to the first one found and warn if different non-empty title appears
            # Controls with empty group titles are tolerated but at least one title must be present or warning given
            # The special group with no name that has the catalog as parent is just a list and has no title
            for control_path in CatalogInterface._get_sorted_control_paths(group_dir):
                control, control_group_title = ControlIOReader.read_control(control_path, set_parameters)
                if control_group_title:
                    if group_title:
                        if control_group_title != group_title:
                                f'Control {control.id} group title {control_group_title} differs from {group_title}'
                        group_title = control_group_title
            if group_id:
                if not group_title:
                    logger.warning(f'No group title found in controls for group {group_id}')
                new_group = cat.Group(id=group_id, title=group_title)
                new_group.controls = control_list
                # if the list of controls has no group id it also has no title and is just the controls of the catalog
                self._catalog.controls = control_list
        self._catalog.groups = groups if groups else None
        return self._catalog
コード例 #17
    def write_catalog_as_markdown(
        md_path: pathlib.Path,
        yaml_header: dict,
        sections_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]],
        prompt_responses: bool,
        additional_content: bool = False,
        profile: Optional[prof.Profile] = None,
        overwrite_header_values: bool = False,
        set_parameters: bool = False,
        required_sections: Optional[str] = None,
        allowed_sections: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> None:
        Write out the catalog controls from dict as markdown files to the specified directory.

            md_path: Path to directory in which to write the markdown
            yaml_header: Dictionary to write into the yaml header of the controls
            sections_dict: Optional dict mapping section short names to long
            prompt_responses: Whether to prompt for responses in the control markdown
            additional_content: Should the additional content be printed corresponding to profile adds
            profile: Optional profile containing the adds making up additional content
            overwrite_header_values: Overwrite existing values in markdown header content but add new content
            set_parameters: Set header values based on params in the control and in the profile
            required_sections: Optional string containing list of sections that should be prompted for prose
            allowed_sections: Optional string containing list of sections that should be included in markdown

        writer = ControlIOWriter()
        required_section_list = required_sections.split(',') if required_sections else []
        allowed_section_list = allowed_sections.split(',') if allowed_sections else []

        # create the directory in which to write the control markdown files
        md_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
        catalog_interface = CatalogInterface(self._catalog)
        # get the list of SetParams for this profile
        full_profile_param_dict = CatalogInterface._get_full_profile_param_dict(profile) if profile else {}
        # write out the controls
        for control in catalog_interface.get_all_controls_from_catalog(True):
            # make copy of incoming yaml header
            new_header = copy.deepcopy(yaml_header)
            # here we do special handling of how set-parameters merge with the yaml header
            if set_parameters:
                # get all params for this control
                control_param_dict = ControlIOReader.get_control_param_dict(control, False)
                set_param_dict: Dict[str, str] = {}
                for param_id, param_dict in control_param_dict.items():
                    # if the param is in the profile set_params, load its contents first and mark as profile-values
                    if param_id in full_profile_param_dict:
                        # get the param from the profile set_param
                        param = full_profile_param_dict[param_id]
                        # assign its contents to the dict
                        new_dict = ModelUtils.parameter_to_dict(param, True)
                        profile_values = new_dict.get(const.VALUES, None)
                        if profile_values:
                            new_dict[const.PROFILE_VALUES] = profile_values
                        # then insert the original, incoming values as values
                        if param_id in control_param_dict:
                            orig_param = control_param_dict[param_id]
                            orig_dict = ModelUtils.parameter_to_dict(orig_param, True)
                            new_dict[const.VALUES] = orig_dict.get(const.VALUES, None)
                            # merge contents from the two sources with priority to the profile-param
                            for item in ['select', 'label']:
                                if item in orig_dict and item not in new_dict:
                                    new_dict[item] = orig_dict[item]
                        new_dict = ModelUtils.parameter_to_dict(param_dict, True)
                    set_param_dict[param_id] = new_dict
                if set_param_dict:
                    if const.SET_PARAMS_TAG not in new_header:
                        new_header[const.SET_PARAMS_TAG] = {}
                    if overwrite_header_values:
                        # update the control params with new values
                        for key, value in new_header[const.SET_PARAMS_TAG].items():
                            if key in control_param_dict:
                                set_param_dict[key] = value
                        # update the control params with any values in yaml header not set in control
                        # need to maintain order in the set_param_dict
                        for key, value in new_header[const.SET_PARAMS_TAG].items():
                            if key in control_param_dict and key not in set_param_dict:
                                set_param_dict[key] = value
                    new_header[const.SET_PARAMS_TAG] = set_param_dict
                elif const.SET_PARAMS_TAG in new_header:
                    # need to cull any params that are not in control
                    pop_list: List[str] = []
                    for key in new_header[const.SET_PARAMS_TAG].keys():
                        if key not in control_param_dict:
                    for pop in pop_list:
            _, group_title, _ = catalog_interface.get_group_info_by_control(control.id)
            # control could be in sub-group of group so build path to it
            group_dir = md_path
            control_path = catalog_interface._get_control_path(control.id)
            for sub_dir in control_path:
                group_dir = group_dir / sub_dir
                if not group_dir.exists():
                    group_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
コード例 #18
        part_b.parts = [part_b1, part_b2]
        parts = [part_a, part_b]
        parts = None

    statement_part.parts = parts
    control.parts = [statement_part]
    if sections:
        control.parts.extend([sec_1, sec_2])

    writer = ControlIOWriter()
    writer.write_control(tmp_path, control, 'My Group Title', None, None,
                         additional_content, False, None, False, None, None)

    md_path = tmp_path / f'{control.id}.md'
    reader = ControlIOReader()
    new_control, group_title = reader.read_control(md_path, False)
    new_control.title = dummy_title
    assert group_title == 'My Group Title'
    assert len(new_control.parts) == len(control.parts)
    assert control.parts[0].prose == new_control.parts[0].prose
    assert control.parts[0].parts == new_control.parts[0].parts
    assert control == new_control

def test_control_objective(tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    """Test read and write of control with objective."""
    # write the control directly as raw markdown text
    md_path = tmp_path / 'xy-9.md'
    with open(md_path, 'w') as f:
コード例 #19
def test_control_bad_components(md_file: str) -> None:
    """Test loading of imp reqs for control with bad components."""
    control_path = pathlib.Path('tests/data/author/controls/') / md_file
    with pytest.raises(TrestleError):
コード例 #20
def test_broken_yaml_header(testdata_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    """Test for a bad markdown header."""
    bad_file = testdata_dir / 'author' / 'bad_md_header.md'
    with pytest.raises(TrestleError):
コード例 #21
def test_create_next_label(prev_label, next_label, indent) -> None:
    """Test bumping of label strings."""
    assert ControlIOReader._create_next_label(prev_label, indent) == next_label
コード例 #22
def test_bump_label(prev_label, bumped_label) -> None:
    """Test bumping of label strings."""
    assert ControlIOReader._bump_label(prev_label) == bumped_label