コード例 #1
def test_get_inner_type() -> None:
    """Test retrievel of inner type of a model field representing a collection."""
    good_catalog = load_good_catalog()

    with pytest.raises(err.TrestleError):
        # Type of catalog is not a collection field type

    with pytest.raises(err.TrestleError):
        # Type of field catalog is not a collection field type
        catalog_field = catalog.Model.alias_to_field_map()['catalog']

    with pytest.raises(err.TrestleError):
        # Type of roles object is not a collection field type

    # Type of field roles is a collection field type
    roles_field = catalog.Metadata.alias_to_field_map()['roles']
    role_type = mutils.get_inner_type(roles_field.outer_type_)
    assert role_type == catalog.Role

    with pytest.raises(err.TrestleError):
        # Type of responsible_parties object is not a collection field type

    # Type of field responsible-parties is a collection field type
    responsible_parties_field = catalog.Metadata.alias_to_field_map()['responsible-parties']
    responsible_party_type = mutils.get_inner_type(responsible_parties_field.outer_type_)
    assert responsible_party_type == catalog.ResponsibleParty
コード例 #2
def get_singular_alias(alias_path: str, contextual_mode: bool = False) -> str:
    Get the alias in the singular form from a jsonpath.

    If contextual_mode is True and contextual_path is None, it assumes alias_path is relative to the directory the user
    is running trestle from.
    if len(alias_path.strip()) == 0:
        raise err.TrestleError('Invalid jsonpath.')

    singular_alias: str = ''

    full_alias_path = alias_path
    if contextual_mode:
        _, full_model_alias = get_contextual_model_type()
        first_alias_a = full_model_alias.split('.')[-1]
        first_alias_b = alias_path.split('.')[0]
        if first_alias_a == first_alias_b:
            full_model_alias = '.'.join(full_model_alias.split('.')[:-1])
        full_alias_path = '.'.join([full_model_alias, alias_path]).strip('.')

    path_parts = full_alias_path.split(const.ALIAS_PATH_SEPARATOR)
    if len(path_parts) < 2:
        raise err.TrestleError('Invalid jsonpath.')

    model_types = []

    root_model_alias = path_parts[0]
    found = False
    for module_name in const.MODELTYPE_TO_MODELMODULE.values():
        model_type, model_alias = utils.get_root_model(module_name)
        if root_model_alias == model_alias:
            found = True

    if not found:
        raise err.TrestleError(
            f'{root_model_alias} is an invalid root model alias.')

    model_type = model_types[0]
    for i in range(1, len(path_parts)):
        if utils.is_collection_field_type(model_type):
            model_type = utils.get_inner_type(model_type)
            i = i + 1
            model_type = model_type.alias_to_field_map()[

    if not utils.is_collection_field_type(model_type):
        raise err.TrestleError('Not a valid generic collection model.')

    last_alias = path_parts[-1]
    parent_model_type = model_types[-2]
    singular_alias = utils.classname_to_alias(
                             [last_alias].outer_type_).__name__, 'json')

    return singular_alias
コード例 #3
def test_get_target_model() -> None:
    """Test utils method get_target_model."""
    assert mutils.is_collection_field_type(
        mutils.get_target_model(['catalog', 'metadata', 'roles'], catalog.Catalog)
    ) is True
    assert (mutils.get_target_model(['catalog', 'metadata', 'roles'], catalog.Catalog)).__origin__ is list
    assert mutils.get_inner_type(
        mutils.get_target_model(['catalog', 'metadata', 'roles'], catalog.Catalog)
    ) is catalog.Role

    assert mutils.is_collection_field_type(
        mutils.get_target_model(['catalog', 'metadata', 'responsible-parties'], catalog.Catalog)
    ) is True
    assert mutils.get_target_model(['catalog', 'metadata', 'responsible-parties'], catalog.Catalog).__origin__ is dict
    assert mutils.get_inner_type(
        mutils.get_target_model(['catalog', 'metadata', 'responsible-parties'], catalog.Catalog)
    ) is catalog.ResponsibleParty

    assert mutils.is_collection_field_type(
        mutils.get_target_model(['catalog', 'metadata', 'responsible-parties', 'creator'], catalog.Catalog)
    ) is False
    assert mutils.get_target_model(
        ['catalog', 'metadata', 'responsible-parties', 'creator'], catalog.Catalog
    ) is catalog.ResponsibleParty

    assert mutils.get_target_model(['catalog', 'metadata'], catalog.Catalog) is catalog.Metadata

    with pytest.raises(err.TrestleError):
        mutils.get_target_model(['catalog', 'metadata', 'bad_element'], catalog.Catalog)
コード例 #4
def generate_sample_model(model: Type[Any]) -> OscalBaseModel:
    """Given a model class, generate an object of that class with sample values."""
    # FIXME: Should be in separate generator module as it inherits EVERYTHING
    model_type = model
    if utils.is_collection_field_type(model):
        model_type = model.__origin__
        model = utils.get_inner_type(model)
        model = model

    model_dict = {}

    for field in model.__fields__:
        outer_type = model.__fields__[field].outer_type_
        # Check for unions. This is awkward due to allow support for python 3.7
        # It also does not inspect for which union we want. Should be removable with oscal 1.0.0
        if getattr(outer_type, '__origin__', None) == Union:
            outer_type = outer_type.__args__[0]
        if model.__fields__[field].required:
            """ FIXME: This type_ could be a List or a Dict """
            if utils.is_collection_field_type(outer_type) or issubclass(
                    outer_type, BaseModel):
                model_dict[field] = generate_sample_model(outer_type)
                model_dict[field] = generate_sample_value_by_type(
                    outer_type, field, model)
    if model_type is list:
        return [model(**model_dict)]
    elif model_type is dict:
        return {'REPLACE_ME': model(**model_dict)}
    return model(**model_dict)
コード例 #5
def generate_sample_model(model: Union[Type[TG], List[TG], Dict[str, TG]]) -> TG:
    """Given a model class, generate an object of that class with sample values."""
    # FIXME: Typing is wrong.
    # TODO: The typing here is very generic - which may cause some pain. It may be more appropriate to create a wrapper
    # Function for the to level execution. This would imply restructuring some other parts of the code.

    model_type = model
    # This block normalizes model type down to
    if utils.is_collection_field_type(model):  # type: ignore
        model_type = utils.get_origin(model)  # type: ignore
        model = utils.get_inner_type(model)  # type: ignore
    model = cast(TG, model)  # type: ignore

    model_dict = {}
    # this block is needed to avoid situations where an inbuilt is inside a list / dict.
    if issubclass(model, OscalBaseModel):
        for field in model.__fields__:
            outer_type = model.__fields__[field].outer_type_
            # Check for unions. This is awkward due to allow support for python 3.7
            # It also does not inspect for which union we want. Should be removable with oscal 1.0.0
            if utils.get_origin(outer_type) == Union:
                outer_type = outer_type.__args__[0]
            if model.__fields__[field].required:
                """ FIXME: This type_ could be a List or a Dict """
                if utils.is_collection_field_type(outer_type) or issubclass(outer_type, OscalBaseModel):
                    model_dict[field] = generate_sample_model(outer_type)
                    model_dict[field] = generate_sample_value_by_type(outer_type, field)
        # Note: this assumes list constrains in oscal are always 1 as a minimum size. if two this may still fail.
        # There is set of circumstances where a m
        if model_type is list:
            return [generate_sample_value_by_type(model, '')]
        elif model_type is dict:
            return {'REPLACE_ME': generate_sample_value_by_type(model, '')}
        err.TrestleError('Unhandled collection type.')
    if model_type is list:
        return [model(**model_dict)]
    elif model_type is dict:
        return {'REPLACE_ME': model(**model_dict)}
    return model(**model_dict)
コード例 #6
def get_contextual_model_type(
        path: pathlib.Path = None) -> Tuple[Type[OscalBaseModel], str]:
    """Get the full contextual model class and full jsonpath for the alias based on the contextual path."""
    if path is None:
        path = pathlib.Path.cwd()

    if not is_valid_project_model_path(path):
        raise err.TrestleError(f'Trestle project not found at {path}')

    root_path = get_trestle_project_root(path)
    project_model_path = get_project_model_path(path)

    if root_path is None or project_model_path is None:
        raise err.TrestleError('Trestle project not found')

    relative_path = path.relative_to(str(root_path))
    project_type = relative_path.parts[0]  # catalogs, profiles, etc
    module_name = const.MODELTYPE_TO_MODELMODULE[project_type]

    model_relative_path = pathlib.Path(*relative_path.parts[2:])

    model_type, model_alias = utils.get_root_model(module_name)
    full_alias = model_alias

    for i in range(len(model_relative_path.parts)):
        tmp_path = root_path.joinpath(*relative_path.parts[:2],
                                      *model_relative_path.parts[:i + 1])

        alias = extract_alias(tmp_path)
        if i > 0 or model_alias != alias:
            model_alias = alias
            full_alias = f'{full_alias}.{model_alias}'
            if utils.is_collection_field_type(model_type):
                model_type = utils.get_inner_type(model_type)
                model_type = model_type.alias_to_field_map()[alias].outer_type_

    return model_type, full_alias
コード例 #7
def test_get_contextual_model_type(tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    """Test get model type and alias based on filesystem context."""
    import trestle.core.utils as cutils
    with pytest.raises(TrestleError):
        fs.get_contextual_model_type(tmp_path / 'invalidpath')

    with pytest.raises(TrestleError):


    catalogs_dir = tmp_path / 'catalogs'
    mycatalog_dir = catalogs_dir / 'mycatalog'
    catalog_dir = mycatalog_dir / 'catalog'
    metadata_dir = catalog_dir / 'metadata'
    roles_dir = metadata_dir / 'roles'
    rps_dir = metadata_dir / 'responsible-parties'
    props_dir = metadata_dir / 'props'
    groups_dir = mycatalog_dir / 'groups'
    group_dir = groups_dir / f'00000{IDX_SEP}group'
    controls_dir = group_dir / 'controls'

    with pytest.raises(TrestleError):
        assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(catalogs_dir) is None

    assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(mycatalog_dir) == (catalog.Catalog,
    assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(
        mycatalog_dir / 'catalog.json') == (catalog.Catalog, 'catalog')
    assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(
        catalog_dir / 'back-matter.json') == (catalog.BackMatter,
    assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(
        catalog_dir / 'metadata.yaml') == (catalog.Metadata,
    assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(metadata_dir) == (catalog.Metadata,
    # The line below is no longer possible to execute in many situations due to the constrained lists
    # assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(roles_dir) == (List[catalog.Role], 'catalog.metadata.roles') # noqa: E800
    (type_, element) = fs.get_contextual_model_type(roles_dir)
    assert cutils.get_origin(type_) == list
    assert element == 'catalog.metadata.roles'
    assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(
        roles_dir / '00000__role.json') == (catalog.Role,
    assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(rps_dir) == (
             catalog.ResponsibleParty], 'catalog.metadata.responsible-parties')
    assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(
        rps_dir / 'creator__responsible-party.json') == (
    (type_, element) = fs.get_contextual_model_type(props_dir)
    assert cutils.get_origin(type_) == list
    assert cutils.get_inner_type(type_) == catalog.Property
    assert element == 'catalog.metadata.props'
    (expected_type, expected_json_path) = fs.get_contextual_model_type(
        props_dir / f'00000{IDX_SEP}property.json')
    assert expected_type == catalog.Property
    assert expected_json_path == 'catalog.metadata.props.property'
    assert cutils.get_origin(type_) == list
    assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(
        groups_dir / f'00000{IDX_SEP}group.json') == (catalog.Group,
    assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(group_dir) == (catalog.Group,
    assert fs.get_contextual_model_type(
        controls_dir / f'00000{IDX_SEP}control.json') == (
            catalog.Control, 'catalog.groups.group.controls.control')
コード例 #8
    def _list_options_for_merge(
        cwd: Path,
        current_alias: str,
        current_model: Type[OscalBaseModel],
        current_filename: str,
        initial_path: Path = None,
        visited_elements: Set[str] = None
        """List paths that can be used in the -e option for the merge operation."""
        if initial_path is None:
            initial_path = cwd
        if visited_elements is None:
            visited_elements = set()

        path_sep = '.' if current_alias else ''

        # List options for merge
        if not utils.is_collection_field_type(current_model):

            malias = current_alias.split('.')[-1]
            if cwd.is_dir() and malias != fs.extract_alias(cwd):
                split_subdir = cwd / malias
                split_subdir = cwd.parent / cwd.with_suffix('').name

            # Go through each file or subdirectory in the cwd
            fields_by_alias = current_model.alias_to_field_map()
            for filepath in Path.iterdir(split_subdir):
                if filepath.is_file() and cwd == initial_path:

                alias = filepath.with_suffix('').name
                if alias in fields_by_alias:
                    visited_element = f'{current_alias}{path_sep}{alias}'
                    if visited_element not in visited_elements:
                        self.out(f"{visited_element} (merges \'{filepath.name}\' into \'{cwd / current_filename}\')")

                    # If it is subdirectory, call this function recursively
                    if Path.is_dir(filepath):
            # List merge option for collection at the base level
            destination_dir = cwd.parent if len(initial_path.parts) < len(cwd.parts) else cwd
            destination = destination_dir / current_filename
            visited_element = f'{current_alias}{path_sep}{const.ELEMENT_WILDCARD}'
            if visited_element not in visited_elements:
                self.out(f"{visited_element} (merges all files/subdirectories under {cwd} into \'{destination}\')")

            # Go through each subdirectory in the collection and look for nested merge options
            singular_alias = fs.get_singular_alias(current_alias, False)
            singular_model = utils.get_inner_type(current_model)
            for filename in sorted(cwd.glob(f'*{const.IDX_SEP}{singular_alias}')):
                if Path.is_dir(filename):
                        filename,  # f'{current_alias}{path_sep}*',