コード例 #1
def compute_count_execution_time(n=300, p=0.5, directed=False, num_iterations=10):
    Computes the average execution time (in seconds) of the triad motif counting 
    function on a random network of size n and connection probability p.

        n => The number of nodes in the network.
        p => The probability that any two nodes are connected.
        directed => Whether or not the network is directed.
        num_iterations => The number of function executions used to determine the
        average execution time.

        A printable report showing average execution time and other network specs.

    # Define a list of execution times.
    execution_times = []

    # Run through simulations.
    for _ in range(num_iterations):

        # Build a standard random Erdos-Renyi network with the inputted size and connection
        # probability (NOTE: this should not be included in the execution time).
        network = build_erdos_renyi_network(n, p, directed=directed)

        # Start the timer.
        start_time = time.time()

        # Execute the function.
        count_triad_motifs(network, directed=directed)

        # Append the final time.
        execution_times.append(time.time() - start_time)

    # Build a printable report to show the results.
    report = "Network size: {0}\nConnection probability: {1}\nNumber of iterations: {2}\nDirected: {3}\nAverage execution time: {4:.3f} sec.".format(n, p, num_iterations, directed, np.mean(execution_times))

    return report
コード例 #2
def plot_motif_changes_over_randomization_steps(network, colormap="rainbow", rewiring_limit=None, title=None):
    Plots the convergence of motif counts over several randomization steps.

        network => The input network.
        colormap => A matplotlib colormap for giving different motif lines different colors.
        rewiring_limit => An upper bound on the number of allowable edge rewirings (default set to 3 times
        the number of edges in the network).
        title => A custom plot title.

        Nothing, but shows a plot with motif counts converging over time.

    # Determine if the network is directed or not.
    directed = nx.is_directed(network)
    # Create a figure with hardcoded dimensions and one subplot.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

    # Set some parameters specific to the directionality of the network.
    if directed:
        num_motifs = 13
        num_motifs = 2

    # Count the motif before randomization.
    starting_counts = count_triad_motifs(network)

    # Keep a history of motif counts over time.
    motif_count_history = starting_counts

    # Keep a history of average motif counts over time (these are our y-values).
    avg_motif_count_history = starting_counts

    # Keep track of how many iterations have been performed.
    num_rewirings_performed = 0

    # Set a hard limit on the number than can be performed.
    rewiring_limit = rewiring_limit or 3 * nx.number_of_edges(network)

    while num_rewirings_performed < rewiring_limit:

        # Randomly rewire a pair of edges in the network.
        network = random_rewiring(network)

        # Increment the counter.
        num_rewirings_performed += 1

        # Count the motifs in the slightly altered network.
        new_motif_counts = count_triad_motifs(network)

        # Add those counts to the motif history.
        motif_count_history = np.vstack((motif_count_history, new_motif_counts))

        # Determine the average motif counts over the current history.
        avg_motif_counts = np.mean(motif_count_history, axis=0)   
        # Add that to the avg_motif_count_history stack of averages.
        avg_motif_count_history = np.vstack((avg_motif_count_history, avg_motif_counts))

    # Define x values.
    X = np.arange(num_rewirings_performed + 1)

    # Iterate through the extraction instances (synonymous with each color instance).
    for motif in range(num_motifs):

        # Parse all motif counts for a specific motif over time.
        Y = avg_motif_count_history[:, motif]

        # Plot the y-values with straight lines connecting them.
        ax.plot(X, Y, label="Motif {}".format(motif + 1), linewidth=2.0)

    # Add a legend for the lines in the plot.

    # Set the axis tick marks.
    # Title and label the plot.
    plt.title(title or "Motif Expression During Random Rewiring")
    plt.xlabel("Number of Random Edge Rewirings")
    plt.ylabel("Average Motif Counts")

    # Show the resulting plot.
コード例 #3
def plot_triad_motif_counts(network, title=None):
    Plots the triad motif counts for the input network.

        network => The input network (directed or undirected).
        title => A custom title for the plot (let's you specify which plot you're looking at).

        Nothing but produces a plot showing the triad motif counts.

    # Determine if the network is directed or not.
    directed = nx.is_directed(network)
    # Create a figure with hardcoded dimensions and one subplot.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

    # Set some parameters specific to the directionality of the network.
    if directed:
        num_motifs = 13
        ax.margins(0.05, 0.05)
        motif_images = [OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_1.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_2.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_3.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_4.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_5.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_6.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_7.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_8.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_9.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_10.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_11.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_12.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/directed_motif_13.png"), zoom=0.6)]
        num_motifs = 2
        ax.margins(0.5, 0.5)
        motif_images = [OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/undirected_motif_1.png"), zoom=0.6),
                        OffsetImage(read_png("../project/static/undirected_motif_2.png"), zoom=0.6)]

    # Define x values (integer for each motif).
    X = np.arange(1, num_motifs + 1)

    # Run the extraction code.
    Y = count_triad_motifs(network)

    # Plot the y-values with straight lines connecting them.
    ax.scatter(X, Y, s=150)
    # Define the x-y coordinate offsets for the images on the plot.
    y_offset = -50
    x_offset = 0
    # Add each image to the plot.
    for image, x in zip(motif_images, X):
        ax.add_artist(AnnotationBbox(image, (x, ax.get_ylim()[0]), xybox=(x_offset, y_offset), xycoords='data',
                                     boxcoords='offset points', frameon=False))  

    # Title and label the plot.
    plt.title(title or "Triad Motif Counts")
    plt.xlabel("Triad Motifs", labelpad=75)

    # Set the y-axis tick marks.
    # Add extra spacing at the bottom of the plot for the images.

    # Show the resulting plot.