class ShapeFacade: _circle = None _square = None _triangle = None def __init__(self): self._circle = Circle() self._square = Square() self._triangle = Triangle() # let's say the task is to create an easy interface to draw shapes def draw_circle(self): # TODO drawing circle complexity goes here # step 1 (ex. get pen) # step 2 (ex. go to whiteboard) # step 3 (ex. touch the whiteboard with the pen) # ... self._circle.draw() def draw_square(self): # TODO drawing square complexity goes here # step 1 # step 2 # step 3 # ... self._square.draw() def draw_triangle(self): # TODO drawing triangle complexity goes here # step 1 # step 2 # step 3 # ... self._triangle.draw()
class CircleRail(): """円レール """ def __init__(self): self.__drawing_top = 0 self.__drawing_bottom = 0 self.__border_rect = Rectangle() self.__radius = 0 self.__center = (0, 0) self.__theta = 0 self.__triangle = Triangle() self.__triangle.edge_color = PALE_GRAY self.__triangle.node_radius = GRID_UNIT / 2 self.__triangle.nodes_color = (PALE_RED, PALE_BLUE, PALE_GREEN ) # 緑と青が逆なのが工夫 self.__triangle.center_color = PALE_GRAY @property def radius(self): """半径""" return self.__radius @property def diameter(self): """直径""" return 2 * self.__radius @property def border_rect(self): """境界線の矩形""" return self.__border_rect @border_rect.setter def border_rect(self, val): self.__border_rect = val @property def drawing_top(self): """上下の境界線の上端""" return self.__drawing_top @drawing_top.setter def drawing_top(self, val): self.__drawing_top = val @property def drawing_bottom(self): """上下の境界線の下端""" return self.__drawing_bottom @drawing_bottom.setter def drawing_bottom(self, val): self.__drawing_bottom = val @radius.setter def radius(self, val): self.__radius = val @property def center(self): """中心座標""" return self.__center @center.setter def center(self, val): self.__center = val @property def theta(self): """角度""" return self.__theta @theta.setter def theta(self, theta): """円周上の点の位置を設定""" self.__theta = theta radius = self.radius # 円周上の赤い点の位置 red_p = (radius * math.cos(theta) +[0], -radius * math.sin(theta) +[1]) # yは上下反転 # 円周上の緑の点の位置 green_p = (radius * math.cos(theta - math.radians(120)) +[0], -radius * math.sin(theta - math.radians(120)) +[1]) # 円周上の青の点の位置 blue_p = (radius * math.cos(theta + math.radians(120)) +[0], -radius * math.sin(theta + math.radians(120)) +[1]) self.__triangle.nodes_p = (red_p, green_p, blue_p) @property def triangle(self): """円に内接する三角形""" return self.__triangle @property def upper_bound_y(self): """上限""" return min(self.__triangle.nodes_p[0][1], self.__triangle.nodes_p[0][1], self.__triangle.nodes_p[0][1]) @property def lower_bound_y(self): """下限""" return max(self.__triangle.nodes_p[0][1], self.__triangle.nodes_p[0][1], self.__triangle.nodes_p[0][1]) @property def inner_height(self): """上限と下限の差分の長さ""" return self.lower_bound_y - self.upper_bound_y # yは逆さ @property def zoom(self): """直径に対するinner_heightの割合。0.0~1.0""" return self.inner_height / self.diameter def draw_circle(self, canvas): """描きます""" # 円レール。描画する画像を指定、座標(x,y),半径、色、線の太さ(-1は塗りつぶし), point_for_cv2(, int(self.radius), color_for_cv2(PALE_GRAY, BAR_TICKS), thickness=2) def draw_triangle(self, canvas): """円に内接する線。正三角形""" self.__triangle.draw(canvas)