def build_point_cloud(self, projector_camera: Camera, camera: Camera): w, h = self._wh camera_ps3d = self._create_pixels_3d(camera, w, h) projector_ps3d = self._create_pixels_3d(projector_camera, 2**self._max_projector_lod, 2) is_central_line_pixel = self._line_extraction_processor.process( self._stripe_ids_img) self._is_ok_mask = self._is_ok_mask & is_central_line_pixel points_3d = [] y_ids, x_ids = np.nonzero(self._is_ok_mask) for y_id, x_id in zip(y_ids, x_ids): # TODO: this is bottle-neck ray = math.normalize(camera_ps3d[x_id, y_id] - camera.get_position()) stripe_id = self._stripe_ids_img[y_id, x_id] stripe_plane = math.plane_by_points([ projector_camera.get_position(), projector_ps3d[stripe_id, 0], projector_ps3d[stripe_id, 1] ]) p3d = math.intersect_plane_line(stripe_plane, ray, camera.get_position()) points_3d.append(p3d) return np.array(points_3d)
def __init__(self, width=640, height=480, title='Frame3D', *, io_async_executor=None, loop=None, fps_limit=0): self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self._io_async_executor = io_async_executor or AsyncExecutor(4, self._loop) self._title = title self._window = create_window(width, height, title) self._width, self._height = width, height self._viewport_actual = False self._gl_executor = RenderingAsyncExecutor(GLFWContext(self._window), self._loop) self._executor = AsyncExecutor(1, self._loop) self._renderer = SimpleRenderer(self._gl_executor) self._initialized = False self._camera = Camera(aspect=height / width, course=-180) self._fps_limiter = FPSLimiter(fps_limit) self._double_clicks = DoubleClickHandler() self._on_keyboard_callbacks = {} self._last_mouse_xy = None self._mouse_buttons_down = set() self._keyboard_buttons_down = {} self._to_do = [] self.scene = Scene(show_axis=True)
def build_point_cloud(self, projector_camera: Camera, camera: Camera): w, h = self._wh camera_ps3d = self._create_pixels_3d(camera, w, h) projector_ps3d = self._create_pixels_3d(projector_camera, 2 ** self._max_projector_lod, 2) is_central_line_pixel = self._line_extraction_processor.process(self._stripe_ids_img) self._is_ok_mask = self._is_ok_mask & is_central_line_pixel points_3d = [] y_ids, x_ids = np.nonzero(self._is_ok_mask) for y_id, x_id in zip(y_ids, x_ids): # TODO: this is bottle-neck ray = math.normalize(camera_ps3d[x_id, y_id] - camera.get_position()) stripe_id = self._stripe_ids_img[y_id, x_id] stripe_plane = math.plane_by_points([projector_camera.get_position(), projector_ps3d[stripe_id, 0], projector_ps3d[stripe_id, 1]]) p3d = math.intersect_plane_line(stripe_plane, ray, camera.get_position()) points_3d.append(p3d) return np.array(points_3d)
def box_test(self): scene = Scene() scene.add_renderable(Box([-1, 1], [-0.5, 0.5], [0, 1])) camera = Camera(course=40) projector = StripesProjector(course=70) viewport = (500, 300) projector_lods = 8 self.reconstruction_case('box', scene, camera, projector, viewport, projector_lods)
def __init__(self, width=640, height=480, title='Frame3D', *, io_async_executor=None, loop=None, fps_limit=0): self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self._io_async_executor = io_async_executor or AsyncExecutor( 4, self._loop) self._title = title self._window = create_window(width, height, title) self._width, self._height = width, height self._viewport_actual = False self._gl_executor = RenderingAsyncExecutor(GLFWContext(self._window), self._loop) self._executor = AsyncExecutor(1, self._loop) self._renderer = SimpleRenderer(self._gl_executor) self._initialized = False self._camera = Camera(aspect=height / width, course=-180) self._fps_limiter = FPSLimiter(fps_limit) self._double_clicks = DoubleClickHandler() self._on_keyboard_callbacks = {} self._last_mouse_xy = None self._mouse_buttons_down = set() self._keyboard_buttons_down = {} self._to_do = [] self.scene = Scene(show_axis=True)
def bunny_test(self): bunny = ply.read_ply(test_support.resources_dir_path / 'scenes' / 'bunny' / 'bunny.ply') def transform_bunny(ps): world_pos = [0.5, -0.2, 0.0] ps[:, 0] += world_pos[0] ps[:, [0, 1, 2]] = ps[:, [0, 2, 1]] ps = world_pos + (ps - world_pos) * 4 return ps scene = Scene() scene.add_renderable( PointsCloud(transform_bunny(bunny['xyz']).copy(), faces=bunny['face'])) camera = Camera(course=-120) projector = StripesProjector() viewport = (5616, 3744) projector_lods = 10 self.reconstruction_case('bunny', scene, camera, projector, viewport, projector_lods)
class Frame3D: def __init__(self, width=640, height=480, title='Frame3D', *, io_async_executor=None, loop=None, fps_limit=0): self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self._io_async_executor = io_async_executor or AsyncExecutor(4, self._loop) self._title = title self._window = create_window(width, height, title) self._width, self._height = width, height self._viewport_actual = False self._gl_executor = RenderingAsyncExecutor(GLFWContext(self._window), self._loop) self._executor = AsyncExecutor(1, self._loop) self._renderer = SimpleRenderer(self._gl_executor) self._initialized = False self._camera = Camera(aspect=height / width, course=-180) self._fps_limiter = FPSLimiter(fps_limit) self._double_clicks = DoubleClickHandler() self._on_keyboard_callbacks = {} self._last_mouse_xy = None self._mouse_buttons_down = set() self._keyboard_buttons_down = {} self._to_do = [] self.scene = Scene(show_axis=True) @asyncio.coroutine def init(self): assert not self._initialized glfw.SetMouseButtonCallback(self._window, self._on_mouse_button) self._double_clicks.set_double_click_callback(self._on_mouse_double_click) glfw.SetScrollCallback(self._window, self._on_scroll) glfw.SetCursorPosCallback(self._window, self._on_mouse_move) glfw.SetKeyCallback(self._window, self._on_keyboard) glfw.SetDropCallback(self._window, self._on_drop) glfw.SetWindowSizeCallback(self._window, self._on_resize) glfw.SetWindowCloseCallback(self._window, lambda window: self._fps_limiter.stop()) yield from self._gl_executor.init_gl_context() yield from self._renderer.init() self._initialized = True def add_on_keyboard_callback(self, name, callback): if name in self._on_keyboard_callbacks: logger.warn('Callback {} already registered!'.format(name)) self._on_keyboard_callbacks[name] = callback def delete_on_keyboard_callback(self, name): del self._on_keyboard_callbacks[name] def _on_mouse_button(self, window, button, action, mods): # logger.debug('Mouse: button={}, action={}, mods={}'.format(button, action, mods)) if action == glfw.PRESS: self._mouse_buttons_down.add(button) self._double_clicks.on_pressed(button) elif action == glfw.RELEASE: if button in self._mouse_buttons_down: self._mouse_buttons_down.remove(button) def _is_button_down(self, key, mods=0): if key not in self._keyboard_buttons_down: return False else: return self._keyboard_buttons_down[key] == mods def _on_scroll(self, window, x, y): if y != 0.0: self._camera.zoom_in(y) self.update() def _on_mouse_double_click(self, button): if button == glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: self._to_do.append(self._camera_look_at_cursor()) self.update() def _on_drop(self, window, paths): @asyncio.coroutine def read_and_register(path): logger.debug('Reading data... {}'.format(path)) points = yield from, path) self.add_points_cloud(points) logger.debug('Data loaded! ({} points) {}'.format(len(points.verts), path)) for path in paths: path = path.decode('utf-8') if not path.endswith('.ply'): logger.warn('Drag & drop for unsupported extension! {}'.format(path)) continue support.wrap_exc(asyncio.async(read_and_register(path)), logger) def add_points_cloud(self, points: PointsCloud): self.scene.add_renderable(points) @asyncio.coroutine def _determine_cursor_position(self): x, y = self._last_mouse_xy z = np.zeros((1, 1), np.float32) yield from, int(x), int(y), 1, 1, gl.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, gl.GL_FLOAT, z) z = z[0, 0] if z == 1.0: return None xy = (x - 0.5) / self._width, (y - 0.5) / self._height xyz = np.hstack([xy, z]) * 2.0 - 1.0 mvp_mtx = self._camera.get_mvp_matrix() xyz = math.homo_translate(np.linalg.inv(mvp_mtx), xyz) return xyz def _print_cursor_position(self): @asyncio.coroutine def determine_and_print(): xyz = yield from self._determine_cursor_position() if xyz is not None: x, y, z = xyz logger.debug('Position under cursor: x={}\ty={}\tz={}'.format(x, y, z)) support.wrap_exc(determine_and_print()) @asyncio.coroutine def _camera_look_at_cursor(self): xyz = yield from self._determine_cursor_position() if xyz is not None: = np.float32(xyz) logger.debug('Double click on point {}!'.format(xyz)) else: logger.debug('Double click on empty pixel!') @asyncio.coroutine def _make_screenshot_and_save(self): w, h = 2048, int(2048 * self._camera.aspect)'Making screenshot... ({}x{})'.format(w, h)) renderer = ImageRenderer(self._gl_executor) color, depth = yield from renderer.render(self.scene, self._camera, (w, h)) filename = 'screenshot' next_id = 2 while Path(filename).exists(): filename = 'screenshot{}'.format(next_id) next_id += 1 color_name, depth_name = filename + '.png', filename + '_depth.png''Saving screenshot to {}, {}...'.format(color_name, depth_name)) yield from, color_name, np.uint8(color)) yield from, depth_name, support.array_to_grayscale(depth)) yield from renderer.release() def _on_mouse_move(self, window, x, y): y = self._height - y mouse_pos = np.array([x, y]) mouse_delta = None if self._last_mouse_xy is not None: mouse_delta = mouse_pos - self._last_mouse_xy if self._is_button_down(glfw.KEY_LEFT_ALT): self._print_cursor_position() if glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT in self._mouse_buttons_down and mouse_delta is not None: # Left mouse button drag to rotate camera self._camera.rotate(mouse_delta[0], mouse_delta[1]) self.update() if glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT in self._mouse_buttons_down and mouse_delta is not None: # Right mouse button drag to move camera self._camera.move(-mouse_delta[0]/self._width, -mouse_delta[1]/self._width) self.update() self._last_mouse_xy = np.array([x, y]) def _on_keyboard(self, window, key, scancode, action, mods): # logger.debug('Keyboard: key={}, scancode={}, action={}, mods={}'.format(key, scancode, action, mods)) if action == glfw.PRESS: if key == glfw.KEY_LEFT_ALT: self._print_cursor_position() if key == glfw.KEY_P: # Change camera mode perspective/ortho if self._camera.mode is CameraMode.perspective: self._camera.mode = CameraMode.ortho self.update() else: assert self._camera.mode is CameraMode.ortho self._camera.mode = CameraMode.perspective self.update() logger.debug('Using {} camera!'.format(self._camera.mode.value)) if key == glfw.KEY_E: # Edge rendering mode enable/disable self._edges_mode = not self._edges_mode logger.debug('Rendering edges mode: {}!'.format('enabled' if self._edges_mode else 'disabled')) self.update() if key == glfw.KEY_ESCAPE: # Close window glfw.SetWindowShouldClose(self._window, True) self.update() if key == glfw.KEY_S: # Render current frustum and save as screenshot to screenshot.png and screenshot_depth.png self._to_do.append(self._make_screenshot_and_save()) self.update() self._keyboard_buttons_down[key] = mods elif action == glfw.RELEASE: if key in self._keyboard_buttons_down: del self._keyboard_buttons_down[key] for cb in self._on_keyboard_callbacks.values(): cb(window, key, scancode, action, mods) def _on_resize(self, window, width, height): logger.debug('Resize to {}x{}.'.format(width, height)) self._width, self._height = width, height self._viewport_actual = False self._camera.aspect = height / width self.update() def update(self): self._fps_limiter.update() def _gl_update_viewport(self): if not self._viewport_actual: gl.glViewport(0, 0, self._width, self._height) self._viewport_actual = True @asyncio.coroutine def render(self): yield from yield from self._renderer.render(self.scene, self._camera) glfw.SwapBuffers(self._window) @asyncio.coroutine def render_loop(self): if not self._initialized: yield from self.init() while not glfw.WindowShouldClose(self._window): try: yield from self._fps_limiter.ensure_frame_limit(glfw.PollEvents) except CancelledError:'Stopped! {}'.format(self._title)) break for task in self._to_do: yield from task self._to_do = [] yield from self.render() def close(self): glfw.DestroyWindow(self._window)
class Frame3D: def __init__(self, width=640, height=480, title='Frame3D', *, io_async_executor=None, loop=None, fps_limit=0): self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self._io_async_executor = io_async_executor or AsyncExecutor( 4, self._loop) self._title = title self._window = create_window(width, height, title) self._width, self._height = width, height self._viewport_actual = False self._gl_executor = RenderingAsyncExecutor(GLFWContext(self._window), self._loop) self._executor = AsyncExecutor(1, self._loop) self._renderer = SimpleRenderer(self._gl_executor) self._initialized = False self._camera = Camera(aspect=height / width, course=-180) self._fps_limiter = FPSLimiter(fps_limit) self._double_clicks = DoubleClickHandler() self._on_keyboard_callbacks = {} self._last_mouse_xy = None self._mouse_buttons_down = set() self._keyboard_buttons_down = {} self._to_do = [] self.scene = Scene(show_axis=True) @asyncio.coroutine def init(self): assert not self._initialized glfw.SetMouseButtonCallback(self._window, self._on_mouse_button) self._double_clicks.set_double_click_callback( self._on_mouse_double_click) glfw.SetScrollCallback(self._window, self._on_scroll) glfw.SetCursorPosCallback(self._window, self._on_mouse_move) glfw.SetKeyCallback(self._window, self._on_keyboard) glfw.SetDropCallback(self._window, self._on_drop) glfw.SetWindowSizeCallback(self._window, self._on_resize) glfw.SetWindowCloseCallback(self._window, lambda window: self._fps_limiter.stop()) yield from self._gl_executor.init_gl_context() yield from self._renderer.init() self._initialized = True def add_on_keyboard_callback(self, name, callback): if name in self._on_keyboard_callbacks: logger.warn('Callback {} already registered!'.format(name)) self._on_keyboard_callbacks[name] = callback def delete_on_keyboard_callback(self, name): del self._on_keyboard_callbacks[name] def _on_mouse_button(self, window, button, action, mods): # logger.debug('Mouse: button={}, action={}, mods={}'.format(button, action, mods)) if action == glfw.PRESS: self._mouse_buttons_down.add(button) self._double_clicks.on_pressed(button) elif action == glfw.RELEASE: if button in self._mouse_buttons_down: self._mouse_buttons_down.remove(button) def _is_button_down(self, key, mods=0): if key not in self._keyboard_buttons_down: return False else: return self._keyboard_buttons_down[key] == mods def _on_scroll(self, window, x, y): if y != 0.0: self._camera.zoom_in(y) self.update() def _on_mouse_double_click(self, button): if button == glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: self._to_do.append(self._camera_look_at_cursor()) self.update() def _on_drop(self, window, paths): @asyncio.coroutine def read_and_register(path): logger.debug('Reading data... {}'.format(path)) points = yield from points_cloud.load_ply, path) self.add_points_cloud(points) logger.debug('Data loaded! ({} points) {}'.format( len(points.verts), path)) for path in paths: path = path.decode('utf-8') if not path.endswith('.ply'): logger.warn( 'Drag & drop for unsupported extension! {}'.format(path)) continue support.wrap_exc(asyncio. async (read_and_register(path)), logger) def add_points_cloud(self, points: PointsCloud): self.scene.add_renderable(points) @asyncio.coroutine def _determine_cursor_position(self): x, y = self._last_mouse_xy z = np.zeros((1, 1), np.float32) yield from, int(x), int(y), 1, 1, gl.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, gl.GL_FLOAT, z) z = z[0, 0] if z == 1.0: return None xy = (x - 0.5) / self._width, (y - 0.5) / self._height xyz = np.hstack([xy, z]) * 2.0 - 1.0 mvp_mtx = self._camera.get_mvp_matrix() xyz = math.homo_translate(np.linalg.inv(mvp_mtx), xyz) return xyz def _print_cursor_position(self): @asyncio.coroutine def determine_and_print(): xyz = yield from self._determine_cursor_position() if xyz is not None: x, y, z = xyz logger.debug('Position under cursor: x={}\ty={}\tz={}'.format( x, y, z)) support.wrap_exc(determine_and_print()) @asyncio.coroutine def _camera_look_at_cursor(self): xyz = yield from self._determine_cursor_position() if xyz is not None: = np.float32(xyz) logger.debug('Double click on point {}!'.format(xyz)) else: logger.debug('Double click on empty pixel!') @asyncio.coroutine def _make_screenshot_and_save(self): w, h = 2048, int(2048 * self._camera.aspect)'Making screenshot... ({}x{})'.format(w, h)) renderer = ImageRenderer(self._gl_executor) color, depth = yield from renderer.render(self.scene, self._camera, (w, h)) filename = 'screenshot' next_id = 2 while Path(filename).exists(): filename = 'screenshot{}'.format(next_id) next_id += 1 color_name, depth_name = filename + '.png', filename + '_depth.png''Saving screenshot to {}, {}...'.format( color_name, depth_name)) yield from, color_name, np.uint8(color)) yield from support.save_image, depth_name, support.array_to_grayscale(depth)) yield from renderer.release() def _on_mouse_move(self, window, x, y): y = self._height - y mouse_pos = np.array([x, y]) mouse_delta = None if self._last_mouse_xy is not None: mouse_delta = mouse_pos - self._last_mouse_xy if self._is_button_down(glfw.KEY_LEFT_ALT): self._print_cursor_position() if glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT in self._mouse_buttons_down and mouse_delta is not None: # Left mouse button drag to rotate camera self._camera.rotate(mouse_delta[0], mouse_delta[1]) self.update() if glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT in self._mouse_buttons_down and mouse_delta is not None: # Right mouse button drag to move camera self._camera.move(-mouse_delta[0] / self._width, -mouse_delta[1] / self._width) self.update() self._last_mouse_xy = np.array([x, y]) def _on_keyboard(self, window, key, scancode, action, mods): # logger.debug('Keyboard: key={}, scancode={}, action={}, mods={}'.format(key, scancode, action, mods)) if action == glfw.PRESS: if key == glfw.KEY_LEFT_ALT: self._print_cursor_position() if key == glfw.KEY_P: # Change camera mode perspective/ortho if self._camera.mode is CameraMode.perspective: self._camera.mode = CameraMode.ortho self.update() else: assert self._camera.mode is CameraMode.ortho self._camera.mode = CameraMode.perspective self.update() logger.debug('Using {} camera!'.format( self._camera.mode.value)) if key == glfw.KEY_E: # Edge rendering mode enable/disable self._edges_mode = not self._edges_mode logger.debug('Rendering edges mode: {}!'.format( 'enabled' if self._edges_mode else 'disabled')) self.update() if key == glfw.KEY_ESCAPE: # Close window glfw.SetWindowShouldClose(self._window, True) self.update() if key == glfw.KEY_S: # Render current frustum and save as screenshot to screenshot.png and screenshot_depth.png self._to_do.append(self._make_screenshot_and_save()) self.update() self._keyboard_buttons_down[key] = mods elif action == glfw.RELEASE: if key in self._keyboard_buttons_down: del self._keyboard_buttons_down[key] for cb in self._on_keyboard_callbacks.values(): cb(window, key, scancode, action, mods) def _on_resize(self, window, width, height): logger.debug('Resize to {}x{}.'.format(width, height)) self._width, self._height = width, height self._viewport_actual = False self._camera.aspect = height / width self.update() def update(self): self._fps_limiter.update() def _gl_update_viewport(self): if not self._viewport_actual: gl.glViewport(0, 0, self._width, self._height) self._viewport_actual = True @asyncio.coroutine def render(self): yield from yield from self._renderer.render(self.scene, self._camera) glfw.SwapBuffers(self._window) @asyncio.coroutine def render_loop(self): if not self._initialized: yield from self.init() while not glfw.WindowShouldClose(self._window): try: yield from self._fps_limiter.ensure_frame_limit( glfw.PollEvents) except CancelledError:'Stopped! {}'.format(self._title)) break for task in self._to_do: yield from task self._to_do = [] yield from self.render() def close(self): glfw.DestroyWindow(self._window)