def test30_add_server_managed_triples(self): """Test addition of server manages triples to graph.""" # CURRENTLY SAME AS JUST ADDING TYPE TRIPLES r = LDPRS('') g = Graph() r.add_server_managed_triples(g, []) self.assertEqual(len(g), 2)
def test33_server_managed_triples(self): """Test set of server managed triples.""" r = LDPRS('') g = r.server_managed_triples() self.assertEqual(len(g), 2) self.assertIn((URIRef(''), RDF.type, LDP.RDFSource), g) self.assertIn((URIRef(''), RDF.type, LDP.Resource), g)
def test21_serialize(self): """Test serialize method.""" uri = URIRef('') g = Graph() g.add((uri, RDF.type, URIRef(''))) g.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), Literal('LITERAL'))) r = LDPRS(uri=uri, content=g) s = r.serialize() self.assertIn('@prefix ldp: <> .', s) self.assertIn('ldprs', s) # might prefix or not self.assertIn('some_type', s) # might prefix or not self.assertIn('ldp:RDFSource', s) self.assertIn('ldp:Resource', s) self.assertIn('"LITERAL"', s) # Test omits (nothing to come out) s = r.serialize(omits=['minimal']) self.assertNotIn('ldprs', s) # might prefix or not self.assertNotIn('some_type', s) # might prefix or not self.assertNotIn('ldp:RDFSource', s) self.assertNotIn('ldp:Resource', s) self.assertNotIn('"LITERAL"', s) self.assertNotIn('"Wombat"', s) # Test extra eg = Graph() eg.add((EX.Happy, EX.Lazy, EX.Wombat)) s = r.serialize(extra=eg) self.assertIn('Wombat', s)
def test05_extract_containement_triples(self): """Test extraction of containment triples.""" uri = URIRef('') c1 = (uri, LDP.contains, URIRef('')) c2 = (uri, LDP.contains, URIRef('')) g = Graph() g.add(c1) g.add(c2) g.add((uri, RDF.type, URIRef(''))) r = LDPRS(content=g) cg = r.extract_containment_triples() self.assertEqual(len(r.content), 1) self.assertEqual(len(cg), 2) self.assertIn(c1, cg) self.assertIn(c2, cg)
def test36_triples(self): """Test triples().""" r = LDPRS() g = list(r.triples((None, None, URIRef('info:aaa')))) self.assertEqual(len(g), 0) r.parse(b'<info:bbb> <info:bbb> <info:aaa>.') r.parse(b'<info:ccc> <info:ccc> "info:bbb".') # not a URI ref! g = list(r.triples((None, None, URIRef('info:aaa')))) self.assertEqual(len(g), 1) self.assertEqual(g[0], (URIRef('info:bbb'), URIRef('info:bbb'), URIRef('info:aaa'))) g = list(r.triples((None, None, URIRef('info:bbb')))) self.assertEqual(len(g), 0) r.parse(b'<> <> <info:bbb>.') g = list(r.triples((None, None, URIRef('info:bbb')))) self.assertEqual(len(g), 1) self.assertEqual(g[0], (URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('info:bbb')))
def test46_set_allow(self): """Test set_allow method.""" h = mockedLDPHandler() h.support_delete = False h.set_header = MagicMock() h.set_allow() h.set_header.assert_called_with('Allow', 'GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT') h.support_delete = True h.set_header = MagicMock() h.set_allow() h.set_header.assert_called_with('Allow', 'GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE') # add different resources h.set_header = MagicMock() h.set_allow(LDPRS()) h.set_header.assert_has_calls([ call('Accept-Patch', 'application/sparql-update'), call('Allow', 'GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, PATCH') ]) h.set_header = MagicMock() h.set_allow(LDPC()) h.set_header.assert_has_calls([ call('Accept-Patch', 'application/sparql-update'), call('Accept-Post', 'text/turtle, application/ld+json'), call('Allow', 'GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, POST') ])
def test20_graph(self): """Test graph method.""" uri = URIRef('') cg = Graph() cg.add((uri, RDF.type, EX.some_type)) cg.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), Literal('LITERAL'))) r = LDPRS(uri=uri, content=cg) g = r.graph(omits=[]) self.assertIn((uri, RDF.type, EX.some_type), g) # Test omits (nothing to come out) g = r.graph(omits=['minimal']) self.assertEqual(len(g), 0) # Test extra eg = Graph() eg.add((EX.Happy, EX.Lazy, EX.Wombat)) g = r.graph(omits=['minimal'], extra=eg) self.assertEqual(len(g), 1) self.assertIn((EX.Happy, EX.Lazy, EX.Wombat), g)
def test40_check_authz(self): """Test check_authz method (just a stub).""" # auth disabled LDPHandler.no_auth = True h = mockedLDPHandler() h.check_authz(None, 'write') # auth enabled, no admin LDPHandler.no_auth = False h = mockedLDPHandler() self.assertRaises(HTTPError, h.check_authz, LDPRS('uri:a'), 'write')
def test01_parse_turtle(self): """Parse turtle.""" r = LDPRS() r.parse(b'<> <> "1".') self.assertEqual(len(r.content), 1) r = LDPRS() r.parse(b'<> <> "123".', context="http://x.y/a") self.assertEqual(len(r.content), 1) for (s, p, o) in r.content: self.assertEqual(str(s), 'http://x.y/a') self.assertEqual(str(p), '') self.assertEqual(str(o), '123')
def test25_delete(self): """Test DELETE method.""" # auth disabled LDPHandler.no_auth = True # h = mockedLDPHandler(uri='/deleteme') uri = urljoin(h.base_uri, '/deleteme'), uri=uri) h.set_header = MagicMock() h.write = MagicMock() h.delete() h.set_header.assert_called_with('X-Confirmation', 'Deleted') self.assertRaises(KeyDeleted, lambda:[uri])
def test06_serialize(self): """Test some simple serialization cases.""" uri = URIRef('') g = Graph() g.add((uri, RDF.type, URIRef(''))) g.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), Literal('LITERAL'))) r = LDPRS(uri=uri, content=g) s = r.serialize() self.assertIn('@prefix ldp: <> .', s) self.assertIn('ldprs', s) # might prefix or not self.assertIn('some_type', s) # might prefix or not self.assertIn('ldp:RDFSource', s) self.assertIn('ldp:Resource', s) self.assertIn('"LITERAL"', s) # s = r.serialize(omits=['content']) self.assertIn('ldprs', s) # might prefix or not self.assertNotIn('some_type', s) # might prefix or not self.assertIn('ldp:RDFSource', s) self.assertIn('ldp:Resource', s) self.assertNotIn('"LITERAL"', s)
def test20_patch(self): """Test PATCH method.""" # auth disabled LDPHandler.no_auth = True # h = mockedLDPHandler( uri='/patchme', headers={'Content-Type': 'application/sparql-update'}, body=b'''PREFIX ex: <> INSERT DATA { ex:a ex:b ex:c . }''') uri = urljoin(h.base_uri, '/patchme'), uri=uri) self.assertEqual(len([uri].content), 0) h.set_header = MagicMock() h.write = MagicMock() h.patch() h.set_header.assert_called_with('X-Confirmation', 'Patched') self.assertEqual(len([uri].content), 1)
def test03_patch(self): """Test PATCH update.""" r = LDPRS() r.parse(''' @prefix x: <> . x:simeon x:has x:pizza . ''') sparql_update = ''' PREFIX x: <> DELETE { ?s x:has ?o . } INSERT { ?s x:ate ?o . ?o x:was_eaten_by ?s . } WHERE { ?s x:has ?o . } ''' self.assertEqual(len(r.content), 1) r.patch(sparql_update, 'application/sparql-update') self.assertEqual(len(r.content), 2) self.assertEqual( len( list( r.content.triples( (None, URIRef(''), None)))), 0) self.assertEqual( len( list( r.content.triples( (None, URIRef(''), None)))), 1) self.assertEqual( len( list( r.content.triples( (None, URIRef(''), None)))), 1) # bad type self.assertRaises(PatchFailed, r.patch, sparql_update, 'bad/type') # bad update command self.assertRaises(PatchFailed, r.patch, 'update syntax error', 'application/sparql-update')
def test10_get_container_type(self): """Test extraction of container type.""" r = LDPRS() self.assertEqual(r.get_container_type(context=""), None) self.assertEqual(r.get_container_type(context="", default=LDP.BasicContainer), LDP.BasicContainer) r.parse(b'<> <> "1".') self.assertEqual(r.get_container_type(context=""), None) r.parse(b'<> <> <>.') self.assertEqual(r.get_container_type(context=""), None) r.parse(b'<> <> <>.') self.assertEqual(r.get_container_type(context=""), LDP.DirectContainer) r.parse(b'<> <> <>.') self.assertRaises(Exception, r.get_container_type, context="") self.assertEqual(r.get_container_type(context=""), None)
def test05_parse_json_ld(self): """Parse JSON-LD.""" r = LDPRS() r.parse(b'{ "@id": "", "": "123"}', content_type='application/ld+json') self.assertEqual(len(r.content), 1)
def test03_uriref(self): """Test uriref property.""" r = LDPRS() self.assertEqual(r.uriref, URIRef('')) r = LDPRS('my-uri') self.assertEqual(r.uriref, URIRef('my-uri'))
def test40_compute_etag(self): """Test computation of etag.""" r = LDPRS() self.assertEqual(r._compute_etag(), '"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"') r.parse(b'<> <> <>.') self.assertEqual(r._compute_etag(), '"d06b10aa24d65ebf1fc913ce2e8d23ff"') r.parse(b'<> <> "hello".') self.assertEqual(r._compute_etag(), '"5777dd3a4bc5065c7ed42bb86655c83f"') r = LDPRS() r.parse(b'<> <> [ <> "111"; <> "222"].') self.assertEqual(r._compute_etag(), '"afe90adc3b4a1778ee5c4bb32083b061"') # This graph is different from the previous one because # it has two BNodes instead of one, and ETag will differ r = LDPRS() r.parse(b'<> <> [ <> "111" ].' + b'<> <> [ <> "222" ].') self.assertEqual(r._compute_etag(), '"f1c12772ce8d7e485155601c2c095d2b"') # FIXME - This graph is different from the previous one but # will end up with the same ETag because BNodes are conflated r = LDPRS() r.parse(b'<> <> [ <> "111" ].' + b'<> <> [ <> "222" ].') self.assertEqual(r._compute_etag(), '"f1c12772ce8d7e485155601c2c095d2b"')
def test02_len(self): """Test len for length of content.""" r = LDPRS() self.assertEqual(len(r), 0) r.content.add((URIRef('s1'), URIRef('p1'), URIRef('o1'))) self.assertEqual(len(r), 1)
def test10_containment_triples(self): """Test null iterator for containment triples.""" ct = list(LDPRS().containment_triples()) self.assertEqual(ct, [])
def test32_media_to_rdflib_type(self): """Test media_ lookup and conversion.""" r = LDPRS() self.assertEqual(r._media_to_rdflib_type('text/turtle'), 'turtle') self.assertRaises(Exception, r._media_to_rdflib_type, 'elephants')
def test31_add_type_triples(self): """Test addition of build in types to graph.""" r = LDPRS('') g = Graph() r.add_type_triples(g) self.assertEqual(len(g), 2)
def test01_init(self): """Test initialization.""" r = LDPRS() self.assertTrue(isinstance(r.content, Graph)) r = LDPRS(content='abc') self.assertEqual(r.content, 'abc')