コード例 #1
    if use_qn:
        QN = [sum([n(*mkind("up",o)) for o in orb_names],Operator()),
              sum([n(*mkind("dn",o)) for o in orb_names],Operator())]
        for o in orb_names:
            dn = n(*mkind("up",o)) - n(*mkind("dn",o))
        p["partition_method"] = "quantum_numbers"
        p["quantum_numbers"] = QN

    mpi.report("Constructing the solver...")

    # Construct the solver
    S = SolverCore(beta=beta, gf_struct=gf_struct, n_tau=n_tau, n_iw=n_iw)

    mpi.report("Preparing the hybridization function...")

    # Set hybridization function
    delta_w = GfImFreq(indices = [0], beta=beta, n_points=n_iw)
    delta_w << (V**2) * inverse(iOmega_n - epsilon) + (V**2) * inverse(iOmega_n + epsilon)
    S.G0_iw << inverse(iOmega_n + mu - delta_w)

    mpi.report("Running the simulation...")

    # Solve the problem
    S.solve(h_int=H, **p)

    # Save the results  
    if mpi.is_master_node():
        with HDFArchive(results_file_name,'w') as Results:
            Results['G_tau'] = S.G_tau
コード例 #2
def anderson(use_qn=True, use_blocks=True):

    spin_names = ("up","dn")
    mkind = lambda spin: (spin,0) if use_blocks else ("tot",spin)

    # Input parameters
    beta = 10.0
    U = 2.0
    mu = 1.0
    h = 0.1
    V = 0.5
    epsilon = 2.3

    n_iw = 1025
    n_tau = 10001

    p = {}
    p["max_time"] = -1
    p["random_name"] = ""
    p["random_seed"] = 123 * mpi.rank + 567
    p["length_cycle"] = 50
    p["n_warmup_cycles"] = 50000
    p["n_cycles"] = 5000000
    p["measure_density_matrix"] = True
    p["use_norm_as_weight"] = True

    results_file_name = "anderson"
    if use_blocks: results_file_name += ".block"
    if use_qn: results_file_name += ".qn"
    results_file_name += ".h5"

    mpi.report("Welcome to Anderson (1 correlated site + symmetric bath) test.")

    H = U*n(*mkind("up"))*n(*mkind("dn"))

    QN = []
    if use_qn:
        for spin in spin_names: QN.append(n(*mkind(spin)))
        p["quantum_numbers"] = QN
        p["partition_method"] = "quantum_numbers"

    gf_struct = {}
    for spin in spin_names:
        bn, i = mkind(spin)

    gf_struct = [ [key, value] for key, value in gf_struct.items() ] # convert from dict to list of lists
    mpi.report("Constructing the solver...")

    # Construct the solver
    S = SolverCore(beta=beta, gf_struct=gf_struct, n_tau=n_tau, n_iw=n_iw)

    mpi.report("Preparing the hybridization function...")

    # Set hybridization function
    delta_w = GfImFreq(indices = [0], beta=beta)
    delta_w << (V**2) * inverse(iOmega_n - epsilon) + (V**2) * inverse(iOmega_n + epsilon)
    for spin in spin_names:
        bn, i = mkind(spin)
        S.G0_iw[bn][i,i] << inverse(iOmega_n + mu - {'up':h,'dn':-h}[spin] - delta_w)

    mpi.report("Running the simulation...")

    # Solve the problem
    S.solve(h_int=H, **p)

    # Save the results
    if mpi.is_master_node():
        static_observables = {'Nup' : n(*mkind("up")), 'Ndn' : n(*mkind("dn")), 'unity' : Operator(1.0)}
        dm = S.density_matrix
        for oname in static_observables.keys():
            print oname, trace_rho_op(dm,static_observables[oname],S.h_loc_diagonalization)

        with HDFArchive(results_file_name,'w') as Results:
            Results['G_tau'] = S.G_tau
コード例 #3
Delta_iw << inverse( iOmega_n - Ek ) + inverse( iOmega_n + Ek )
Delta_iw.from_L_G_R(V, Delta_iw, V)

Delta_tau = Gf(mesh=tmesh, target_shape=target_shape)
Delta_tail, Delta_tail_err = Delta_iw.fit_hermitian_tail()
Delta_tau << InverseFourier(Delta_iw, Delta_tail)

G0_iw = Gf(mesh=wmesh, target_shape=target_shape)
G0_iw << inverse( iOmega_n - Delta_iw - E_loc )

S.G0_iw << G0_iw

    h_int = h_int,
    length_cycle = 10,
    n_warmup_cycles = 1,
    n_cycles = 1,

h_loc_ref = S.h_loc - h_int

print 'h_loc =\n', h_loc
print 'h_loc_ref =\n', h_loc_ref

Delta_tau_ref = S.Delta_tau['0']
Delta_iw_ref = Delta_iw.copy()
Delta_tail_ref, Delta_tail_err_ref = Delta_iw_ref.fit_hermitian_tail()
Delta_iw_ref << Fourier(Delta_tau_ref, Delta_tail_ref)

diff = h_loc - h_loc_ref
print 'h_loc diff =', diff
コード例 #4
ファイル: 5_plus_5.py プロジェクト: HugoStrand/cthyb
def five_plus_five(use_interaction=True):

    results_file_name = "5_plus_5." + ("int."
                                       if use_interaction else "") + "h5"

    # Block structure of GF
    L = 2  # d-orbital
    spin_names = ("up", "dn")
    orb_names = cubic_names(L)

    # Input parameters
    beta = 40.
    mu = 26

    U = 4.0
    J = 0.7
    F0 = U
    F2 = J * (14.0 / (1.0 + 0.63))
    F4 = F2 * 0.63

    # Dump the local Hamiltonian to a text file (set to None to disable dumping)
    H_dump = "H.txt"
    # Dump Delta parameters to a text file (set to None to disable dumping)
    Delta_dump = "Delta_params.txt"

    # Hybridization function parameters
    # Delta(\tau) is diagonal in the basis of cubic harmonics
    # Each component of Delta(\tau) is represented as a list of single-particle
    # terms parametrized by pairs (V_k,\epsilon_k).
    delta_params = {
        "xy": {
            'V': 0.2,
            'e': -0.2
        "yz": {
            'V': 0.2,
            'e': -0.15
        "z^2": {
            'V': 0.2,
            'e': -0.1
        "xz": {
            'V': 0.2,
            'e': 0.05
        "x^2-y^2": {
            'V': 0.2,
            'e': 0.4

    atomic_levels = {
        ('up_xy', 0): -0.2,
        ('dn_xy', 0): -0.2,
        ('up_yz', 0): -0.15,
        ('dn_yz', 0): -0.15,
        ('up_z^2', 0): -0.1,
        ('dn_z^2', 0): -0.1,
        ('up_xz', 0): 0.05,
        ('dn_xz', 0): 0.05,
        ('up_x^2-y^2', 0): 0.4,
        ('dn_x^2-y^2', 0): 0.4

    n_iw = 1025
    n_tau = 10001

    p = {}
    p["max_time"] = -1
    p["random_name"] = ""
    p["random_seed"] = 123 * mpi.rank + 567
    p["length_cycle"] = 50
    #p["n_warmup_cycles"] = 5000
    p["n_warmup_cycles"] = 500
    p["n_cycles"] = int(1.e1 / mpi.size)
    #p["n_cycles"] = int(5.e5 / mpi.size)
    #p["n_cycles"] = int(5.e6 / mpi.size)
    p["partition_method"] = "autopartition"
    p["measure_G_tau"] = True
    p["move_shift"] = True
    p["move_double"] = True
    p["measure_pert_order"] = False
    p["performance_analysis"] = False
    p["use_trace_estimator"] = False

    mpi.report("Welcome to 5+5 (5 orbitals + 5 bath sites) test.")

    gf_struct = set_operator_structure(spin_names, orb_names, False)
    mkind = get_mkind(False, None)

    H = Operator()

    if use_interaction:
        # Local Hamiltonian
        U_mat = U_matrix(L, [F0, F2, F4], basis='cubic')
        H += h_int_slater(spin_names, orb_names, U_mat, False, H_dump=H_dump)
        mu = 0.

    p["h_int"] = H

    # Quantum numbers (N_up and N_down)
    QN = [Operator(), Operator()]
    for cn in orb_names:
        for i, sn in enumerate(spin_names):
            QN[i] += n(*mkind(sn, cn))
    if p["partition_method"] == "quantum_numbers": p["quantum_numbers"] = QN

    mpi.report("Constructing the solver...")

    # Construct the solver
    S = SolverCore(beta=beta, gf_struct=gf_struct, n_tau=n_tau, n_iw=n_iw)

    mpi.report("Preparing the hybridization function...")

    H_hyb = Operator()

    # Set hybridization function
    if Delta_dump: Delta_dump_file = open(Delta_dump, 'w')
    for sn, cn in product(spin_names, orb_names):
        bn, i = mkind(sn, cn)
        V = delta_params[cn]['V']
        e = delta_params[cn]['e']

        delta_w = Gf(mesh=MeshImFreq(beta, 'Fermion', n_iw), target_shape=[])
        delta_w << (V**2) * inverse(iOmega_n - e)

        S.G0_iw[bn][i, i] << inverse(iOmega_n + mu - atomic_levels[(bn, i)] -

        cnb = cn + '_b'  # bath level
        a = sn + '_' + cn
        b = sn + '_' + cn + '_b'

        H_hyb += ( atomic_levels[(bn,i)] - mu ) * n(a, 0) + \
            n(b,0) * e + V * ( c(a,0) * c_dag(b,0) + c(b,0) * c_dag(a,0) )

        # Dump Delta parameters
        if Delta_dump:
            Delta_dump_file.write(bn + '\t')
            Delta_dump_file.write(str(V) + '\t')
            Delta_dump_file.write(str(e) + '\n')

    if mpi.is_master_node():
        filename_ham = 'data_Ham%s.h5' % ('_int' if use_interaction else '')
        with HDFArchive(filename_ham, 'w') as arch:
            arch['H'] = H_hyb + H
            arch['gf_struct'] = gf_struct
            arch['beta'] = beta

    mpi.report("Running the simulation...")

    # Solve the problem

    # Save the results
    if mpi.is_master_node():
        Results = HDFArchive(results_file_name, 'w')
        Results['G_tau'] = S.G_tau
        Results['G0_iw'] = S.G0_iw
        Results['use_interaction'] = use_interaction
        Results['delta_params'] = delta_params
        Results['spin_names'] = spin_names
        Results['orb_names'] = orb_names

        import __main__
        log = Results["log"]
        log["version"] = version.version
        log["triqs_hash"] = version.triqs_hash
        log["cthyb_hash"] = version.cthyb_hash
        log["script"] = inspect.getsource(__main__)
コード例 #5
ファイル: h5_read_write.py プロジェクト: HugoStrand/cthyb
delta_w = GfImFreq(indices=[0], beta=cp['beta'])
delta_w << (half_bandwidth / 2.0)**2 * SemiCircular(half_bandwidth)
for name, g0 in solver.G0_iw:
    g0 << inverse(iOmega_n + mu - delta_w)

sp = dict(
    h_int=n('up', 0) * n('do', 0) + c_dag('up', 0) * c('do', 0) +
    c_dag('do', 0) * c('up', 0),


filename = 'h5_read_write.h5'

with HDFArchive(filename, 'w') as A:
    A['solver'] = solver

with HDFArchive(filename, 'r') as A:
    solver_ref = A['solver']

assert (solver.last_constr_parameters == solver_ref.last_constr_parameters)
assert (solver.last_solve_parameters == solver.last_solve_parameters)
#assert( solver.last_container_set == solver_ref.last_container_set ) # want to write this

# -- Poor mans version of comparison of the container sets
for key in dir(solver_ref):
コード例 #6
ファイル: spinless.py プロジェクト: yogeshwar2609/cthyb
def run_calculation(use_qn=True):

    # Input parameters
    beta = 10.0
    U = 2.0
    mu = 1.0
    epsilon = 2.3
    t = 0.1

    n_iw = 1025
    n_tau = 10001

    p = {}
    p["max_time"] = -1
    p["random_name"] = ""
    p["random_seed"] = 123 * mpi.rank + 567
    p["length_cycle"] = 50
    p["n_warmup_cycles"] = 20000
    p["n_cycles"] = 1000000

    results_file_name = "spinless"
    if use_qn: results_file_name += ".qn"
    results_file_name += ".h5"

        "Welcome to spinless (spinless electrons on a correlated dimer) test.")

    H = U * n("tot", "A") * n("tot", "B")

    QN = []
    if use_qn:
        QN.append(n("tot", "A") + n("tot", "B"))
        p["partition_method"] = "quantum_numbers"
        p["quantum_numbers"] = QN

    gf_struct = [["tot", ["A", "B"]]]

    mpi.report("Constructing the solver...")

    ## Construct the solver
    S = SolverCore(beta=beta, gf_struct=gf_struct, n_iw=n_iw, n_tau=n_tau)

    mpi.report("Preparing the hybridization function...")

    ## Set hybridization function
    delta_w = GfImFreq(indices=["A", "B"], beta=beta)
    delta_w << inverse(iOmega_n - np.array([[epsilon, -t], [-t, epsilon]])
                       ) + inverse(iOmega_n -
                                   np.array([[-epsilon, -t], [-t, -epsilon]]))
    S.G0_iw["tot"] << inverse(iOmega_n - np.array([[-mu, -t], [-t, -mu]]) -

    mpi.report("Running the simulation...")

    ## Solve the problem
    S.solve(h_int=H, **p)

    ## Save the results
    if mpi.is_master_node():
        with HDFArchive(results_file_name, 'w') as Results:
            Results["tot"] = S.G_tau["tot"]
コード例 #7
ファイル: measure_g2.py プロジェクト: HugoStrand/cthyb
mpi.report("Preparing the hybridization function...")

# Set hybridization function
delta_w = GfImFreq(indices=orb_names, beta=beta, n_points=n_iw)
delta_w_part = delta_w.copy()
for e, v in zip(epsilon, V):
    delta_w_part << inverse(iOmega_n - e)
    delta_w_part.from_L_G_R(np.transpose(v), delta_w_part, v)
    delta_w += delta_w_part

S.G0_iw << inverse(iOmega_n + mu - delta_w)

# Accumulate histograms and G_tau
mpi.report("Preliminary run...")
S.solve(h_int=H, **p_pre)

if mpi.is_master_node():
    with HDFArchive("data_measure_g2.h5", 'w') as ar:
        ar['beta'] = beta
        ar['U'] = U
        ar['mu'] = mu
        ar['J'] = J
        ar['epsilon'] = epsilon
        ar['V'] = V
        ar['G_tau'] = S.G_tau
        ar['pre_solve_params'] = p_pre

if preliminary_only: exit()

# Accumulate G2
コード例 #8
        p = None
    p = mpi.bcast(p)

    S = SolverCore(beta=p.beta, gf_struct=p.gf_struct, n_tau=p.ntau, n_iw=p.nw)

    S.G0_iw['0'] << p.g0t_iw

    solve_parameters = dict(
        random_seed=123 * mpi.rank + 567,
        #n_cycles = int(1e9) / mpi.size,
        n_cycles=int(1e7) / mpi.size,


    if mpi.is_master_node():
        p.g_tau = S.G_tau
        p.g0_iw = S.G0_iw
        p.g4_ph = S.G2_iw_ph[('0', '0')]
        with HDFArchive('data_cthyb.h5', 'w') as A:
            A['p'] = p