コード例 #1
 def execute(self, board, spaceCount):
     timer = time.clock()
     path = self.longestPathFloodfill(board, spaceCount)
     tron.debug("Longestpath: " + str(len(path)) + "\n")
     dest = path[0]
     choice = [dir for dir in board.moves() if board.rel(dir) == dest][0]
     self.cachedPaths = self.prepareCachedPaths(dest)
     tron.log("Survival algorithm took: " + str(time.clock() - timer))
     return choice
コード例 #2
	def execute(self, board, spaceCount):
		timer = time.clock()
		path = self.longestPathFloodfill(board, spaceCount)
		tron.debug("Longestpath: " + str(len(path)) + "\n")
		dest = path[0]
		choice = [dir for dir in board.moves() if board.rel(dir) == dest][0]
		self.cachedPaths = self.prepareCachedPaths(dest)
		tron.log("Survival algorithm took: " + str(time.clock() - timer))
		return choice
コード例 #3
ファイル: algorithms.py プロジェクト: todayispotato/tron
	def execute(self, board, spaceCount, deadCorners):
		self.timer = time.clock()
		spaceUpperBound = max(spaceCount.values()) - len(deadCorners)
		path = self.longestPathFloodfill(board)
		tron.debug("Longestpath: " + str(len(path)) + "\n")
		dest = path[0]
		choice = None
		for dir in board.moves():
			if board.rel(dir) == dest:
				choice = dir
		self.allPaths = self.prepareQueue(dest)
		tron.log("Optimize space algorithm time: " + str(time.clock() - self.timer))
		self.timer = 0
		return choice
コード例 #4
ファイル: MyTronBot.py プロジェクト: larsderidder/tron
def which_move(board):
    start = time.clock()

    if len(board.moves()) == 0:
        return tron.SOUTH

    enemyMoves = [
        board.rel(dir, board.them()) for dir in board.moves(board.them())

    enemyReachable = False
    spaceCount = dict()
    for dir in board.moves():
        dest = board.rel(dir)
        floodfilled = tron.floodfill.execute(board, dest)
        enemyReachable = enemyReachable or dest in enemyMoves or len(
            filter(lambda node: node in enemyMoves, floodfilled)) > 0
        deadCorners = [
            node for node in floodfilled
            if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3
        spaceCount[dir] = len(floodfilled) - len(deadCorners) + 1

    tron.debug("Spacecount: " + str(spaceCount) + "\n")
    tron.debug("EnemyReachable: " + str(enemyReachable) + "\n")
    #enemyReachable = False
    if not enemyReachable:
        return survivalMode(board, spaceCount)

    enemySpaceCount = dict()
    for dir in board.moves():
        enemySpaceCount[dir] = tron.floodfill.floodfillScore(
            board, board.them(), [board.rel(dir)])

    #tron.log("EnemySpaceCount: " + str(enemySpaceCount))

    shortestPath = attack_algorithms.AStar().execute(board)
    minimaxSpaceCount = tron.minimax.execute(board, spaceCount,
    tron.log("minimaxspacecount: " + str(minimaxSpaceCount))
    #tron.log("Shortest path: " + str(shortestPath))
    if len(shortestPath) >= 6:
        return farAwayMode(board, shortestPath, minimaxSpaceCount)

    return closeCombatMode(board, minimaxSpaceCount, shortestPath)
コード例 #5
 def execute(self, board, spaceCount, deadCorners):
     self.timer = time.clock()
     spaceUpperBound = max(spaceCount.values()) - len(deadCorners)
     path = self.longestPathFloodfill(board)
     tron.debug("Longestpath: " + str(len(path)) + "\n")
     dest = path[0]
     choice = None
     for dir in board.moves():
         if board.rel(dir) == dest:
             choice = dir
     self.allPaths = self.prepareQueue(dest)
     tron.log("Optimize space algorithm time: " +
              str(time.clock() - self.timer))
     self.timer = 0
     return choice
コード例 #6
ファイル: MyTronBot.py プロジェクト: todayispotato/tron
def which_move(board):
	start = time.clock()
	if len(board.moves()) == 0:
		return tron.SOUTH

	enemyMoves = [board.rel(dir, board.them()) for dir in board.moves(board.them())]

	enemyReachable = False
	spaceCount = dict()
	for dir in board.moves():
		dest = board.rel(dir)
		floodfilled = tron.floodfill.execute(board, dest)
		enemyReachable = enemyReachable or dest in enemyMoves or len(filter(lambda node : node in enemyMoves, floodfilled)) > 0
		deadCorners = [node for node in floodfilled if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3]
		spaceCount[dir] = len(floodfilled) - len(deadCorners) + 1

	tron.debug("Spacecount: " + str(spaceCount) + "\n")
	tron.debug("EnemyReachable: " + str(enemyReachable) + "\n")
	#enemyReachable = False
	if not enemyReachable:
		return survivalMode(board, spaceCount)

	enemySpaceCount = dict()
	for dir in board.moves():
		enemySpaceCount[dir] = tron.floodfill.floodfillScore(board, board.them(), [board.rel(dir)])
	#tron.log("EnemySpaceCount: " + str(enemySpaceCount))
	shortestPath = attack_algorithms.AStar().execute(board)
	minimaxSpaceCount = tron.minimax.execute(board, spaceCount, enemySpaceCount)
	tron.log("minimaxspacecount: " + str(minimaxSpaceCount))
	#tron.log("Shortest path: " + str(shortestPath))
	if len(shortestPath) >= 6:
		return farAwayMode(board, shortestPath, minimaxSpaceCount)
	return closeCombatMode(board, minimaxSpaceCount, shortestPath)
コード例 #7
ファイル: survival.py プロジェクト: larsderidder/tron
def floodfill(board, origin, exclude=[]):
    start = time.clock()
    visited = []
    queue = deque()

    while len(queue) > 0:
        node = queue.popleft()
        if node in visited:

        west = continuouslyMoveDirection(board, node, tron.WEST, exclude)
        east = continuouslyMoveDirection(board, node, tron.EAST, exclude)

        westToEast = west
        northInterrupted = True
        southInterrupted = True
        while westToEast != board.rel(tron.EAST, east):
            north = board.rel(tron.NORTH, westToEast)
            if not northInterrupted and (not board.passable(north) or north
                                         in exclude or north in visited):
                northInterrupted = True
            elif northInterrupted and board.passable(
                    north) and north not in exclude and north not in visited:
                northInterrupted = False

            south = board.rel(tron.SOUTH, westToEast)
            if not southInterrupted and (not board.passable(south) or south
                                         in exclude or south in visited):
                southInterrupted = True
            elif southInterrupted and board.passable(
                    south) and south not in exclude and south not in visited:
                southInterrupted = False

            westToEast = board.rel(tron.EAST, westToEast)
    tron.debug("FLOODFILL TOOK: " + str(time.clock() - start) + "\n")
    return visited
コード例 #8
ファイル: survival.py プロジェクト: todayispotato/tron
def floodfill(board, origin, exclude=[]):
	start = time.clock()
	queue = deque()
	while len(queue) > 0:
		node = queue.popleft()
		if node in visited:
		west = continuouslyMoveDirection(board, node, tron.WEST, exclude)
		east = continuouslyMoveDirection(board, node, tron.EAST, exclude)
		westToEast = west
		northInterrupted = True
		southInterrupted = True
		while westToEast != board.rel(tron.EAST, east):
			north = board.rel(tron.NORTH, westToEast)
			if not northInterrupted and (not board.passable(north) or north in exclude or north in visited):
				northInterrupted = True
			elif northInterrupted and board.passable(north) and north not in exclude and north not in visited:
				northInterrupted = False
			south = board.rel(tron.SOUTH, westToEast)
			if not southInterrupted and (not board.passable(south) or south in exclude or south in visited):
				southInterrupted = True
			elif southInterrupted and board.passable(south) and south not in exclude and south not in visited:
				southInterrupted = False
			westToEast = board.rel(tron.EAST, westToEast)
	tron.debug("FLOODFILL TOOK: " + str(time.clock() - start) + "\n")
	return visited
コード例 #9
ファイル: survival.py プロジェクト: todayispotato/tron
def which_move(board):
	start = time.clock()
	if len(board.moves()) == 0:
		return tron.SOUTH
	#if len(board.moves()) == 1:
	#	tron.debug("Quickchoice: " + str(board.moves()[0]) + "\n\n")
	#	return board.moves()[0]

	enemyMoves = []
	for dir in board.moves(board.them()):
		enemyMoves.append(board.rel(dir, board.them()))

	deadCorners = []
	enemyReachable = False
	spaceCount = {}
	for dir in board.moves():
		dest = board.rel(dir)
		if dest in enemyMoves:
			#spaceCount[dir] = 1
			enemyReachable = True
		visited = floodfill(board, dest)
		enemyReachable = enemyReachable or len(filter(lambda node : node in enemyMoves, visited)) != 0
		deadCorners.extend([node for node in visited if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3 and node not in deadCorners])
		spaceCount[dir] = len(visited)

	tron.debug("Spacecount: " + str(spaceCount) + "\n")
	tron.debug("EnemyReachable: " + str(enemyReachable) + "\n")
	#enemyReachable = False
	if not enemyReachable:
		choice = tron.optimizeSpaceAlgorithm.execute(board, spaceCount, deadCorners)
		tron.debug("Choice: " + str(choice) + "\n")
		tron.debug("Turn took: " + str(time.clock() - start) + "\n\n")
		return choice

	enemySpaceCount = {}
	for dir in board.moves():
		myPos = board.rel(dir)
		enemySpaceCount[dir] = len(floodfill(board, board.them(), [myPos]))
	tron.debug("EnemySpaceCount: " + str(enemySpaceCount) + "\n")
	bestchoices = []
	maxscore = None
	for dir in spaceCount.keys():		
		score = spaceCount[dir] - enemySpaceCount[dir]
		if score == maxscore:
		elif maxscore == None or score > maxscore:
			maxscore = score
			bestchoices = [dir]
	bestchoices = findLongestPathDirections(board.me(), bestchoices)
	tron.debug("Bestchoices: " + str(bestchoices) + "\n")
	choice = random.choice(bestchoices)
	tron.debug("Choice: " + str(choice) + "\n")
	tron.debug("Turn took: " + str(time.clock() - start) + "\n\n")
	return choice
コード例 #10
ファイル: survival.py プロジェクト: larsderidder/tron
def which_move(board):
    start = time.clock()

    if len(board.moves()) == 0:
        return tron.SOUTH

    #if len(board.moves()) == 1:
    #	tron.debug("Quickchoice: " + str(board.moves()[0]) + "\n\n")
    #	return board.moves()[0]

    enemyMoves = []
    for dir in board.moves(board.them()):
        enemyMoves.append(board.rel(dir, board.them()))

    deadCorners = []
    enemyReachable = False
    spaceCount = {}
    for dir in board.moves():
        dest = board.rel(dir)
        if dest in enemyMoves:
            #spaceCount[dir] = 1
            enemyReachable = True
        visited = floodfill(board, dest)
        enemyReachable = enemyReachable or len(
            filter(lambda node: node in enemyMoves, visited)) != 0
            node for node in visited
            if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3
            and node not in deadCorners
        spaceCount[dir] = len(visited)

    tron.debug("Spacecount: " + str(spaceCount) + "\n")
    tron.debug("EnemyReachable: " + str(enemyReachable) + "\n")
    #enemyReachable = False
    if not enemyReachable:
        choice = tron.optimizeSpaceAlgorithm.execute(board, spaceCount,
        tron.debug("Choice: " + str(choice) + "\n")
        tron.debug("Turn took: " + str(time.clock() - start) + "\n\n")
        return choice

    enemySpaceCount = {}
    for dir in board.moves():
        myPos = board.rel(dir)
        enemySpaceCount[dir] = len(floodfill(board, board.them(), [myPos]))

    tron.debug("EnemySpaceCount: " + str(enemySpaceCount) + "\n")

    bestchoices = []
    maxscore = None
    for dir in spaceCount.keys():
        score = spaceCount[dir] - enemySpaceCount[dir]
        if score == maxscore:
        elif maxscore == None or score > maxscore:
            maxscore = score
            bestchoices = [dir]

    bestchoices = findLongestPathDirections(board.me(), bestchoices)
    tron.debug("Bestchoices: " + str(bestchoices) + "\n")

    choice = random.choice(bestchoices)
    tron.debug("Choice: " + str(choice) + "\n")
    tron.debug("Turn took: " + str(time.clock() - start) + "\n\n")
    return choice