def __init__(self, app): super(Interface, self).__init__(app) backdrop = pygame.Surface(app.screenManager.scaledSize) backdrop.fill((128, 0, 128)) i1 = prompt.InputBox(, Area((40, 40), (300, 50)), 'Mouse Over', font=Font("KLEPTOCR.TTF", 36)) i1.onClick.addListener(self.setFocus) i2 = prompt.InputBox(, Area((340, 140), (200, 50)), 'Mouse Over', font=Font("KLEPTOCR.TTF", 36)) i2.onClick.addListener(self.setFocus) h1 = hint.Hint(, "You absolutely\nRULE!", i1, Font("KLEPTOCR.TTF", 24)) h2 = hint.Hint(, "Like, amazingly so!! TROSNOTH!@!!@!", i2, Font("KLEPTOCR.TTF", 24)) h3 = hint.Hint(, "A secret!\nWell done, you have found a magical land of wonder and amazement!! \nYou win absolutely nothing, but at least you have a good story to tell now.", pygame.Rect(500, 400, 100, 50), Font("KLEPTOCR.TTF", 24)) self.elements = [ elements.PictureElement(app, backdrop), i1, h1, i2, h2, h3 ]
def __init__(self, app): super(Interface, self).__init__(app) backdrop = pygame.Surface(app.screenManager.scaledSize) backdrop.fill((128, 0, 128)) f = open('credits.txt', 'r') credPos = (50, 50) size = (500, 350) fonts = { 'body':, 'h1':, 'h2': } cred = scrollingText.ScrollingText(, credPos, size,, (0, 0, 0), fonts, bgColour=(255, 255, 255), autoScroll=False, speed=100, align='middle', border=True, loop=True) def doIt(): print("Done Scrolling") cred.onFinishedScrolling.addListener(lambda: doIt()) self.elements = [elements.PictureElement(app, backdrop), cred]
def __init__(self, app): super(Interface, self).__init__(app) # Draw the background bg = pygame.surface.Surface(app.screenManager.scaledSize) bg.fill((0, 128, 0)) from random import randint for x in range(0, 20): randPos = (randint(0, 580), randint(0, 430)) pygame.draw.rect(bg, (255, 0, 0), pygame.rect.Rect(randPos, (20, 20)), 10) box = FunBox(app, "Disgusting Colour Scheme?") box._setPos((0, 0)) box2 = FunBox(app, "Heck Yes!") box2.setColours(borderColour=(192, 0, 192)) box3 = FunBox(app, "") box3._setPos((10, 10)) box4 = YesNoBox(app, (300, 200), "A question: ", "Is Trosnoth cool?") box4.onClose.addListener( lambda: OkBox(app, (200, 100), "Result", "You pressed %s" % DialogResult.text[box4.result]).show()) self.elements = [elements.PictureElement(app, bg)] box.onClose.addListener(lambda: setScreenProperties((1024, 768), 0, "Testing"))
def __init__(self, app): super(Interface, self).__init__(app) backdrop = pygame.Surface(app.screenManager.scaledSize) backdrop.fill((128,0,128)) con = console.TrosnothInteractiveConsole(app, Font(None, 18), Area((0, 200), (500, 200))) con.interact().addCallback(self.done) self.elements = [elements.PictureElement(app, backdrop), con] self.setFocus(con)
def __init__(self, app): super(Interface, self).__init__(app) backdrop = pygame.Surface(app.screenManager.scaledSize) backdrop.fill((128, 0, 128)) s1 = slider.Slider(app, ScaledArea(100, 100, 400, 60)) #s1.setRange(50,150) t1 = elements.TextElement(app, "100", Font(None, 60), ScaledLocation(100, 200)) t2 = elements.TextElement(app, "100", Font(None, 60), ScaledLocation(550, 100)) onSlide = lambda x: t1.setText("%.1f" % x) onChange = lambda x: t2.setText("%.1f" % x) s1.onSlide.addListener(onSlide) s1.onValueChanged.addListener(onChange) self.elements = [elements.PictureElement(app, backdrop), s1, t1, t2]
def __init__(self, app): super(Interface, self).__init__(app) backdrop = pygame.image.load('Awesome Leaders.jpg').convert() x, y = backdrop.get_size() size = Size(x, y) sc1 = scrollableCanvas.ScrollableCanvas(app, ScaledLocation(20,20), size, ScaledSize(200,200)) sc2 = scrollableCanvas.ScrollableCanvas(app, ScaledLocation(230,20), size, ScaledSize(200,y+scrollableCanvas.ScrollBar.defaultWidth)) sc3 = scrollableCanvas.ScrollableCanvas(app, ScaledLocation(440,20), size, ScaledSize(x,y)) sc4 = scrollableCanvas.ScrollableCanvas(app, ScaledLocation(20,530), size, ScaledSize(x+scrollableCanvas.ScrollBar.defaultWidth, 200)) #sc5 = scrollableCanvas.ScrollableCanvas(app, ScaledLocation(20,530), size, ScaledSize(x+scrollableCanvas.ScrollBar.defaultWidth, y)) self.elements = [sc1, sc2, sc3, sc4]#, sc5] font = Font("KLEPTOCR.TTF", 30) onclick = lambda sender:, 1050), 0, "Testing") for sc in self.elements: sc.elements = [elements.PictureElement(app, backdrop, Location(scrollableCanvas.ScrollableCanvasAttachedPoint(sc, (0,0)), 'topleft')), elements.TextButton(app, Location(scrollableCanvas.ScrollableCanvasAttachedPoint(sc, (20,20))), "Hello", font, (0,128,0), (0,0,128), onClick = onclick)]
def __init__(self, app): super(Interface, self).__init__(app) bg = pygame.surface.Surface((1024,768)) bg.fill((255,255,0)) font = Font("KLEPTOCR.TTF", 30) tc = tabContainer.TabContainer(app, ScaledArea(10,10, 1004, 748), font, (0,128,0)) background = SizedImage('Awesome Leaders.jpg', tabContainer.TabSize(tc)) for x in range(0,1): t1 = tab.Tab(app, "Hellooooooooo") t1.elements = [elements.PictureElement(app, background, Location(AttachedPoint((0,0),tc._getTabRect,'topleft'),'topleft'))] t2 = NewTab(app, tc) t3 = EpilepticTab(app, tc) tc.addTab(t1) tc.addTab(t2) tc.addTab(t3) #tc._setTabHeaderDimensions(3,36,24,200) self.elements = [elements.Backdrop(app, bg), tc]
def __init__(self, app): super(Interface, self).__init__(app) backdrop = pygame.Surface(app.screenManager.scaledSize) backdrop.fill((128, 0, 128)) self.val = 4 self.l = ['hello', self.val] getColour = lambda item: ((255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 255))[str(item).startswith('h')] font = Font("KLEPTOCR.TTF", 30) self.s = statList.StatList(app, Location((550, 400), 'bottomright'), self.l, font, colourFunction=getColour, align='right') self.s.setVisible() f = lambda: self.s.setVisible(not self.s.getVisibility()) h = hotkey.Hotkey(app, pygame.K_s, 0) h.onTriggered.addListener(f) self.elements = [elements.PictureElement(app, backdrop), self.s, h]