コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):
        theClass = 'Object'

        wx.RegisterFirstCallerClassName(self, theClass)

        id = wx.ID_ANY

        # Establish connection with application logger and log the beginning
        # of class registration. Then establish application access to display
        # top-level window and to curses screen and windows.

        if Object.TheLogger is None:

            Object.PyApp_Object = self

            Object.PyApp_EventQueue = wxDoubleLinkedList()

            self.tsBeginClassRegistration(theClass, id)

コード例 #2
    def __init__(self,
                 parent,                 # Should be None unless modal mode
                 message,                # Alias for user prompt output
                 caption=wx.EmptyString, # Alias for title
                 value=wx.EmptyString,   # Option for default user input
                 style=wx.TEXT_ENTRY_DIALOG_STYLE, # Options for ClientRect
                 size=wx.DefaultSize,    # Extension for application use
                 pos=wx.DefaultPosition  # Option for application use
        theClass = 'TextEntry'

        # Capture initial caller parametsrs before they are changed
        self.caller_caption = caption
        self.caller_message = message
        self.caller_name = name
        self.caller_parent = parent
        self.caller_pos = pos
        self.caller_size = size
        self.caller_style = style
        self.caller_title = title
        self.caller_value = value

##        wx.RegisterFirstCallerClassName(self, theClass)

##        Dialog.__init__(self,
##                        parent, # self.GetParentForModalDialog(parent, style),
##                        id=wx.ID_ANY,
##                        title=title,
##                        pos=pos,
##                        size=size,
##                        # Apply Default Dialog Style to Top-Level Window
##                        # (defer TextEntryDialog style for internal layout)
##                        style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE,
##                        name=name)

        # Capture parameters.
        self.ts_Caption = self.backup_caption
        self.ts_Message = self.backup_message
        self.ts_Parent = self.backup_parent    # Should be None unless modal mode
        self.ts_Pos = self.backup_pos
        self.ts_Size = self.backup_size
        self.ts_Style = self.backup_style
        self.ts_Title = self.backup_title
        self.ts_Value = self.backup_value

##        (self.ts_Rect,
##         self.ts_ClientRect) = self.tsTextEntryDialogLayout(
##             parent, pos, size, style, caption)

        thePosition = self.Position
        theSize = self.Size

        if DEBUG:
            self.logger.debug('               self: %s' % self)
            self.logger.debug('             parent: %s' % parent)
            self.logger.debug('                 id: %s' % self.ts_Id)
            self.logger.debug('         AssignedId: %s' % self.ts_AssignedId)
            self.logger.debug('              title: %s' % title)
            self.logger.debug('                pos: %s' % thePosition)
            self.logger.debug('               size: %s' % theSize)
            self.logger.debug('              style: 0x%X' % style)
            self.logger.debug('               name: %s' % name)

        self.ts_Name = name
        self.ts_Parent = parent

        if True:
            self.ts_BackgroundColour = wx.ThemeToUse[
            self.ts_ForegroundColour = wx.ThemeToUse[
            self.ts_BackgroundColour = wx.ThemeToUse[
            self.ts_ForegroundColour = wx.ThemeToUse[

        self.ts_TextPad = None
        self.ts_IdleTimeQueue = wxDoubleLinkedList(lifoMode=False)
        self.ts_RealTimeQueue = wxDoubleLinkedList(lifoMode=False)

        self.ts_DescendantOrderOfShow = [self.ts_AssignedId]

        # The following redefines the usage of the style wx.CENTRE.
        # Intended only to govern the alignment of the buttons within
        # the dialog, we also apply it the centering of the dialog
        # itself within the desktop because the layout process cannot
        # wait for the application to initiate centering.
        if (self.ts_Style & wx.CENTRE) == wx.CENTRE:

            if DEBUG:

                msg = 'tsWxTextEntryDialog.__init__: ' + \
                      'Proceeding with tsDialogFeatureLayout. ' + \
                      'Style contains wx.CENTRE.'
                print('DEBUG: %s\n' % msg)


            self.ts_TextPad = self.tsDialogFeatureLayout()



            msg = 'tsWxTextEntryDialog.__init__: ' + \
                  'Skipped tsDialogFeatureLayout. ' + \
                  'Style did NOT contain wx.CENTRE.'
            print('ERROR: %s\n' % msg)

        self.ts_ButtonUserPressed = wx.ID_CANCEL

コード例 #3
    def __init__(self,
                 parent,                 # Should be None unless modal mode
                 message,                # Alias for user prompt output
                 caption=wx.EmptyString, # Alias for title
                 value=wx.EmptyString,   # Option for default user input
                 style=wx.TE_PASSWORD,   # Options for ClientRect
                 size=wx.DefaultSize,    # Extension for application use
                 pos=wx.DefaultPosition  # Option for application use
        Use ShowModal() to show the dialog.


        parent  Parent window.

        message Message to show on the dialog.

        caption The caption of the dialog.

        value   The default value, which may be the empty string.

        style   A dialog style, specifying the buttons (wxOK, wxCANCEL)
                and an optional wxCENTRE style. Additionally, wxTextCtrl
                styles (such as wxTE_PASSWORD or wxTE_MULTILINE) may be
                specified here.

        pos     Dialog position.
        theClass = 'PasswordEntryDialog'

        # Capture initial caller parametsrs before Dialog makes changes
        self.backup_parent = parent
        self.backup_message = message
        self.backup_caption = caption
        self.backup_value = value
        self.backup_style = style
        self.backup_size = size
        self.backup_pos = pos

        name = wx.PasswordEntryDialogNameStr
        title = caption
        self.backup_name = name
        self.backup_size = size
        self.backup_title = title

        # Capture initial caller parametsrs before they are changed
        self.caller_caption = caption
        self.caller_message = message
        self.caller_name = name
        self.caller_parent = parent
        self.caller_pos = pos
        self.caller_size = size
        self.caller_style = style
        self.caller_title = title
        self.caller_value = value

        wx.RegisterFirstCallerClassName(self, theClass)

            parent,          # Should be None unless modal mode
            message,         # Alias for user prompt output
            caption=caption, # Alias for title
            value=value,     # Option for default user input
            style=style,     # Options for ClientRect
            size=size,       # Extension for application use
            pos=pos          # Option for application use

        # Capture parameters.
        self.ts_Caption = self.backup_caption
        self.ts_Message = self.backup_message
        self.ts_Parent = self.backup_parent    # Should be None unless modal mode
        self.ts_Pos = self.backup_pos
        self.ts_Size = self.backup_size
        self.ts_Style = self.backup_style
        self.ts_Title = self.backup_title
        self.ts_Value = self.backup_value

        self.ts_Completion = False
        self.ts_PasswordMode = True
        self.ts_StripSpaces = True

##        (self.ts_Rect,
##         self.ts_ClientRect) = self.tsTextEntryDialogLayout(
##             parent, pos, size, style, caption)

        thePosition = self.Position
        theSize = self.Size

        if DEBUG:
            self.logger.debug('               self: %s' % self)
            self.logger.debug('             parent: %s' % parent)
            self.logger.debug('                 id: %s' % self.ts_Id)
            self.logger.debug('         AssignedId: %s' % self.ts_AssignedId)
            self.logger.debug('              title: %s' % title)
            self.logger.debug('                pos: %s' % thePosition)
            self.logger.debug('               size: %s' % theSize)
            self.logger.debug('              style: 0x%X' % style)
            self.logger.debug('               name: %s' % name)

        self.ts_Name = name
        self.ts_Parent = parent

        if True:
            self.ts_BackgroundColour = wx.ThemeToUse[
            self.ts_ForegroundColour = wx.ThemeToUse[
            self.ts_BackgroundColour = wx.ThemeToUse[
            self.ts_ForegroundColour = wx.ThemeToUse[

        self.ts_TextPad = None
        self.ts_IdleTimeQueue = wxDoubleLinkedList(lifoMode=False)
        self.ts_RealTimeQueue = wxDoubleLinkedList(lifoMode=False)

        self.ts_DescendantOrderOfShow = [self.ts_AssignedId]

        # The following redefines the usage of the style wx.CENTRE.
        # Intended only to govern the alignment of the buttons within
        # the dialog, we also apply it the centering of the dialog
        # itself within the desktop because the layout process cannot
        # wait for the application to initiate centering.
        if (self.ts_Style & wx.CENTRE) == wx.CENTRE:

            if DEBUG:

                msg = 'tsWxPasswordEntryDialog.__init__: ' + \
                      'Proceeding with tsDialogFeatureLayout. ' + \
                      'Style contains wx.CENTRE.'
                print('DEBUG: %s\n' % msg)


            # curses.noecho()

            self.ts_TextPad = self.tsDialogFeatureLayout()

            # curses.echo()



            msg = 'tsWxPasswordEntryDialog.__init__: ' + \
                  'Skipped tsDialogFeatureLayout. ' + \
                  'Style did NOT contain wx.CENTRE.'
            print('ERROR: %s\n' % msg)

        self.ts_ButtonUserPressed = wx.ID_CANCEL
