def download_crops(imgs, aoi, mirror, out_dir, parallel_downloads, timeout=600): """ Download a timeseries of crops with GDAL VSI feature. Args: imgs (list): list of images aoi (geojson.Polygon): area of interest mirror (str): either 'peps', 'aws' or 'scihub' out_dir (str): path where to store the downloaded crops parallel_downloads (int): number of parallel downloads """ print('Building {} {} download urls...'.format(len(imgs), mirror), end=' ') if mirror == 'scihub': parallel.run_calls( s1_metadata_parser.Sentinel1Image.build_scihub_links, imgs, pool_type='threads', nb_workers=parallel_downloads) else: parallel.run_calls(s1_metadata_parser.Sentinel1Image.build_s3_links, imgs, pool_type='threads', timeout=timeout, nb_workers=parallel_downloads) # convert aoi coords from (lon, lat) to UTM coords = utils.utm_bbx( aoi, r=60) # round to multiples of 60m to match Sentinel-2 grid crops_args = [] nb_removed = 0 for img in imgs: if not img.urls[mirror]: # then it cannot be downloaded nb_removed = nb_removed + 1 continue for p in img.polarisations: fname = os.path.join(out_dir, '{}_{}.tif'.format(img.filename, p)) crops_args.append((fname, img.urls[mirror][p], *coords)) if nb_removed: print('Removed {} image(s) with invalid urls'.format(nb_removed)) out_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(out_dir)) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) print( 'Downloading {} crops ({} images with 1 or 2 polarisations)...'.format( len(crops_args), len(imgs) - nb_removed), end=' ') parallel.run_calls(utils.crop_with_gdalwarp, crops_args, pool_type='processes', nb_workers=parallel_downloads)
def download(imgs, bands, aoi, mirror, out_dir, parallel_downloads): """ Download a timeseries of crops with GDAL VSI feature. Args: imgs (list): list of images bands (list): list of bands aoi (geojson.Polygon): area of interest mirror (str): either 'aws' or 'gcloud' out_dir (str): path where to store the downloaded crops parallel_downloads (int): number of parallel downloads """ coords = utils.utm_bbx(aoi) crops_args = [] for img in imgs: for b in set(bands + ['BQA']): fname = os.path.join(out_dir, '{}_band_{}.tif'.format(img.filename, b)) crops_args.append((fname, img.urls[mirror][b])) out_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(out_dir)) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) print('Downloading {} crops ({} images with {} bands)...'.format(len(crops_args), len(imgs), len(bands) +1), end=' ') parallel.run_calls(utils.crop_with_gdal_translate, crops_args, extra_args=(*coords,), pool_type='threads', nb_workers=parallel_downloads)
def download(imgs, bands, aoi, mirror, out_dir, parallel_downloads): """ Download a timeseries of crops with GDAL VSI feature. Args: imgs (list): list of images bands (list): list of bands aoi (geojson.Polygon): area of interest mirror (str): either 'aws' or 'gcloud' out_dir (str): path where to store the downloaded crops parallel_downloads (int): number of parallel downloads """ print('Building {} {} download urls...'.format(len(imgs), mirror), end=' ') if mirror == 'gcloud': parallel.run_calls(s2_metadata_parser.Sentinel2Image.build_gs_links, imgs, pool_type='threads', nb_workers=parallel_downloads) else: parallel.run_calls(s2_metadata_parser.Sentinel2Image.build_s3_links, imgs, pool_type='threads', nb_workers=parallel_downloads) crops_args = [] nb_removed = 0 for img in imgs: if not img.urls[mirror]: # then it cannot be downloaded nb_removed = nb_removed + 1 continue # convert aoi coords from (lon, lat) to UTM in the zone of the image coords = utils.utm_bbx(aoi, epsg=int( img.epsg), r=60) # round to multiples of 60 (B01 resolution) for b in bands: fname = os.path.join(out_dir, '{}_band_{}.tif'.format(img.filename, b)) crops_args.append((fname, img.urls[mirror][b], *coords)) if nb_removed: print('Removed {} image(s) with invalid urls'.format(nb_removed)) out_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(out_dir)) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) print('Downloading {} crops ({} images with {} bands)...'.format( len(crops_args), len(imgs) - nb_removed, len(bands)), end=' ') parallel.run_calls(utils.rasterio_geo_crop, crops_args, extra_args=('UInt16', ), pool_type='threads', nb_workers=parallel_downloads)
def download(imgs, bands, aoi, mirror, out_dir, parallel_downloads, no_crop=False, timeout=60): """ Download a timeseries of crops with GDAL VSI feature. Args: imgs (list): list of images bands (list): list of bands aoi (geojson.Polygon): area of interest mirror (str): either 'aws' or 'gcloud' out_dir (str): path where to store the downloaded crops parallel_downloads (int): number of parallel downloads no_crop (bool): don't crop but instead download the original JP2 files """ if mirror == "gcloud": parallel.run_calls(s2_metadata_parser.Sentinel2Image.build_gs_links, imgs, pool_type='threads', verbose=False, nb_workers=parallel_downloads, timeout=timeout) elif mirror == "aws": parallel.run_calls(s2_metadata_parser.Sentinel2Image.build_s3_links, imgs, pool_type='threads', verbose=False, nb_workers=parallel_downloads, timeout=timeout) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown mirror {mirror}") crops_args = [] nb_removed = 0 for img in imgs: if not img.urls[mirror]: # then it cannot be downloaded nb_removed = nb_removed + 1 continue # convert aoi coords from (lon, lat) to UTM in the zone of the image coords = () if aoi is not None: coords = utils.utm_bbx(aoi, epsg=int( img.epsg), r=60) # round to multiples of 60 (B01 resolution) for b in bands: fname = os.path.join(out_dir, '{}_band_{}.tif'.format(img.filename, b)) crops_args.append((fname, img.urls[mirror][b], *coords)) if nb_removed: print('Removed {} image(s) with invalid urls'.format(nb_removed)) out_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(out_dir)) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) print('Downloading {} crops ({} images with {} bands)...'.format( len(crops_args), len(imgs) - nb_removed, len(bands))) if no_crop or (aoi is None): # download original files for fname, url, *_ in crops_args: ext = url.split(".")[-1] # jp2, TIF, ..., fname.replace(".tif", f".{ext}")) else: # download crops parallel.run_calls(utils.rasterio_geo_crop, crops_args, pool_type='threads', nb_workers=parallel_downloads)
def get_time_series(aoi, start_date=None, end_date=None, item_types=['PSScene3Band'], asset_type='analytic', out_dir='', parallel_downloads=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), clip_and_ship=True, no_crop=False, satellite_id=None, item_id=None, search_type='contains', remove_duplicates=True): """ Main function: crop and download Planet images. """ # list available images items =, start_date, end_date, item_types=item_types, satellite_id=satellite_id, item_id=item_id, search_type=search_type, remove_duplicates=remove_duplicates) print('Found {} images'.format(len(items))) # list the requested asset for each available (and allowed) image print('Listing available {} assets...'.format(asset_type), flush=True, end=' ') assets = parallel.run_calls(get_item_asset_info, items, extra_args=(asset_type, ), pool_type='threads', nb_workers=parallel_downloads, timeout=600) # remove 'None' (ie not allowed) assets and corresponding items items = [i for (i, a) in zip(items, assets) if a] assets = [a for a in assets if a] print('Have permissions for {} images'.format(len(items))) # activate the allowed assets print('Requesting activation of {} images...'.format(len(assets)), flush=True, end=' ') parallel.run_calls(request_activation, assets, pool_type='threads', nb_workers=parallel_downloads, timeout=600) # warn user about quota usage n = len(assets) if clip_and_ship: a = n * area.area(aoi) else: a = sum(area.area(i['geometry']) for i in items) print('Your current quota usage is {}'.format(get_quota()), flush=True) print('Downloading these {} images will increase it by {:.3f} km²'.format( n, a / 1e6), flush=True) # build filenames ext = 'zip' if clip_and_ship else 'tif' out_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(out_dir)) fnames = [ os.path.join(out_dir, '{}.{}'.format(fname_from_metadata(i), ext)) for i in items ] if clip_and_ship: print('Requesting clip of {} images...'.format(len(assets)), flush=True, end=' ') clips = parallel.run_calls(request_clip, list(zip(items, assets)), extra_args=(aoi, ), pool_type='threads', nb_workers=parallel_downloads, timeout=3600) # remove clips that were rejected ok = [i for i, x in enumerate(clips) if x] clips = [clips[i] for i in range(len(clips)) if i in ok] fnames = [fnames[i] for i in range(len(fnames)) if i in ok] print('Downloading {} clips...'.format(len(clips)), end=' ', flush=True) parallel.run_calls(download_clip, list(zip(clips, fnames)), pool_type='threads', nb_workers=parallel_downloads, timeout=3600) elif no_crop: # download full images os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) print('Downloading {} full images...'.format(len(assets)), end=' ') parallel.run_calls(download_asset, list(zip(fnames, assets)), pool_type='threads', nb_workers=parallel_downloads, timeout=1200) else: if asset_type in [ 'udm', 'visual', 'analytic', 'analytic_dn', 'analytic_sr' ]: aoi_type = 'utm_rectangle' aoi = utils.utm_bbx(aoi) else: aoi_type = 'lonlat_polygon' # download crops with gdal through vsicurl os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) print('Downloading {} crops...'.format(len(assets)), end=' ') parallel.run_calls(download_crop, list(zip(fnames, assets)), extra_args=(aoi, aoi_type), pool_type='threads', nb_workers=parallel_downloads, timeout=300) # embed some metadata in the image files for f, img in zip(fnames, items): # embed some metadata as gdal geotiff tags if os.path.isfile(f): utils.set_geotif_metadata_items( f, metadata_from_metadata_dict(img))