def __init__(self, conf, viewer=pin.visualize.MeshcatVisualizer): self.conf = conf self.t_limit = False self.j_limit = True self.robot = tsid.RobotWrapper(conf.urdf, [conf.path], pin.JointModelFreeFlyer(), False) robot = self.robot self.model = robot.model() pin.loadReferenceConfigurations(self.model, conf.srdf, False) self.q0 = q = self.model.referenceConfigurations["half_sitting"] self.q0[0] = q[0] + 0.003 + 0.6 self.q0[1] = q[1] - 0.001 # self.q0[2] += 0.84 q = self.q0 v = np.zeros(robot.nv) assert self.model.existFrame(conf.rf_frame_name) assert self.model.existFrame(conf.lf_frame_name) formulation = tsid.InverseDynamicsFormulationAccForce( "tsid", robot, False) formulation.computeProblemData(0.0, q, v) data = contact_Point = np.ones((3, 4)) * conf.lz contact_Point[0, :] = [-conf.lxn, -conf.lxn, conf.lxp, conf.lxp] contact_Point[1, :] = [-conf.lyn, conf.lyp, -conf.lyn, conf.lyp] contactRF = tsid.Contact6d("contact_rfoot", robot, conf.rf_frame_name, contact_Point, conf.contactNormal,, conf.fMin, conf.fMax) contactRF.setKp(conf.kp_contact * np.ones(6)) contactRF.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(conf.kp_contact) * np.ones(6)) self.RF = robot.model().getFrameId(conf.rf_frame_name) H_rf_ref = robot.framePosition(data, self.RF) # modify initial robot configuration so that foot is on the ground (z=0) q[2] -= H_rf_ref.translation[2] - conf.lz formulation.computeProblemData(0.0, q, v) data = H_rf_ref = robot.framePosition(data, self.RF) contactRF.setReference(H_rf_ref) if conf.w_contact >= 0.0: formulation.addRigidContact(contactRF, conf.w_forceRef, conf.w_contact, 1) else: formulation.addRigidContact(contactRF, conf.w_forceRef) contactLF = tsid.Contact6d("contact_lfoot", robot, conf.lf_frame_name, contact_Point, conf.contactNormal,, conf.fMin, conf.fMax) contactLF.setKp(conf.kp_contact * np.ones(6)) contactLF.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(conf.kp_contact) * np.ones(6)) self.LF = robot.model().getFrameId(conf.lf_frame_name) H_lf_ref = robot.framePosition(data, self.LF) contactLF.setReference(H_lf_ref) if conf.w_contact >= 0.0: formulation.addRigidContact(contactLF, conf.w_forceRef, conf.w_contact, 1) else: formulation.addRigidContact(contactLF, conf.w_forceRef) comTask = tsid.TaskComEquality("task-com", robot) comTask.setKp(conf.kp_com * np.ones(3)) comTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(conf.kp_com) * np.ones(3)) formulation.addMotionTask(comTask, conf.w_com, 1, 0.0) postureTask = tsid.TaskJointPosture("task-posture", robot) postureTask.setKp(conf.kp_posture * conf.gain_vector) postureTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(conf.kp_posture * conf.gain_vector)) postureTask.mask(conf.masks_posture) formulation.addMotionTask(postureTask, conf.w_posture, 1, 0.0) orientationRootTask = tsid.TaskSE3Equality("task-orientation-root", robot, 'root_joint') mask = np.ones(6) mask[0:3] = 0 orientationRootTask.setMask(mask) orientationRootTask.setKp(conf.kp_rootOrientation * mask) orientationRootTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(conf.kp_rootOrientation * mask)) trajoriRoot = tsid.TrajectorySE3Constant("traj-ori", pin.SE3().Identity()) formulation.addMotionTask(orientationRootTask, conf.w_rootOrientation, 1, 0.0) self.amTask = tsid.TaskAMEquality("task-am", robot) self.amTask.setKp(conf.kp_am * np.array([1., 1., 0.])) self.amTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(conf.kp_am * np.array([1., 1., 0.]))) formulation.addMotionTask(self.amTask, conf.w_am, 1, 0.) self.sampleAM = tsid.TrajectorySample(3) self.amTask.setReference(self.sampleAM) self.leftFootTask = tsid.TaskSE3Equality("task-left-foot", self.robot, self.conf.lf_frame_name) self.leftFootTask.setKp(self.conf.kp_foot * np.ones(6)) self.leftFootTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(self.conf.kp_foot) * np.ones(6)) self.trajLF = tsid.TrajectorySE3Constant("traj-left-foot", H_lf_ref) formulation.addMotionTask(self.leftFootTask, self.conf.w_foot, 1, 0.0) self.rightFootTask = tsid.TaskSE3Equality("task-right-foot", self.robot, self.conf.rf_frame_name) self.rightFootTask.setKp(self.conf.kp_foot * np.ones(6)) self.rightFootTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(self.conf.kp_foot) * np.ones(6)) self.trajRF = tsid.TrajectorySE3Constant("traj-right-foot", H_rf_ref) formulation.addMotionTask(self.rightFootTask, self.conf.w_foot, 1, 0.0) if self.t_limit: self.tau_max = conf.tau_max_scaling * robot.model( ).effortLimit[] self.tau_min = -self.tau_max actuationBoundsTask = tsid.TaskActuationBounds( "task-actuation-bounds", robot) actuationBoundsTask.setBounds(self.tau_min, self.tau_max) if conf.w_torque_bounds > 0.0: print("torque_limit") formulation.addActuationTask(actuationBoundsTask, conf.w_torque_bounds, 0, 0.0) if self.j_limit: jointBoundsTask = tsid.TaskJointBounds("task-joint-bounds", robot, conf.dt) self.v_max = conf.v_max_scaling * robot.model( ).velocityLimit[] self.v_min = -self.v_max jointBoundsTask.setVelocityBounds(self.v_min, self.v_max) if conf.w_joint_bounds > 0.0: print("joint_limit") formulation.addMotionTask(jointBoundsTask, conf.w_joint_bounds, 0, 0.0) com_ref = self.trajCom = tsid.TrajectoryEuclidianConstant("traj_com", com_ref) self.sample_com = self.trajCom.computeNext() q_ref = q[7:] q_ref[:12] = np.array([ 0., 0., -0.4114, 0.8594, -0.448, -0.0017, 0., 0., -0.4114, 0.8594, -0.448, -0.0017 ]) self.trajPosture = tsid.TrajectoryEuclidianConstant( "traj_joint", q_ref) postureTask.setReference(self.trajPosture.computeNext()) orientationRootTask.setReference(trajoriRoot.computeNext()) self.sampleLF = self.trajLF.computeNext() self.sample_LF_pos = self.sampleLF.pos() self.sample_LF_vel = self.sampleLF.vel() self.sample_LF_acc = self.sampleLF.acc() self.sampleRF = self.trajRF.computeNext() self.sample_RF_pos = self.sampleRF.pos() self.sample_RF_vel = self.sampleRF.vel() self.sample_RF_acc = self.sampleRF.acc() self.solver = tsid.SolverHQuadProgFast("qp solver") self.solver.resize(formulation.nVar, formulation.nEq, formulation.nIn) self.comTask = comTask self.postureTask = postureTask self.contactRF = contactRF self.contactLF = contactLF if self.t_limit: self.actuationBoundsTask = actuationBoundsTask if self.j_limit: self.jointBoundsTask = jointBoundsTask self.orientationRootTask = orientationRootTask self.formulation = formulation self.q = q self.v = v self.contact_LF_active = True self.contact_RF_active = True if viewer: self.robot_display = pin.RobotWrapper.BuildFromURDF( conf.urdf, [conf.path], pin.JointModelFreeFlyer()) if viewer == pin.visualize.GepettoVisualizer: import gepetto.corbaserver launched = subprocess.getstatusoutput( "ps aux |grep 'gepetto-gui'|grep -v 'grep'|wc -l") if int(launched[1]) == 0: os.system('gepetto-gui &') time.sleep(1) self.viz = viewer(self.robot_display.model, self.robot_display.collision_model, self.robot_display.visual_model) self.viz.initViewer(loadModel=True) self.viz.displayCollisions(False) self.viz.displayVisuals(True) self.viz.display(q) self.gui = self.viz.viewer.gui # self.gui.setCameraTransform(0, conf.CAMERA_TRANSFORM) # self.gui.addFloor('world/floor') self.gui.setLightingMode('world/floor', 'OFF') elif viewer == pin.visualize.MeshcatVisualizer: self.viz = viewer(self.robot_display.model, self.robot_display.collision_model, self.robot_display.visual_model) self.viz.initViewer(loadModel=True) self.viz.display(q)
def generate_wholebody_tsid(cfg, cs_ref, fullBody=None, viewer=None, robot=None, queue_qt = None): """ Generate the whole body motion corresponding to the given contactSequence :param cs: Contact sequence containing the references, it will only be modified if the end effector trajectories are not valid. New references will be generated and added to the cs :param fullBody: Required to compute collision free end effector trajectories :param viewer: If provided, and the settings are enabled, display the end effector trajectories and the last step computed :param robot: a tsid.RobotWrapper instance. If None, a new one is created from the urdf files defined in cfg :param queue_qt: If not None, the joint trajectories are send to this multiprocessing.Queue during computation The queue take a tuple: [q_t (a Curve object), ContactPhase (may be None), Bool (True mean that this is the last trajectory of the motion)] :return: a new ContactSequence object, containing the wholebody trajectories, and the other trajectories computed from the wholebody motion request with cfg.IK_STORE_* and a robotWrapper instance """ # define nested functions used in control loop # def appendJointsValues(first_iter_for_phase = False): """ Append the current q value to the current phase.q_t trajectory :param first_iter_for_phase: if True, set the current phase.q_init value and initialize a new Curve for phase.q_t """ if first_iter_for_phase: phase.q_init = q phase.q_t = piecewise(polynomial(q.reshape(-1,1), t, t)) #phase.root_t = piecewise_SE3(constantSE3curve(SE3FromConfig(q) ,t)) else: phase.q_t.append(q, t) #phase.root_t.append(SE3FromConfig(q), t) if queue_qt: queue_qt.put([phase.q_t.curve_at_index(phase.q_t.num_curves()-1), phase.dq_t.curve_at_index(phase.dq_t.num_curves()-1), None, False]) def appendJointsDerivatives(first_iter_for_phase=False): """ Append the current v and dv value to the current phase.dq_t and phase.ddq_t trajectory :param first_iter_for_phase: if True, initialize a new Curve for phase.dq_t and phase.ddq_t """ if first_iter_for_phase: phase.dq_t = piecewise(polynomial(v.reshape(-1, 1), t, t)) phase.ddq_t = piecewise(polynomial(dv.reshape(-1, 1), t, t)) else: phase.dq_t.append(v, t) phase.ddq_t.append(dv, t) def appendTorques(first_iter_for_phase = False): """ Append the current tau value to the current phase.tau_t trajectory :param first_iter_for_phase: if True, initialize a new Curve for phase.tau_t """ tau = invdyn.getActuatorForces(sol) if first_iter_for_phase: phase.tau_t = piecewise(polynomial(tau.reshape(-1,1), t, t)) else: phase.tau_t.append(tau, t) def appendCentroidal(first_iter_for_phase = False): """ Compute the values of the CoM position, velocity, acceleration, the anuglar momentum and it's derivative from the wholebody data and append them to the current phase trajectories :param first_iter_for_phase: if True, set the initial values for the current phase and initialize the centroidal trajectories """ pcom, vcom, acom =, v, dv) L = pinRobot.centroidalMomentum(q, v).angular dL = pin.computeCentroidalMomentumTimeVariation(pinRobot.model,, q, v, dv).angular if first_iter_for_phase: phase.c_init = pcom phase.dc_init = vcom phase.ddc_init = acom phase.L_init = L phase.dL_init = dL phase.c_t = piecewise(polynomial(pcom.reshape(-1,1), t , t)) phase.dc_t = piecewise(polynomial(vcom.reshape(-1,1), t, t)) phase.ddc_t = piecewise(polynomial(acom.reshape(-1,1), t, t)) phase.L_t = piecewise(polynomial(L.reshape(-1,1), t, t)) phase.dL_t = piecewise(polynomial(dL.reshape(-1,1), t, t)) else: phase.c_t.append(pcom, t) phase.dc_t.append(vcom, t) phase.ddc_t.append(acom, t) phase.L_t.append(L, t) phase.dL_t.append(dL, t) def appendZMP(first_iter_for_phase = False): """ Compute the zmp from the current wholebody data and append it to the current phase :param first_iter_for_phase: if True, initialize a new Curve for phase.zmp_t """ tau = pin.rnea(pinRobot.model,, q, v, dv) # tau without external forces, only used for the 6 first # res.tau_t[:6,k_t] = tau[:6] phi0 =[1].act(Force(tau[:6])) wrench = phi0.vector zmp = shiftZMPtoFloorAltitude(cs, t, phi0, cfg.Robot) if first_iter_for_phase: phase.zmp_t = piecewise(polynomial(zmp.reshape(-1,1), t, t)) phase.wrench_t = piecewise(polynomial(wrench.reshape(-1,1), t, t)) else: phase.zmp_t.append(zmp, t) phase.wrench_t.append(wrench, t) def appendEffectorsTraj(first_iter_for_phase = False): """ Append the current position of the effectors not in contact to the current phase trajectories :param first_iter_for_phase: if True, initialize a new Curve for the phase effector trajectories """ if first_iter_for_phase and phase_prev: for eeName in phase_prev.effectorsWithTrajectory(): if t > phase_prev.effectorTrajectory(eeName).max(): placement = getCurrentEffectorPosition(robot,, eeName) phase_prev.effectorTrajectory(eeName).append(placement, t) for eeName in phase.effectorsWithTrajectory(): placement = getCurrentEffectorPosition(robot,, eeName) if first_iter_for_phase: phase.addEffectorTrajectory(eeName, piecewise_SE3(constantSE3curve(placement, t))) else: phase.effectorTrajectory(eeName).append(placement, t) def appendContactForcesTrajs(first_iter_for_phase = False): """ Append the current contact force value to the current phase, for all the effectors in contact :param first_iter_for_phase: if True, initialize a new Curve for the phase contact trajectories """ for eeName in phase.effectorsInContact(): contact = dic_contacts[eeName] if invdyn.checkContact(, sol): contact_forces = invdyn.getContactForce(, sol) contact_normal_force = np.array(contact.getNormalForce(contact_forces)) else: logger.warning("invdyn check contact returned false while the reference contact is active !") contact_normal_force = np.zeros(1) if cfg.Robot.cType == "_3_DOF": contact_forces = np.zeros(3) else: contact_forces = np.zeros(12) if first_iter_for_phase: phase.addContactForceTrajectory(eeName, piecewise(polynomial(contact_forces.reshape(-1,1), t, t))) phase.addContactNormalForceTrajectory(eeName, piecewise(polynomial(contact_normal_force.reshape(1,1), t, t))) else: phase.contactForce(eeName).append(contact_forces, t) phase.contactNormalForce(eeName).append(contact_normal_force.reshape(1), t) def storeData(first_iter_for_phase = False): """ Append all the required data (selected in the configuration file) to the current ContactPhase :param first_iter_for_phase: if True, set the initial values for the current phase and correctly initiliaze empty trajectories for this phase """ if cfg.IK_store_joints_derivatives: appendJointsDerivatives(first_iter_for_phase) appendJointsValues(first_iter_for_phase) if cfg.IK_store_joints_torque: appendTorques(first_iter_for_phase) if cfg.IK_store_centroidal: appendCentroidal(first_iter_for_phase) if cfg.IK_store_zmp: appendZMP(first_iter_for_phase) if cfg.IK_store_effector: appendEffectorsTraj(first_iter_for_phase) if cfg.IK_store_contact_forces: appendContactForcesTrajs(first_iter_for_phase) def printIntermediate(): """ Print the current state: active contacts, tracking errors, computed joint acceleration and velocity :return: """ if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): print("Time %.3f" % (t)) for eeName, contact in dic_contacts.items(): if invdyn.checkContact(, sol): f = invdyn.getContactForce(, sol) print("\tnormal force %s: %.1f" % (, '.'), contact.getNormalForce(f))) print("\ttracking err %s: %.3f" % (, '.'), norm(comTask.position_error, 2))) for eeName in phase.effectorsWithTrajectory(): task = dic_effectors_tasks[eeName] error = task.position_error if cfg.Robot.cType == "_3_DOF": error = error[0:3] print("\ttracking err %s: %.3f" % (, '.'), norm(error, 2))) print("\t||v||: %.3f\t ||dv||: %.3f" % (norm(v, 2), norm(dv))) def checkDiverge(): """ Check if either the joint velocity or acceleration is over a treshold or is NaN, and raise an error """ if norm(dv) > 1e6 or norm(v) > 1e6: logger.error("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") logger.error("/!\ ABORT : controler unstable at t = %f /!\ ", t) logger.error("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") raise ValueError("ABORT : controler unstable at t = " + str(t)) if math.isnan(norm(dv)) or math.isnan(norm(v)): logger.error("!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") logger.error("/!\ ABORT : nan at t = %f /!\ ", t) logger.error("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") raise ValueError("ABORT : controler unstable at t = " + str(t)) def stopHere(): """ Set the current data as final values for the current phase, resize the contact sequence if needed and return :return: [The current ContactSequence, the RobotWrapper] """ setPreviousFinalValues(phase_prev, phase, cfg) if cfg.WB_ABORT_WHEN_INVALID: # cut the sequence up to the last phase cs.resize(pid) return cs, robot elif cfg.WB_RETURN_INVALID: # cut the sequence up to the current phase cs.resize(pid+1) return cs, robot ### End of nested functions definitions ### if not viewer: logger.warning("No viewer linked, cannot display end_effector trajectories.") logger.warning("Start TSID ... ") # copy the given contact sequence to keep it as reference : cs = ContactSequence(cs_ref) # delete all the 'reference' trajectories from result (to leave room for the real trajectories stored) deleteAllTrajectories(cs) # Create a robot wrapper if robot is None or cfg.IK_store_centroidal or cfg.IK_store_zmp: rp = RosPack() package_name = cfg.Robot.packageName.split("/")[0] package_path = rp.get_path(package_name) urdf = package_path + cfg.Robot.packageName.lstrip( package_name) + '/urdf/' + cfg.Robot.urdfName + cfg.Robot.urdfSuffix + '.urdf'"load robot : %s", urdf) if robot is None:"load robot : %s", urdf) robot = tsid.RobotWrapper(urdf, pin.StdVec_StdString(), pin.JointModelFreeFlyer(), False) else:"Use given robot in tsid.")"robot loaded in tsid.") if cfg.IK_store_centroidal or cfg.IK_store_zmp:"load pinocchio robot ...") # FIXME : tsid robotWrapper don't have all the required methods, only pinocchio have them pinRobot = pin.RobotWrapper.BuildFromURDF(urdf, package_path, pin.JointModelFreeFlyer())"pinocchio robot loaded.") # get the selected end effector trajectory generation method effectorMethod, effectorCanRetry = cfg.get_effector_method() # get the selected simulator method Simulator = cfg.get_simulator_class() simulator = Simulator(cfg.IK_dt, robot.model()) ### Define initial state of the robot ### phase0 = cs.contactPhases[0] q = phase0.q_init[:robot.nq].copy() if not q.any(): raise RuntimeError("The contact sequence doesn't contain an initial whole body configuration") t = phase0.timeInitial if cs_ref.contactPhases[0].dq_t and cs_ref.contactPhases[0].dq_t.min() <= t <= cs_ref.contactPhases[0].dq_t.max(): v = cs_ref.contactPhases[0].dq_t(t) else: v = np.zeros(robot.nv) logger.debug("V_init used in tsid : %s", v) invdyn = tsid.InverseDynamicsFormulationAccForce("tsid", robot, False) invdyn.computeProblemData(t, q, v) simulator.init(q, v) # add initial contacts : dic_contacts = {} for eeName in cs.contactPhases[0].effectorsInContact(): # replace the initial contact patch placements if needed to match exactly the current position in the problem: updateContactPlacement(cs, 0, eeName, getCurrentEffectorPosition(robot,, eeName), cfg.Robot.cType == "_6_DOF") # create the contacts : contact = createContactForEffector(cfg, invdyn, robot, eeName, phase0.contactPatch(eeName), False) dic_contacts.update({eeName: contact}) if cfg.EFF_CHECK_COLLISION: # initialise object needed to check the motion from mlp.utils import check_path validator = check_path.PathChecker(fullBody, cfg.CHECK_DT, logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO)) ### Initialize all task used ###"initialize tasks : ") if cfg.w_com > 0. : comTask = tsid.TaskComEquality("task-com", robot) comTask.setKp(cfg.kp_com * np.ones(3)) comTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(cfg.kp_com) * np.ones(3)) invdyn.addMotionTask(comTask, cfg.w_com, cfg.level_com, 0.0) else: comTask = None if cfg.w_am > 0.: amTask = tsid.TaskAMEquality("task-am", robot) amTask.setKp(cfg.kp_am * np.array([1., 1., 0.])) amTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(cfg.kp_am * np.array([1., 1., 0.]))) invdyn.addMotionTask(amTask, cfg.w_am, cfg.level_am, 0.) else: amTask = None if cfg.w_posture > 0.: postureTask = tsid.TaskJointPosture("task-joint-posture", robot) postureTask.setKp(cfg.kp_posture * cfg.gain_vector) postureTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(cfg.kp_posture * cfg.gain_vector)) postureTask.setMask(cfg.masks_posture) invdyn.addMotionTask(postureTask, cfg.w_posture, cfg.level_posture, 0.0) q_ref = cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG samplePosture = tsid.TrajectorySample(q_ref.shape[0] - 7) samplePosture.pos(q_ref[7:]) # -7 because we remove the freeflyer part else : postureTask = None if cfg.w_rootOrientation > 0. : orientationRootTask = tsid.TaskSE3Equality("task-orientation-root", robot, 'root_joint') mask = np.ones(6) mask[0:3] = 0 mask[5] = cfg.YAW_ROT_GAIN orientationRootTask.setMask(mask) orientationRootTask.setKp(cfg.kp_rootOrientation * mask) orientationRootTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(cfg.kp_rootOrientation * mask)) invdyn.addMotionTask(orientationRootTask, cfg.w_rootOrientation, cfg.level_rootOrientation, 0.0) else: orientationRootTask = None # init effector task objects : usedEffectors = cs.getAllEffectorsInContact() dic_effectors_tasks = createEffectorTasksDic(cfg, usedEffectors, robot) # Add bounds tasks if required: if cfg.w_torque_bounds > 0.: tau_max = cfg.scaling_torque_bounds*robot.model().effortLimit[] tau_min = -tau_max actuationBoundsTask = tsid.TaskActuationBounds("task-actuation-bounds", robot) actuationBoundsTask.setBounds(tau_min, tau_max) invdyn.addActuationTask(actuationBoundsTask, cfg.w_torque_bounds, 0, 0.0) if cfg.w_joint_bounds > 0.: jointBoundsTask = tsid.TaskJointBounds("task-joint-bounds", robot, cfg.IK_dt) v_max = cfg.scaling_vel_bounds * robot.model().velocityLimit[] v_min = -v_max print("v_max : ", v_max) jointBoundsTask.setVelocityBounds(v_min, v_max) invdyn.addMotionTask(jointBoundsTask, cfg.w_joint_bounds, 0, 0.0) solver = tsid.SolverHQuadProg("qp solver") solver.resize(invdyn.nVar, invdyn.nEq, invdyn.nIn) # time check dt = cfg.IK_dt"dt : %f", dt)"tsid initialized, start control loop") #raw_input("Enter to start the motion (motion displayed as it's computed, may be slower than real-time)") time_start = time.time() # For each phases, create the necessary task and references trajectories : for pid in range(cs.size()):"## for phase : %d", pid)"t = %f", t) # phase_ref contains the reference trajectories and should not be modified exept for new effector trajectories # when the first ones was not collision free phase_ref = cs_ref.contactPhases[pid] # phase de not contains trajectories (exept for the end effectors) and should be modified with the new values computed phase = cs.contactPhases[pid] if pid > 0: phase_prev = cs.contactPhases[pid - 1] else: phase_prev = None if pid < cs.size() - 1: phase_next = cs.contactPhases[pid + 1] else: phase_next = None time_interval = [phase_ref.timeInitial, phase_ref.timeFinal]"time_interval %s", time_interval) # take CoM and AM trajectory from the phase, with their derivatives com_traj = [phase_ref.c_t, phase_ref.dc_t, phase_ref.ddc_t] am_traj = [phase_ref.L_t, phase_ref.L_t, phase_ref.dL_t] # add root's orientation ref from reference config : root_traj = phase_ref.root_t # add se3 tasks for end effector when required for eeName in phase.effectorsWithTrajectory():"add se3 task for %s", eeName) task = dic_effectors_tasks[eeName] invdyn.addMotionTask(task, cfg.w_eff, cfg.level_eff, 0.) adjustEndEffectorTrajectoryIfNeeded(cfg, phase_ref, robot,, eeName, effectorMethod)"t interval : %s", time_interval) # add newly created contacts : new_contacts_names = [] # will store the names of the contact tasks created at this phase for eeName in usedEffectors: if phase_prev and phase_ref.isEffectorInContact(eeName) and not phase_prev.isEffectorInContact(eeName): invdyn.removeTask(dic_effectors_tasks[eeName].name, 0.0) # remove pin task for this contact"remove se3 effector task : %s", dic_effectors_tasks[eeName].name) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): current_placement = getCurrentEffectorPosition(robot,, eeName) logger.debug("Current effector placement : %s", current_placement) logger.debug("Reference effector placement : %s", cs.contactPhases[pid].contactPatch(eeName).placement) updateContactPlacement(cs, pid, eeName, getCurrentEffectorPosition(robot,, eeName), cfg.Robot.cType == "_6_DOF") contact = createContactForEffector(cfg, invdyn, robot, eeName, phase.contactPatch(eeName)) new_contacts_names += [] dic_contacts.update({eeName: contact})"Create contact for : %s", eeName) # start removing the contact that will be broken in the next phase : # (This tell the solver that it should start minimizing the contact force on this contact, and ideally get to 0 at the given time) for eeName, contact in dic_contacts.items(): if phase_next and phase.isEffectorInContact(eeName) and not phase_next.isEffectorInContact(eeName): transition_time = phase.duration + dt/2."\nTime %.3f Start breaking contact %s. transition time : %.3f\n", t,, transition_time) exist = invdyn.removeRigidContact(, transition_time) assert exist, "Try to remove a non existing contact !" # Remove all effectors not in contact at this phase, # This is required as the block above may not remove the contact exactly at the desired time # FIXME: why is it required ? Numerical approximation in the transition_time ? for eeName, contact in dic_contacts.items(): if not phase.isEffectorInContact(eeName): exist = invdyn.removeRigidContact(, 0.) if exist: logger.warning("Contact "+eeName+" was not remove after the given transition time.") if cfg.WB_STOP_AT_EACH_PHASE: input('start simulation') # save values at the beginning of the current phase q_begin = q.copy() v_begin = v.copy() phase.q_init = q_begin if phase_prev: phase_prev.q_final = q_begin phaseValid = False iter_for_phase = -1 # iterate until a valid motion for this phase is found (ie. collision free and which respect joint-limits) while not phaseValid: deletePhaseWBtrajectories(phase) # clean previous invalid trajectories t = phase.timeInitial k_t = 0 if iter_for_phase >= 0: # reset values to their value at the beginning of the current phase q = q_begin.copy() v = v_begin.copy() simulator.q = q simulator.v = v iter_for_phase += 1"Start computation for phase %d , t = %f, try number : %d", pid, t, iter_for_phase) # loop to generate states (q,v,a) for the current contact phase : while t < phase.timeFinal - (dt / 2.): # set traj reference for current time : # com if comTask: sampleCom = curvesToTSID(com_traj,t) comTask.setReference(sampleCom) # am if amTask: if cfg.IK_trackAM: sampleAM = curvesToTSID(am_traj,t) else: sampleAM = tsid.TrajectorySample(3) amTask.setReference(sampleAM) # posture #print "postural task ref : ",samplePosture.pos() if postureTask: postureTask.setReference(samplePosture) # root orientation : if orientationRootTask: sampleRoot = curveSE3toTSID(root_traj,t) orientationRootTask.setReference(sampleRoot) # update weight of regularization tasks for the new contacts: if len(new_contacts_names) > 0 : # linearly decrease the weight of the tasks for the newly created contacts u_w_force = (t - phase.timeInitial) / (phase.duration * cfg.w_forceRef_time_ratio) if u_w_force <= 1.: current_w_force = cfg.w_forceRef_init * (1. - u_w_force) + cfg.w_forceRef_end * u_w_force for contact_name in new_contacts_names: success = invdyn.updateRigidContactWeights(contact_name, current_w_force) assert success, "Unable to change the weight of the force regularization task for contact "+contact_name logger.debug("### references given : ###") logger.debug("com pos : %s", sampleCom.pos()) logger.debug("com vel : %s", sampleCom.vel()) logger.debug("com acc : %s", sampleCom.acc()) if amTask: logger.debug("AM pos : %s", sampleAM.pos()) logger.debug("AM vel : %s", sampleAM.vel()) logger.debug("root pos : %s", sampleRoot.pos()) logger.debug("root vel : %s", sampleRoot.vel()) # end effector (if they exists) for eeName, traj in phase_ref.effectorTrajectories().items(): sampleEff = curveSE3toTSID(traj,t,True) dic_effectors_tasks[eeName].setReference(sampleEff) logger.debug("effector %s, pos = %s", eeName, sampleEff.pos()) logger.debug("effector %s, vel = %s", eeName, sampleEff.vel()) logger.debug("previous q = %s", q) logger.debug("previous v = %s", v) # solve HQP for the current time HQPData = invdyn.computeProblemData(t, q, v) if t < phase.timeInitial + dt:"final data for phase %d", pid) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): HQPData.print_all() sol = solver.solve(HQPData) dv = invdyn.getAccelerations(sol) storeData(k_t == 0) q, v = simulator.simulate(dv) t += dt k_t += 1 if t >= phase.timeFinal - (dt / 2.): t = phase.timeFinal # avoid numerical imprecisions logger.debug("v = %s", v) logger.debug("dv = %s", dv) if int(t / dt) % cfg.IK_PRINT_N == 0: printIntermediate() try: checkDiverge() except ValueError: return stopHere() # end while t \in phase_t (loop for the current contact phase) if len(phase.effectorsWithTrajectory()) > 0 and cfg.EFF_CHECK_COLLISION: phaseValid, t_invalid = validator.check_motion(phase.q_t) #if iter_for_phase < 3 :# debug only, force limb-rrt # phaseValid = False # t_invalid = (phase.timeInitial + phase.timeFinal) / 2. if not phaseValid: if iter_for_phase == 0: # save the first q_t trajectory computed, for limb-rrt first_q_t = phase.q_t logger.warning("Phase %d not valid at t = %f", pid, t_invalid)"First invalid q : %s", phase.q_t(t_invalid)) if t_invalid <= (phase.timeInitial + cfg.EFF_T_PREDEF) \ or t_invalid >= (phase.timeFinal - cfg.EFF_T_PREDEF): logger.error("Motion is invalid during predefined phases, cannot change this.") return stopHere() if effectorCanRetry(): logger.warning("Try new end effector trajectory.") try: for eeName, ref_traj in phase_ref.effectorTrajectories().items(): placement_init = ref_traj.evaluateAsSE3(phase.timeInitial) placement_end = ref_traj.evaluateAsSE3(phase.timeFinal) traj = effectorMethod(cfg, time_interval, placement_init, placement_end, iter_for_phase + 1, first_q_t, phase_prev, phase_ref, phase_next, fullBody, eeName, viewer) # save the new trajectory in the phase with the references phase_ref.addEffectorTrajectory(eeName,traj) if cfg.DISPLAY_ALL_FEET_TRAJ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): color = fullBody.dict_limb_color_traj[eeName] color[-1] = 0.6 # set small transparency display_tools.displaySE3Traj(phase_ref.effectorTrajectory(eeName), viewer.client.gui, viewer.sceneName, eeName + "_traj_" + str(pid) + "_" + str(iter_for_phase), color, [phase.timeInitial, phase.timeFinal], fullBody.dict_offset[eeName]) except ValueError as e: logging.error("ERROR in generateEndEffectorTraj :", exc_info=e) return stopHere() else: logging.error("End effector method choosen do not allow retries, abort here.") return stopHere() else: # no effector motions, phase always valid (or bypass the check) phaseValid = True"Phase %d valid.", pid) if phaseValid: setPreviousFinalValues(phase_prev, phase, cfg) # display the progress by moving the robot at the last configuration computed if viewer and cfg.IK_SHOW_PROGRESS: display_tools.displayWBconfig(viewer,q) #end while not phaseValid # end for all phases # store the data of the last point phase_prev = phase phase = ContactPhase(phase_prev) storeData(True) setPreviousFinalValues(phase_prev, phase, cfg) time_end = time.time() - time_start logger.warning("Whole body motion generated in : %f s.", time_end)"\nFinal COM Position %s","Desired COM Position %s", cs.contactPhases[-1].c_final) if queue_qt: queue_qt.put([phase.q_t.curve_at_index(phase.q_t.num_curves() - 1), None, True]) return cs, robot
def generateWholeBodyMotion(cs, fullBody=None, viewer=None): if not viewer: print "No viewer linked, cannot display end_effector trajectories." print "Start TSID ... " rp = RosPack() urdf = rp.get_path( cfg.Robot.packageName ) + '/urdf/' + cfg.Robot.urdfName + cfg.Robot.urdfSuffix + '.urdf' if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "load robot : ", urdf #srdf = "package://" + package + '/srdf/' + cfg.Robot.urdfName+cfg.Robot.srdfSuffix + '.srdf' robot = tsid.RobotWrapper(urdf, pin.StdVec_StdString(), pin.JointModelFreeFlyer(), False) if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "robot loaded in tsid." # FIXME : tsid robotWrapper don't have all the required methods, only pinocchio have them pinRobot = pin.RobotWrapper.BuildFromURDF(urdf, pin.StdVec_StdString(), pin.JointModelFreeFlyer(), False) q = cs.contact_phases[0].reference_configurations[0][:robot.nq].copy() v = np.matrix(np.zeros(robot.nv)).transpose() t = 0.0 # time # init states list with initial state (assume joint velocity is null for t=0) invdyn = tsid.InverseDynamicsFormulationAccForce("tsid", robot, False) invdyn.computeProblemData(t, q, v) data = if cfg.EFF_CHECK_COLLISION: # initialise object needed to check the motion from mlp.utils import check_path validator = check_path.PathChecker(fullBody, cs, len(q), cfg.WB_VERBOSE) if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "initialize tasks : " comTask = tsid.TaskComEquality("task-com", robot) comTask.setKp(cfg.kp_com * np.matrix(np.ones(3)).transpose()) comTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(cfg.kp_com) * np.matrix(np.ones(3)).transpose()) invdyn.addMotionTask(comTask, cfg.w_com, cfg.level_com, 0.0) com_ref = trajCom = tsid.TrajectoryEuclidianConstant("traj_com", com_ref) amTask = tsid.TaskAMEquality("task-am", robot) amTask.setKp(cfg.kp_am * np.matrix([1., 1., 0.]).T) amTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(cfg.kp_am * np.matrix([1., 1., 0.]).T)) invdyn.addTask(amTask, cfg.w_am, cfg.level_am) trajAM = tsid.TrajectoryEuclidianConstant("traj_am", np.matrix(np.zeros(3)).T) postureTask = tsid.TaskJointPosture("task-joint-posture", robot) postureTask.setKp(cfg.kp_posture * cfg.gain_vector) postureTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(cfg.kp_posture * cfg.gain_vector)) postureTask.mask(cfg.masks_posture) invdyn.addMotionTask(postureTask, cfg.w_posture, cfg.level_posture, 0.0) q_ref = cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG trajPosture = tsid.TrajectoryEuclidianConstant("traj_joint", q_ref[7:]) orientationRootTask = tsid.TaskSE3Equality("task-orientation-root", robot, 'root_joint') mask = np.matrix(np.ones(6)).transpose() mask[0:3] = 0 mask[5] = cfg.YAW_ROT_GAIN orientationRootTask.setKp(cfg.kp_rootOrientation * mask) orientationRootTask.setKd(2.0 * np.sqrt(cfg.kp_rootOrientation * mask)) invdyn.addMotionTask(orientationRootTask, cfg.w_rootOrientation, cfg.level_rootOrientation, 0.0) root_ref = robot.position(data, robot.model().getJointId('root_joint')) trajRoot = tsid.TrajectorySE3Constant("traj-root", root_ref) usedEffectors = [] for eeName in cfg.Robot.dict_limb_joint.values(): if isContactEverActive(cs, eeName): usedEffectors.append(eeName) # init effector task objects : dic_effectors_tasks = createEffectorTasksDic(cs, robot) effectorTraj = tsid.TrajectorySE3Constant( "traj-effector", SE3.Identity() ) # trajectory doesn't matter as it's only used to get the correct struct and size # init empty dic to store effectors trajectories : dic_effectors_trajs = {} for eeName in usedEffectors: dic_effectors_trajs.update({eeName: None}) # add initial contacts : dic_contacts = {} for eeName in usedEffectors: if isContactActive(cs.contact_phases[0], eeName): contact = createContactForEffector(invdyn, robot, cs.contact_phases[0], eeName) dic_contacts.update({eeName: contact}) if cfg.PLOT: # init a dict storing all the reference trajectories used (for plotting) stored_effectors_ref = {} for eeName in dic_effectors_tasks: stored_effectors_ref.update({eeName: []}) solver = tsid.SolverHQuadProg("qp solver") solver.resize(invdyn.nVar, invdyn.nEq, invdyn.nIn) # define nested function used in control loop def storeData(k_t, res, q, v, dv, invdyn, sol): # store current state res.q_t[:, k_t] = q res.dq_t[:, k_t] = v res.ddq_t[:, k_t] = dv res.tau_t[:, k_t] = invdyn.getActuatorForces( sol) # actuator forces, with external forces (contact forces) #store contact info (force and status) if cfg.IK_store_contact_forces: for eeName, contact in dic_contacts.iteritems(): if invdyn.checkContact(, sol): res.contact_forces[eeName][:, k_t] = invdyn.getContactForce(, sol) res.contact_normal_force[ eeName][:, k_t] = contact.getNormalForce( res.contact_forces[eeName][:, k_t]) res.contact_activity[eeName][:, k_t] = 1 # store centroidal info (real one and reference) : if cfg.IK_store_centroidal: pcom, vcom, acom =, v, dv) res.c_t[:, k_t] = pcom res.dc_t[:, k_t] = vcom res.ddc_t[:, k_t] = acom res.L_t[:, k_t] = pinRobot.centroidalMomentum(q, v).angular #res.dL_t[:,k_t] = pinRobot.centroidalMomentumVariation(q,v,dv) # FIXME : in robot wrapper, use * instead of .dot() for np matrices pin.dccrba(pinRobot.model,, q, v) res.dL_t[:, k_t] = Force( + # same for reference data : res.c_reference[:, k_t] = com_desired res.dc_reference[:, k_t] = vcom_desired res.ddc_reference[:, k_t] = acom_desired res.L_reference[:, k_t] = L_desired res.dL_reference[:, k_t] = dL_desired if cfg.IK_store_zmp: tau = pin.rnea( pinRobot.model,, q, v, dv ) # tau without external forces, only used for the 6 first #res.tau_t[:6,k_t] = tau[:6] phi0 =[1].act(Force(tau[:6])) res.wrench_t[:, k_t] = phi0.vector res.zmp_t[:, k_t] = shiftZMPtoFloorAltitude( cs, res.t_t[k_t], phi0, cfg.EXPORT_OPENHRP) # same but from the 'reference' values : Mcom = SE3.Identity() Mcom.translation = com_desired Fcom = Force.Zero() Fcom.linear = cfg.MASS * (acom_desired - cfg.GRAVITY) Fcom.angular = dL_desired F0 = Mcom.act(Fcom) res.wrench_reference[:, k_t] = F0.vector res.zmp_reference[:, k_t] = shiftZMPtoFloorAltitude( cs, res.t_t[k_t], F0, cfg.EXPORT_OPENHRP) if cfg.IK_store_effector: for eeName in usedEffectors: # real position (not reference) res.effector_trajectories[eeName][:, k_t] = SE3toVec( getCurrentEffectorPosition(robot,, eeName)) res.d_effector_trajectories[eeName][:, k_t] = MotiontoVec( getCurrentEffectorVelocity(robot,, eeName)) res.dd_effector_trajectories[eeName][:, k_t] = MotiontoVec( getCurrentEffectorAcceleration(robot,, eeName)) return res def printIntermediate(v, dv, invdyn, sol): print "Time %.3f" % (t) for eeName, contact in dic_contacts.iteritems(): if invdyn.checkContact(, sol): f = invdyn.getContactForce(, sol) print "\tnormal force %s: %.1f" % ( 20, '.'), contact.getNormalForce(f)) print "\ttracking err %s: %.3f" % ( 20, '.'), norm(comTask.position_error, 2)) for eeName, traj in dic_effectors_trajs.iteritems(): if traj: task = dic_effectors_tasks[eeName] error = task.position_error if cfg.Robot.cType == "_3_DOF": error = error[0:3] print "\ttracking err %s: %.3f" % ( 20, '.'), norm(error, 2)) print "\t||v||: %.3f\t ||dv||: %.3f" % (norm(v, 2), norm(dv)) def checkDiverge(res, v, dv): if norm(dv) > 1e6 or norm(v) > 1e6: print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" print "/!\ ABORT : controler unstable at t = " + str(t) + " /!\ " print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" raise ValueError("ABORT : controler unstable at t = " + str(t)) if math.isnan(norm(dv)) or math.isnan(norm(v)): print "!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" print "/!\ ABORT : nan at t = " + str(t) + " /!\ " print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" raise ValueError("ABORT : controler unstable at t = " + str(t)) def stopHere(): if cfg.WB_ABORT_WHEN_INVALID: return res.resize(phase_interval[0]), pinRobot elif cfg.WB_RETURN_INVALID: return res.resize(k_t), pinRobot # time check dt = cfg.IK_dt if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "dt : ", dt res = Result(robot.nq, robot.nv, cfg.IK_dt, eeNames=usedEffectors, cs=cs) N = res.N last_display = 0 if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "tsid initialized, start control loop" #raw_input("Enter to start the motion (motion displayed as it's computed, may be slower than real-time)") time_start = time.time() # For each phases, create the necessary task and references trajectories : for pid in range(cs.size()): if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "## for phase : ", pid print "t = ", t phase = cs.contact_phases[pid] if pid < cs.size() - 1: phase_next = cs.contact_phases[pid + 1] else: phase_next = None if pid > 0: phase_prev = cs.contact_phases[pid - 1] else: phase_prev = None t_phase_begin = res.phases_intervals[pid][0] * dt t_phase_end = res.phases_intervals[pid][-1] * dt time_interval = [t_phase_begin, t_phase_end] if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "time_interval ", time_interval # generate com ref traj from phase : com_init = np.matrix(np.zeros((9, 1))) com_init[0:3, 0] = com_traj = computeCOMRefFromPhase(phase, time_interval) am_traj = computeAMRefFromPhase(phase, time_interval) # add root's orientation ref from reference config : if cfg.USE_PLANNING_ROOT_ORIENTATION: if phase_next: root_traj = trajectories.TrajectorySE3LinearInterp( SE3FromConfig(phase.reference_configurations[0]), SE3FromConfig(phase_next.reference_configurations[0]), time_interval) else: root_traj = trajectories.TrajectorySE3LinearInterp( SE3FromConfig(phase.reference_configurations[0]), SE3FromConfig(phase.reference_configurations[0]), time_interval) else: # orientation such that the torso orientation is the mean between both feet yaw rotations: placement_init, placement_end = rootOrientationFromFeetPlacement( phase, phase_next) root_traj = trajectories.TrajectorySE3LinearInterp( placement_init, placement_end, time_interval) # add newly created contacts : for eeName in usedEffectors: if phase_prev and not isContactActive( phase_prev, eeName) and isContactActive(phase, eeName): invdyn.removeTask(dic_effectors_tasks[eeName].name, 0.0) # remove pin task for this contact dic_effectors_trajs.update( {eeName: None}) # delete reference trajectory for this task if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "remove se3 task : " + dic_effectors_tasks[ eeName].name contact = createContactForEffector(invdyn, robot, phase, eeName) dic_contacts.update({eeName: contact}) # add se3 tasks for end effector not in contact that will be in contact next phase: for eeName, task in dic_effectors_tasks.iteritems(): if phase_next and not isContactActive( phase, eeName) and isContactActive(phase_next, eeName): if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "add se3 task for " + eeName invdyn.addMotionTask(task, cfg.w_eff, cfg.level_eff, 0.0) #create reference trajectory for this task : placement_init = getCurrentEffectorPosition( robot,, eeName ) #FIXME : adjust orientation in case of 3D contact ... if cfg.Robot.cType == "_3_DOF": placement_init.rotation = JointPlacementForEffector( phase, eeName).rotation placement_end = JointPlacementForEffector(phase_next, eeName) ref_traj = generateEndEffectorTraj(time_interval, placement_init, placement_end, 0) if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "t interval : ", time_interval print "placement Init : ", placement_init print "placement End : ", placement_end # display all the effector trajectories for this phase if viewer and cfg.DISPLAY_ALL_FEET_TRAJ: display_tools.displaySE3Traj( ref_traj, viewer.client.gui, viewer.sceneName, eeName + "_traj_" + str(pid), cfg.Robot.dict_limb_color_traj[eeName], time_interval, cfg.Robot.dict_offset[eeName]) viewer.client.gui.setVisibility( eeName + "_traj_" + str(pid), 'ALWAYS_ON_TOP') dic_effectors_trajs.update({eeName: ref_traj}) # start removing the contact that will be broken in the next phase : # (This tell the solver that it should start minimzing the contact force on this contact, and ideally get to 0 at the given time) for eeName, contact in dic_contacts.iteritems(): if phase_next and isContactActive( phase, eeName) and not isContactActive(phase_next, eeName): transition_time = t_phase_end - t - dt / 2. if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "\nTime %.3f Start breaking contact %s. transition time : %.3f\n" % ( t,, transition_time) invdyn.removeRigidContact(, transition_time) if cfg.WB_STOP_AT_EACH_PHASE: raw_input('start simulation') # save values at the beginning of the current phase q_begin = q.copy() v_begin = v.copy() phaseValid = False swingPhase = False # will be true if an effector move during this phase iter_for_phase = -1 # iterate until a valid motion for this phase is found (ie. collision free and which respect joint-limits) while not phaseValid: if iter_for_phase >= 0: # reset values to their value at the beginning of the current phase q = q_begin.copy() v = v_begin.copy() iter_for_phase += 1 if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "Start simulation for phase " + str( pid) + ", try number : " + str(iter_for_phase) # loop to generate states (q,v,a) for the current contact phase : if pid == cs.size() - 1: # last state phase_interval = res.phases_intervals[pid] else: phase_interval = res.phases_intervals[pid][:-1] for k_t in phase_interval: t = res.t_t[k_t] # set traj reference for current time : # com sampleCom = trajCom.computeNext() com_desired = com_traj(t)[0] vcom_desired = com_traj(t)[1] acom_desired = com_traj(t)[2] sampleCom.pos(com_desired) sampleCom.vel(vcom_desired) sampleCom.acc(acom_desired) comTask.setReference(sampleCom) # am sampleAM = trajAM.computeNext() L_desired = am_traj(t)[0] dL_desired = am_traj(t)[1] sampleAM.pos(L_desired) sampleAM.vel(dL_desired) amTask.setReference(sampleAM) # posture samplePosture = trajPosture.computeNext() #print "postural task ref : ",samplePosture.pos() postureTask.setReference(samplePosture) # root orientation : sampleRoot = trajRoot.computeNext() sampleRoot.pos(SE3toVec(root_traj(t)[0])) sampleRoot.vel(MotiontoVec(root_traj(t)[1])) orientationRootTask.setReference(sampleRoot) quat_waist = Quaternion(root_traj(t)[0].rotation) res.waist_orientation_reference[:, k_t] = np.matrix( [quat_waist.x, quat_waist.y, quat_waist.z, quat_waist.w]).T if cfg.WB_VERBOSE == 2: print "### references given : ###" print "com pos : ", sampleCom.pos() print "com vel : ", sampleCom.vel() print "com acc : ", sampleCom.acc() print "AM pos : ", sampleAM.pos() print "AM vel : ", sampleAM.vel() print "root pos : ", sampleRoot.pos() print "root vel : ", sampleRoot.vel() # end effector (if they exists) for eeName, traj in dic_effectors_trajs.iteritems(): if traj: swingPhase = True # there is an effector motion in this phase sampleEff = effectorTraj.computeNext() traj_t = traj(t) sampleEff.pos(SE3toVec(traj_t[0])) sampleEff.vel(MotiontoVec(traj_t[1])) dic_effectors_tasks[eeName].setReference(sampleEff) if cfg.WB_VERBOSE == 2: print "effector " + str(eeName) + " pos : " + str( sampleEff.pos()) print "effector " + str(eeName) + " vel : " + str( sampleEff.vel()) if cfg.IK_store_effector: res.effector_references[eeName][:, k_t] = SE3toVec( traj_t[0]) res.d_effector_references[ eeName][:, k_t] = MotiontoVec(traj_t[1]) res.dd_effector_references[ eeName][:, k_t] = MotiontoVec(traj_t[2]) elif cfg.IK_store_effector: if k_t == 0: res.effector_references[eeName][:, k_t] = SE3toVec( getCurrentEffectorPosition( robot,, eeName)) else: res.effector_references[ eeName][:, k_t] = res.effector_references[ eeName][:, k_t - 1] res.d_effector_references[eeName][:, k_t] = np.matrix( np.zeros(6)).T res.dd_effector_references[eeName][:, k_t] = np.matrix( np.zeros(6)).T # solve HQP for the current time HQPData = invdyn.computeProblemData(t, q, v) if cfg.WB_VERBOSE and t < phase.time_trajectory[0] + dt: print "final data for phase ", pid HQPData.print_all() sol = solver.solve(HQPData) dv = invdyn.getAccelerations(sol) res = storeData(k_t, res, q, v, dv, invdyn, sol) # update state v_mean = v + 0.5 * dt * dv v += dt * dv q = pin.integrate(robot.model(), q, dt * v_mean) if cfg.WB_VERBOSE == 2: print "v = ", v print "dv = ", dv if cfg.WB_VERBOSE and int(t / dt) % cfg.IK_PRINT_N == 0: printIntermediate(v, dv, invdyn, sol) try: checkDiverge(res, v, dv) except ValueError: return stopHere() # end while t \in phase_t (loop for the current contact phase) if swingPhase and cfg.EFF_CHECK_COLLISION: phaseValid, t_invalid = validator.check_motion( res.q_t[:, phase_interval[0]:k_t]) #if iter_for_phase < 3 :# FIXME : debug only, force limb-rrt # phaseValid = False if not phaseValid: print "Phase " + str(pid) + " not valid at t = " + str( t_invalid) if t_invalid <= cfg.EFF_T_PREDEF or t_invalid >= ( (t_phase_end - t_phase_begin) - cfg.EFF_T_PREDEF): print "Motion is invalid during predefined phases, cannot change this." return stopHere() if effectorCanRetry(): print "Try new end effector trajectory." try: for eeName, oldTraj in dic_effectors_trajs.iteritems( ): if oldTraj: # update the traj in the map placement_init = JointPlacementForEffector( phase_prev, eeName) placement_end = JointPlacementForEffector( phase_next, eeName) ref_traj = generateEndEffectorTraj( time_interval, placement_init, placement_end, iter_for_phase + 1, res.q_t[:, phase_interval[0]:k_t], phase_prev, phase, phase_next, fullBody, eeName, viewer) dic_effectors_trajs.update( {eeName: ref_traj}) if viewer and cfg.DISPLAY_ALL_FEET_TRAJ: display_tools.displaySE3Traj( ref_traj, viewer.client.gui, viewer.sceneName, eeName + "_traj_" + str(pid), cfg. Robot.dict_limb_color_traj[eeName], time_interval, cfg.Robot.dict_offset[eeName]) viewer.client.gui.setVisibility( eeName + "_traj_" + str(pid), 'ALWAYS_ON_TOP') except ValueError, e: print "ERROR in generateEndEffectorTraj :" print e.message return stopHere() else: print "End effector method choosen do not allow retries, abort here." return stopHere() else: # no effector motions, phase always valid (or bypass the check) phaseValid = True if cfg.WB_VERBOSE: print "Phase " + str(pid) + " valid." if phaseValid: # display all the effector trajectories for this phase if viewer and cfg.DISPLAY_FEET_TRAJ and not cfg.DISPLAY_ALL_FEET_TRAJ: for eeName, ref_traj in dic_effectors_trajs.iteritems(): if ref_traj: display_tools.displaySE3Traj( ref_traj, viewer.client.gui, viewer.sceneName, eeName + "_traj_" + str(pid), cfg.Robot.dict_limb_color_traj[eeName], time_interval, cfg.Robot.dict_offset[eeName]) viewer.client.gui.setVisibility( eeName + "_traj_" + str(pid), 'ALWAYS_ON_TOP') if cfg.PLOT: # add current ref_traj to the list for plotting stored_effectors_ref[eeName] += [ref_traj]
tol = 1e-5 import os filename = str(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) path = filename + '/../models/romeo' urdf = path + '/urdf/romeo.urdf' vector = se3.StdVec_StdString() vector.extend(item for item in path) robot = tsid.RobotWrapper(urdf, vector, se3.JointModelFreeFlyer(), False) model = robot.model() data = q = robot.model().neutralConfiguration q[2] += 0.84 print "q:", q.transpose() taskAM = tsid.TaskAMEquality("task-AM", robot) Kp = 100 * np.matrix(np.ones(3)).transpose() Kd = 20.0 * np.matrix(np.ones(3)).transpose() taskAM.setKp(Kp) taskAM.setKd(Kd) assert np.linalg.norm(Kp - taskAM.Kp, 2) < tol assert np.linalg.norm(Kd - taskAM.Kd, 2) < tol am_ref = np.matrix(np.zeros(3)).transpose() traj = tsid.TrajectoryEuclidianConstant("traj_se3", am_ref) sample = tsid.TrajectorySample(0) t = 0.0 dt = 0.001