def matrix(dt, dx, rho, Cv, k_t): Idx = tt.eye(2, 3*dx) # identity tensor Idt = tt.eye(2, dt) delta = tt.qlaplace_dd([dx, dx, dx]) # laplasian support =, dt, center = 1) # first time derivative deriv = tt.Toeplitz(support,kind='L') - tt.Toeplitz(support,kind='L').T deriv = deriv.round(1e-6) return rho * Cv * tt.kron(Idx, deriv) - k_t * tt.kron(delta, Idt)
def full_matrix(A, Qs, t0, pt, dt): support =, pt, center = 1) +, pt, center = 0) G_t = tt.Toeplitz(support,kind='L').T G_t = G_t.round(1e-14) support =, pt, center = 1) +, pt, center = 0) M_t = tt.Toeplitz(support,kind='L').T M_t = M_t.round(1e-14) px = A.n.shape[0] Id = tt.eye(2, px) A_full = tt.kron(Id, G_t) - 0.5 * dt * tt.kron(A, M_t) A_full = A_full.round(1e-14) # collected full matrix A e1 =, pt, center = 0) left = t0 + 0.5* dt * tt.matvec(A, t0) left = left.round(1e-14) left = tt.kron(left, e1) left = left.round(1e-14) right = dt * Qs Qs_full = left + right Qs_full = Qs_full.round(1e-14) return A_full, Qs_full
def construct_generator_tt(self, as_list=False): if as_list: Att = [] else: Att = tt.eye(self.size) * 0 for i in range(self.num_r): fs = [] for k in range(len(self.size)): if self.Pre[i, k] != 0: fs.append((lambda a: lambda x: x * a)(self.Pre[i, k])) else: fs.append(lambda x: 1.0) A = self.CME_tt(fs, self.C[i],[i, :]) if as_list: Att.append(A) else: Att = Att + A Att = Att.round(1e-12) return Att
def apply_mask(A, f, mask, eps=1e-8): """ Apply boundary mask on tt-stiffness matrix and tt-force vector :param A: :param f: :param mask: :return: """ d = return (mask * A + tt.eye(4, d) - mask).round(eps), tt.matvec(mask, f).round(eps)
def eye(d, mode=MODE_NP, tau=None, name=DEF_MATRIX_NAME): ''' Eye matrix: diag([1, 1,..., 1]). ''' res = Matrix(None, d, mode, tau, False, name=name) if mode == MODE_NP: res.x = np.eye(res.n) if mode == MODE_TT: res.x = tt.eye(2, d) if mode == MODE_SP: res.x = sp_diag([np.ones(res.n)], [0], format='csr') return res
def ones(d, mode=MODE_NP, tau=None, name=DEF_MATRIX_NAME): ''' Matrix of all ones. ''' res = Matrix(None, d, mode, tau, False, name=name) if mode == MODE_NP: res.x = np.ones((res.n, res.n)) if mode == MODE_TT: res.x = tt.eye(2, d) = tt.ones(4, d) if mode == MODE_SP: raise NotImplementedError() return res
def volterra(d, mode=MODE_NP, tau=None, h=1., name=DEF_MATRIX_NAME): ''' Volterra integral 1D matrix [i, j] = h if i>=j and = 0 otherwise. ''' res = Matrix(None, d, mode, tau, False, name) if mode == MODE_NP: res.x = h * toeplitz(c=np.ones(res.n), r=np.zeros(res.n)) if mode == MODE_TT: res.x = h * (tt.Toeplitz(tt.ones(2, d), kind='U') + tt.eye(2, d)) res = res.round() if mode == MODE_SP: raise NotImplementedError() return res
def findif(d, mode=MODE_NP, tau=None, h=1., name=DEF_MATRIX_NAME): ''' Finite difference 1D matrix [i, j] = 1/h if i=j, [i, j] =-1/h if i=j+1 and = 0 otherwise. ''' res = Matrix(None, d, mode, tau, False, name) if mode == MODE_NP or mode == MODE_SP: res.x = sp_diag([np.ones(res.n), -np.ones(res.n - 1)], [0, -1], format='csr') res.x *= 1. / h if mode == MODE_NP: res.x = res.x.toarray() if mode == MODE_TT: e1 = tt.tensor(np.array([0., 1.])) e2 = tt.mkron([e1] * d) res.x = tt.Toeplitz(-e2, kind='U') + tt.eye(2, d) res.x *= (1. / h) res = res.round() return res
qtt = True # Set up model mdl = CME(N, Pre, Post, rates * 0 + 1, Props) Atts = mdl.construct_generator_tt(as_list=True) Nl = 64 mult = 4 param_range = [(0, r * 5) for r in rates[:-1]] pts1, ws1 = points_weights(param_range[0][0], param_range[0][1], Nl) pts2, ws2 = points_weights(param_range[1][0], param_range[1][1], Nl) pts3, ws3 = points_weights(param_range[2][0], param_range[2][1], Nl) pts4, ws4 = points_weights(param_range[3][0], param_range[3][1], Nl) pts5, ws5 = points_weights(param_range[4][0], param_range[4][1], Nl) A_tt = tt.kron(Atts[0] , tt.kron(tt.matrix(np.diag(pts1)),tt.eye([Nl]*4)) ) \ + tt.kron(Atts[1] , tt.kron(tt.kron(tt.eye([Nl]),tt.matrix(np.diag(pts2))),tt.eye([Nl]*3)) ) \ + tt.kron(Atts[2] , tt.kron(tt.kron(tt.eye([Nl]*2),tt.matrix(np.diag(pts3))),tt.eye([Nl]*2)) ) \ + tt.kron(Atts[3] , tt.kron(tt.kron(tt.eye([Nl]*3),tt.matrix(np.diag(pts4))),tt.eye([Nl]*1)) ) \ + tt.kron(Atts[4] , tt.kron(tt.eye([Nl]*4),tt.matrix(np.diag(pts5))) ) \ + tt.kron(Atts[5], tt.eye([Nl]*5) )*rates[5] A_tt = A_tt.round(1e-10, 20) No = 64 # Nt = 64 dT = 0.2 Nbs = 8 time_observation = np.arange(No) * dT #%% Get observation
# basis = [LegendreBasis(Nl,[p[0],p[1]]) for p in param_range] basis = [BSplineBasis(Nl, [p[0], p[1]], deg=2) for p in param_range] pts = [b.integration_points(4)[0] for b in basis] ws = [b.integration_points(4)[1] for b in basis] lint = pts[0].size WS = tt.mkron([tt.tensor(b.get_integral()) for b in basis]) A_tt = extend_cme(Atts, pts) A_tt = A_tt.round(1e-10, 20) mass_tt, mass_inv_tt = get_mass(basis) stiff_tt = get_stiff(A_tt, N, pts, ws, basis) M_tt = tt.kron(tt.eye(N), mass_inv_tt) @ stiff_tt #%% Get observation np.random.seed(34548) # reaction_time,reaction_jumps,reaction_indices = Gillespie(np.array(Initial),time_observation[-1],Pre,Post-Pre,rates) # observations = Observations_grid(time_observation, reaction_time, reaction_jumps) # observations_noise = observations+np.random.normal(0,sigma,observations.shape) with open(r"simplegene_64_500k.pickle", "rb") as input_file: dct = pickle.load(input_file) No = dct['time_observation'].size time_observation = dct['time_observation'] reaction_time = dct['reaction_time'] reaction_jumps = dct['reaction_jumps']
def matrix(dx, rho, Cv, k_t): Idx = tt.eye(2, 3*dx) # identity tensor delta = tt.qlaplace_dd([dx, dx, dx]) # laplasian return - k_t/(rho*Cv) * delta
#lm = 0 #The magic constant #lm = 1e-2 #lm = N = 15 # The size of the spectral discretization x, ws = quadgauss.cdgqf(N,6,0,0.5) #Generation of hermite quadrature #Generate Laplacian lp = np.zeros((N,N)) for i in xrange(N): for j in xrange(N): if i is not j: lp[i,j] = (-1)**(i - j)*(2*(x[i] - x[j])**(-2) - 0.5) else: lp[i,j] = 1.0/6*(4*N - 1 - 2 * x[i]**2) lp = tt.matrix(lp) e = tt.eye([N]) lp2 = None eps = 1e-8 for i in xrange(f): w = lp for j in xrange(i): w = tt.kron(e,w) for j in xrange(i+1,f): w = tt.kron(w,e) lp2 = lp2 + w lp2 = lp2.round(eps) #Now we will compute Henon-Heiles stuff xx = []
def tt_reshape(tt_array, shape, eps=1e-14, rl=1, rr=1): ''' Reshape of the TT-tensor [TT1]=TT_RESHAPE(TT,SZ) reshapes TT-tensor or TT-matrix into another with mode sizes SZ, accuracy 1e-14 [TT1]=TT_RESHAPE(TT,SZ,EPS) reshapes TT-tensor/matrix into another with mode sizes SZ and accuracy EPS [TT1]=TT_RESHAPE(TT,SZ,EPS, RL) reshapes TT-tensor/matrix into another with mode size SZ and left tail rank RL [TT1]=TT_RESHAPE(TT,SZ,EPS, RL, RR) reshapes TT-tensor/matrix into another with mode size SZ and tail ranks RL*RR Reshapes TT-tensor/matrix into a new one, with dimensions specified by SZ. If the input is TT-matrix, SZ must have the sizes for both modes, so it is a matrix if sizes d2-by-2. If the input is TT-tensor, SZ may be either a column or a row vector. ''' tt1 = deepcopy(tt_array) sz = deepcopy(shape) ismatrix = False if isinstance(tt1, tt.matrix): d1 = d2 = sz.shape[0] ismatrix = True # The size should be [n,m] in R^{d x 2} restn2_n = sz[:, 0] restn2_m = sz[:, 1] sz_n = copy(sz[:, 0]) sz_m = copy(sz[:, 1]) n1_n = tt1.n n1_m = tt1.m sz =, axis = 1) # We will split/convolve using the vector form anyway tt1 = else: d1 = tt1.d d2 = len(sz) # Recompute sz to include r0,rd, # and the items of tt1 sz[0] = sz[0] * rl sz[d2-1] = sz[d2-1] * rr tt1.n[0] = tt1.n[0] * tt1.r[0] tt1.n[d1-1] = tt1.n[d1-1] * tt1.r[d1] if ismatrix: # in matrix: 1st tail rank goes to the n-mode, last to the m-mode restn2_n[0] = restn2_n[0] * rl restn2_m[d2-1] = restn2_m[d2-1] * rr n1_n[0] = n1_n[0] * tt1.r[0] n1_m[d1-1] = n1_m[d1-1] * tt1.r[d1] tt1.r[0] = 1 tt1.r[d1] = 1 n1 = tt1.n assert ==, 'Reshape: incorrect sizes' needQRs = False if d2 > d1: needQRs = True if d2 <= d1: i2 = 0 n2 = sz for i1 in xrange(d1): if n2[i2] == 1: i2 = i2 + 1 if i2 > d2: break if n2[i2] % n1[i1] == 0: n2[i2] = n2[i2] / n1[i1] else: needQRs = True break r1 = tt1.r tt1 = tt1.to_list(tt1) if needQRs: # We have to split some cores -> perform QRs for i in xrange(d1-1, 0, -1): cr = tt1[i] cr = np.reshape(cr, (r1[i], n1[i]*r1[i+1]), order = 'F') [cr, rv] = np.linalg.qr(cr.T) # Size n*r2, r1new - r1nwe,r1 cr0 = tt1[i-1] cr0 = np.reshape(cr0, (r1[i-1]*n1[i-1], r1[i]), order = 'F') cr0 =, rv.T) # r0*n0, r1new r1[i] = cr.shape[1] cr0 = np.reshape(cr0, (r1[i-1], n1[i-1], r1[i]), order = 'F') cr = np.reshape(cr.T, (r1[i], n1[i], r1[i+1]), order = 'F') tt1[i] = cr tt1[i-1] = cr0 r2 = np.ones(d2 + 1) i1 = 0 # Working index in tt1 i2 = 0 # Working index in tt2 core2 = np.zeros((0)) curcr2 = 1 restn2 = sz n2 = np.ones(d2) if ismatrix: n2_n = np.ones(d2) n2_m = np.ones(d2) while i1 < d1: curcr1 = tt1[i1] if gcd(restn2[i2], n1[i1]) == n1[i1]: # The whole core1 fits to core2. Convolve it if (i1 < d1-1) and (needQRs): # QR to the next core - for safety curcr1 = np.reshape(curcr1, (r1[i1]*n1[i1], r1[i1+1]), order = 'F') [curcr1, rv] = np.linalg.qr(curcr1) curcr12 = tt1[i1+1] curcr12 = np.reshape(curcr12, (r1[i1+1], n1[i1+1]*r1[i1+2]), order = 'F') curcr12 =, curcr12) r1[i1+1] = curcr12.shape[0] tt1[i1+1] = np.reshape(curcr12, (r1[i1+1], n1[i1+1], r1[i1+2]), order = 'F') # Actually merge is here curcr1 = np.reshape(curcr1, (r1[i1], n1[i1]*r1[i1+1]), order = 'F') curcr2 =, curcr1) # size r21*nold, dn*r22 if ismatrix: # Permute if we are working with tt_matrix curcr2 = np.reshape(curcr2, (r2[i2], n2_n[i2], n2_m[i2], n1_n[i1], n1_m[i1], r1[i1+1]), order = 'F') curcr2 = np.transpose(curcr2, [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]) # Update the "matrix" sizes n2_n[i2] = n2_n[i2]*n1_n[i1] n2_m[i2] = n2_m[i2]*n1_m[i1] restn2_n[i2] = restn2_n[i2] / n1_n[i1] restn2_m[i2] = restn2_m[i2] / n1_m[i1] r2[i2+1] = r1[i1+1] # Update the sizes of tt2 n2[i2] = n2[i2]*n1[i1] restn2[i2] = restn2[i2] / n1[i1] curcr2 = np.reshape(curcr2, (r2[i2]*n2[i2], r2[i2+1]), order = 'F') i1 = i1+1 # current core1 is over else: if (gcd(restn2[i2], n1[i1]) !=1 ) or (restn2[i2] == 1): # There exists a nontrivial divisor, or a singleton requested # Split it and convolve n12 = gcd(restn2[i2], n1[i1]) if ismatrix: # Permute before the truncation # Matrix sizes we are able to split n12_n = gcd(restn2_n[i2], n1_n[i1]) n12_m = gcd(restn2_m[i2], n1_m[i1]) curcr1 = np.reshape(curcr1, (r1[i1], n12_n, n1_n[i1] / n12_n, n12_m, n1_m[i1] / n12_m, r1[i1+1]), order = 'F') curcr1 = np.transpose(curcr1, [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]) # Update the matrix sizes of tt2 and tt1 n2_n[i2] = n2_n[i2]*n12_n n2_m[i2] = n2_m[i2]*n12_m restn2_n[i2] = restn2_n[i2] / n12_n restn2_m[i2] = restn2_m[i2] / n12_m n1_n[i1] = n1_n[i1] / n12_n n1_m[i1] = n1_m[i1] / n12_m curcr1 = np.reshape(curcr1, (r1[i1]*n12, (n1[i1]/n12)*r1[i1+1]), order = 'F') [u,s,v] = np.linalg.svd(curcr1, full_matrices = False) r = my_chop2(s, eps*np.linalg.norm(s)/(d2-1)**0.5) u = u[:, :r] v = v.T v = v[:, :r]*s[:r] u = np.reshape(u, (r1[i1], n12*r), order = 'F') # u is our admissible chunk, merge it to core2 curcr2 =, u) # size r21*nold, dn*r22 r2[i2+1] = r # Update the sizes of tt2 n2[i2] = n2[i2]*n12 restn2[i2] = restn2[i2] / n12 curcr2 = np.reshape(curcr2, (r2[i2]*n2[i2], r2[i2+1]), order = 'F') r1[i1] = r # and tt1 n1[i1] = n1[i1] / n12 # keep v in tt1 for next operations curcr1 = np.reshape(v.T, (r1[i1], n1[i1], r1[i1+1]), order = 'F') tt1[i1] = curcr1 else: # Bad case. We have to merge cores of tt1 until a common divisor appears i1new = i1+1 curcr1 = np.reshape(curcr1, (r1[i1]*n1[i1], r1[i1+1]), order = 'F') while (gcd(restn2[i2], n1[i1]) == 1) and (i1new < d1): cr1new = tt1[i1new] cr1new = np.reshape(cr1new, (r1[i1new], n1[i1new]*r1[i1new+1]), order = 'F') curcr1 =, cr1new) # size r1(i1)*n1(i1), n1new*r1new if ismatrix: # Permutes and matrix size updates curcr1 = np.reshape(curcr1, (r1[i1], n1_n[i1], n1_m[i1], n1_n[i1new], n1_m[i1new], r1[i1new+1]), order = 'F') curcr1 = np.transpose(curcr1, [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]) n1_n[i1] = n1_n[i1]*n1_n[i1new] n1_m[i1] = n1_m[i1]*n1_m[i1new] n1[i1] = n1[i1]*n1[i1new] curcr1 = np.reshape(curcr1, (r1[i1]*n1[i1], r1[i1new+1]), order = 'F') i1new = i1new+1 # Inner cores merged => squeeze tt1 data n1 = np.concatenate((n1[:i1], n1[i1new:])) r1 = np.concatenate((r1[:i1], r1[i1new:])) tt1[i] = np.reshape(curcr1, (r1[i1], n1[i1], r1[i1new]), order = 'F') tt1 = tt1[:i1] + tt1[i1new:] d1 = len(n1) if (restn2[i2] == 1) and ((i1 >= d1) or ((i1 < d1) and (n1[i1] != 1))): # The core of tt2 is finished # The second condition prevents core2 from finishing until we # squeeze all tailing singletons in tt1. curcr2 = curcr2.flatten(order = 'F') core2 = np.concatenate((core2, curcr2)) i2 = i2+1 # Start new core2 curcr2 = 1 # If we have been asked for singletons - just add them while (i2 < d2): core2 = np.concatenate((core2, np.ones(1))) r2[i2] = 1 i2 = i2+1 tt2 = tt.ones(2, 1) # dummy tensor tt2.d = d2 tt2.n = n2 tt2.r = r2 tt2.core = core2 = np.cumsum(np.concatenate((np.ones(1), r2[:-1] * n2 * r2[1:]))) tt2.n[0] = tt2.n[0] / rl tt2.n[d2-1] = tt2.n[d2-1] / rr tt2.r[0] = rl tt2.r[d2] = rr if ismatrix: ttt = tt.eye(1,1) # dummy tt matrix ttt.n = sz_n ttt.m = sz_m = tt2 return ttt else: return tt2 = np.cumsum(np.concatenate((np.ones(1), r2[:-1] * n2 * r2[1:]))) tt2.n[0] = tt2.n[0] / rl tt2.n[d2-1] = tt2.n[d2-1] / rr tt2.r[0] = rl tt2.r[d2] = rr if ismatrix: ttt = tt.eye(1,1) # dummy tt matrix ttt.n = sz_n ttt.m = sz_m = tt2 return ttt else: return tt2 if __name__ == '__main__': a = tt.rand(8, 6) sz = np.array([2, 4]*5) b = tt_reshape(a, sz, eps=1e-14, rl=2, rr=4) print np.linalg.norm(a.full().flatten(order = 'F') - b.full().flatten(order = 'F')) k = 4 c = tt.eye(8, k) sz = np.array([[2, 4]*(k), [2, 4]*(k)]).T d = tt_reshape(c, sz, eps=1e-14, rl=1, rr=1) print np.linalg.norm(c.full().flatten(order = 'F') - d.full().flatten(order = 'F'))
def solve(self, initial_tt, T, intervals=None, return_all=False, nswp=40, qtt=False, verb=False, rounding=True): if intervals == None: pass else: x_tt = initial_tt dT = T / intervals Nt = self.N_max S, P, ev, basis = self.get_SP(dT, Nt) if qtt: nqtt = int(np.log2(Nt)) S = ttm2qttm(tt.matrix(S)) P = ttm2qttm(tt.matrix(P)) I_tt = tt.eye(self.A_tt.n) B_tt = tt.kron(I_tt, tt.matrix(S)) - tt.kron( I_tt, P) @ tt.kron(self.A_tt, ttm2qttm(tt.eye([Nt]))) else: nqtt = 1 I_tt = tt.eye(self.A_tt.n) B_tt = tt.kron(I_tt, tt.matrix(S)) - tt.kron( I_tt, tt.matrix(P)) @ tt.kron(self.A_tt, tt.matrix(np.eye(Nt))) # print(dT,T,intervals) returns = [] for i in range(intervals): # print(i) if qtt: f_tt = tt.kron(x_tt, tt2qtt(tt.tensor(ev))) else: f_tt = tt.kron(x_tt, tt.tensor(ev)) # print(B_tt.n,f_tt.n) try: # xs_tt = xs_tt.round(1e-10,5) # tme = xs_tt = tt.amen.amen_solve(B_tt, f_tt, self.xs_tt, self.epsilon, verb=1 if verb else 0, nswp=nswp, kickrank=8, max_full_size=50, local_prec='n') # tme = - tme # print(tme) self.xs_tt = xs_tt except: # tme = xs_tt = tt.amen.amen_solve(B_tt, f_tt, f_tt, self.epsilon, verb=1 if verb else 0, nswp=nswp, kickrank=8, max_full_size=50, local_prec='n') # tme = - tme # print(tme) self.xs_tt = xs_tt # print('SIZE',tt_size(xs_tt)/1e6) # print('PLMMM',tt.sum(xs_tt),xs_tt.r) if basis == None: if return_all: returns.append(xs_tt) x_tt = xs_tt[tuple([slice(None, None, None)] * len(self.A_tt.n) + [-1] * nqtt)] x_tt = x_tt.round(self.epsilon / 10) else: if return_all: if qtt: beval = basis(np.array([0])).flatten() temp1 = xs_tt * tt.kron(tt.ones(self.A_tt.n), tt2qtt(tt.tensor(beval))) for l in range(nqtt): temp1 = tt.sum(temp1, len(temp1.n) - 1) beval = basis(np.array([dT])).flatten() temp2 = xs_tt * tt.kron(tt.ones(self.A_tt.n), tt2qtt(tt.tensor(beval))) for l in range(nqtt): temp2 = tt.sum(temp2, len(temp2.n) - 1) returns.append( tt.kron(temp1, tt.tensor(np.array([1, 0]))) + tt.kron(temp2, tt.tensor(np.array([0, 1])))) else: beval = basis(np.array([0])).flatten() temp1 = xs_tt * tt.kron(tt.ones(self.A_tt.n), tt.tensor(beval)) temp1 = tt.sum(temp1, len(temp1.n) - 1) beval = basis(np.array([dT])).flatten() temp2 = xs_tt * tt.kron(tt.ones(self.A_tt.n), tt.tensor(beval)) temp2 = tt.sum(temp2, len(temp2.n) - 1) returns.append( tt.kron(temp1, tt.tensor(np.array([1, 0]))) + tt.kron(temp2, tt.tensor(np.array([0, 1])))) beval = basis(np.array([dT])).flatten() if qtt: x_tt = xs_tt * tt.kron(tt.ones(self.A_tt.n), tt2qtt(tt.tensor(beval))) for l in range(nqtt): x_tt = tt.sum(x_tt, len(x_tt.n) - 1) if rounding: x_tt = x_tt.round(self.epsilon / 10) else: x_tt = tt.sum( xs_tt * tt.kron(tt.ones(self.A_tt.n), tt.tensor(beval)), len(xs_tt.n) - 1) if rounding: x_tt = x_tt.round(self.epsilon / 10) # print('SIZE 2 ',tt_size(x_tt)/1e6) if not return_all: returns = x_tt return returns