コード例 #1
    def __call__(self,observation):
        lst = [ tt.tensor(np.exp(-0.5*(observation[i]-np.arange(self.N[i]))**2/self.sigmas[i]**2)/(self.sigmas[i]*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))) if self.observation_vector[i] else tt.ones([self.N[i]]) for i in range(len(self.N))]

        lst = [ tt.tensor(np.exp(-0.5*(observation[i]-np.arange(self.N[i]))**2/self.sigmas[i]**2)) if self.observation_vector[i] else tt.ones([self.N[i]]) for i in range(len(self.N))]
        tens = tt.mkron(lst)
        return tens
コード例 #2
def ObservationOperator(y, P, t):
    sigma = 1 / 2
    PO = tt.kron(
        tt.tensor(np.exp(-0.5 * (y[0] - np.arange(N[0]))**2 / sigma**2)),
        tt.tensor(np.exp(-0.5 * (y[1] - np.arange(N[1]))**2 /
                         sigma**2))) * (1 / (sigma**2 * 2 * np.pi))
    # PO = PO * (1/tt.sum(PO))
    return PO
コード例 #3
def ObservationOperator(y, P, t):
    sigma = 0.3
    PO = tt.tensor(np.exp(-0.5 * (y[0] - np.arange(N[0]))**2 / sigma**2))
    PO = tt.kron(
        PO, tt.tensor(np.exp(-0.5 * (y[1] - np.arange(N[1]))**2 / sigma**2)))
    PO = tt.kron(
        PO, tt.tensor(np.exp(-0.5 * (y[2] - np.arange(N[2]))**2 / sigma**2)))
    PO = tt.kron(
        PO, tt.tensor(np.exp(-0.5 * (y[3] - np.arange(N[3]))**2 / sigma**2)))
    # PO = PO * (1/tt.sum(PO))
    return PO
コード例 #4
def goal_function(thetuta):

    L1 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[0], i, pts1) for i in range(pts1.size)])
    L2 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[1], i, pts2) for i in range(pts2.size)])
    L3 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[2], i, pts3) for i in range(pts3.size)])
    L4 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[3], i, pts4) for i in range(pts4.size)])
    L5 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[4], i, pts5) for i in range(pts5.size)])

    val = tt.dot(
        tt.mkron(tt.tensor(L1.flatten()), tt.tensor(L2.flatten()),
                 tt.tensor(L3.flatten()), tt.tensor(L4.flatten()),
    return -val
コード例 #5
def gen_projected_gaussian_guess(H, r, eps=1e-10):
    Generate full N(0,1) vector and then
    project it to a random unitary TT of given rank

    H: tt.matrix
       Matrix used to infer dimension of a guess vector
    r: int
       TT rank of the guess
    # generate tensor with haar distributed cores
    x = tt.rand(H.n, r=r)
    x = x.round(eps)
    x_cores = gen_haar_cores_like(x, left_to_right=True)
    x = x.from_list(x_cores)

    # project full dimensional gaussian vector to x
    dimensions = x.n
    Z = np.random.randn(*(dimensions))
    Z = tt.tensor(Z)
    PZ = tt_project(x, Z)
    PZ = PZ.round(eps, rmax=r)

    return PZ * (1.0 / PZ.norm())
コード例 #6
    def __call__(self,observation):
        noise_model = lambda x,y,s : 1/(y*s*np.sqrt(2*np.pi)) * np.exp(-(np.log(y)-np.log(x+1))**2/(2*s**2))

        lst = [ tt.tensor(noise_model(np.arange(self.N[i]),observation[i],self.sigmas[i])) if self.observation_vector[i] else tt.ones([self.N[i]]) for i in range(len(self.N))]
        tens = tt.mkron(lst)
        return tens
コード例 #7
ファイル: eigb.py プロジェクト: zhanglang1860/ttpy
def eigb(A, y0, eps, rmax=150, nswp=20, max_full_size=1000, verb=1):
    """ Approximate computation of minimal eigenvalues in tensor train format
    This function uses alternating least-squares algorithm for the computation of several
    minimal eigenvalues. If you want maximal eigenvalues, just send -A to the function.


        S. V. Dolgov, B. N. Khoromskij, I. V. Oseledets, and D. V. Savostyanov.
        Computation of extreme eigenvalues in higher dimensions using block tensor train format. Computer Phys. Comm.,
        185(4):1207-1216, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2013.12.017

    :param A: Matrix in the TT-format
    :type A: matrix
    :param y0: Initial guess in the block TT-format, r(d+1) is the number of eigenvalues sought
    :type y0: tensor
    :param eps: Accuracy required
    :type eps: float
    :param rmax: Maximal rank
    :type rmax: int
    :param kickrank: Addition rank, the larger the more robus the method,
    :type kickrank: int
    :rtype: A tuple (ev, tensor), where ev is a list of eigenvalues, tensor is an approximation to eigenvectors.


        >>> import tt
        >>> import tt.eigb
        >>> d = 8; f = 3
        >>> r = [8] * (d * f + 1); r[d * f] = 8; r[0] = 1
        >>> x = tt.rand(n, d * f, r)
        >>> a = tt.qlaplace_dd([8, 8, 8])
        >>> sol, ev = tt.eigb.eigb(a, x, 1e-6, verb=0)
        Solving a block eigenvalue problem
        Looking for 8 eigenvalues with accuracy 1E-06
        swp: 1 er = 35.93 rmax:19
        swp: 2 er = 4.51015E-04 rmax:18
        swp: 3 er = 1.87584E-12 rmax:17
        Total number of matvecs: 0
        >>> print ev
        [ 0.00044828  0.00089654  0.00089654  0.00089654  0.0013448   0.0013448
                  0.0013448   0.00164356]

    ry = y0.r.copy()
    lam = tt_eigb.tt_block_eig.tt_eigb(y0.d, A.n, A.m, A.tt.r, A.tt.core, y0.core, ry, eps,
                                       rmax, ry[y0.d], 0, nswp, max_full_size, verb)
    y = tensor()
    y.d = y0.d
    y.n = A.n.copy()
    y.r = ry
    y.core = tt_eigb.tt_block_eig.result_core.copy()
    return y, lam
コード例 #8
ファイル: amr.py プロジェクト: jaidevd/ttpy
def amr_solve(A,f,x0,eps,rmax=150,kickrank=5,nswp=20,verb=1,prec='n',nrestart=40,niters=2):
    """ Approximate linear system solution 
            X = AMR_SOLVE(A,F,X0,EPS), using AMR/DMRG algorithm
    rx0 = x0.r.copy()
    x = tensor()
    x.d = f.d 
    x.n = f.n.copy()
    x.r = rx0
    x.core = amr_f90.tt_adapt_als.result_core.copy()
    return x
コード例 #9
ファイル: amr.py プロジェクト: jaidevd/ttpy
def mvk4(A,x,y0,eps,rmax=150,kickrank=5,nswp=20,verb=1):
    """ Approximate matrix-by-vector multiplication
            Y = MVK4(A,X,Y0,EPS) Multiply a TT-matrix A with a TT-vector x with accuracy eps
            using the AMR/DMRG algorithm
    ry = y0.r.copy()
    amr_f90.tt_adapt_als.tt_mvk4(x.d,A.n,A.m,x.r,A.tt.r,A.tt.core, x.core, y0.core, ry, eps, rmax, kickrank, nswp, verb)
    y = tensor()
    y.d = x.d
    y.n = A.n.copy()
    y.r = ry 
    y.core = amr_f90.tt_adapt_als.result_core.copy()
    return y
コード例 #10
ファイル: eigb.py プロジェクト: chiwhalee/ttpy
def eigb(A,y0,eps,rmax=150,kickrank=5,nswp=20,verb=1):
    """ Approximate matrix-by-vector multiplication
            Y = EIGB(A,X,Y0,EPS) Find several eigenvalues of the TT-matrix
    ry = y0.r.copy()
    #lam = np.zeros(ry[y0.d])
    lam = tt_eigb.tt_block_eig.tt_eigb(y0.d,A.n,A.m,A.tt.r,A.tt.core, y0.core, ry, eps, rmax,ry[y0.d], kickrank, nswp, verb)
    y = tensor()
    y.d = y0.d
    y.n = A.n.copy()
    y.r = ry 
    y.core = tt_eigb.tt_block_eig.result_core.copy()
    return y,lam
コード例 #11
def gen_rounded_gaussian_guess(H, r, eps=1e-10):
    Generate full N(0,1) vector and then
    compress it to a TT with given rank and eps

    H: tt.matrix
       Matrix used to infer dimension of a guess vector
    r: int
       TT rank of the guess
    psi_full = np.random.randn(*H.n)
    psi = tt.tensor(psi_full, eps, rmax=r)
    psi = psi * (1.0 / psi.norm())
    return psi
コード例 #12
def project_gaussian_to_x(X):
    Generates projection of a the gaussian vector in tangent space
    to a given TT vector X

    X: tt.vector
       Vector to project to
    x = X.round(eps=1e-14)  # removes excessive ranks
    d = x.d
    r = x.r
    dimensions = x.n
    Z = np.random.randn(*(dimensions))
    Z = tt.tensor(Z)
    PZ = tt_project(x, Z)
    return PZ
コード例 #13
 def findif(d, mode=MODE_NP, tau=None, h=1., name=DEF_MATRIX_NAME):
     Finite difference 1D matrix
     [i, j] = 1/h if i=j, [i, j] =-1/h if i=j+1 and = 0 otherwise.
     res = Matrix(None, d, mode, tau, False, name)
     if mode == MODE_NP or mode == MODE_SP:
         res.x = sp_diag([np.ones(res.n), -np.ones(res.n - 1)], [0, -1],
         res.x *= 1. / h
         if mode == MODE_NP:
             res.x = res.x.toarray()
     if mode == MODE_TT:
         e1 = tt.tensor(np.array([0., 1.]))
         e2 = tt.mkron([e1] * d)
         res.x = tt.Toeplitz(-e2, kind='U') + tt.eye(2, d)
         res.x *= (1. / h)
         res = res.round()
     return res
コード例 #14
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: chiwhalee/ttpy
def amen_solve(A, f, x0, eps, kickrank=4, nswp=20, local_prec='n', local_iters=2, local_restart=40, trunc_norm=1, max_full_size=50, verb=1):
    """ Approximate linear system solution 
            X = amen_solve(A,F,X0,EPS), using AMR/DMRG algorithm.
        :param A: Coefficients matrix, QTT-decomposed.
        :type A: matrix
        :param f: Right-hand side, TT-decomposed.
        :type f: tensor
        :param x0: TT-tensor of initial guess.
        :type x0: tensor
        :param eps: Accuracy.
        :type eps: float
    m = A.m.copy()
    rx0 = x0.r.copy()
    psx0 = x0.ps.copy()
    if A.is_complex or f.is_complex:
        amen_f90.amen_f90.ztt_amen_wrapper(f.d, A.n, m,               \
                                           A.tt.r, A.tt.ps, A.tt.core, \
                                           f.r, f.ps, f.core,           \
                                           rx0, psx0, x0.core,           \
                                           eps, kickrank, nswp, local_iters, local_restart, trunc_norm, max_full_size, verb, local_prec)
        if x0.is_complex:
            x0 = x0.real()
            rx0 = x0.r.copy()
            psx0 = x0.ps.copy()
        amen_f90.amen_f90.dtt_amen_wrapper(f.d, A.n, m,               \
                                           A.tt.r, A.tt.ps, A.tt.core, \
                                           f.r, f.ps, f.core,           \
                                           rx0, psx0, x0.core,           \
                                           eps, kickrank, nswp, local_iters, local_restart, trunc_norm, max_full_size, verb, local_prec)
    x = tt.tensor()
    x.d = f.d
    x.n = m.copy()
    x.r = rx0
    if A.is_complex or f.is_complex:
        x.core = amen_f90.amen_f90.zcore.copy()
        x.core = amen_f90.amen_f90.core.copy()
    return x
コード例 #15
ファイル: kls.py プロジェクト: jaidevd/ttpy
def kls(A,y0,tau,rmax=150,kickrank=5,verb=1,nswp=10):
    """ Dynamical TT-approximation """
    ry = y0.r.copy()
    #lam = np.zeros(ry[y0.d])
    #for i in xrange(10):
    #Check for dtype
    y = tensor()
    if np.iscomplex(A.tt.core).any() or np.iscomplex(y0.core).any():
        dyn_tt.dyn_tt.ztt_kls(y0.d,A.n,A.m,A.tt.r,A.tt.core +0j, y0.core+0j, ry, tau, rmax, kickrank, nswp, verb)
        y.core = dyn_tt.dyn_tt.zresult_core.copy()    
        A.tt.core = np.real(A.tt.core)
        y0.core = np.real(y0.core) 
        dyn_tt.dyn_tt.tt_kls(y0.d,A.n,A.m,A.tt.r,A.tt.core, y0.core, ry, tau, rmax, kickrank, nswp, verb)
        y.core = dyn_tt.dyn_tt.result_core.copy()
    y.d = y0.d
    y.n = A.n.copy()
    y.r = ry 
    return y
コード例 #16
ファイル: ksl.py プロジェクト: chiwhalee/ttpy
def ksl(A,y0,tau,rmax=150,kickrank=5,verb=1,nswp=10, scheme = 'symm', space = 8):
    """ Dynamical TT-approximation """
    ry = y0.r.copy()
    if scheme is 'symm':
        tp = 2
        tp = 1
    #Check for dtype
    y = tensor()
    if np.iscomplex(A.tt.core).any() or np.iscomplex(y0.core).any():
        dyn_tt.dyn_tt.ztt_ksl(y0.d,A.n,A.m,A.tt.r,A.tt.core +0j, y0.core+0j, ry, tau, rmax, kickrank, nswp, verb, tp, space)
        y.core = dyn_tt.dyn_tt.zresult_core.copy()    
        A.tt.core = np.real(A.tt.core)
        y0.core = np.real(y0.core) 
        dyn_tt.dyn_tt.tt_ksl(y0.d,A.n,A.m,A.tt.r,A.tt.core, y0.core, ry, tau, rmax, kickrank, nswp, verb)
        y.core = dyn_tt.dyn_tt.result_core.copy()
    y.d = y0.d
    y.n = A.n.copy()
    y.r = ry 
    return y
コード例 #17
ファイル: hh_spectral_time.py プロジェクト: jaidevd/ttpy
#Calculate the kinetic energy (Laplace) operator
lp2 = None
eps = 1e-8
for i in xrange(f):
    w = lp
    for j in xrange(i):
        w = tt.kron(e,w)
    for j in xrange(i+1,f):
        w = tt.kron(w,e)
    lp2 = lp2 + w
    lp2 = lp2.round(eps)

#Now we will compute Henon-Heiles stuff
xx = []
t = tt.tensor(x)
ee = tt.ones([N])
for  i in xrange(f):
    t0 = t
    for j in xrange(i):
        t0 = tt.kron(ee,t0)
    for j in xrange(i+1,f):
        t0 = tt.kron(t0,ee)

#Harmonic potential
harm = None
for i in xrange(f):
    harm = harm + (xx[i]*xx[i])
    harm = harm.round(eps)
コード例 #18
    x * s * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))

def ObservationOperator(y, P, t):
    sigma = 1 / 2
    PO = tt.kron(
        tt.tensor(np.exp(-0.5 * (y[0] - np.arange(N[0]))**2 / sigma**2)),
        tt.tensor(np.exp(-0.5 * (y[1] - np.arange(N[1]))**2 /
                         sigma**2))) * (1 / (sigma**2 * 2 * np.pi))
    # PO = PO * (1/tt.sum(PO))
    return PO

#%% Prior
# IC
P0 = tt.tensor(x0)
# Prior
mu = rates
var = rates / np.array([1000, 350, 25, 600])
alpha_prior = mu**2 / var
beta_prior = mu / var
# Pt = tt.kron( tt.kron( tt.tensor( gamma_pdf(pts1,alpha_prior[0],beta_prior[0]) ) , tt.tensor( gamma_pdf(pts2,alpha_prior[1],beta_prior[1]) ) ),tt.kron( tt.tensor( gamma_pdf(pts3,alpha_prior[2],beta_prior[2]) ) , tt.tensor( gamma_pdf(pts4,alpha_prior[3],beta_prior[3]) ) ) )

params = []

Ns = 500000

param_now = np.random.gamma(alpha_prior, 1 / beta_prior)
# Pprev = eval_post(Atts,param_now,P0,time_observation,observations_noise,ObservationOperator,eps=1e-5,method = 'crank–nicolson',dtmax=2,Nmax = 64)
Pprev = eval_post_full(mdl,
コード例 #19
def TensorTrain(data, rank=6):
    return tensor.to_list(tensor(data, rmax=rank))

# n = 10
# R = 5

# u1 = np.random.random([n, R])
# u2 = np.random.random([n, R])
# u3 = np.random.random([n, R])

# v = np.random.random([n, 1])
# g = np.zeros([R, R, R])
# np.fill_diagonal(g, 1.)

# a = ktensor([u1,u2,u3])
# a = a.toarray()
# vec1 = np.einsum('ijk,jb,kc',a, v, v)

# modes= [1,2]

# for r in range(1,6):
#     tensor = BaseTensor(a,rank=r)
#     vec = tensor.dot([v,v],modes)
#     print('canon',r, np.linalg.norm(vec-vec1)/np.linalg.norm(vec1))

# for r in range(1,6):
#     ttensor = TuckerTensor(a,(r,r,r))
#     vec = ttensor.dot([v,v],modes)
#     print('tucker',r, np.linalg.norm(vec-vec1)/np.linalg.norm(vec1))

# n = 100
# a = np.random.random((n,n,n))
# v = np.random.random([n, 1])
# #a = np.einsum('ijk,ai,bj,ck', g, u1, u2, u3)
# vec1 = np.einsum('ijk,jb,kc',a, v, v)

# # a = np.einsum('ijk,ai,bj,ck', g, u1, u2, u3)
# # print(a.shape)
# # vec1 = np.einsum('ijk,bj,ck',a, v, v)
# # t = ktensor(dtensor(a))

# for r in range(1,10):
#     tensor = BaseTensor(a,[0],[1,2],rank=r)
#     vec = tensor.dot([v,v])
#     print('canon',r, np.linalg.norm(vec-vec1)/np.linalg.norm(vec1))

# for r in range(1,10):
#     ttensor = TuckerTensor(a,[0],[1,2],(r,r,r))
#     vec = ttensor.dot([v,v])
#     print('tucker',r, np.linalg.norm(vec-vec1)/np.linalg.norm(vec1))

# n=100
# random_tensor = np.random.random((n,n,n))
# random_vector = np.random.random(n)
# # random_vector = np.ones(n)

# random_vector = np.random.random([n, 1])
# vec1 = np.einsum('ijk,bj,ck',random_tensor, random_vector, random_vector)

# # dt = dtensor(random_tensor)
# # vec1 = dt.ttv((random_vector,random_vector),[1,2])

# tensor = BaseTensor(random_tensor,[0],[1,2],100)
# vec = tensor.dot([random_vector,random_vector])
# print(np.linalg.norm(vec-vec1)/np.linalg.norm(vec1))

# ttensor = TuckerTensor(random_tensor,[0],[1,2],(100,100,100))
# vec = ttensor.dot([random_vector,random_vector])
# print(np.linalg.norm(vec-vec1)/np.linalg.norm(vec1))

# t = time.time()
# for i in range(100):
#     random_vector = np.random.random(n)
#     vec = tensor.dot([random_vector,random_vector])
#     vec2 = ttensor.dot([random_vector,random_vector])
#     print(np.linalg.norm(vec2-vec))
# print(time.time()-t)

# dt = dtensor(random_tensor)
# t = time.time()
# for i in range(100):
#     random_vector = np.random.random(n)
#     vvec1 = dt.ttv((random_vector,random_vector),[1,2])
# print(time.time()-t)
コード例 #20
ファイル: hh_hermite.py プロジェクト: jaidevd/ttpy
lp2 = None
eps = 1e-8
for i in xrange(f):
    w = lp
    for j in xrange(i):
        w = tt.kron(e,w)
    for j in xrange(i+1,f):
        w = tt.kron(w,e)
    lp2 = lp2 + w
    lp2 = lp2.round(eps)

#Now we will compute Henon-Heiles stuff
xx = []
t = tt.tensor(x)
ee = tt.ones([N])
for  i in xrange(f):
    t0 = t
    for j in xrange(i):
        t0 = tt.kron(ee,t0)
    for j in xrange(i+1,f):
        t0 = tt.kron(t0,ee)

#Harmonic potential
harm = None
for i in xrange(f):
    harm = harm + (xx[i]*xx[i])
    harm = harm.round(eps)
コード例 #21
s4 = 0.05
observations = states + np.hstack(
    (np.random.normal(0, 1, (states.shape[0], 3)),
     np.random.normal(0, 0.000001, [states.shape[0], 1])))
observations = np.hstack(
    (np.random.lognormal(np.log(states[:, 0] + 1), s1).reshape([-1, 1]),
     np.random.lognormal(np.log(states[:, 1] + 1), s2).reshape([-1, 1]),
     np.random.lognormal(np.log(states[:, 2] + 1), s3).reshape([-1, 1]),
     np.random.lognormal(np.log(states[:, 3] + 1), s4).reshape([-1, 1])))
noise_model = lambda x, y, s: 1 / (y * s * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.exp(-(
    np.log(y) - np.log(x + 1))**2 / (2 * s**2))

#%% Forward pass

tme_total = datetime.datetime.now()
P = tt.tensor(x0)

if qtt:
    A_qtt = ttm2qttm(A_tt)
    fwd_int = ttInt(A_qtt, epsilon=1e-6, N_max=8, dt_max=1.0, method='cheby')
    P = tt2qtt(P)
    fwd_int = ttInt(A_tt, epsilon=1e-6, N_max=8, dt_max=1.0, method='cheby')

P_fwd = [P.copy()]
ranks_fwd = [[0, max(P.r)]]
time = 0
for i in range(1, No):

    y = observations[i, :]
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_kls.py プロジェクト: jaidevd/ttpy
import numpy as np
from math import pi,sqrt
import tt
from tt.ksl import ksl
import time
from scipy.linalg import expm
d = 6
f = 1
A = tt.qlaplace_dd([d]*f)
n = [2]*(d*f)
n0 = 2**d
x = np.arange(1,n0+1)*1.0/(n0+1)
x = np.exp(-10*(x-0.5)**2)
x = tt.tensor(x.reshape([2]*d,order='F'),1e-8)
#x = tt.ones(2,d)
tau = 1
tau1 = 1
y = x.copy()
ns_fin = 8
tau0 = 1.0
tau_ref = tau0/2**ns_fin
for i in xrange(2**ns_fin):  
yref = y.copy()
tau = 5e-2
res = ""
ns = 2
while ( ns <= ns_fin ):
    tau = tau0/(2**ns) 
    y = x.copy()
    for i in xrange(2**ns):
コード例 #23
ファイル: seir_model.py プロジェクト: ion-g-ion/paper-cme-tt
plt.plot(time_sample, np.mean(sample[:, 0, :], 1), 'b')
plt.plot(time_sample, np.mean(sample[:, 1, :], 1), 'orange')
plt.plot(time_sample, np.mean(sample[:, 2, :], 1), 'r')
plt.plot(time_sample, np.mean(sample[:, 3, :], 1), 'g')
plt.legend(['Susceptible', 'Exposed', 'Infected', 'Recovered'])
plt.xlabel(r'$t$ [d]')

#%% Integrate ODE
A_tt = mdl.construct_generator_tt()

# A_tt = tt.reshape(A_tt,np.array(2*[[15]*8]).transpose())

P = tt.kron(tt.kron(tt.tensor(p1), tt.tensor(p2)),
            tt.kron(tt.tensor(p3), tt.tensor(p4)))
P = P * (1 / tt.sum(P))
P0 = P
# P = tt.reshape(P,[15]*8)

x_S = tt.kron(tt.tensor(np.arange(N[0])), tt.ones(N[1:]))
x_E = tt.kron(tt.ones([N[0]]),
              tt.kron(tt.tensor(np.arange(N[1])), tt.ones(N[2:])))
x_I = tt.kron(tt.ones(N[:2]),
              tt.kron(tt.tensor(np.arange(N[2])), tt.ones([N[3]])))
x_R = tt.kron(tt.ones(N[:3]), tt.tensor(np.arange(N[3])))

epsilon = 1e-10
rmax = 30
コード例 #24
def f_init(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz): 
    if (x <= 0.):
        return tt.tensor(Boltzmann_cyl.f_maxwell(vx, vy, vz, T_l, n_l, u_l, 0., 0., gas_params.Rg))
        return tt.tensor(Boltzmann_cyl.f_maxwell(vx, vy, vz, T_r, n_r, u_r, 0., 0., gas_params.Rg))
コード例 #25
vmax = 22 * v_s

hv = 2. * vmax / nv
vx_ = np.linspace(-vmax+hv/2, vmax-hv/2, nv) # coordinates of velocity nodes
vx, vy, vz = np.meshgrid(vx_, vx_, vx_, indexing='ij')

def f_init(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz): 
    if (x <= 0.):
        return tt.tensor(Boltzmann_cyl.f_maxwell(vx, vy, vz, T_l, n_l, u_l, 0., 0., gas_params.Rg))
        return tt.tensor(Boltzmann_cyl.f_maxwell(vx, vy, vz, T_r, n_r, u_r, 0., 0., gas_params.Rg))

f_in = tt.tensor(Boltzmann_cyl.f_maxwell(vx, vy, vz, T_l, n_l, u_l, 0., 0., gas_params.Rg))
f_out = tt.tensor(Boltzmann_cyl.f_maxwell(vx, vy, vz, T_r, n_r, u_r, 0., 0., gas_params.Rg))
fmax = tt.tensor(Boltzmann_cyl.f_maxwell(vx, vy, vz, T_w, 1., 0., 0., 0., gas_params.Rg))
problem = Boltzmann_cyl.Problem(bc_type_list = ['sym-z', 'in', 'out', 'wall', 'sym-y'],
                                bc_data = [[],
                                           []], f_init = f_init)

CFL = 50.
コード例 #26
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: Xiangmengkong/ttpy
def amen_solve(A, f, x0, eps, kickrank=4, nswp=20, local_prec='n', local_iters=2, local_restart=40, trunc_norm=1, max_full_size=50, verb=1):
    """ Approximate linear system solution in the tensor-train (TT) format
        using Alternating minimal energy (AMEN approach)

    :References: Sergey Dolgov, Dmitry. Savostyanov

                 Paper 1: http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.6068

                 Paper 2: http://arxiv.org/abs/1304.1222  

    :param A: Matrix in the TT-format
    :type A: matrix
    :param f: Right-hand side in the TT-format
    :type f: tensor
    :param x0: TT-tensor of initial guess.
    :type x0: tensor
    :param eps: Accuracy.
    :type eps: float


        >>> import tt
        >>> import tt.amen #Needed, not imported automatically
        >>> a = tt.qlaplace_dd([8, 8, 8]) #3D-Laplacian
        >>> rhs = tt.ones(2, 3 * 8) #Right-hand side of all ones
        >>> x = tt.amen.amen_solve(a, rhs, rhs, 1e-8)
        amen_solve: swp=1, max_dx= 9.766E-01, max_res= 3.269E+00, max_rank=5
        amen_solve: swp=2, max_dx= 4.293E-01, max_res= 8.335E+00, max_rank=9
        amen_solve: swp=3, max_dx= 1.135E-01, max_res= 5.341E+00, max_rank=13
        amen_solve: swp=4, max_dx= 9.032E-03, max_res= 5.908E-01, max_rank=17
        amen_solve: swp=5, max_dx= 9.500E-04, max_res= 7.636E-02, max_rank=21
        amen_solve: swp=6, max_dx= 4.002E-05, max_res= 5.573E-03, max_rank=25
        amen_solve: swp=7, max_dx= 4.949E-06, max_res= 8.418E-04, max_rank=29
        amen_solve: swp=8, max_dx= 9.618E-07, max_res= 2.599E-04, max_rank=33
        amen_solve: swp=9, max_dx= 2.792E-07, max_res= 6.336E-05, max_rank=37
        amen_solve: swp=10, max_dx= 4.730E-08, max_res= 1.663E-05, max_rank=41
        amen_solve: swp=11, max_dx= 1.508E-08, max_res= 5.463E-06, max_rank=45
        amen_solve: swp=12, max_dx= 3.771E-09, max_res= 1.847E-06, max_rank=49
        amen_solve: swp=13, max_dx= 7.797E-10, max_res= 6.203E-07, max_rank=53
        amen_solve: swp=14, max_dx= 1.747E-10, max_res= 2.058E-07, max_rank=57
        amen_solve: swp=15, max_dx= 8.150E-11, max_res= 8.555E-08, max_rank=61
        amen_solve: swp=16, max_dx= 2.399E-11, max_res= 4.215E-08, max_rank=65
        amen_solve: swp=17, max_dx= 7.871E-12, max_res= 1.341E-08, max_rank=69
        amen_solve: swp=18, max_dx= 3.053E-12, max_res= 6.982E-09, max_rank=73
        >>> print (tt.matvec(a, x) - rhs).norm() / rhs.norm()
    m = A.m.copy()
    rx0 = x0.r.copy()
    psx0 = x0.ps.copy()
    if A.is_complex or f.is_complex:
        amen_f90.amen_f90.ztt_amen_wrapper(f.d, A.n, m,               \
                                           A.tt.r, A.tt.ps, A.tt.core, \
                                           f.r, f.ps, f.core,           \
                                           rx0, psx0, x0.core,           \
                                           eps, kickrank, nswp, local_iters, local_restart, trunc_norm, max_full_size, verb, local_prec)
        if x0.is_complex:
            x0 = x0.real()
            rx0 = x0.r.copy()
            psx0 = x0.ps.copy()
        amen_f90.amen_f90.dtt_amen_wrapper(f.d, A.n, m,               \
                                           A.tt.r, A.tt.ps, A.tt.core, \
                                           f.r, f.ps, f.core,           \
                                           rx0, psx0, x0.core,           \
                                           eps, kickrank, nswp, local_iters, local_restart, trunc_norm, max_full_size, verb, local_prec)
    x = tt.tensor()
    x.d = f.d
    x.n = m.copy()
    x.r = rx0
    if A.is_complex or f.is_complex:
        x.core = amen_f90.amen_f90.zcore.copy()
        x.core = amen_f90.amen_f90.core.copy()
    return x
コード例 #27
    def __init__(self, gas_params, problem, mesh, v, config):

        self.gas_params = gas_params
        self.problem = problem
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.v = v
        self.config = config

        self.path = './' + 'job_tt_' + config.solver + '_' + datetime.now(
        ).strftime("%Y.%m.%d_%H:%M:%S") + '/'

        self.vn = [
        ] * mesh.nf  # list of tensors of normal velocities at each mesh face
        self.vn_tmp = np.zeros((v.nvx, v.nvy, v.nvz))
        self.vnm = [None] * mesh.nf  # negative part of vn: 0.5 * (vn - |vn|)
        self.vnp = [None] * mesh.nf  # positive part of vn: 0.5 * (vn + |vn|)
        self.vn_abs = [None] * mesh.nf  # approximations of |vn|

        for jf in range(mesh.nf):
            self.vn_tmp = mesh.face_normals[jf, 0] * v.vx + mesh.face_normals[
                jf, 1] * v.vy + mesh.face_normals[jf, 2] * v.vz
                jf] = mesh.face_normals[jf, 0] * v.vx_tt + mesh.face_normals[
                    jf, 1] * v.vy_tt + mesh.face_normals[jf, 2] * v.vz_tt
            self.vnp[jf] = tt.tensor(np.where(self.vn_tmp > 0, self.vn_tmp,
            self.vnm[jf] = tt.tensor(np.where(self.vn_tmp < 0, self.vn_tmp,
            self.vn_abs[jf] = tt.tensor(np.abs(self.vn_tmp), rmax=4)

        self.h = np.min(mesh.cell_diam)
        self.tau = self.h * config.CFL / (np.max(np.abs(v.vx_)) * (3.**0.5))

        self.diag = [
        ] * mesh.nc  # part of diagonal coefficient in implicit scheme
        self.diag_r1 = [None] * mesh.nc
        # precompute diag
        # simple approximation for v_abs
        self.vn_abs_r1 = tt.tensor((v.vx**2 + v.vy**2 + v.vz**2)**0.5, rmax=1)
        for ic in range(mesh.nc):
            diag_temp = np.zeros((v.nvx, v.nvy, v.nvz))
            diag_sc = 0.
            for j in range(6):
                jf = mesh.cell_face_list[ic, j]
                vn_full = (mesh.face_normals[jf, 0] * v.vx + mesh.face_normals[jf, 1] * v.vy \
                           + mesh.face_normals[jf, 2] * v.vz) * mesh.cell_face_normal_direction[ic, j]
                vnp_full = np.where(vn_full > 0, vn_full, 0.)
                vn_abs_full = np.abs(vn_full)
                diag_temp += (mesh.face_areas[jf] /
                              mesh.cell_volumes[ic]) * vnp_full
                diag_sc += 0.5 * (mesh.face_areas[jf] / mesh.cell_volumes[ic])
            self.diag_r1[ic] = diag_sc * self.vn_abs_r1
            diag_tt_full = tt.tensor(diag_temp, 1e-7, rmax=1).full()
            if (np.amax(diag_temp - diag_tt_full) > 0.):
                ind_max = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(diag_temp - diag_tt_full),
                diag_tt_full = (diag_temp[ind_max] /
                                diag_tt_full[ind_max]) * diag_tt_full
            self.diag[ic] = tt.tensor(diag_tt_full)

        # set initial condition
        self.f = [None] * mesh.nc  # RENAME f!

        if (config.init_type == 'default'):
            for i in range(mesh.nc):
                x = mesh.cell_center_coo[i, 0]
                y = mesh.cell_center_coo[i, 1]
                z = mesh.cell_center_coo[i, 2]
                self.f[i] = problem.f_init(x, y, z, v)
        elif (config.init_type == 'restart'):
            # restart from distribution function
            self.f = self.load_restart()
        elif (config.init_type == 'macro_restart'):
            # restart form macroparameters array
            init_data = np.loadtxt(config.init_filename)
            for ic in range(mesh.nc):
                self.f[ic] = f_maxwell_tt(v, init_data[ic, 0], init_data[ic,
                                          init_data[ic, 2], init_data[ic, 3],
                                          init_data[ic, 5], gas_params.Rg)

        self.f_plus = [None] * mesh.nf  # Reconstructed values on the right
        self.f_minus = [None] * mesh.nf  # reconstructed values on the left
        self.flux = [None] * mesh.nf  # Flux values
        self.rhs = [None] * mesh.nc
        self.df = [None] * mesh.nc

        # Arrays for macroparameters
        self.n = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
        self.rho = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
        self.ux = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
        self.uy = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
        self.uz = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
        self.p = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
        self.T = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
        self.nu = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
        self.rank = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
        self.data = np.zeros((mesh.nc, 7))

        self.frob_norm_iter = np.array([])

コード例 #28
ファイル: solver_tt.py プロジェクト: KornevEK/Boltzmann-T
def solver_tt(gas_params, problem, mesh, nt, nv, vx_, vx, vy, vz, \
              CFL, tol, filename, init = '0'):
    """Solve Boltzmann equation with model collision integral 
    gas_params -- object of class GasParams, contains gas parameters and viscosity law
    problem -- object of class Problem, contains list of boundary conditions,
    data for b.c., and function for initial condition
    mesh - object of class Mesh
    nt -- number of time steps
    vmax -- maximum velocity in each direction in velocity mesh
    nv -- number of nodes in velocity mesh
    CFL -- courant number
    filename -- name of output file for f
    init - name of restart file
    # Function for LU-SGS
    mydivide = lambda x: x[:, 0] / x[:, 1]
    zero_tt = 0. * tt.ones((nv, nv, nv))
    ones_tt = tt.ones((nv, nv, nv))
    # Initialize main arrays and lists
    vn = [None
          ] * mesh.nf  # list of tensors of normal velocities at each mesh face
    vn_tmp = np.zeros((nv, nv, nv))
    vnm = [None] * mesh.nf  # negative part of vn: 0.5 * (vn - |vn|)
    vnp = [None] * mesh.nf  # positive part of vn: 0.5 * (vn + |vn|)
    vn_abs = [None] * mesh.nf  # approximations of |vn|

    vx_tt = tt.tensor(vx).round(tol)
    vy_tt = tt.tensor(vy).round(tol)
    vz_tt = tt.tensor(vz).round(tol)

    vn_error = 0.
    for jf in range(mesh.nf):
        vn_tmp = mesh.face_normals[jf, 0] * vx + mesh.face_normals[
            jf, 1] * vy + mesh.face_normals[jf, 2] * vz
        vn[jf] = mesh.face_normals[jf, 0] * vx_tt + mesh.face_normals[
            jf, 1] * vy_tt + mesh.face_normals[jf, 2] * vz_tt
        vnp[jf] = tt.tensor(np.where(vn_tmp > 0, vn_tmp, 0.), eps=tol)
        vnm[jf] = tt.tensor(np.where(vn_tmp < 0, vn_tmp, 0.), eps=tol)
        vn_abs[jf] = tt.tensor(np.abs(vn_tmp), rmax=4)
        vn_error = max(
            np.linalg.norm(vn_abs[jf].full() - np.abs(vn_tmp)) /
    print('max||vn_abs_tt - vn_abs||_F/max||vn_abs||_F = ', vn_error)

    h = np.min(mesh.cell_diam)
    tau = h * CFL / (np.max(vx_) * (3.**0.5))
    v2 = (vx_tt * vx_tt + vy_tt * vy_tt + vz_tt * vz_tt).round(tol)

    diag = [None] * mesh.nc  # part of diagonal coefficient in implicit scheme
    # precompute diag
    diag_full = np.zeros(
        (mesh.nc, nv, nv,
         nv))  # part of diagonal coefficient in implicit scheme
    # precompute diag
    for ic in range(mesh.nc):
        for j in range(6):
            jf = mesh.cell_face_list[ic, j]
            vn_tmp = mesh.face_normals[jf, 0] * vx + mesh.face_normals[
                jf, 1] * vy + mesh.face_normals[jf, 2] * vz
            vnp_full = np.where(
                mesh.cell_face_normal_direction[ic, j] * vn_tmp[:, :, :] > 0,
                mesh.cell_face_normal_direction[ic, j] * vn_tmp[:, :, :], 0.)
            diag_full[ic, :, :, :] += (mesh.face_areas[jf] /
                                       mesh.cell_volumes[ic]) * vnp_full

    for ic in range(mesh.nc):
        diag_temp = np.zeros((nv, nv, nv))
        for j in range(6):
            jf = mesh.cell_face_list[ic, j]
            vn_full = (mesh.face_normals[jf, 0] * vx + mesh.face_normals[jf, 1] * vy \
                       + mesh.face_normals[jf, 2] * vz) * mesh.cell_face_normal_direction[ic, j]
            vnp_full = np.where(vn_full > 0, vn_full, 0.)
            vn_abs_full = np.abs(vn_full)
            diag_temp += (mesh.face_areas[jf] /
                          mesh.cell_volumes[ic]) * vnp_full
#            diag_temp += 0.5 * (mesh.face_areas[jf] / mesh.cell_volumes[ic]) * vn_abs_full
        diag[ic] = tt.tensor(diag_temp)
    # Compute mean rank of diag
    diag_rank = 0.
    for ic in range(mesh.nc):
        diag_rank += 0.5 * (diag[ic].r[1] + diag[ic].r[2])
    diag_rank = diag_rank / ic
    print('diag_rank = ', diag_rank)
    diag_scal = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
    for ic in range(mesh.nc):
        for j in range(6):
            jf = mesh.cell_face_list[ic, j]
            diag_scal[ic] += 0.5 * (mesh.face_areas[jf] /
    diag_scal *= np.max(np.abs(vx_)) * 3**0.5
    # set initial condition
    f = [None] * mesh.nc
    if (init == '0'):
        for i in range(mesh.nc):
            x = mesh.cell_center_coo[i, 0]
            y = mesh.cell_center_coo[i, 1]
            z = mesh.cell_center_coo[i, 2]
            f[i] = problem.f_init(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz)
        #        restart from distribution function
        #        f = load_tt(init, mesh.nc, nv)
        #        restart form macroparameters array
        init_data = np.loadtxt(init)
        for ic in range(mesh.nc):
            f[ic] = tt.tensor(f_maxwell(vx, vy, vz, init_data[ic, 5], \
             init_data[ic, 0], init_data[ic, 1], init_data[ic, 2], init_data[ic, 3], gas_params.Rg), tol)

    # TODO: may be join f_plus and f_minus in one array
    f_plus = [None] * mesh.nf  # Reconstructed values on the right
    f_minus = [None] * mesh.nf  # reconstructed values on the left
    flux = [None] * mesh.nf  # Flux values
    rhs = [None] * mesh.nc
    df = [None] * mesh.nc

    # Arrays for macroparameters
    n = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
    rho = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
    ux = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
    uy = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
    uz = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
    p = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
    T = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
    nu = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
    rank = np.zeros(mesh.nc)
    data = np.zeros((mesh.nc, 7))

    # Dummy tensor with [1, 1, 1, 1] ranks
    F = tt.rand([nv, nv, nv], 3, [1, 1, 1, 1])
    frob_norm_iter = np.array([])

    it = 0
    while (it < nt):
        it += 1
        # reconstruction for inner faces
        # 1st order
        for ic in range(mesh.nc):
            for j in range(6):
                jf = mesh.cell_face_list[ic, j]
                if (mesh.cell_face_normal_direction[ic, j] == 1):
                    f_minus[jf] = f[ic].copy()
                    f_plus[jf] = f[ic].copy()

        # boundary condition
        # loop over all boundary faces
        for j in range(mesh.nbf):
            jf = mesh.bound_face_info[j, 0]  # global face index
            bc_num = mesh.bound_face_info[j, 1]
            bc_type = problem.bc_type_list[bc_num]
            bc_data = problem.bc_data[bc_num]
            if (mesh.bound_face_info[j, 2] == 1):
                f_plus[jf] = set_bc_tt(gas_params, bc_type, bc_data,
                                       f_minus[jf], vx, vy, vz, vn[jf],
                                       vnp[jf], vnm[jf], tol)
                f_minus[jf] = set_bc_tt(gas_params, bc_type, bc_data,
                                        f_plus[jf], vx, vy, vz, -vn[jf],
                                        -vnm[jf], -vnp[jf], tol)

        # riemann solver - compute fluxes
        for jf in range(mesh.nf):
            flux[jf] = 0.5 * mesh.face_areas[jf] *\
            ((f_plus[jf] + f_minus[jf]) * vn[jf]  - (f_plus[jf] - f_minus[jf]) * vn_abs[jf])
            flux[jf] = flux[jf].round(tol)

        # computation of the right-hand side
        for ic in range(mesh.nc):
            rhs[ic] = zero_tt.copy()
            # sum up fluxes from all faces of this cell
            for j in range(6):

                jf = mesh.cell_face_list[ic, j]
                rhs[ic] += -(mesh.cell_face_normal_direction[ic, j]) * (
                    1. / mesh.cell_volumes[ic]) * flux[jf]
                rhs[ic] = rhs[ic].round(tol)
            # Compute macroparameters and collision integral
            J, n[ic], ux[ic], uy[ic], uz[ic], T[ic], nu[ic], rho[ic], p[
                ic] = comp_macro_param_and_j_tt(f[ic], vx_, vx, vy, vz, vx_tt,
                                                vy_tt, vz_tt, v2, gas_params,
                                                tol, F, ones_tt)
            rhs[ic] += J
            rhs[ic] = rhs[ic].round(tol)

        frob_norm_iter = np.append(
            np.sqrt(sum([(rhs[ic].norm())**2 for ic in range(mesh.nc)])))
        # update values, expclicit scheme
        for ic in range(mesh.nc):
            f[ic] = (f[ic] + tau * rhs[ic]).round(tol)

        # save rhs norm and tec tile
        if ((it % 100) == 0):
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10))
            line, = ax.semilogy(frob_norm_iter / frob_norm_iter[0])
            ax.set(title='$Steps =$' + str(it))

            data[:, 0] = n[:]
            data[:, 1] = ux[:]
            data[:, 2] = uy[:]
            data[:, 3] = uz[:]
            data[:, 4] = p[:]
            data[:, 5] = T[:]
            data[:, 6] = rank[:]

            write_tecplot(mesh, data, 'tec_tt.dat',
                          ('n', 'ux', 'uy', 'uz', 'p', 'T', 'rank'))

    save_tt(filename, f, mesh.nc, nv)

    Return = namedtuple(
        ['f', 'n', 'ux', 'uy', 'uz', 'T', 'p', 'rank', 'frob_norm_iter'])

    S = Return(f, n, ux, uy, uz, T, p, rank, frob_norm_iter)

    return S
コード例 #29
    def solve(self,

        if intervals == None:
            x_tt = initial_tt
            dT = T / intervals
            Nt = self.N_max

            S, P, ev, basis = self.get_SP(dT, Nt)

            if qtt:
                nqtt = int(np.log2(Nt))
                S = ttm2qttm(tt.matrix(S))
                P = ttm2qttm(tt.matrix(P))
                I_tt = tt.eye(self.A_tt.n)
                B_tt = tt.kron(I_tt, tt.matrix(S)) - tt.kron(
                    I_tt, P) @ tt.kron(self.A_tt, ttm2qttm(tt.eye([Nt])))

                nqtt = 1
                I_tt = tt.eye(self.A_tt.n)
                B_tt = tt.kron(I_tt, tt.matrix(S)) - tt.kron(
                    I_tt, tt.matrix(P)) @ tt.kron(self.A_tt,

            # print(dT,T,intervals)
            returns = []
            for i in range(intervals):
                # print(i)
                if qtt:
                    f_tt = tt.kron(x_tt, tt2qtt(tt.tensor(ev)))
                    f_tt = tt.kron(x_tt, tt.tensor(ev))
                # print(B_tt.n,f_tt.n)
                    # xs_tt = xs_tt.round(1e-10,5)
                    # tme = datetime.datetime.now()
                    xs_tt = tt.amen.amen_solve(B_tt,
                                               verb=1 if verb else 0,

                    # tme = datetime.datetime.now() - tme
                    # print(tme)

                    self.xs_tt = xs_tt
                    # tme = datetime.datetime.now()
                    xs_tt = tt.amen.amen_solve(B_tt,
                                               verb=1 if verb else 0,
                    # tme = datetime.datetime.now() - tme
                    # print(tme)

                    self.xs_tt = xs_tt
                # print('SIZE',tt_size(xs_tt)/1e6)
                # print('PLMMM',tt.sum(xs_tt),xs_tt.r)
                if basis == None:
                    if return_all: returns.append(xs_tt)
                    x_tt = xs_tt[tuple([slice(None, None, None)] *
                                       len(self.A_tt.n) + [-1] * nqtt)]
                    x_tt = x_tt.round(self.epsilon / 10)

                    if return_all:
                        if qtt:
                            beval = basis(np.array([0])).flatten()
                            temp1 = xs_tt * tt.kron(tt.ones(self.A_tt.n),
                            for l in range(nqtt):
                                temp1 = tt.sum(temp1, len(temp1.n) - 1)
                            beval = basis(np.array([dT])).flatten()
                            temp2 = xs_tt * tt.kron(tt.ones(self.A_tt.n),
                            for l in range(nqtt):
                                temp2 = tt.sum(temp2, len(temp2.n) - 1)
                                tt.kron(temp1, tt.tensor(np.array([1, 0]))) +
                                tt.kron(temp2, tt.tensor(np.array([0, 1]))))
                            beval = basis(np.array([0])).flatten()
                            temp1 = xs_tt * tt.kron(tt.ones(self.A_tt.n),
                            temp1 = tt.sum(temp1, len(temp1.n) - 1)
                            beval = basis(np.array([dT])).flatten()
                            temp2 = xs_tt * tt.kron(tt.ones(self.A_tt.n),
                            temp2 = tt.sum(temp2, len(temp2.n) - 1)
                                tt.kron(temp1, tt.tensor(np.array([1, 0]))) +
                                tt.kron(temp2, tt.tensor(np.array([0, 1]))))

                    beval = basis(np.array([dT])).flatten()
                    if qtt:
                        x_tt = xs_tt * tt.kron(tt.ones(self.A_tt.n),
                        for l in range(nqtt):
                            x_tt = tt.sum(x_tt, len(x_tt.n) - 1)
                        if rounding: x_tt = x_tt.round(self.epsilon / 10)
                        x_tt = tt.sum(
                            xs_tt *
                            tt.kron(tt.ones(self.A_tt.n), tt.tensor(beval)),
                            len(xs_tt.n) - 1)
                        if rounding: x_tt = x_tt.round(self.epsilon / 10)
                # print('SIZE 2 ',tt_size(x_tt)/1e6)
            if not return_all: returns = x_tt
            return returns
コード例 #30
    L_qtt = np.reshape(L,qtt_matrix)
    Lbd_qtt = np.reshape(Lbd,qtt_matrix)
    Lf_qtt = np.reshape(Lf,qtt_matrix)
    f1_qtt = np.reshape(f1,qtt_tensor)
    g1_qtt = np.reshape(g1,qtt_tensor)
    f2_qtt = np.reshape(f2,qtt_tensor)
    g2_qtt = np.reshape(g2,qtt_tensor)
    Identity_qtt = np.reshape(Identity,qtt_matrix)

    #------------------converting to TT-format------------------

    # #converting rightside to TT-format
    # #problem 1
    f1_qtt = tt.tensor(f1_qtt)
    g1_qtt = tt.tensor(g1_qtt )
    # #problem 1
    f2_qtt = tt.tensor(f2_qtt)
    g2_qtt = tt.tensor(g2_qtt)
    # #convert Identity matrix to TT-format
    Identity_qtt = tt.matrix(Identity_qtt) 
    # #convert laplacian matrix to TT-format
    L_qtt = tt.matrix(L_qtt)
    Lbd_qtt = tt.matrix(Lbd_qtt)
    Lf_qtt = tt.matrix(Lf_qtt)
コード例 #31
l_s = delta * mu_s * v_s / p_s

#print 'l_s = ', l_s

#print 'v_s = ', v_s

nv = 44
vmax = 22 * v_s

hv = 2. * vmax / nv
vx_ = np.linspace(-vmax + hv / 2, vmax - hv / 2,
                  nv)  # coordinates of velocity nodes

vx, vy, vz = np.meshgrid(vx_, vx_, vx_, indexing='ij')

f_init = lambda x, y, z, vx, vy, vz: tt.tensor(
    Boltzmann_cyl.f_maxwell(vx, vy, vz, T_l, n_l, u_l, 0., 0., gas_params.Rg))
f_bound = tt.tensor(
    Boltzmann_cyl.f_maxwell(vx, vy, vz, T_l, n_l, u_l, 0., 0., gas_params.Rg))
fmax = tt.tensor(
    Boltzmann_cyl.f_maxwell(vx, vy, vz, T_w, 1., 0., 0., 0., gas_params.Rg))
problem = Boltzmann_cyl.Problem(
    bc_type_list=['sym-z', 'in', 'out', 'wall', 'sym-y'],
    bc_data=[[], [f_bound], [f_bound], [fmax], []],

#print 'vmax =', vmax

CFL = 5e+1
コード例 #32
# Set up model
mdl = CME(N, Pre, Post, rates * 0 + 1, Props)
Atts = mdl.construct_generator_tt(as_list=True)

Nl = 64
mult = 6
param_range = [[0, r * mult] for r in rates]

# basis = [LegendreBasis(Nl,[p[0],p[1]]) for p in param_range]
basis = [BSplineBasis(Nl, [p[0], p[1]], deg=2) for p in param_range]

pts = [b.integration_points(4)[0] for b in basis]
ws = [b.integration_points(4)[1] for b in basis]
lint = pts[0].size

WS = tt.mkron([tt.tensor(b.get_integral()) for b in basis])

A_tt = extend_cme(Atts, pts)
A_tt = A_tt.round(1e-10, 20)

mass_tt, mass_inv_tt = get_mass(basis)
stiff_tt = get_stiff(A_tt, N, pts, ws, basis)
M_tt = tt.kron(tt.eye(N), mass_inv_tt) @ stiff_tt

#%% Get observation

# reaction_time,reaction_jumps,reaction_indices = Gillespie(np.array(Initial),time_observation[-1],Pre,Post-Pre,rates)
# observations = Observations_grid(time_observation, reaction_time, reaction_jumps)
# observations_noise = observations+np.random.normal(0,sigma,observations.shape)
コード例 #33
def ksl(A, y0, tau, verb=1, scheme='symm', space=8, rmax=2000):
    """ Dynamical tensor-train approximation based on projector splitting
        This function performs one step of dynamical tensor-train approximation  
        for the equation 

        .. math :: 
            \\frac{dy}{dt} = A y, \\quad y(0) = y_0

        and outputs approximation for :math:`y(\\tau)` 
        1. Christian Lubich, Ivan Oseledets, and Bart Vandereycken. 
        Time integration of tensor trains. arXiv preprint 1407.2042, 2014.


        2. Christian Lubich and Ivan V. Oseledets. A projector-splitting integrator 
        for dynamical low-rank approximation. BIT, 54(1):171-188, 2014.

    :param A: Matrix in the TT-format
    :type A: matrix
    :param y0: Initial condition in the TT-format, 
    :type y0: tensor
    :param tau: Timestep
    :type tau: float
    :param scheme: The integration scheme, possible values: 'symm' -- second order, 'first' -- first order 
    :type scheme: str
    :param space: Maximal dimension of the Krylov space for the local EXPOKIT solver.
    :type space: int
    :rtype: tensor

        >>> import tt
        >>> import tt.ksl
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> d = 8
        >>> a = tt.qlaplace_dd([d, d, d])
        >>> y0, ev = tt.eigb.eigb(a, tt.rand(2 , 24, 2), 1e-6, verb=0)
        Solving a block eigenvalue problem
        Looking for 1 eigenvalues with accuracy 1E-06
        swp: 1 er = 1.1408 rmax:2
        swp: 2 er = 190.01 rmax:2
        swp: 3 er = 2.72582E-08 rmax:2
        Total number of matvecs: 0
        >>> y1 = tt.ksl.ksl(a, y0, 1e-2)
        Solving a real-valued dynamical problem with tau=1E-02
        >>> print tt.dot(y1, y0) / (y1.norm() * y0.norm()) - 1 #Eigenvectors should not change

    ry = y0.r.copy()
    if scheme is 'symm':
        tp = 2
        tp = 1
    #Check for dtype
    y = tensor()
    if np.iscomplex(A.tt.core).any() or np.iscomplex(y0.core).any():
        dyn_tt.dyn_tt.ztt_ksl(y0.d, A.n, A.m, A.tt.r, A.tt.core + 0j,
                              y0.core + 0j, ry, tau, rmax, 0, 10, verb, tp,
        y.core = dyn_tt.dyn_tt.zresult_core.copy()
        A.tt.core = np.real(A.tt.core)
        y0.core = np.real(y0.core)
        dyn_tt.dyn_tt.tt_ksl(y0.d, A.n, A.m, A.tt.r, A.tt.core, y0.core, ry,
                             tau, rmax, 0, 10, verb)
        y.core = dyn_tt.dyn_tt.result_core.copy()
    y.d = y0.d
    y.n = A.n.copy()
    y.r = ry
    return y
コード例 #34
ファイル: ksl.py プロジェクト: Bihaqo/ttpy
def ksl(A, y0, tau, verb=1, scheme='symm', space=8, rmax=2000):
    """ Dynamical tensor-train approximation based on projector splitting
        This function performs one step of dynamical tensor-train approximation  
        for the equation 

        .. math :: 
            \\frac{dy}{dt} = A y, \\quad y(0) = y_0

        and outputs approximation for :math:`y(\\tau)` 
        1. Christian Lubich, Ivan Oseledets, and Bart Vandereycken. 
        Time integration of tensor trains. arXiv preprint 1407.2042, 2014.


        2. Christian Lubich and Ivan V. Oseledets. A projector-splitting integrator 
        for dynamical low-rank approximation. BIT, 54(1):171-188, 2014.

    :param A: Matrix in the TT-format
    :type A: matrix
    :param y0: Initial condition in the TT-format, 
    :type y0: tensor
    :param tau: Timestep
    :type tau: float
    :param scheme: The integration scheme, possible values: 'symm' -- second order, 'first' -- first order 
    :type scheme: str
    :param space: Maximal dimension of the Krylov space for the local EXPOKIT solver.
    :type space: int
    :rtype: tensor

        >>> import tt
        >>> import tt.ksl
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> d = 8
        >>> a = tt.qlaplace_dd([d, d, d])
        >>> y0, ev = tt.eigb.eigb(a, tt.rand(2 , 24, 2), 1e-6, verb=0)
        Solving a block eigenvalue problem
        Looking for 1 eigenvalues with accuracy 1E-06
        swp: 1 er = 1.1408 rmax:2
        swp: 2 er = 190.01 rmax:2
        swp: 3 er = 2.72582E-08 rmax:2
        Total number of matvecs: 0
        >>> y1 = tt.ksl.ksl(a, y0, 1e-2)
        Solving a real-valued dynamical problem with tau=1E-02
        >>> print tt.dot(y1, y0) / (y1.norm() * y0.norm()) - 1 #Eigenvectors should not change
    ry = y0.r.copy()
    if scheme is 'symm':
        tp = 2
        tp = 1
    #Check for dtype
    y = tensor()
    if np.iscomplex(A.tt.core).any() or np.iscomplex(y0.core).any():
        dyn_tt.dyn_tt.ztt_ksl(y0.d,A.n,A.m,A.tt.r,A.tt.core +0j, y0.core+0j, ry, tau, rmax, 0, 10, verb, tp, space)
        y.core = dyn_tt.dyn_tt.zresult_core.copy()    
        A.tt.core = np.real(A.tt.core)
        y0.core = np.real(y0.core) 
        dyn_tt.dyn_tt.tt_ksl(y0.d,A.n,A.m,A.tt.r,A.tt.core, y0.core, ry, tau, rmax, 0, 10, verb)
        y.core = dyn_tt.dyn_tt.result_core.copy()
    y.d = y0.d
    y.n = A.n.copy()
    y.r = ry 
    return y
コード例 #35
ファイル: full2tt_tests.py プロジェクト: churli/TT
results = [] # Each dim: [d,n,sizefull,f1_ttSize,f1_sizeRatio,...]

for d in D:
    print("### DIMENSION %d ###" %(d))
    xVec = np.meshgrid(*tuple([vtheta for x in range(d)]))

    localResults = [d,n,n**d]

    for f in functions:
        t0 = timing.log("Creating full tensor of function %s with n=%d, d=%d" %(f.func_name,n,d))
        tensor = f(np.asarray(xVec))
        tFoo, tDiffCreation = timing.log("Full tensor created", t0)
        t0 = timing.log("Compressing tensor to TT")
        a = tt.tensor(tensor)
        tFoo, tDiffCompression = timing.log("Tensor compressed", t0)
        s_tensor = n**d
        print("Size of full tensor: %d params" %(s_tensor))
        s_a = numparams(a)
        print("Size of tt representation: %d params" %(s_a))
        s_ratio = float(s_a) / s_tensor
        print("Size ratio (tt/full): %f" %(s_ratio))
        print("Dimensions of tensor: %s" %(a.n))
コード例 #36
Props = [ lambda x: x[:,0], lambda x: x[:,0]  , lambda x: x[:,0]*0+1  , lambda x: x[:,1] ]

# construct the model and the CME operator
N = [80,120] # state truncation
mdl = CME(N, Pre,Post,rates,Props)


A_tt = mdl.construct_generator_tt()

Initial = [2,4]
P0 = np.zeros(N)
P0[Initial[0],Initial[1]] = 1.0
P0_tt = tt.tensor(P0)

dT = 128
Nt = 8
time = np.arange(Nt+1) * dT

# Reference solution
print('Reference solution...')
tme_ode45 = timeit.time.time()
Gen = mdl.gen
def func(t,y):
    return Gen.dot(y)

# solve CME
res = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(func,[0,time[-1]],P0.flatten(),t_eval=time,max_step=dT/10000)
コード例 #37
    np.repeat(reaction_time, 2)[1:],
    np.repeat(reaction_jumps[:, 3], 2)[:-1])
    np.repeat(reaction_time, 2)[1:],
    np.repeat(reaction_jumps[:, 4], 2)[:-1])
    np.repeat(reaction_time, 2)[1:],
    np.repeat(reaction_jumps[:, 5], 2)[:-1])

# import sys
# sys.exit()

evector = lambda n, i: np.eye(n)[:, i]

P = tt.kron(tt.tensor(evector(N[0], s0[0])), tt.tensor(evector(N[1], s0[1])))
P = tt.kron(P, tt.tensor(evector(N[2], s0[2])))
P = tt.kron(P, tt.tensor(evector(N[3], s0[3])))
P = tt.kron(P, tt.tensor(evector(N[4], s0[4])))
P = tt.kron(P, tt.tensor(evector(N[5], s0[5])))

if qtt:
    A_qtt = ttm2qttm(Att)
    integrator = ttInt(A_qtt,
    P = tt2qtt(P)
    integrator = ttInt(Att,
コード例 #38
def amen_solve(A,
    """ Approximate linear system solution in the tensor-train (TT) format
        using Alternating minimal energy (AMEN approach)

    :References: Sergey Dolgov, Dmitry. Savostyanov

                 Paper 1: http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.6068

                 Paper 2: http://arxiv.org/abs/1304.1222

    :param A: Matrix in the TT-format
    :type A: matrix
    :param f: Right-hand side in the TT-format
    :type f: tensor
    :param x0: TT-tensor of initial guess.
    :type x0: tensor
    :param eps: Accuracy.
    :type eps: float


        >>> import tt
        >>> import tt.amen #Needed, not imported automatically
        >>> a = tt.qlaplace_dd([8, 8, 8]) #3D-Laplacian
        >>> rhs = tt.ones(2, 3 * 8) #Right-hand side of all ones
        >>> x = tt.amen.amen_solve(a, rhs, rhs, 1e-8)
        amen_solve: swp=1, max_dx= 9.766E-01, max_res= 3.269E+00, max_rank=5
        amen_solve: swp=2, max_dx= 4.293E-01, max_res= 8.335E+00, max_rank=9
        amen_solve: swp=3, max_dx= 1.135E-01, max_res= 5.341E+00, max_rank=13
        amen_solve: swp=4, max_dx= 9.032E-03, max_res= 5.908E-01, max_rank=17
        amen_solve: swp=5, max_dx= 9.500E-04, max_res= 7.636E-02, max_rank=21
        amen_solve: swp=6, max_dx= 4.002E-05, max_res= 5.573E-03, max_rank=25
        amen_solve: swp=7, max_dx= 4.949E-06, max_res= 8.418E-04, max_rank=29
        amen_solve: swp=8, max_dx= 9.618E-07, max_res= 2.599E-04, max_rank=33
        amen_solve: swp=9, max_dx= 2.792E-07, max_res= 6.336E-05, max_rank=37
        amen_solve: swp=10, max_dx= 4.730E-08, max_res= 1.663E-05, max_rank=41
        amen_solve: swp=11, max_dx= 1.508E-08, max_res= 5.463E-06, max_rank=45
        amen_solve: swp=12, max_dx= 3.771E-09, max_res= 1.847E-06, max_rank=49
        amen_solve: swp=13, max_dx= 7.797E-10, max_res= 6.203E-07, max_rank=53
        amen_solve: swp=14, max_dx= 1.747E-10, max_res= 2.058E-07, max_rank=57
        amen_solve: swp=15, max_dx= 8.150E-11, max_res= 8.555E-08, max_rank=61
        amen_solve: swp=16, max_dx= 2.399E-11, max_res= 4.215E-08, max_rank=65
        amen_solve: swp=17, max_dx= 7.871E-12, max_res= 1.341E-08, max_rank=69
        amen_solve: swp=18, max_dx= 3.053E-12, max_res= 6.982E-09, max_rank=73
        >>> print (tt.matvec(a, x) - rhs).norm() / rhs.norm()
    m = A.m.copy()
    rx0 = x0.r.copy()
    psx0 = x0.ps.copy()
    if A.is_complex or f.is_complex:
        amen_f90.amen_f90.ztt_amen_wrapper(f.d, A.n, m, A.tt.r, A.tt.ps,
                                           A.tt.core, f.r, f.ps, f.core, rx0,
                                           psx0, x0.core, eps, kickrank, nswp,
                                           local_iters, local_restart,
                                           trunc_norm, max_full_size, verb,
        if x0.is_complex:
            x0 = x0.real()
            rx0 = x0.r.copy()
            psx0 = x0.ps.copy()
        amen_f90.amen_f90.dtt_amen_wrapper(f.d, A.n, m, A.tt.r, A.tt.ps,
                                           A.tt.core, f.r, f.ps, f.core, rx0,
                                           psx0, x0.core, eps, kickrank, nswp,
                                           local_iters, local_restart,
                                           trunc_norm, max_full_size, verb,
    x = tt.tensor()
    x.d = f.d
    x.n = m.copy()
    x.r = rx0
    if A.is_complex or f.is_complex:
        x.core = amen_f90.amen_f90.zcore.copy()
        x.core = amen_f90.amen_f90.core.copy()
    return x
コード例 #39
ファイル: hh_hermite2.py プロジェクト: jaidevd/ttpy
#Calculate the kinetic energy (Laplace) operator
lp2 = None
eps = 1e-8
for i in xrange(f):
    w = lp
    for j in xrange(i):
        w = tt.kron(e,w)
    for j in xrange(i+1,f):
        w = tt.kron(w,e)
    lp2 = lp2 + w
    lp2 = lp2.round(eps)

#Now we will compute Henon-Heiles stuff
xx = []
t = tt.tensor(x)
ee = tt.ones([N])
for  i in xrange(f):
    t0 = t
    for j in xrange(i):
        t0 = tt.kron(ee,t0)
    for j in xrange(i+1,f):
        t0 = tt.kron(t0,ee)

#Harmonic potential
harm = None
for i in xrange(f):
    harm = harm + (xx[i]*xx[i])
    harm = harm.round(eps)
コード例 #40
            observations_noise[:, 3],
plt.xlabel('t [s]')
plt.legend(['G', 'M', 'P', 'G*', 'observations'])

gamma_pdf = lambda x, a, b: x**(a - 1) * np.exp(-b * x)

#%% Loops
# IC
P = tt.kron(tt.tensor(x0), tt.ones([Nl] * 5))
# Prior
# alpha_prior, beta_prior = gamma_params(rates,rates / np.array([1000,250,25,900]))
mu = rates[:-1] * np.array([1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0])
var = rates[:-1] * np.array([4 / 3, 5, 0.25, 0.04, 0.2])
alpha_prior = mu**2 / var
beta_prior = mu / var
Pt = tt.tensor(gamma_pdf(pts1, alpha_prior[0], beta_prior[0]))
Pt = tt.kron(Pt, tt.tensor(gamma_pdf(pts2, alpha_prior[1], beta_prior[1])))
Pt = tt.kron(Pt, tt.tensor(gamma_pdf(pts3, alpha_prior[2], beta_prior[2])))
Pt = tt.kron(Pt, tt.tensor(gamma_pdf(pts4, alpha_prior[3], beta_prior[3])))
Pt = tt.kron(Pt, tt.tensor(gamma_pdf(pts5, alpha_prior[4], beta_prior[4])))

# Pt = tt.tensor(np.ones([Nl,Nl]))
WS = tt.kron(
    tt.kron(tt.kron(tt.tensor(ws1), tt.tensor(ws2)),
コード例 #41
ファイル: tt_aux.py プロジェクト: ion-g-ion/paper-cme-tt
def tt_meshgrid(xs):
    lst = []
    for i  in range(len(xs)):
        lst.append(tt.mkron([tt.tensor(xs[i]) if i==k else tt.ones([xs[k].size]) for k in range(len(xs)) ]))
    return lst
コード例 #42
def mode_prod(t, Ms):
    cores = t.to_list(t)
    for i in range(len(cores)):
        cores[i] = np.einsum('ijk,jl->ilk', cores[i], Ms[i])
    return tt.tensor().from_list(cores)
コード例 #43
ファイル: myheisen_time.py プロジェクト: jaidevd/ttpy
    A = None
    for i in xrange(d-1):
        A = A + 0.5 * (ssp[i] * ssm[i+1] + ssm[i] * ssp[i+1]) +  (ssz[i] * ssz[i+1])
        A = A.round(1e-8)
    return A

if __name__ == '__main__':
    d =  5
    A = gen_heisen(d)
    n = A.n
    d = A.tt.d
#In this case we will start from the rank-1 tensor "all spins up"
#It is not good, since it leads to an eigenvector
#Random start also seems to be quite useless
#Maybe first d/2 is up other d/2 are down?
    v0 = np.array([1,0],dtype=np.float); v0 = tt.tensor(v0,1e-12)
    v1 = np.array([0,1],dtype=np.float); v1 = tt.tensor(v1,1e-12)
    e1 = None
    for j in xrange(d):
        if j % 2:
            e0 = v0#np.random.rand(2)
            e0 = v1#e0 = tt.tensor(e0,1e-12)
        e1 = tt.kron(e1,e0)
    r = [1]*(d+1)
    r[0] = 1
    r[d] = 1
    x0 = tt.rand(n,d,r)
    tau = 1e-2
    tf = 100
    t = 0