コード例 #1
ファイル: tags.py プロジェクト: androidsx/django-ttag
class ArgumentType(TestTag):
    age = ttag.IntegerArg(required=False, named=True)
    name_ = ttag.StringArg(required=False, named=True)
    url = ttag.ModelInstanceArg(model=models.Link, required=False, named=True)
    date = ttag.DateArg(required=False, named=True)
    time = ttag.TimeArg(required=False, named=True)
    datetime = ttag.DateTimeArg(required=False, named=True)
    flag = ttag.BooleanArg()

    def output(self, data):
        order = 'name age url date time datetime'.split()
        values = [six.text_type(data[x]) for x in order if x in data]
        if 'flag' in data:
        return u' '.join(values)
コード例 #2
class Placeholder(ttag.Tag):
    Outputs an ``<img>`` tag containing an inline base64 encoded placeholder
    image. For example::

        {% placeholder 100x30 "some text" %}

    The text is optional. Some optional keyword arguments are available which
    can be used to adjust the output image:

        The background color of the placeholder image.
        The border color (and also that of the 'x' lines crossing the image).
        The color of the text.
        The size of the text.
        The HTML class to use for this image tag.
        Don't antialias the final image.
    size = SizeArg()
    text = ttag.Arg(required=False)
    background = ttag.Arg(keyword=True, required=False)
    border = ttag.Arg(keyword=True, required=False)
    text_color = ttag.Arg(keyword=True, required=False)
    text_size = ttag.IntegerArg(keyword=True, required=False)
    class_ = ttag.Arg(keyword=True, required=False)
    no_antialias = ttag.BooleanArg()

    def clean(self, cleaned_data):
        cleaned_data['antialias'] = not cleaned_data.pop('no_antialias', None)
        return cleaned_data

    def output(self, data):
        img = StringIO()
        html_class = data.pop('class', None)
        create_placeholder(**data).save(img, 'PNG')
        return mark_safe('<img alt="%s" src="data:image/png;base64,%s" %s/>' %
                         (data.get('text') or '', img.read().encode('base64'),
                          html_class and ' class="%s"' % html_class or ''))
コード例 #3
ファイル: sms.py プロジェクト: weddingjuma/rapidpro-1
class Render(AsTag):
    A block tag that renders its contents to a context variable.

    Here is an example of using it with a ``blocktrans`` tag::

        {% render as name %}
            <a href="{{ profile.get_absolute_url }}">{{ profile }}</a>
        {% endrender %}
        {% blocktrans %}Logged in as {{ name }}{% endblocktrans %}

    Here is an example of a simple base template that leverages this tag to
    avoid duplication of a page title::

        {% render as title %}
            {% block title %}The page title{% endblock %}
        {% endrender %}

        <head><title>{{ title }}</title></head>
            <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
            {% block body %}{% endblock %}

    By default, the tag strips the output of leading and trailing white space.
    To avoid this, use the ``no_strip`` argument::

        {% render no_strip as target %} ... {% endrender %}
    no_strip = ttag.BooleanArg()

    class Meta:
        block = True

    def as_value(self, data, context):
        output = self.nodelist.render(context)
        if 'no_strip' not in data:
            output = output.strip()
        return mark_safe(output)
コード例 #4
ファイル: forms.py プロジェクト: shenkan/django-forms
class BaseFormTag(FormOptionsTag, ConfigMixin):
    with_ = ttag.KeywordsArg(required=False, named=True)
    only = ttag.BooleanArg()
    using = TemplateArg(required=False, named=True)
    extends = TemplateArg(required=False, named=True)

    def __init__(self, parser, *args, **kwargs):
        super(BaseFormTag, self).__init__(parser, *args, **kwargs)
        if 'using' in self._vars and 'extends' in self._vars:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Can't provide both 'using' "
                "and 'extends'.")
        using_inline = 'using' in self._vars and not self._vars['using']
        if using_inline or 'extends' in self._vars:
            nodelist = parser.parse([self._meta.end_block])
            if using_inline:
                self._vars['using'] = template.Template('')
                self._vars['using'].nodelist = nodelist
                self.blocks = dict([(n.name, n) for n in

    def clean(self, data, context):
        data = super(BaseFormTag, self).clean(data, context)
        form_template = data.get('using') or data.get('extends')
        if not form_template:
            if not self._meta.default_template:
                return data
            form_template = self.get_config('%s_template' % self._meta.name,
                data, context) or self._meta.default_template
        if isinstance(form_template, basestring):
            form_template = get_template(form_template)
        data['template'] = form_template
        return data

    def get_extra_context(self, data):
        return {}

    def get_block_context(self, form_template, blocks):
        block_context = BlockContext()

        # Add the block nodes from this node to the block context.

        # Add the template's nodes too if it is the root template.
        for node in form_template.nodelist:
            # The ExtendsNode has to be the first non-text node.
            if not isinstance(node, template.TextNode):
                if not isinstance(node, ExtendsNode):
                    blocks = dict([(n.name, n) for n in
        return block_context

    def render(self, context):
        data = self.resolve(context)

        if 'only' in data or self.get_config('only', data, context):
            sub_context = template.Context()
            for key, value in context.keys:
                if key in ('form', CONFIG_KEY):
                    sub_context[key] = value
            sub_context = context

        extra_context = self.get_extra_context(data)
        extra_context.update(self.get_config('with', data, context) or {})
        if 'with' in data:
        # Update (i.e. push) context in preparation for rendering.
        blocks = getattr(self, 'blocks',
            self.get_config('extends_blocks', data, context))
        if blocks:
            context.render_context[BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY] = \
                self.get_block_context(data['template'], blocks)
        output = data['template']._render(sub_context)
        # Clean up context changes.
        return output