コード例 #1
  def test_get_model_spec_with_single_model(self):
    model_spec = mobile_classifier_factory.get_model_spec(
    self.assertIsInstance(model_spec, basic_specs.ConvTowerSpec)

    def validate(oneof):
      self.assertLen(oneof.choices, 1)
    schema.map_oneofs(validate, model_spec)
コード例 #2
  def test_mobilenet_v3_like_search_gradients(self):
    model_spec = mobile_search_space_v3.mobilenet_v3_like_search()
    model_spec = schema.map_oneofs(_with_largest_possible_masks, model_spec)
    model = mobile_model_v3.get_model(
        model_spec, num_classes=1001, force_stateless_batch_norm=True)

    inputs = tf.random_normal(shape=[8, 224, 224, 3], dtype=tf.float32)

    logits, unused_endpoints = model.apply(inputs, training=True)
    labels = tf.one_hot([0]*8, 1001, dtype=tf.float32)
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=labels, logits=logits))

    variables = model.trainable_variables()
    grads = tf.gradients(loss, variables)
    for variable, grad in zip(variables, grads):
          grad, msg='Gradient for {} is None'.format(variable.name))

    for variable, array in zip(variables, self.evaluate(grads)):
          np.all(np.equal(array, 0)),
          msg='Gradient for {} is identically zero'.format(variable.name))
コード例 #3
def scale_conv_tower_spec(model_spec, multipliers, base=None):
    """Scale all the filters in `model_spec`, rounding to multiples of `base`.

    model_spec: A ConvTowerSpec namedtuple.
    multipliers: float or list/tuple of floats, the possible filter multipliers.
    base: Positive integer, all filter sizes must be a multiple of this value.

    A new basic_specs.ConvTowerSpec.
    if base is None:
        base = model_spec.filters_base

    if isinstance(multipliers, (int, float)):
        multipliers = (multipliers, )

    def update(oneof):
        """Compute version of `oneof` whose filters have been scaled up/down."""
        if oneof.tag != basic_specs.FILTERS_TAG:
            return oneof

        all_filters = set()
        for filters in oneof.choices:
            if isinstance(filters, basic_specs.FilterMultiplier):
                # Skip scaling because the filter sizes are relative, not absolute.
                for mult in multipliers:
                    all_filters.add(scale_filters(filters, mult, base))

        return schema.OneOf(sorted(all_filters), basic_specs.FILTERS_TAG)

    result = schema.map_oneofs(update, model_spec)
    return basic_specs.ConvTowerSpec(result.blocks, base)
コード例 #4
def with_random_pruning(model_spec):
    """Pick a random value for each OneOf and prune away the remaining choices."""
    def update(oneof):
        index = random.randrange(len(oneof.choices))
        return schema.OneOf(choices=[oneof.choices[index]], tag=oneof.tag)

    return schema.map_oneofs(update, model_spec)
コード例 #5
def with_random_masks(model_spec):
    """Assign random one-hot masks OneOf."""
    def update(oneof):
        mask = random_one_hot(len(oneof.choices))
        return schema.OneOf(choices=oneof.choices, tag=oneof.tag, mask=mask)

    return schema.map_oneofs(update, model_spec)
コード例 #6
    def test_map_oneofs(self):
        structure = {
            'foo': [
                schema.OneOf([1, 2], 'tag1'),
                schema.OneOf([3, 4, 5], 'tag2'),

        all_oneofs = []

        def visit(oneof):
            return schema.OneOf([x * 10 for x in oneof.choices], oneof.tag)

            schema.map_oneofs(visit, structure), {
                'foo': [
                    schema.OneOf([10, 20], 'tag1'),
                    schema.OneOf([30, 40, 50], 'tag2'),
        self.assertEqual(all_oneofs, [
            schema.OneOf([1, 2], 'tag1'),
            schema.OneOf([3, 4, 5], 'tag2'),
コード例 #7
def _validate_genotype_sequence(model_spec,
  """Verify that the number of OneOfs in `genotype` matches `model_spec`."""
  # Note: Conceptually, we just need oneof_count to be an integer. But we need
  # to be able to update its value from within the update_count() function, and
  # storing it inside a dictionary makes that easier.
  oneof_count = {'value': 0}
  def update_count(oneof):
    del oneof  # Unused
    oneof_count['value'] += 1
  schema.map_oneofs(update_count, model_spec)

  if len(genotype) != oneof_count['value']:
    raise ValueError(
        'Genotype contains {:d} oneofs but model_spec contains {:d}'
        .format(len(genotype), oneof_count['value']))
コード例 #8
def tf_indices(model_spec):
    """Extract `indices` from `model_spec` as Tensors.

    model_spec: Nested data structure containing schema.OneOf objects.

    `indices`, a rank-1 integer Tensor.
    indices = []

    def visit(oneof):
        index = tf_argmax_or_zero(oneof)

    schema.map_oneofs(visit, model_spec)
    return tf.stack(indices)
コード例 #9
def with_random_op_masks(model_spec):
  """Assign random one-hot masks OneOf whose tags are basic_specs.OP_TAG."""
  def update(oneof):
    if oneof.tag == basic_specs.OP_TAG:
      mask = random_one_hot(len(oneof.choices))
      return schema.OneOf(choices=oneof.choices, tag=oneof.tag, mask=mask)
      return oneof
  return schema.map_oneofs(update, model_spec)
コード例 #10
def _assert_correct_oneof_count(indices,
  """Ensure the length of indices matches the number of OneOfs in model_spec."""

  # We use an object with static member fields to maintain internal state so
  # that the elements inside can be updated within a nested function.
  class State(object):
    count = 0  # Total number of oneofs in 'model_spec'

  # Count the number of elements in model_spec.
  def update_count(oneof):
    del oneof  # Unused
    State.count += 1

  schema.map_oneofs(update_count, model_spec)
  if State.count != len(indices):
    raise ValueError('Wrong number of indices. Expected: {} but got: {}'.format(
        State.count, len(indices)))
コード例 #11
def _validate_genotype_dict(model_spec,
  """Verify that the tag counts in `genotype` match those in `model_spec`."""
  # Count the number of times each tag appears in ConvTowerSpec.
  tag_counts = collections.Counter()
  def update_tag_counts(oneof):
    tag_counts[oneof.tag] += 1
  schema.map_oneofs(update_tag_counts, model_spec)

  # Report any size mismatches we come across.
  bad_tags = set(genotype) - set(tag_counts)
  if bad_tags:
    raise ValueError(
        'Tag(s) appear in genotype but not in model_spec: {:s}'
        .format(', '.join(bad_tags)))

  for tag in genotype:
    if len(genotype[tag]) != tag_counts[tag]:
      raise ValueError(
          'Tag {:s} appears {:d} times in genotype but {:d} times in '
          'model_spec'.format(tag, len(genotype[tag]), tag_counts[tag]))
コード例 #12
def prune_model_spec(model_spec,
    """Creates a representation for an architecture with constant ops.

    model_spec: Nested data structure containing schema.OneOf objects.
    genotype: A dictionary mapping tags to sequences of integers. Or a sequence
        of integers containing the selections for all the OneOf nodes in
    path_dropout_rate: Float or scalar float Tensor between 0 and 1. If greater
        than zero, we will randomly zero out skippable operations during
        training with this probability. Cannot be used with an rl controller.
        Should be set to 0 at evaluation time.
    training: Boolean. True during training, false during evaluation/inference.
        Can be None if path_dropout_rate is zero.
    prune_filters_by_value: Boolean. If true, treat genotype[FILTERS_TAG] as a
        list of values rather than a list of indices.

    A pruned version of `model_spec` with all unused options removed.
    if path_dropout_rate != 0.0:
        if basic_specs.OP_TAG not in genotype:
            raise ValueError(
                'If path_dropout_rate > 0 then genotype must contain key {:s}.'
        if training is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'If path_dropout_rate > 0 then training cannot be None.')

    # Create a mutable copy of 'genotype'. This will let us modify the copy
    # without updating the original.
    genotype_is_dict = isinstance(genotype, dict)
    if genotype_is_dict:
        genotype = {key: list(value) for (key, value) in genotype.items()}
        _validate_genotype_dict(model_spec, genotype)
    else:  # genotype is a list/tuple of integers
        genotype = list(genotype)
        _validate_genotype_sequence(model_spec, genotype)

    # Everything looks good. Now prune the model.
    zero_spec = basic_specs.ZeroSpec()

    def update_spec(oneof):
        """Visit a schema.OneOf node in `model_spec`, return an updated value."""
        if genotype_is_dict and oneof.tag not in genotype:
            return oneof

        if genotype_is_dict:
            selection = genotype[oneof.tag].pop(0)
            if oneof.tag == basic_specs.FILTERS_TAG and prune_filters_by_value:
                selection = oneof.choices.index(selection)
            selection = genotype.pop(0)

        # If an operation is skippable (i.e., it can be replaced with a ZeroSpec)
        # then we optionally apply path dropout during stand-alone training.
        # This logic, if enabled, will replace a standard RL controller.
        mask = None
        if (path_dropout_rate != 0.0 and training
                and oneof.tag == basic_specs.OP_TAG
                and zero_spec in oneof.choices):
            keep_prob = 1.0 - path_dropout_rate
            # Mask is [1] with probability `keep_prob`, and [0] otherwise.
            mask = tf.cast(tf.less(tf.random_uniform([1]), keep_prob),
            # Normalize the mask so that the expected value of each element 1.
            mask = mask / keep_prob

        return schema.OneOf([oneof.choices[selection]], oneof.tag, mask)

    return schema.map_oneofs(update_spec, model_spec)
コード例 #13
 def test_coupled_tf_features_with_mobile_model_v3(self, ssd):
     model_spec = mobile_search_space_v3.get_search_space_spec(ssd)
     model_spec = schema.map_oneofs(_assign_random_mask, model_spec)
     features = mobile_cost_model.coupled_tf_features(model_spec)
     self.assertEqual(features.dtype, tf.float32)
     self.assertEqual(features.shape.rank, 1)