コード例 #1
ファイル: run_plant.py プロジェクト: wangcj05/cortix
def main():
    """Balance of plant of a boiling water nuclear reactor.

    end_time: float
        End of the flow time in SI unit.
    time_step: float
        Size of the time step between port communications in SI unit.
    use_mpi: bool
        If set to `True` use MPI otherwise use Python multiprocessing.


    # Preamble

    end_time = 30.0 * unit.minute
    time_step = 30.0  # seconds
    show_time = (True, 5 * unit.minute)

    use_mpi = False  # True for MPI; False for Python multiprocessing
    plot_results = True  # True for enabling plotting section below
    params = get_params()  # parameters for BoP BWR

    # Define Cortix system

    # System top level
    plant = Cortix(use_mpi=use_mpi, splash=True)

    # Network
    plant_net = plant.network = Network()

    params['start-time'] = 0.0
    params['end-time'] = end_time
    params['shutdown-time'] = 999.0 * unit.hour
    params['shutdown-mode'] = False
    # Create reactor module
    reactor = BWR(params)

    reactor.name = 'BWR'
    reactor.save = True
    reactor.time_step = time_step
    reactor.end_time = end_time
    reactor.show_time = show_time
    reactor.RCIS = True

    # Add reactor module to network

    # Create turbine high pressure module
    params['turbine_inlet_pressure'] = 2
    params['turbine_outlet_pressure'] = 0.5
    params['high_pressure_turbine'] = True

    #params_turbine = reactor.params
    #params_turbine.inlet_pressure = 2
    #params.turbine_outlet_pressure = 0.5

    turbine_hp = Turbine(params)

    turbine_hp.name = 'High Pressure Turbine'
    turbine_hp.save = True
    turbine_hp.time_step = time_step
    turbine_hp.end_time = end_time

    # Add turbine high pressure module to network

    # Create turbine low pressure module
    params['turbine_inlet_pressure'] = 0.5
    params['turbine_outlet_pressure'] = 0.005
    params['high_pressure_turbine'] = False
    params['steam flowrate'] = params['steam flowrate'] / 2

    turbine_lp1 = Turbine(params)

    turbine_lp1.name = 'Low Pressure Turbine 1'
    turbine_lp1.save = True
    turbine_lp1.time_step = time_step
    turbine_lp1.end_time = end_time


    # Create turbine low pressure module
    params['turbine_inlet_pressure'] = 0.5
    params['turbine_outlet_pressure'] = 0.005
    params['high_pressure_turbine'] = False

    turbine_lp2 = Turbine(params)

    turbine_lp2.name = 'Low Pressure Turbine 2'
    turbine_lp2.save = True
    turbine_lp2.time_step = time_step
    turbine_lp2.end_time = end_time


    # Create condenser module
    params['steam flowrate'] = params['steam flowrate'] * 2

    condenser = Condenser()

    condenser.name = 'Condenser'
    condenser.save = True
    condenser.time_step = time_step
    condenser.end_time = end_time


    params['RCIS-shutdown-time'] = 5 * unit.minute
    rcis = Cooler(params)
    rcis.name = 'RCIS'
    rcis.save = True
    rcis.time_step = time_step
    rcis.end_time = end_time


    # Create the BoP network connectivity
    plant_net.connect([reactor, 'coolant-outflow'], [turbine_hp, 'inflow'])
    plant_net.connect([turbine_hp, 'outflow-1'], [turbine_lp1, 'inflow'])
    plant_net.connect([turbine_hp, 'outflow-2'], [turbine_lp2, 'inflow'])
    plant_net.connect([turbine_lp1, 'outflow-1'], [condenser, 'inflow-1'])
    plant_net.connect([turbine_lp2, 'outflow-1'], [condenser, 'inflow-2'])
    plant_net.connect([condenser, 'outflow'], [reactor, 'coolant-inflow'])
    plant_net.connect([reactor, 'RCIS-outflow'], [rcis, 'coolant-inflow'])
    plant_net.connect([rcis, 'coolant-outflow'], [reactor, 'RCIS-inflow'])
    #plant_net.connect([rcis, 'signal-in'], [reactor, 'signal-out'])

    plant_net.draw(engine='dot', node_shape='folder')
    # Run network dynamics simulation

    # Plot results

    if plot_results and (plant.use_multiprocessing or plant.rank == 0):

        # Reactor plots
        reactor = plant_net.modules[0]

        (quant, time_unit
         ) = reactor.neutron_phase.get_quantity_history('neutron-dens')
        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')

        plt.savefig('startup-neutron-dens.png', dpi=300)

        (quant, time_unit
         ) = reactor.neutron_phase.get_quantity_history('delayed-neutrons-cc')
        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')

        plt.savefig('startup-delayed-neutrons-cc.png', dpi=300)

        (quant, time_unit
         ) = reactor.coolant_outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')

        plt.savefig('startup-coolant-outflow-temp.png', dpi=300)

         time_unit) = reactor.reactor_phase.get_quantity_history('fuel-temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')
        plt.savefig('startup-fuel-temp.png', dpi=300)

        # Turbine high pressure plots
        turbine_hp = plant_net.modules[1]

         time_unit) = turbine_hp.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('power')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']',
                   title='High Pressure Turbine Power')
        plt.savefig('startup-turbine-hp-power.png', dpi=300)

         time_unit) = turbine_hp.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']',
                   title='High Pressure Turbine Outflow Temperature')
        plt.savefig('startup-turbine-hp-outflow-temp.png', dpi=300)

        # Turbine low pressure graphs
        turbine_lp1 = plant_net.modules[2]

         time_unit) = turbine_lp1.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('power')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']',
                   title='Lower Pressure Turbine 1 Power')
        plt.savefig('startup-turbine-lp1-power.png', dpi=300)

         time_unit) = turbine_lp1.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']',
                   title='Lower Pressure Turbine 1 Outflow Temperature')
        plt.savefig('startup-turbine-lp1-outflow-temp.png', dpi=300)

        # Condenser graphs
        condenser = plant_net.modules[3]

         time_unit) = condenser.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')
        plt.savefig('startup-condenser-outflow-temp.png', dpi=300)

    #setup initial values for simulation
    turbine1_outflow_temp = turbine_hp.outflow_phase.get_value(
        'temp', end_time)
    turbine1_chi = turbine_hp.outflow_phase.get_value('quality', end_time)
    turbine1_power = turbine_hp.outflow_phase.get_value('power', end_time)

    turbine2_outflow_temp = turbine_lp1.outflow_phase.get_value(
        'temp', end_time)
    turbine2_chi = turbine_lp1.outflow_phase.get_value('quality', end_time)
    turbine2_power = turbine_lp1.outflow_phase.get_value('power', end_time)

    condenser_runoff_temp = condenser.outflow_phase.get_value('temp', end_time)

    delayed_neutron_cc = reactor.neutron_phase.get_value(
        'delayed-neutrons-cc', end_time)
    n_dens = reactor.neutron_phase.get_value('neutron-dens', end_time)
    fuel_temp = reactor.reactor_phase.get_value('fuel-temp', end_time)
    coolant_temp = reactor.coolant_outflow_phase.get_value('temp', end_time)
    # Values loaded into params when they are needed (module instantiation)

    # Properly shutdown simulation

    # Now we run shutdown as a seperate simulation with starting parameters equal to the ending
    # values of the startup simulation


    # Preamble

    start_time = 0.0 * unit.minute
    end_time = 60 * unit.minute
    time_step = 30.0  # seconds
    show_time = (True, 5 * unit.minute)

    use_mpi = False  # True for MPI; False for Python multiprocessing
    plot_results = True  # True for enabling plotting section below
    params = get_params()  # clear params, just to be safe

    # Define Cortix system

    # System top level
    plant = Cortix(use_mpi=use_mpi, splash=True)

    # Network
    plant_net = plant.network = Network()

    params['start-time'] = start_time
    params['end-time'] = end_time
    params['shutdown time'] = 0.0
    params['shutdown-mode'] = True

    # Create reactor module
    params['delayed-neutron-cc'] = delayed_neutron_cc
    params['n-dens'] = n_dens
    params['fuel-temp'] = fuel_temp
    params['coolant-temp'] = coolant_temp
    params['operating-mode'] = 'shutdown'
    reactor = BWR(params)

    reactor.name = 'BWR'
    reactor.save = True
    reactor.time_step = time_step
    reactor.end_time = end_time
    reactor.show_time = show_time
    reactor.RCIS = False

    # Add reactor module to network

    # Create turbine high pressure module
    params['turbine_inlet_pressure'] = 2
    params['turbine_outlet_pressure'] = 0.5
    params['high_pressure_turbine'] = True
    params['turbine-outflow-temp'] = turbine1_outflow_temp
    params['turbine-chi'] = turbine1_chi
    params['turbine-work'] = turbine1_power
    params['turbine-inflow-temp'] = coolant_temp

    #params_turbine = reactor.params
    #params_turbine.inlet_pressure = 2
    #params.turbine_outlet_pressure = 0.5

    turbine_hp = Turbine(params)

    turbine_hp.name = 'High Pressure Turbine'
    turbine_hp.save = True
    turbine_hp.time_step = time_step
    turbine_hp.end_time = end_time

    # Add turbine high pressure module to network

    # Create turbine low pressure 1 module
    params['turbine_inlet_pressure'] = 0.5
    params['turbine_outlet_pressure'] = 0.005
    params['high_pressure_turbine'] = False
    params['steam flowrate'] = params['steam flowrate'] / 2
    params['turbine-outflow-temp'] = turbine2_outflow_temp
    params['turbine-inflow-temp'] = turbine1_outflow_temp
    params['turbine-chi'] = turbine2_chi
    params['turbine-work'] = turbine2_power

    turbine_lp1 = Turbine(params)

    turbine_lp1.name = 'Low Pressure Turbine 1'
    turbine_lp1.save = True
    turbine_lp1.time_step = time_step
    turbine_lp1.end_time = end_time


    # Create turbine low pressure 2 module
    params['turbine_inlet_pressure'] = 0.5
    params['turbine_outlet_pressure'] = 0.005
    params['high_pressure_turbine'] = False

    turbine_lp2 = Turbine(params)

    turbine_lp2.name = 'Low Pressure Turbine 2'
    turbine_lp2.save = True
    turbine_lp2.time_step = time_step
    turbine_lp2.end_time = end_time


    # Create condenser module
    params['steam flowrate'] = params['steam flowrate'] * 2
    params['condenser-runoff-temp'] = condenser_runoff_temp
    condenser = Condenser()

    condenser.name = 'Condenser'
    condenser.save = True
    condenser.time_step = time_step
    condenser.end_time = end_time


    params['RCIS-shutdown-time'] = -1 * unit.minute
    rcis = Cooler(params)
    rcis.name = 'RCIS'
    rcis.save = True
    rcis.time_step = time_step
    rcis.end_time = end_time


    # Create the BoP network connectivity
    plant_net.connect([reactor, 'coolant-outflow'], [turbine_hp, 'inflow'])
    plant_net.connect([turbine_hp, 'outflow-1'], [turbine_lp1, 'inflow'])
    plant_net.connect([turbine_hp, 'outflow-2'], [turbine_lp2, 'inflow'])
    plant_net.connect([turbine_lp1, 'outflow-1'], [condenser, 'inflow-1'])
    plant_net.connect([turbine_lp2, 'outflow-1'], [condenser, 'inflow-2'])
    plant_net.connect([condenser, 'outflow'], [reactor, 'coolant-inflow'])
    plant_net.connect([reactor, 'RCIS-outflow'], [rcis, 'coolant-inflow'])
    plant_net.connect([rcis, 'coolant-outflow'], [reactor, 'RCIS-inflow'])
    #plant_net.connect([rcis, 'signal-in'], [reactor, 'signal-out'])

    plant_net.draw(engine='dot', node_shape='folder')
    # Run network dynamics simulation

    # Plot results

    if plot_results and (plant.use_multiprocessing or plant.rank == 0):

        # Reactor plots
        reactor = plant_net.modules[0]

        (quant, time_unit
         ) = reactor.neutron_phase.get_quantity_history('neutron-dens')
        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')

        plt.savefig('shutdown-neutron-dens.png', dpi=300)

        (quant, time_unit
         ) = reactor.neutron_phase.get_quantity_history('delayed-neutrons-cc')
        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')

        plt.savefig('shutdown-delayed-neutrons-cc.png', dpi=300)

        (quant, time_unit
         ) = reactor.coolant_outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')

        plt.savefig('shutdown-coolant-outflow-temp.png', dpi=300)

         time_unit) = reactor.reactor_phase.get_quantity_history('fuel-temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')
        plt.savefig('shutdown-fuel-temp.png', dpi=300)

        # Turbine high pressure plots
        turbine_hp = plant_net.modules[1]

         time_unit) = turbine_hp.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('power')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']',
                   title='High Pressure Turbine Power')
        plt.savefig('shutdown-turbine-hp-power.png', dpi=300)

         time_unit) = turbine_hp.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']',
                   title='High Pressure Turbine Outflow Temperature')
        plt.savefig('shutdown-turbine-hp-outflow-temp.png', dpi=300)

        # Turbine low pressure graphs
        turbine_lp1 = plant_net.modules[2]

         time_unit) = turbine_lp1.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('power')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']',
                   title='Lower Pressure Turbine 1 Power')
        plt.savefig('shutdown-turbine-lp1-power.png', dpi=300)

         time_unit) = turbine_lp1.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']',
                   title='Lower Pressure Turbine 1 Outflow Temperature')
        plt.savefig('shutdown-turbine-lp1-outflow-temp.png', dpi=300)

        # Condenser graphs
        condenser = plant_net.modules[4]

         time_unit) = condenser.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')
        plt.savefig('shutdown-condenser-outflow-temp.png', dpi=300)

    # Shutdown The Simulation
コード例 #2
def main():
    """Balance of plant of a boiling water nuclear reactor.

    end_time: float
        End of the flow time in SI unit.
    time_step: float
        Size of the time step between port communications in SI unit.
    use_mpi: bool
        If set to `True` use MPI otherwise use Python multiprocessing.


    # Preamble

    end_time = 30 * unit.minute
    time_step = 30.0  # seconds
    show_time = (True, 5 * unit.minute)

    use_mpi = False  # True for MPI; False for Python multiprocessing
    plot_results = True  # True for enabling plotting section below
    params = get_params()  # parameters for BoP BWR

    # Define Cortix system

    # System top level
    plant = Cortix(use_mpi=use_mpi, splash=True)

    # Network
    plant_net = plant.network = Network()

    params['start-time'] = 0
    params['end-time'] = end_time

    # Create reactor module
    reactor = BWR(params)

    reactor.name = 'BWR'
    reactor.save = True
    reactor.time_step = time_step
    reactor.end_time = end_time
    reactor.show_time = show_time

    # Add reactor module to network

    # Create turbine 1 module
    params['turbine_inlet_pressure'] = 2
    params['turbine_outlet_pressure'] = 0.005
    params['high_pressure_turbine'] = True

    #params_turbine = reactor.params
    #params_turbine.inlet_pressure = 2
    #params.turbine_outlet_pressure = 0.5

    turbine1 = Turbine(params)

    turbine1.name = 'High Pressure Turbine'
    turbine1.save = True
    turbine1.time_step = time_step
    turbine1.end_time = end_time

    # Add turbine 1 module to network

    # Create condenser module
    params['steam flowrate'] = params['steam flowrate'] * 2

    condenser = Condenser(params)

    condenser.name = 'Condenser'
    condenser.save = True
    condenser.time_step = time_step
    condenser.end_time = end_time


    # Create the BoP network connectivity
    plant_net.connect([reactor, 'coolant-outflow'], [turbine1, 'inflow'])
    plant_net.connect([turbine1, 'outflow-1'], [condenser, 'inflow-1'])
    plant_net.connect([condenser, 'outflow'], [reactor, 'coolant-inflow'])


    # Run network dynamics simulation

    # Plot results

    if plot_results and (plant.use_multiprocessing or plant.rank == 0):

        # Reactor plots
        reactor = plant_net.modules[0]

        (quant, time_unit
         ) = reactor.neutron_phase.get_quantity_history('neutron-dens')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')

        plt.savefig('test-neutron-dens.png', dpi=300)

        (quant, time_unit
         ) = reactor.neutron_phase.get_quantity_history('delayed-neutrons-cc')
        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')

        plt.savefig('test-delayed-neutrons-cc.png', dpi=300)

        (quant, time_unit
         ) = reactor.coolant_outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')

        plt.savefig('test-coolant-outflow-temp.png', dpi=300)

         time_unit) = reactor.reactor_phase.get_quantity_history('fuel-temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')
        plt.savefig('test-fuel-temp.png', dpi=300)

        # Turbine1 plots
        turbine1 = plant_net.modules[1]

         time_unit) = turbine1.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('power')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']',
                   title='High Pressure Turbine Power')
        plt.savefig('test-turbine1-power.png', dpi=300)

         time_unit) = turbine1.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']',
                   title='High Pressure Turbine Outflow Temperature')
        plt.savefig('test-turbine1-outflow-temp.png', dpi=300)

        # Condenser graphs
        condenser = plant_net.modules[-1]

         time_unit) = condenser.outflow_phase.get_quantity_history('temp')

        quant.plot(x_scaling=1 / unit.minute,
                   x_label='Time [m]',
                   y_label=quant.latex_name + ' [' + quant.unit + ']')
        plt.savefig('test-condenser-outflow-temp.png', dpi=300)

    # Properly shutdown simulation