def piirraSuorakulmiot(suorakulmiot): t = turtle2.Turtle() t.speed("fastest") t.color("red") t.hideturtle() for rect in suorakulmiot: piirraSuorakulmio(t, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3])
def drawRectangles(rectangles): t = turtle2.Turtle() t.speed("fastest") t.color("red") t.hideturtle() for rect in rectangles: drawRectangle(t, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3])
def drawDots(): joe = turtle2.Turtle() size = 4 joe.penup() joe.color("blue") joe.goto(0, 50) joe.goto(0, 100) joe.goto(100, 0) joe.goto(100, 150) joe.goto(50, 75) joe.goto(-150, 20) joe.goto(-250, 35) joe.goto(-200, 50) joe.goto(-250, 75) joe.goto(-200, 125) joe.penup() joe.goto(600, 600)
def drawFinishLine(x1, x2, y): t = turtle2.Turtle() t.hideturtle() t.speed("fastest") t.color("blue") t.pensize(3) t.penup() t.goto(x1, y) t.pendown() t.goto(x2, y)
def piirraMaaliviiva(x1, x2, y): t = turtle2.Turtle() t.hideturtle() t.speed("fastest") t.color("blue") t.pensize(3) t.penup() t.goto(x1, y) t.pendown() t.goto(x2, y)
def prepareCoordinates(): turtle2.pauseDrawing() t = turtle2.Turtle() t.color("#545454") t.hideturtle() t.speed(0) t.penup() drawAxis(t, -600, 0) t.right(270) drawAxis(t, 0, -600) drawTicksX(t, -600) t.right(270) drawTicksY(t, -600) drawXnumbers(t, -600) drawYnumbers(t, -600) turtle2.unpauseDrawing()
def generateObstacles(n): t = turtle2.Turtle() t.speed("fastest") t.color("red") rectangles = [] for i in range(n): x = random.randint(-maxWidth, maxWidth) y = random.randint(-maxHeight, maxHeight) w = random.randint(10, 300) h = random.randint(10, 300) draw_block(t, x, y) rectangles.append((x, y, w, h)) t.hideturtle() return rectangles
def luo_esteet(n): t = turtle2.Turtle() t.speed("fastest") t.color("red") esteLista = [] for i in range(n): x = random.randint(-maxLeveys, maxLeveys) y = random.randint(-maxKorkeus, maxKorkeus) w = random.randint(10, 300) h = random.randint(10, 300) piirra_kuutio(t, x, y) esteLista.append((x, y, w, h)) t.hideturtle() return esteLista
def draw_block(x, y, color=(255, 0, 0), size=30): turtle2.pauseDrawing() t = turtle2.Turtle() t.speed("fastest") t.hideturtle() t.penup() t.goto(x, y) t.setheading(90) t.pendown() # The right side t.fillcolor(blend_colors(color, (0, 0, 0))) t.begin_fill() t.forward(size) t.right(60) t.forward(size) t.right(120) t.forward(size) t.right(60) t.forward(size) t.end_fill() # The left side t.fillcolor(blend_colors(color, (0, 0, 0), weight1=3.0)) t.begin_fill() t.right(60) t.forward(size) t.right(60) t.forward(size) t.right(120) t.forward(size) t.end_fill() # The top side t.fillcolor(color) t.begin_fill() t.right(180) t.forward(size) t.right(120) t.forward(size) t.right(60) t.forward(size) t.end_fill() turtle2.unpauseDrawing()
def piirra_kuutio(x, y, vari=(255, 0, 0), koko=30): turtle2.pauseDrawing() t = turtle2.Turtle() t.speed("fastest") t.hideturtle() t.penup() t.goto(x, y) t.setheading(90) t.pendown() # Oikea puoli t.fillcolor(sekoita_varit(vari, (0, 0, 0))) t.begin_fill() t.forward(koko) t.right(60) t.forward(koko) t.right(120) t.forward(koko) t.right(60) t.forward(koko) t.end_fill() # Vasen puoli t.fillcolor(sekoita_varit(vari, (0, 0, 0), paino1=3.0)) t.begin_fill() t.right(60) t.forward(koko) t.right(60) t.forward(koko) t.right(120) t.forward(koko) t.end_fill() # Yläpuoli t.fillcolor(vari) t.begin_fill() t.right(180) t.forward(koko) t.right(120) t.forward(koko) t.right(60) t.forward(koko) t.end_fill() turtle2.unpauseDrawing()
# Turtle moving around cubes ##### INFO ##### import turtle2 import random # Here we define a turtle and its speed t = turtle2.Turtle() t.speed("fastest") t.color("black") # Here we calculate the size of the screen screen = turtle2.Screen() screen.bgcolor("blue") width = screen.window_width() height = screen.window_height() maxWidth = width / 2 minWidth = -maxWidth maxHeight = height / 2 minHeight = -maxHeight def blend_colors(color1, color2, weight1=1.0, weight2=1.0): u = weight1 / (weight1 + weight2) v = weight2 / (weight1 + weight2) return (u * color1[0] + v * color2[0], u * color1[1] + v * color2[1], u * color1[2] + v * color2[2]) def draw_block(t, x, y, color=(255, 0, 0), size=50): turtle2.pauseDrawing()
oikea = min(250, screen.window_width() / 2 - 5) vasen = -oikea yla = min(270, screen.window_height() / 2 - 5) ala = -yla esteet = (ulkoReunat(vasen, oikea, yla, ala) + luoEsteet(4, vasen, oikea, yla - 20, ala + 60)) # Piirrä esteet turtle2.pauseDrawing() piirraSuorakulmiot(esteet) piirraMaaliviiva(vasen, oikea, yla) turtle2.unpauseDrawing() # Create the turtle kilpppari = turtle2.Turtle() kilpppari.speed("fastest") kilpppari.penup() kilpppari.goto((vasen + oikea) / 2, ala + 20) kilpppari.setheading(90) kilpppari.pendown() # Tämä looppi liikuttaa kilpparia, kunnes se saavuttaa maaliviivan aloitusaika = time.time() while kilpppari.ycor() < yla: siirryAskel(kilpppari, esteet) lopetusaika = time.time() print "Kilppari saavutti maaliviivan %d sekunnissa!" % round(lopetusaika - aloitusaika)