def update_active_regions_seeg(self, target_data, probabilistic_model, sensors, reset=False): if reset: probabilistic_model.update_active_regions([]) if target_data: active_regions = probabilistic_model.active_regions gain_matrix = np.array(sensors.gain_matrix) seeg_inds = sensors.get_sensors_inds_by_sensors_labels( target_data.space_labels) if len(seeg_inds) != 0: gain_matrix = gain_matrix[seeg_inds] for proj in gain_matrix: active_regions += select_greater_values_array_inds( proj).tolist() probabilistic_model.update_active_regions(active_regions) else: warning( "Skipping active regions setting by seeg power because no data were assigned to sensors!" ) else: warning( "Skipping active regions setting by seeg power because no target data were provided!" ) return probabilistic_model
def _determine_datasets_and_attributes(self, object, datasets_size=None): datasets_dict = {} metadata_dict = {} groups_keys = [] try: if isinstance(object, dict): dict_object = object else: dict_object = vars(object) for key, value in dict_object.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray): if datasets_size is not None and value.size == datasets_size: datasets_dict.update({key: value}) else: if datasets_size is None and value.size > 0: datasets_dict.update({key: value}) else: metadata_dict.update({key: value}) else: if isinstance(value, (float, int, long, complex, str)): metadata_dict.update({key: value}) else: groups_keys.append(key) except: msg = "Failed to decompose group object: " + str(object) + "!" try: except: msg += "\n It has no __dict__ attribute!" warning(msg, self.logger) return datasets_dict, metadata_dict, groups_keys
def get_prior_pdf(self, parameter_name): mean_or_truth, parameter = self.get_prior(parameter_name) if isinstance(parameter, (ProbabilisticParameterBase, TransformedProbabilisticParameterBase)): return parameter.scipy_method("pdf") else: warning("No parameter " + parameter_name + " was found!\nReturning true value instead of pdf!") return mean_or_truth
def convert_params_names_to_ins(dicts_list, parameter_names=INS_PARAMS_NAMES_DICT): output = [] for lst in ensure_list(dicts_list): for dct in ensure_list(lst): for p, p_ins in parameter_names.iteritems(): try: dct[p_ins] = dct[p] except: warning("Parameter " + p + " not found in \n" + str(dicts_list)) output.append(lst) return tuple(output)
def build_model_from_model_config_dict(self, model_config_dict): if not isinstance(model_config_dict, dict): model_config_dict = model_config_dict.__dict__ model_configuration = ModelConfiguration() for attr, value in model_configuration.__dict__.iteritems(): value = model_config_dict.get(attr, None) if value is None: warning( attr + " not found in the input model configuraiton dictionary!" + "\nLeaving default " + attr + ": " + str(getattr(model_configuration, attr))) if value is not None: setattr(model_configuration, attr, value) return model_configuration
def update_active_regions_x0_values(self, probabilistic_model, x0_values, reset=False): if reset: probabilistic_model.update_active_regions([]) if len(x0_values) > 0: probabilistic_model.update_active_regions( probabilistic_model.active_regions + select_greater_values_array_inds(x0_values, self.active_x0_th).tolist()) else: warning( "Skipping active regions setting by x0 values because no such values were provided!" ) return probabilistic_model
def get_truth(self, parameter_name): if self.target_data_type == TARGET_DATA_TYPE.SYNTHETIC.value: truth = self.ground_truth.get(parameter_name, np.nan) if truth is np.nan: truth = getattr(self.model_config, parameter_name, np.nan) # TODO: find a more general solution here... if truth is np.nan and parameter_name == "MC" or parameter_name == "FC": truth = self.model_config.model_connectivity if truth is np.nan: # TODO: decide if it is a good idea to return this kind of modeler's "truth"... truth = getattr(self, parameter_name, np.nan) if truth is np.nan: warning("Ground truth value for parameter " + parameter_name + " was not found!") return truth return np.nan
def _set_attributes_from_dict(self, attributes_dict): if not isinstance(attributes_dict, dict): attributes_dict = attributes_dict.__dict__ for attr, value in attributes_dict.iteritems(): if not attr in [ "model_config", "parameters", "number_of_regions", "number_of_parameters" ]: value = attributes_dict.get(attr, None) if value is None: warning(attr + " not found in input dictionary!" + "\nLeaving as it is: " + attr + " = " + str(getattr(self, attr))) if value is not None: setattr(self, attr, value) return attributes_dict
def plot_spectral_analysis_raster(self, time, data, time_units="ms", freq=None, spectral_options={}, special_idx=[], title='Spectral Analysis', figure_name=None, labels=[], figsize=FiguresConfig.VERY_LARGE_SIZE): nS = data.shape[1] n_special_idx = len(special_idx) if n_special_idx > 0: data = data[:, special_idx] nS = data.shape[1] if len(labels) > n_special_idx: labels = numpy.array([str(ilbl) + ". " + str(labels[ilbl]) for ilbl in special_idx]) elif len(labels) == n_special_idx: labels = numpy.array([str(ilbl) + ". " + str(label) for ilbl, label in zip(special_idx, labels)]) else: labels = numpy.array([str(ilbl) for ilbl in special_idx]) else: if len(labels) != nS: labels = numpy.array([str(ilbl) for ilbl in range(nS)]) if nS > 20: warning("It is not possible to plot spectral analysis plots for more than 20 signals!") return if not isinstance(time_units, basestring): time_units = list(time_units)[0] time_units = ensure_string(time_units) if time_units in ("ms", "msec"): fs = 1000.0 else: fs = 1.0 fs = fs / numpy.mean(numpy.diff(time)) log_norm = spectral_options.get("log_norm", False) mode = spectral_options.get("mode", "psd") psd_label = mode if log_norm: psd_label = "log" + psd_label stf, time, freq, psd = time_spectral_analysis(data, fs, freq=freq, mode=mode, nfft=spectral_options.get("nfft"), window=spectral_options.get("window", 'hanning'), nperseg=spectral_options.get("nperseg", int(numpy.round(fs / 4))), detrend=spectral_options.get("detrend", 'constant'), noverlap=spectral_options.get("noverlap"), f_low=spectral_options.get("f_low", 10.0), log_scale=spectral_options.get("log_scale", False)) min_val = numpy.min(stf.flatten()) max_val = numpy.max(stf.flatten()) if nS > 2: figsize = FiguresConfig.VERY_LARGE_SIZE fig = pyplot.figure(title, figsize=figsize) fig.suptitle(title) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nS, 23) ax = numpy.empty((nS, 2), dtype="O") img = numpy.empty((nS,), dtype="O") line = numpy.empty((nS,), dtype="O") for iS in range(nS, -1, -1): if iS < nS - 1: ax[iS, 0] = pyplot.subplot(gs[iS, :20], sharex=ax[iS, 0]) ax[iS, 1] = pyplot.subplot(gs[iS, 20:22], sharex=ax[iS, 1], sharey=ax[iS, 0]) else: # TODO: find and correct bug here ax[iS, 0] = pyplot.subplot(gs[iS, :20]) ax[iS, 1] = pyplot.subplot(gs[iS, 20:22], sharey=ax[iS, 0]) img[iS] = ax[iS, 0].imshow(numpy.squeeze(stf[:, :, iS]).T, cmap=pyplot.set_cmap('jet'), interpolation='none', norm=Normalize(vmin=min_val, vmax=max_val), aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=(time.min(), time.max(), freq.min(), freq.max())) # img[iS].clim(min_val, max_val) ax[iS, 0].set_title(labels[iS]) ax[iS, 0].set_ylabel("Frequency (Hz)") line[iS] = ax[iS, 1].plot(psd[:, iS], freq, 'k', label=labels[iS]) pyplot.setp(ax[iS, 1].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # ax[iS, 1].yaxis.tick_right() # ax[iS, 1].yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') if iS == (nS - 1): ax[iS, 0].set_xlabel("Time (" + time_units + ")") ax[iS, 1].set_xlabel(psd_label) else: pyplot.setp(ax[iS, 0].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) pyplot.setp(ax[iS, 1].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax[iS, 0].autoscale(tight=True) ax[iS, 1].autoscale(tight=True) # make a color bar cax = pyplot.subplot(gs[:, 22]) pyplot.colorbar(img[0], cax=pyplot.subplot(gs[:, 22])) # fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) #fraction=0.15, shrink=1.0 cax.set_title(psd_label) self._save_figure(pyplot.gcf(), figure_name) self._check_show() return fig, ax, img, line, time, freq, stf, psd
def _region_parameters_violin_plots( self, samples_all, values=None, lines=None, stats=None, params=["x0", "x1_init", "z_init"], skip_samples=0, per_chain_or_run=False, labels=[], seizure_indices=None, figure_name="Regions parameters samples", figsize=FiguresConfig.VERY_LARGE_SIZE): if isinstance(values, dict): vals_fun = lambda param: values.get(param, numpy.array([])) else: vals_fun = lambda param: [] if isinstance(lines, dict): lines_fun = lambda param: lines.get(param, numpy.array([])) else: lines_fun = lambda param: [] samples_all = ensure_list(samples_all) params = [param for param in params if param in samples_all[0].keys()] samples = [] for sample in samples_all: samples.append( extract_dict_stringkeys(sample, params, modefun="equal")) labels = generate_region_labels(samples[0].values()[0].shape[-1], labels) n_chains = len(samples_all) n_samples = samples[0].values()[0].shape[0] if n_samples > 1: violin_flag = True else: violin_flag = False if not per_chain_or_run and n_chains > 1: samples = [merge_samples(samples)] plot_samples = lambda s: numpy.concatenate(numpy.split( s[:, skip_samples:].T, n_chains, axis=2), axis=1).squeeze().T plot_figure_name = lambda ichain: figure_name else: plot_samples = lambda s: s[skip_samples:] plot_figure_name = lambda ichain: figure_name + ": chain " + str( ichain + 1) params_labels = {} for ip, p in enumerate(params): if ip == 0: params_labels[p] = self._params_stats_labels(p, stats, labels) else: params_labels[p] = self._params_stats_labels(p, stats, "") n_params = len(params) if n_params > 9: warning( "Number of subplots in column wise vector-violin-plots cannot be > 9 and it is " + str(n_params) + "!") subplot_ind = 100 + n_params * 10 figs = [] for ichain, chain_sample in enumerate(samples): pyplot.figure(plot_figure_name(ichain), figsize=figsize) for ip, param in enumerate(params): fig = self.plot_vector_violin(plot_samples( chain_sample[param]), vals_fun(param), lines_fun(param), params_labels[param], subplot_ind + ip + 1, param, violin_flag=violin_flag, colormap="YlOrRd", show_y_labels=True, indices_red=seizure_indices, sharey=None) self._save_figure(pyplot.gcf(), None) self._check_show() figs.append(fig) return tuple(figs)
def plot_array_model_comparison(self, model_comps, title_prefix="", metrics=["loos", "ks"], labels=[], xdata=None, xlabel="", figsize=FiguresConfig.VERY_LARGE_SIZE, figure_name=None): def arrange_chains_or_runs(metric_data): n_chains_or_runs = 1 for imodel, model in enumerate(metric_data): if model.ndim > 2: if model.shape[0] > n_chains_or_runs: n_chains_or_runs = model.shape[0] else: metric_data[imodel] = numpy.expand_dims(model, axis=0) return metric_data colorcycle = pyplot.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] n_colors = len(colorcycle) metrics = [ metric for metric in metrics if metric in model_comps.keys() ] figs = [] axs = [] for metric in metrics: if isinstance(model_comps[metric], dict): # Multiple models as a list of np.arrays of chains x data metric_data = model_comps[metric].values() model_names = model_comps[metric].keys() else: # Single models as a one element list of one np.array of chains x data metric_data = [model_comps[metric]] model_names = [""] metric_data = arrange_chains_or_runs(metric_data) n_models = len(metric_data) for jj in range(n_models): # Necessary because ks gets infinite sometimes... temp = metric_data[jj] == numpy.inf if numpy.all(temp): warning("All values are inf for metric " + metric + " of model " + model_names[ii] + "!\n") return elif numpy.any(temp): warning( "Inf values found for metric " + metric + " of model " + model_names[ii] + "!\n" + "Substituting them with the maximum non-infite value!") metric_data[jj][temp] = metric_data[jj][~temp].max() n_subplots = metric_data[0].shape[1] n_labels = len(labels) if n_labels != n_subplots: if n_labels != 0: warning("Ignoring labels because their number (" + str(n_labels) + ") is not equal to the number of row subplots (" + str(n_subplots) + ")!") labels = [str(ii + 1) for ii in range(n_subplots)] if xdata is None: xdata = numpy.arange(metric_data[jj].shape[-1]) else: xdata = xdata.flatten() xdata0 = numpy.concatenate([ numpy.reshape(xdata[0] - 0.1 * (xdata[-1] - xdata[0]), (1, )), xdata ]) xdata1 = xdata[-1] + 0.1 * (xdata[-1] - xdata[0]) if len(title_prefix) > 0: title = title_prefix + ": " + metric else: title = metric fig = pyplot.figure(title, figsize=figsize) fig.suptitle(title) fig.set_label(title) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_subplots, n_models) axes = numpy.empty((n_subplots, n_models), dtype="O") for ii in range(n_subplots - 1, -1, -1): for jj in range(n_models): if ii > n_subplots - 1: if jj > 0: axes[ii, jj] = pyplot.subplot( gs[ii, jj], sharex=axes[n_subplots - 1, jj], sharey=axes[ii, 0]) else: axes[ii, jj] = pyplot.subplot( gs[ii, jj], sharex=axes[n_subplots - 1, jj]) else: if jj > 0: axes[ii, jj] = pyplot.subplot(gs[ii, jj], sharey=axes[ii, 0]) else: axes[ii, jj] = pyplot.subplot(gs[ii, jj]) n_chains_or_runs = metric_data[jj].shape[0] for kk in range(n_chains_or_runs): c = colorcycle[kk % n_colors] axes[ii, jj].plot(xdata, metric_data[jj][kk][ii, :], label="chain/run" + str(kk + 1), marker="o", markersize=1, markeredgecolor=c, markerfacecolor=None, linestyle="None") if n_chains_or_runs > 1: axes[ii, jj].legend() m = numpy.nanmean(metric_data[jj][kk][ii, :]) axes[ii, jj].plot(xdata0, m * numpy.ones(xdata0.shape), color=c, linewidth=1) axes[ii, jj].text(xdata0[0], 1.1 * m, 'mean=%0.2f' % m, ha='center', va='bottom', color=c) axes[ii, jj].set_xlabel(xlabel) if ii == 0: axes[ii, jj].set_title(model_names[ii]) if ii == n_subplots - 1: axes[ii, 0].autoscale() # tight=True axes[ii, 0].set_xlim([xdata0[0], xdata1]) # tight=True # fig.tight_layout() self._save_figure(fig, figure_name) self._check_show() figs.append(fig) axs.append(axes) return tuple(figs), tuple(axs)
def get_parameter(self, parameter_name): parameter = self.parameters.get(parameter_name, None) if parameter is None: warning("Ground truth value for parameter " + parameter_name + " was not found!") return parameter
def compute_information_criteria(self, samples, nparams=None, nsamples=None, ndata=None, parameters=[], skip_samples=0, merge_chains_or_runs_flag=False, log_like_str='log_likelihood'): """ :param samples: a dictionary of stan outputs or a list of dictionaries for multiple runs/chains :param nparams: number of model parameters, it can be inferred from parameters if None :param nsamples: number of samples, it can be inferred from loglikelihood if None :param ndata: number of data points, it can be inferred from loglikelihood if None :param parameters: a list of parameter names, necessary for dic metric computations and in case nparams is None, as well as for aicc, aic and bic computation :param merge_chains_or_runs_flag: logical flag for merging seperate chains/runs, default is True :param log_like_str: the name of the log likelihood output of stan, default ''log_likelihood :return: """ import sys sys.path.insert(0, self.config.generic.MODEL_COMPARISON_PATH) from information_criteria.ComputeIC import maxlike, aicc, aic, bic, dic, waic from information_criteria.ComputePSIS import psisloo # if self.fitmethod.find("opt") >= 0: # warning("No model comparison can be computed for optimization method!") # return None samples = ensure_list(samples) if merge_chains_or_runs_flag and len(samples) > 1: samples = ensure_list(merge_samples(samples, skip_samples, flatten=True)) skip_samples = 0 results = [] for sample in samples: log_likelihood = -1 * sample[log_like_str][skip_samples:] log_lik_shape = log_likelihood.shape if len(log_lik_shape) > 1: target_shape = log_lik_shape[1:] else: target_shape = (1,) if nsamples is None: nsamples = log_lik_shape[0] elif nsamples != log_likelihood.shape[0]: warning("nsamples (" + str(nsamples) + ") is not equal to likelihood.shape[0] (" + str(log_lik_shape[0]) + ")!") log_likelihood = np.reshape(log_likelihood, (log_lik_shape[0], -1)) if log_likelihood.shape > 1: ndata_real = np.maximum(log_likelihood.shape[1], 1) else: ndata_real = 1 if ndata is None: ndata = ndata_real elif ndata != ndata_real: warning("ndata (" + str(ndata) + ") is not equal to likelihood.shape[1] (" + str(ndata_real) + ")!") result = maxlike(log_likelihood) if len(parameters) == 0: parameters = [param for param in sample.keys() if param.find("_star") >= 0] if len(parameters) > 0: nparams_real = 0 zscore_params = [] for p in parameters: pval = sample[p][skip_samples:] pzscore = np.array((pval - np.mean(pval, axis=0)) / np.std(pval, axis=0)) if len(pzscore.shape) > 2: pzscore = np.reshape(pzscore, (pzscore.shape[0], -1)) zscore_params.append(pzscore) if len(pzscore.shape) > 1: nparams_real += np.maximum(pzscore.shape[1], 1) else: nparams_real += 1 if nparams is None: nparams = nparams_real elif nparams != nparams_real: warning("nparams (" + str(nparams) + ") is not equal to number of parameters included in the dic computation (" + str(nparams_real) + ")!") # TODO: find out how to reduce dic to 1 value, from 1 value per parameter. mean(.) for the moment: result['dic'] = np.mean(dic(log_likelihood, zscore_params)) else: warning("Parameters' names' list is empty and we found no _star parameters! No computation of dic!") if nparams is not None: result['aicc'] = aicc(log_likelihood, nparams, ndata) result['aic'] = aic(log_likelihood, nparams) result['bic'] = bic(log_likelihood, nparams, ndata) else: warning("Unknown number of parameters! No computation of aic, aaic, bic!") result.update(waic(log_likelihood)) if nsamples > 1: result.update(psisloo(log_likelihood)) result["loos"] = np.reshape(result["loos"], target_shape) result["ks"] = np.reshape(result["ks"], target_shape) else: result.pop('p_waic', None) for metric, value in result.items(): result[metric] = value * np.ones(1,) results.append(result) if len(results) == 1: return results[0] else: return list_of_dicts_to_dicts_of_ndarrays(results)
def plot_bars(self, data, ax=None, fig=None, title="", group_names=[], legend_prefix="", figsize=FiguresConfig.VERY_LARGE_SIZE): def barlabel(ax, rects, positions): """ Attach a text label on each bar displaying its height """ for rect, pos in zip(rects, positions): height = rect.get_height() if pos < 0: y = -height pos = 0.75 * pos else: y = height pos = 0.25 * pos ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2., pos, '%0.2f' % y, color="k", ha='center', va='bottom', rotation=90) if fig is None: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize) show_and_save = True else: show_and_save = False if ax is None: ax = pyplot.gca() if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): # If, there are many groups, data is a list: # Fill in with nan in case that not all groups have the same number of elements from itertools import izip_longest data = numpy.array(list(izip_longest(*ensure_list(data), fillvalue=numpy.nan))).T elif data.ndim == 1: # This is the case where there is only one group... data = numpy.expand_dims(data, axis=1).T n_groups, n_elements = data.shape posmax = data.max() negmax = -(-data).max() n_groups_names = len(group_names) if n_groups_names != n_groups: if n_groups_names != 0: warning("Ignoring group_names because their number (" + str(n_groups_names) + ") is not equal to the number of groups (" + str(n_groups) + ")!") group_names = n_groups * [""] colorcycle = pyplot.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] n_colors = len(colorcycle) x_inds = numpy.arange(n_groups) width = 0.9 / n_elements elements = [] for iE in range(n_elements): elements.append( + iE*width, data[:, iE], width, color=colorcycle[iE % n_colors])) positions = [negmax if d < 0 else posmax for d in data[:, iE]] barlabel(ax, elements[-1], positions) if n_elements > 1: legend = [legend_prefix+str(ii) for ii in range(1, n_elements+1)] ax.legend(tuple([element[0] for element in elements]), tuple(legend)) ax.set_xticks(x_inds + n_elements*width/2) ax.set_xticklabels(tuple(group_names)) ax.set_title(title) ax.autoscale() # tight=True ax.set_xlim([-1.05*width, n_groups*1.05]) if show_and_save: fig.tight_layout() self._save_figure(fig) self._check_show() return fig, ax
def run_lsa(self, disease_hypothesis, model_configuration): if self.lsa_method == "auto": if numpy.any(model_configuration.x1eq > X1EQ_CR_DEF): self.lsa_method = "2D" else: self.lsa_method = "1D" if self.lsa_method == "2D" and numpy.all(model_configuration.x1eq <= X1EQ_CR_DEF): warning("LSA with the '2D' method (on the 2D Epileptor model) will not produce interpretable results when" " the equilibrium point of the system is not supercritical (unstable)!") jacobian = self._compute_jacobian(model_configuration) # Perform eigenvalue decomposition eigen_values, eigen_vectors = numpy.linalg.eig(jacobian) eigen_values = numpy.real(eigen_values) eigen_vectors = numpy.real(eigen_vectors) sorted_indices = numpy.argsort(eigen_values, kind='mergesort') if self.lsa_method == "2D": sorted_indices = sorted_indices[::-1] self.eigen_vectors = eigen_vectors[:, sorted_indices] self.eigen_values = eigen_values[sorted_indices] self._ensure_eigen_vectors_number(self.eigen_values[:disease_hypothesis.number_of_regions], model_configuration.e_values, model_configuration.x0_values, disease_hypothesis.regions_disease_indices) if self.eigen_vectors_number == disease_hypothesis.number_of_regions: # Calculate the propagation strength index by summing all eigenvectors lsa_propagation_strength = numpy.abs(numpy.sum(self.eigen_vectors, axis=1)) else: sorted_indices = max(self.eigen_vectors_number, 1) # Calculate the propagation strength index by summing the first n eigenvectors (minimum 1) if self.weighted_eigenvector_sum: lsa_propagation_strength = \ numpy.abs(weighted_vector_sum(numpy.array(self.eigen_values[:self.eigen_vectors_number]), numpy.array(self.eigen_vectors[:, :self.eigen_vectors_number]), normalize=True)) else: lsa_propagation_strength = \ numpy.abs(numpy.sum(self.eigen_vectors[:, :self.eigen_vectors_number], axis=1)) if self.lsa_method == "2D": # lsa_propagation_strength = lsa_propagation_strength[:disease_hypothesis.number_of_regions] # or # lsa_propagation_strength = numpy.where(lsa_propagation_strength[:disease_hypothesis.number_of_regions] >= # lsa_propagation_strength[disease_hypothesis.number_of_regions:], # lsa_propagation_strength[:disease_hypothesis.number_of_regions], # lsa_propagation_strength[disease_hypothesis.number_of_regions:]) # or lsa_propagation_strength = numpy.sqrt(lsa_propagation_strength[:disease_hypothesis.number_of_regions]**2 + lsa_propagation_strength[disease_hypothesis.number_of_regions:]**2) lsa_propagation_strength = numpy.log10(lsa_propagation_strength) lsa_propagation_strength -= lsa_propagation_strength.min() if self.normalize_propagation_strength: # Normalize by the maximum lsa_propagation_strength /= numpy.max(lsa_propagation_strength) # # TODO: this has to be corrected # if self.eigen_vectors_number < 0.2 * disease_hypothesis.number_of_regions: # propagation_strength_elbow = numpy.max([self.get_curve_elbow_point(lsa_propagation_strength), # self.eigen_vectors_number]) # else: propagation_strength_elbow = self.get_curve_elbow_point(lsa_propagation_strength) propagation_indices = lsa_propagation_strength.argsort()[-propagation_strength_elbow:] hypothesis_builder = HypothesisBuilder(disease_hypothesis.number_of_regions). \ set_attributes_based_on_hypothesis(disease_hypothesis). \ set_name( + "_LSA"). \ set_lsa_propagation(propagation_indices, lsa_propagation_strength) return hypothesis_builder.build_lsa_hypothesis()