class H5Reader(object): logger = initialize_logger(__name__) H5_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = H5Writer().H5_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE H5_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTE = H5Writer().H5_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTE H5_TYPES_ATTRUBUTES = [H5_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, H5_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTE] def _open_file(self, name, path=None, h5_file=None): if h5_file is None: if not os.path.isfile(path): raise ValueError("%s file %s does not exist" % (name, path))"Starting to read %s from: %s" % (name, path)) h5_file = h5py.File(path, 'r', libver='latest') return h5_file def _close_file(self, h5_file, close_file=True): if close_file: h5_file.close() def _log_success(self, name, path=None): if path is not None:"Successfully read %s from: %s" % (name, path)) def read_dictionary(self, path=None, h5_file=None, close_file=True): # type=None, """ :param path: Path towards a dictionary H5 file :return: dict """ h5_file = self._open_file("Dictionary", path, h5_file) dictionary = H5GroupHandlers( self.H5_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTE).read_dictionary_from_group( h5_file) # , type self._close_file(h5_file, close_file) self._log_success("Dictionary", path) return dictionary def read_list_of_dicts(self, path=None, h5_file=None, close_file=True): # type=None, h5_file = self._open_file("List of dictionaries", path, h5_file) list_of_dicts = [] id = 0 h5_group_handlers = H5GroupHandlers(self.H5_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTE) while 1: try: dict_group = h5_file[str(id)] except: break list_of_dicts.append( h5_group_handlers.read_dictionary_from_group( dict_group)) # , type id += 1 self._close_file(h5_file, close_file) self._log_success("List of dictionaries", path) return list_of_dicts
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from six import string_types from copy import deepcopy import numpy as np from xarray import DataArray from tvb_multiscale.core.config import initialize_logger from tvb_multiscale.core.data_analysis.spiking_network_analyser \ import SpikingNetworkAnalyser as SpikingNetworkAnalyzerBase from tvb.basic.neotraits.api import Attr, Float LOG = initialize_logger(__name__) class SpikingNetworkAnalyser(SpikingNetworkAnalyzerBase): """SpikingNetworkAnalyser - gets data from the output devices of a SpikingNetwork, (TODO: - or reads them from files,) - performs computations of mean field quantities, including spikes_train' rates, - and returns the results in the desired output type (numpy.array, xarray.DataArray, TVB TimeSeries, pandas.Series of xarray.DataArray) """ spikes_kernel = Attr(field_type=str, default="auto", required=True) spikes_kernel_width = Float( label="Kernel/window length", default=None,
class H5Writer(object): config = CONFIGURED logger = initialize_logger(__name__) H5_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = "Type" H5_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTE = "Subtype" H5_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE = "Version" H5_DATE_ATTRIBUTE = "Last_update" force_overwrite = True write_mode = "a" def _open_file(self, name, path=None, h5_file=None): if h5_file is None: if self.write_mode == "w": path = change_filename_or_overwrite(path, self.force_overwrite)"Starting to write %s to: %s" % (name, path)) h5_file = h5py.File(path, self.write_mode, libver='latest') return h5_file, path def _close_file(self, h5_file, close_file=True): if close_file: h5_file.close() def _log_success(self, name, path=None): if path is not None:"%s has been written to file: %s" % (name, path)) def _determine_datasets_and_attributes(self, object, datasets_size=None): datasets_dict = {} metadata_dict = {} groups_keys = [] try: if isinstance(object, dict): dict_object = object elif hasattr(object, "to_dict"): dict_object = object.to_dict() else: dict_object = vars(object) for key, value in dict_object.items(): if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray): # if value.size == 1: # metadata_dict.update({key: value}) # else: datasets_dict.update({key: value}) # if datasets_size is not None and value.size == datasets_size: # datasets_dict.update({key: value}) # else: # if datasets_size is None and value.size > 0: # datasets_dict.update({key: value}) # else: # metadata_dict.update({key: value}) # TODO: check how this works! Be carefull not to include lists and tuples if possible in tvb classes! elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): warning( "Writing %s %s to h5 file as a numpy array dataset !" % (value.__class__, key), self.logger) datasets_dict.update({key: numpy.array(value)}) else: if is_numeric(value) or isinstance(value, str): metadata_dict.update({key: value}) elif callable(value): metadata_dict.update({key: inspect.getsource(value)}) elif value is None: continue else: groups_keys.append(key) except: msg = "Failed to decompose group object: " + str(object) + "!" try: except: msg += "\n It has no __dict__ attribute!" warning(msg, self.logger) return datasets_dict, metadata_dict, groups_keys def _write_dicts_at_location(self, datasets_dict, metadata_dict, location): for key, value in datasets_dict.items(): try: try: location.create_dataset(key, data=value) except: location.create_dataset(key, data=numpy.str(value)) except: warning( "Failed to write to %s dataset %s %s:\n%s !" % (str(location), value.__class__, key, str(value)), self.logger) for key, value in metadata_dict.items(): try: location.attrs.create(key, value) except: warning( "Failed to write to %s attribute %s %s:\n%s !" % (str(location), value.__class__, key, str(value)), self.logger) return location def _prepare_object_for_group(self, group, object, h5_type_attribute="", nr_regions=None, regress_subgroups=True): group.attrs.create(self.H5_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, h5_type_attribute) group.attrs.create(self.H5_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTE, object.__class__.__name__) datasets_dict, metadata_dict, subgroups = self._determine_datasets_and_attributes( object, nr_regions) # If empty return None if len(datasets_dict) == len(metadata_dict) == len(subgroups) == 0: if isinstance(group, h5py._hl.files.File): if regress_subgroups: return group else: return group, subgroups else: return None else: if len(datasets_dict) > 0 or len(metadata_dict) > 0: if isinstance(group, h5py._hl.files.File): group = self._write_dicts_at_location( datasets_dict, metadata_dict, group) else: self._write_dicts_at_location(datasets_dict, metadata_dict, group) # Continue recursively going deeper in the object if regress_subgroups: for subgroup in subgroups: if isinstance(object, dict): child_object = object.get(subgroup, None) else: child_object = getattr(object, subgroup, None) if child_object is not None: group.require_group(subgroup) temp = self._prepare_object_for_group( group[subgroup], child_object, h5_type_attribute, nr_regions) # If empty delete it if temp is None or (len(temp.keys()) == 0 and len(temp.attrs.keys()) == 0): del group[subgroup] return group else: return group, subgroups def write_object(self, object, h5_type_attribute="", nr_regions=None, path=None, h5_file=None, close_file=True): """ :param object: object to write recursively in H5 :param path: H5 path to be written """ h5_file, path = self._open_file(object.__class__.__name__, path, h5_file) h5_file = self._prepare_object_for_group(h5_file, object, h5_type_attribute, nr_regions) self._close_file(h5_file, close_file) self._log_success(object.__class__.__name__, path) return h5_file, path def write_list_of_objects(self, list_of_objects, path=None, h5_file=None, close_file=True): h5_file, path = self._open_file("List of objects", path, h5_file) for idict, object in enumerate(list_of_objects): idict_str = str(idict) h5_file.create_group(idict_str) self.write_object(object, h5_file=h5_file[idict_str], close_file=False) h5_file.attrs.create(self.H5_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, numpy.string_("List of objects")) h5_file.attrs.create(self.H5_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTE, numpy.string_("list")) self._close_file(h5_file, close_file) self._log_success("List of objects", path) return h5_file, path def _convert_sequences_of_strings(self, sequence): new_sequence = [] for val in ensure_list(sequence): if isinstance(val, string_types): new_sequence.append(numpy.string_(val)) elif isinstance(val, (numpy.ndarray, tuple, list)): new_sequence.append(self._convert_sequences_of_strings(val)) else: new_sequence.append(val) return numpy.array(new_sequence) def _write_dictionary_to_group(self, dictionary, group): group.attrs.create(self.H5_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, "Dictionary") group.attrs.create(self.H5_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTE, dictionary.__class__.__name__) for key, value in dictionary.items(): try: if isinstance(value, (numpy.ndarray, list, tuple)) and len(value) > 0: new_value = numpy.array(value) if not numpy.issubdtype(value.dtype, numpy.number): new_value = self._convert_sequences_of_strings( new_value) group.create_dataset(key, data=new_value) else: if callable(value): group.attrs.create(key, inspect.getsource(value)) elif isinstance(value, dict): group.create_group(key) self._write_dictionary_to_group(value, group[key]) elif value is None: continue else: group.attrs.create(key, numpy.string_(value)) except: self.logger.warning("Did not manage to write " + key + " to h5 file " + str(group) + " !") def write_dictionary(self, dictionary, path=None, h5_file=None, close_file=True): """ :param dictionary: dictionary/ies to write recursively in H5 :param path: H5 path to be written Use this function only if you have to write dictionaries of data (scalars and arrays or lists of scalars, or of more such dictionaries recursively """ h5_file, path = self._open_file("Dictionary", path, h5_file) self._write_dictionary_to_group(dictionary, h5_file) h5_file.attrs.create(self.H5_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, numpy.string_("Dictionary")) h5_file.attrs.create(self.H5_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTE, numpy.string_(dictionary.__class__.__name__)) self._close_file(h5_file, close_file) self._log_success("Dictionary", path) return h5_file, path def write_list_of_dictionaries(self, list_of_dicts, path=None, h5_file=None, close_file=True): h5_file, path = self._open_file("List of dictionaries", path, h5_file) for idict, dictionary in enumerate(list_of_dicts): idict_str = str(idict) h5_file.create_group(idict_str) self._write_dictionary_to_group(dictionary, h5_file[idict_str]) h5_file.attrs.create(self.H5_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, numpy.string_("List of dictionaries")) h5_file.attrs.create(self.H5_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTE, numpy.string_("list")) self._close_file(h5_file, close_file) self._log_success("List of dictionaries", path) return h5_file, path def write_tvb_to_h5(self, datatype, path=None, recursive=True, force_overwrite=True): if path is None: path = self.config.out.FOLDER_RES if path.endswith("h5"): # It is a file path: dirpath = os.path.dirname(path) if os.path.isdir(dirpath): path = change_filename_or_overwrite(path, force_overwrite) else: os.mkdir(dirpath), path, recursive) else: if not os.path.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) path = os.path.join(path, datatype.title + ".h5") path = change_filename_or_overwrite(path, self.force_overwrite), path, recursive) return path