コード例 #1
def run_tvnamer(with_files, with_flags = None, with_input = "", with_config = None, run_on_directory = False):
    """Runs tvnamer on list of file-names in with_files.
    with_files is a list of strings.
    with_flags is a list of command line arguments to pass to tvnamer.
    with_input is the sent to tvnamer's stdin
    with_config is a string containing the tvnamer to run tvnamer with.

    Returns a dict with stdout, stderr and a list of files created
    # Create dummy files (config and episodes)
    tvnpath = get_tvnamer_path()
    episodes_location = make_temp_dir()
    dummy_files = make_dummy_files(with_files, episodes_location)

    if with_config is not None:
        configfname = make_temp_config(with_config)
        conf_args = ['-c', configfname]
        conf_args = []

    if with_flags is None:
        with_flags = []

    if run_on_directory:
        files = [episodes_location]
        files = dummy_files

    # Construct command
    cmd = [sys.executable, tvnpath] + conf_args + with_flags + files
    p("Running command:")
    p(" ".join(cmd))

    proc = Popen(
        stdout = PIPE,
        stderr = PIPE,
        stdin = PIPE)

    stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
    stdout, stderr = [unicodify(x) for x in (stdout, stderr)]

    created_files = []
    for walkroot, walkdirs, walkfiles in os.walk(unicode(episodes_location)):
        curlist = [os.path.join(walkroot, name) for name in walkfiles]

        # Remove episodes_location from start of path
        curlist = [relpath(x, episodes_location) for x in curlist]


    # Clean up dummy files and config
    if with_config is not None:

    return {
        'stdout': stdout,
        'stderr': stderr,
        'files': created_files,
        'returncode': proc.returncode}
コード例 #2
ファイル: functional_runner.py プロジェクト: Valodim/tvnamer
def run_tvnamer(with_files, with_flags = None, with_input = "", with_config = None, run_on_directory = False):
    """Runs tvnamer on list of file-names in with_files.
    with_files is a list of strings.
    with_flags is a list of command line arguments to pass to tvnamer.
    with_input is the sent to tvnamer's stdin
    with_config is a string containing the tvnamer to run tvnamer with.

    Returns a dict with stdout, stderr and a list of files created
    # Create dummy files (config and episodes)
    tvnpath = get_tvnamer_path()
    episodes_location = make_temp_dir()
    dummy_files = make_dummy_files(with_files, episodes_location)

    if with_config is not None:
        configfname = make_temp_config(with_config)
        conf_args = ['-c', configfname]
        conf_args = []

    if with_flags is None:
        with_flags = []

    if run_on_directory:
        files = [episodes_location]
        files = dummy_files

    # Construct command
    cmd = [sys.executable, tvnpath] + conf_args + with_flags + files
    p("Running command:")
    p(" ".join(cmd))

    proc = Popen(
        stdout = PIPE,
        stderr = PIPE,
        stdin = PIPE)

    stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
    stdout, stderr = [unicodify(x) for x in (stdout, stderr)]

    created_files = []
    for walkroot, walkdirs, walkfiles in os.walk(unicode(episodes_location)):
        curlist = [os.path.join(walkroot, name) for name in walkfiles]

        # Remove episodes_location from start of path
        curlist = [relpath(x, episodes_location) for x in curlist]


    # Clean up dummy files and config
    if with_config is not None:

    return {
        'stdout': stdout,
        'stderr': stderr,
        'files': created_files}
コード例 #3
ファイル: functional_runner.py プロジェクト: lahwaacz/tvnamer
def run_tvnamer(with_files, with_flags = None, with_input = "", with_config = None, run_on_directory = False):
    """Runs tvnamer on list of file-names in with_files.
    with_files is a list of strings.
    with_flags is a list of command line arguments to pass to tvnamer.
    with_input is the sent to tvnamer's stdin
    with_config is a string containing the tvnamer to run tvnamer with.

    Returns a dict with stdout, stderr and a list of files created
    # Create dummy files (config and episodes)
    tvnpath = get_tvnamer_path()
    episodes_location = make_temp_dir()
    # register cleanup function
    atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, episodes_location)
    dummy_files = make_dummy_files(with_files, episodes_location)

    if with_config is not None:
        # insert correct version into config
        with_config = with_config.replace("{", """{"__version__": "%s",\n""" % __version__, 1)
        configfname = make_temp_config(with_config)
        # register cleanup function
        atexit.register(os.unlink, configfname)
        conf_args = ['-c', configfname]
        conf_args = []

    if with_flags is None:
        with_flags = []

    if run_on_directory:
        files = [episodes_location]
        files = dummy_files

    # Construct command
    cmd = [sys.executable, tvnpath] + conf_args + with_flags + files
    p("Running command:")
    p(" ".join(cmd))

    proc = subprocess.Popen(
        stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
        stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, # All stderr to stdout
        stdin = subprocess.PIPE)

    output, _ = proc.communicate()
    output = unicodify(output)

    created_files = []
    for walkroot, walkdirs, walkfiles in os.walk(unicode(episodes_location)):
        curlist = [os.path.join(walkroot, name) for name in walkfiles]

        # Remove episodes_location from start of path
        curlist = [relpath(x, episodes_location) for x in curlist]


    return {
        'output': output,
        'files': created_files,
        'returncode': proc.returncode}