import tweepy import time import json import pymongo # API connection auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler('consumer_key', 'consumer_secret') auth.set_access_token('access_token', 'access_token_secret') api = tweepy.API(auth) api.retry_count = 5 api.retry_delay = 5 api.timeout = 5 api.wait_on_rate_limit = True api.wait_on_rate_limit_notify = True class MyStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener): def __init__(self, time_limit = ): self.start_time = time.time() self.limit = time_limit # database connection for deletion of all records before the new stream starts(optional) client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost/twitterdb') db = client.twitterdb db.tweets.delete_many({}) super(MyStreamListener, self).__init__() def on_data(self, data): try: # checks if the time interval passed if (time.time() - self.start_time) < self.limit: client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost/twitterdb')
import tweepy import time import random #you need to enter your own credentials :) auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler('*******************', '*************') auth.set_access_token('*************', '****************************') api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True, wait_on_rate_limit_notify=True) user = search = '#rgpv_spreading_corona_virus' nrTweet = 500 for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(, search).items(nrTweet): try: print('Tweet Retweeted') tweet.retweet() n = random.randint(1, 4) time.sleep(n) except tweepy.TweepError as e: print(e.reason) except StopIteration: break
import tweepy import time auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler('HclONosamerxnuJ5S8U88AOmK', 'OBpETBSdaEFD9PvVhYRfpZh40YkuPobT6u37qmVZKm3xwyd4Ln') auth.set_access_token('1257312720040292360-nlvj31Ro8J6Xd0R8XbCUW5oCnBKBtt', 'BhHOMdy6itb67B85N4rJOAHQDN2Mk7vk03x5dXq1FP2rs') api = tweepy.API(auth) public_tweets = api.home_timeline() """ for tweet in public_tweets: print(tweet.text) user = print(user.followers_count) print(user) print(user.screen_name) """ def limit_handler(cursor): try: while True: yield except tweepy.RateLimitError: time.sleep(1000) #generous bot """ for follower in limit_handler(tweepy.Cursor(api.followers).items()): if == 'ajax': follower.follow()
import tweepy import sys from textblob import TextBlob import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import re import pandas as pd import numpy as np #defining the keys ---from twitter api Consumer_Key = "qhfac9zsMmUCa8GkMLOYM21hg" Consumer_Secret = "PNgSjpiu4rEHO2FkIri4mseCksGvxGFFbb0LluwrBUOhvtsGiI" Access_token = "472099927-B03YMYZ8R88OTnQGIxvEN45mfrg2rNaUJNzP222K" Access_token_Secret = "oE8fAROsHENZzCNfozla6z6t6elgllhU0eeRBBLi2Iovq" #creating the authentication auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key=Consumer_Key, consumer_secret=Consumer_Secret) auth.set_access_token(Access_token, Access_token_Secret) api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True) #asking user to enter the keyword and number of tweets to be analysed. search_word = input("Enter the Keyword/hashtag to be searched:") num_of_tweets = int(input("Enter the Number of tweets to be analysed:")) #tweets = api.user_timeline(search_word,num_of_tweets,language = "english") #tweets = tweepy.Cursor( , q=search_word , language ="English").items()num_of_tweets tweets = tweepy.Cursor(, q=search_word, language="English").items(num_of_tweets) for tweet in tweets: analysis = TextBlob(tweet.text) polarity = analysis.sentiment.polarity #At line #Creating the Data Frame of Tweets
def statusFollower(): while (True): try: myStream = tweepy.Stream(auth=api.auth, listener=myStreamListener, tweet_mode="extended") myStream.filter(follow=["50323173"]) except: continue reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id='OcnQUoR3Kamkhw', client_secret='yEfb-X4NP4VdX-BQiZsD-8-A2jI', user_agent='MaranHaGoanHaRav', refresh_token = "56880923-ftskICk1yOn8wa-5W2iQei-mZrU") print( auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler("33nl5R0LUYyeUmIzyGKBRerET", "WPF5NJIjPya0E4d3IX57bdo4zAb26Xt1AggsGhT1rvyfI5kbbA") auth.set_access_token("615513817-VSgvKwpnMSmKEldVIcX4wWwkpsMsq6R41Nwuaaje", "jbFnTbSMSt6ZYOVgoDd0nRcEd9nQc3k1ARcqMf29gXtQS") api = tweepy.API(auth) print(api.user_timeline(id = "wojespn", tweet_mode = "extended")[2].full_text) print(type(api.user_timeline(id = "wojespn", tweet_mode = "extended")[2])) myStreamListener = MyStreamListener() myStream = tweepy.Stream(auth = api.auth, listener=myStreamListener, tweet_mode = "extended") statusFollower()
def start(): auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET) auth.set_access_token(TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN, TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET) api = tweepy.API(auth) stream = listen(api) stream._thread.join()
def setUp(self): auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) self.client = tweepy.API(auth) self.dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
def DownloadData(self): consumerKey = '-----------------------------------------------------' consumerSecret = '--------------------------------------------------' accessToken = '-----------------------------------------------------' accessTokenSecret = '-----------------------------------------------' auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumerKey, consumerSecret) auth.set_access_token(accessToken, accessTokenSecret) api = tweepy.API(auth) auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumerKey, consumerSecret) auth.set_access_token(accessToken, accessTokenSecret) api = tweepy.API(auth) searchTerm = e1.get() NoOfTerms = int(e2.get()) self.tweets = tweepy.Cursor(, q=searchTerm, lang = "en").items(NoOfTerms) polarity = 0 positive = 0 stronglypositive = 0 negative = 0 stronglynegative = 0 neutral = 0 csvFile = open('results_neutral.csv', 'w') csvFile1 = open('results_pos.csv','w') csvFile2 = open('results_neg.csv','w') csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile) csvWriter1 = csv.writer(csvFile1) csvWriter2 = csv.writer(csvFile2) for tweet in self.tweets: self.tweetText.append(self.cleanTweet(tweet.text).encode('utf-8')) analysis = TextBlob(tweet.text) polarity += analysis.sentiment.polarity if (analysis.sentiment.polarity == 0): neutral += 1 csvWriter.writerow(self.tweetText) elif (analysis.sentiment.polarity > 0.0 and analysis.sentiment.polarity <= 0.6): positive += 1 csvWriter1.writerow(self.tweetText) elif (analysis.sentiment.polarity > 0.6 and analysis.sentiment.polarity <= 1): stronglypositive += 1 csvWriter1.writerow(self.tweetText) elif (analysis.sentiment.polarity > -0.6 and analysis.sentiment.polarity <= 0.00): negative += 1 csvWriter2.writerow(self.tweetText) elif (analysis.sentiment.polarity > -1 and analysis.sentiment.polarity <= -0.6): stronglynegative += 1 csvWriter2.writerow(self.tweetText) csvFile.close() csvFile1.close() csvFile2.close() csvFile = open('results123.csv', 'w') csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile) for tweet in self.tweets: self.tweetText.append(self.cleanTweet(tweet.text).encode('utf-8')) analysis = TextBlob(tweet.text) polarity += analysis.sentiment.polarity if (analysis.sentiment.polarity == 0): neutral += 1 elif (analysis.sentiment.polarity > 0.0 and analysis.sentiment.polarity <= 0.6): positive += 1 elif (analysis.sentiment.polarity > 0.6 and analysis.sentiment.polarity <= 1): stronglypositive += 1 elif (analysis.sentiment.polarity > -0.6 and analysis.sentiment.polarity <= 0.00): negative += 1 elif (analysis.sentiment.polarity > -1 and analysis.sentiment.polarity <= -0.6): stronglynegative += 1 csvWriter.writerow(self.tweetText) csvFile.close() positive = self.percentage(positive, NoOfTerms) stronglypositive = self.percentage(stronglypositive, NoOfTerms) negative = self.percentage(negative, NoOfTerms) stronglynegative = self.percentage(stronglynegative, NoOfTerms) neutral = self.percentage(neutral, NoOfTerms) polarity = polarity / NoOfTerms global res if (polarity == 0): res = "Neutral" elif (polarity > 0 and polarity <= 0.6): res = "Positive" elif (polarity > 0.6 and polarity <= 1): res = "Strongly Positive" elif (polarity > -0.6 and polarity <= 0): res = "Negative" elif (polarity > -1 and polarity <= -0.6): res = "Strongly Negative" self.plotPieChart(positive, stronglypositive, negative, stronglynegative, neutral, searchTerm, NoOfTerms) root = Tk() root.title('general report') label = Label(root,text = "general result") label.grid(row = 0,column = 0) label1 = Label(root, text = res) label1.grid(row = 0,column = 3) label2 = Label(root,text = "percentages : ") label2.grid(row = 1,column= 2) label3 = Label(root,text = "extremely positive : ") label3.grid(row = 2, column = 0) label4 = Label(root,text = stronglypositive ) label4.grid(row = 2, column = 3) label5 = Label(root,text = "positive : ") label5.grid(row = 3, column = 0) label6 = Label(root,text = positive) label6.grid(row = 3, column = 3) label7 = Label(root,text = "neutral : ") label7.grid(row = 4, column = 0) label8 = Label(root,text = neutral) label8.grid(row = 4, column = 3) label9 = Label(root,text = "negative : ") label9.grid(row = 5, column = 0) label10 = Label(root,text = negative) label10.grid(row = 5, column = 3) label11 = Label(root,text = "extremely negative : ") label11.grid(row = 6,column = 0) label12 = Label(root,text = stronglynegative) label12.grid(row = 6, column = 3) button = Button(root,text = "close",command = root.destroy) button.grid(row = 9,column = 1) button1 = Button(root,text = "neutral",command = sa.showneutral) button1.grid(row = 7,column =0) button2 = Button(root,text = "positive",command = sa.showpositive) button2.grid(row = 7, column= 1) button3 = Button(root,text = "negative",command = sa.shownegative) button3.grid(row = 7,column = 2) button4 = Button(root,text = "show piechart",command = sa.showchart) button4.grid(row=9,column = 0)
else: return True class MyStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener): def on_status(self, status): print(status) print( exit(1) # Authenticate to Twitter # api_keys = pd.read_csv('D:\\Repositories\\Trump-tweets-classifier\\keys.csv') api_keys = pd.read_csv('keys.csv') auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(api_keys['api_key'].values[0], api_keys['api_key_secret'].values[0]) auth.set_access_token(api_keys['access_token'].values[0], api_keys['access_token_secret'].values[0]) # Create API object api = tweepy.API(auth) # Twitter ids realDonaldTrump = "25073877" realDonaldTrFan = "19570960" RealDonalDrumpf = "1407822289" # Start twitter stream print('Starting stream listener at %s' % str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) myStreamListener = MyStreamListener()
import os import tweepy from dotenv import load_dotenv from flask import Flask, jsonify from flask_cors import CORS auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(os.getenv("API_KEY"), os.getenv("API_SECRET")) auth.set_access_token(os.getenv("TOKEN"), os.getenv("TOKEN_SECRET")) API = tweepy.API(auth, parser=tweepy.parsers.JSONParser()) app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) # @app.route('/api/1.0/profiles/<string:query>/<int:per_page>/<int:page>', methods=['GET']) def get_profiles(query='Test', per_page=20, page=1): try: profiles = API.search_users(query, per_page, page) return jsonify(profiles) except tweepy.TweepError: print('Ouch! I have to capture this') # @app.route('/api/1.0/profiles/block/<int:user_id>', methods=['POST']) def block_user(user_id='Test'): try:
import os from twitter_credentials import twit_auth as credentials import tweepy from tweepy import Stream from tweepy.streaming import StreamListener import json auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(credentials["consumer_key"], credentials["consumer_secret"]) auth.set_access_token(credentials["access_token"], credentials["access_token_secret"]) api = tweepy.API(auth) class retweet_user_name_streamer(StreamListener): """ Extension on Tweepy twitter streamer that stores retweet information about users and their connections to one another """ def __init__(self, tweets_per_file=500, sep=";,."): """ Twitter streamer that finds retweets and stores the username of both the retweeter and the original tweeter in a CSV file. Handles file management so the data is split across multiple CSV files. tweets_per_file: how many tweets to analyze and store per CSV sep: separator for CSV data, defaults to characters unlikely to be together in a twitter username """ super().__init__()
import tweepy import time auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler('I', '') auth.set_access_token('', '') api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True, wait_on_rate_limit_notify=True) user = search = 'hello' nrTweets = 10 for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(, search).items(nrTweets): try: print('Liked tweet') tweet.favorite() time.sleep(10) except tweepy.TweepError as e: print(e.reason) except StopIteration: break
def get_twitter_auth(self): auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET) auth.set_access_token(TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY, TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET) api = tweepy.API(auth, retry_count=3, retry_delay=5, wait_on_rate_limit=True) return api
def create_API(self): # OAuth process, using the keys and tokens auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(self.consumer_key, self.consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(self.access_token, self.access_secret) # create rest API self.api = tweepy.API(auth)
def authorize_twitter(): auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET) auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET) return auth
load_dotenv() APP_KEY = os.environ['API_KEY'] APP_SECRET = os.environ['API_SECRET_KEY'] ACCESS_TOKEN = os.environ['ACCESS_TOKEN'] ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = os.environ['ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'] # change user-agent (just a precaution) opener = urllib.request.build_opener() opener.addheaders = [( 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1941.0 Safari/537.36' )] urllib.request.install_opener(opener) # API connection auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET) auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET) api = tweepy.API(auth) def get_followers_count(screen_name): user = api.get_user(screen_name=screen_name, include_entities=False) followers_count = user.followers_count print('fetched followers count') return followers_count def calculate_progress(followers, progress_mark): percentage = ((followers % progress_mark) / progress_mark) * 100 angle = (360 * percentage) / 100 print('completed calculations')
import random import tweepy, time auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler("", "") auth.set_access_token("", "") api = tweepy.API(auth) print(".") print(".") print("Welcome to my trivia/quiz thing!") print("The User chooses their category of") print("quiz from a list of three. The") print("computer will keep track of score.") print(".") name = input("What is your name?") score = 0 quiz = "" done = False if name.upper() == "CARL": print("No chumps allowed") done = True else: print(".") print("1.Animals") print("2.Sports") print("3.Random") print("4.Quit") print("Pick 1,2,3, or 4") print(".") category = int(input("What category would you like to quiz?")) while done == False: if category == 4:
import tweepy import pprint from datetime import datetime, timedelta import key # Twitterに接続&認証 auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(key.consumer_key, key.consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(key.access_token_key, key.access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) query = ["to:akakou_py"] # 検索 for status in, lang='ja', result_type='recent'): print("-*-*-*-*-") print(f"name: {status.user.screen_name}\n") # ユーザ名を表示 print(f"text: {status.text}\n") # ツイートの内容を表示 tweet_day = status.created_at + timedelta(hours=9) today = a_hour_ago = today - timedelta(hours=1) print(f"time: {tweet_day}\n") # 時間を表示 if tweet_day < a_hour_ago: print("message: pass") print("-*-*-*-*-\n\n") continue id = status._json['id'] print(f"id: {id}\n")
return True if(os.environ.get('CONSUMER_KEY')): CONSUMER_KEY=os.environ.get('CONSUMER_KEY') else: print "Set CONSUMER_KEY as one of your environmental variables" if(os.environ.get('CONSUMER_SECRET')): CONSUMER_SECRET=os.environ.get('CONSUMER_SECRET') else: print "Set CONSUMER_SECRET as one of your environmental variables" if(os.environ.get('ACCESS_TOKEN')): ACCESS_TOKEN=os.environ.get('ACCESS_TOKEN') else: print "Set ACCESS_TOKEN as one of your environmental variables" if(os.environ.get('ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET')): ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=os.environ.get('ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET') else: print "Set ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET as one of your environmental variables" auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET) auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET) api = tweepy.API(auth) twitter_stream = Stream(auth, MyListener()) twitter_stream.filter(track=['happy','awesome','sweet','excited','haha','funny','cool','good','hilarious','lit','giddy','fantastic','cure','radiance','treatment','safe','wellbeing','upbeat','success','cheer','dear','impressive','recover','wonder','marry','bright','win','victory','champion','positive','better','enjoy',':D',':)','glad','ecstatic','delighted','joy','lively','blessed','merry','peppy','perky','gay','jolly','chipper','bliss','sad','cry','lost','death','hurt','pain','mess','miss','upset','cancer','disease','illness','failed','spasm','loss','grieve','sorry','weep','broke','mourn','divorce','tear','negative','dead',':(','bitter','despair','heartbroken','blue','gloomy','low','morbid','somber','reject','deject','trouble','alone','down','drepess','unhappy','stress','sorrow','pessimistic','weary','disappoint','distraught','angry','hate','frustrat','mad','piss','stupid','bad','evil','smh','jealous','failure','retard','bitch','wreck','resist','dumb','liar','lie','liar','toxic','scowl','brutal','sugarcoat','break','steal','wrong','screw','>:(','heated','furious','irritated','offend','outrage','resent','displease','fuming','raging','rage','provoke','wrath','infuriat','sulk','irate','uptight','antagonize','temper','love','kiss','hug','content','beautiful','cute','hot','gorgeous','fab','luv','humble','flower','rose','pink','best','xoxo','boyfriend','girlfriend','husband','wife','delicious','handsome','<3','affection','appreciate','devote','lust','respect','tender','carring','emotion','friendship','caring','passion','enchant','worship','praise','cherish','fond','ador','amore','infatuat','bae','fear','scar','blood','monster','afraid','terrif','earthquake','fire','terror','nervous','epdiemic','panic','phobia','histerical','paranoia','unease','danger','wicked','dread','crash','burn','torture','demon','invade','bomb','suffer','disaster','distress','numb','histeria','ominous','war','nuke'])
import tweepy import pandas as pd from textblob import TextBlob import re from db_tech import storage, extracting_tweets from config import Credentials, Settings from data_analysis import clean_transform_data, plot_results, pnl_module, geo_distr_data #Authentication auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(Credentials.API_KEY, \ Credentials.API_SECRET_KEY) auth.set_access_token(Credentials.ACCESS_TOKEN, \ Credentials.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET) #CREATE THE API OBJECT api = tweepy.API(auth) #CREATE DATABASE TABLES #FIRST EXECUTE DB.PY class MyStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener): def on_status(self, status): # if status.retweeted: # # Avoid retweeted info, and only original tweets will # # be received # return True
# Send the request to Twitter api.destroy_status(tweet_id) # Wait for a random number of seconds time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5)) if __name__ == "__main__": with open('secretConfig.json') as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) my_consumer_key = data["twitter"]["CONSUMER_KEY"] my_consumer_secret = data["twitter"]["CONSUMER_SECRET"] my_access_token = data["twitter"]["ACCESS_TOKEN"] my_access_toke_secret = data["twitter"]["ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"] auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(my_consumer_key, my_consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(my_access_token, my_access_toke_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) tweets = api.user_timeline( screen_name="beekeep86576354", # 200 is the maximum allowed count count=200, include_rts=False, # Necessary to keep full_text # otherwise only the first 140 words are extracted tweet_mode='extended') tweets_to_delete = [] for info in tweets: if <= 1391326707618037763:
import tweepy import requests import sys import random import MyAPI import traceback import re import pathlib auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(MyAPI.consumer_key_send, MyAPI.consumer_secret_send) auth.set_access_token(MyAPI.access_token_send, MyAPI.access_secret_send) api = tweepy.API(auth) # def serch_level(text, LV_start, LV_end): # for i in range(int(LV_start * 10), int(LV_end * 10) + 1): # if (str(i / 10) in text): # return str(i / 10) # elif str(i / 10) in text: # return str(int(i / 10)) # for i in range(int(LV_start), int(LV_end) + 1): # if ((str(i) + "+" in text) or (str(i) + "+" in text)) and (i != 14): # return (str(i) + "+") # elif str(i) in text: # return str(i) # return "ALL" def find_level(tweet): unable_to_choice = [ '10.1', '10.2', '10.4', '14.2', '14.3', '14.4', '14.5', '14.6', '14.7', '14.8', '14.9'
"""Retrieve TWeets, embeddings, and persist in the database.""" import basilica import tweepy from decouple import config from .models import DB, Tweet, User TWITTER_AUTH = tweepy.OAuthHandler(config('TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'), config('TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET')) TWITTER_AUTH.set_access_token(config('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'), config('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET')) TWITTER = tweepy.API(TWITTER_AUTH) BASILICA = basilica.Connection(config('BASILICA_KEY')) def add_twitter_user(name): try: twitter_user = TWITTER.get_user(name) except TweepError: return (f"user '{name}' not found", None) db_user = User.query.get( if db_user: return (f"user name '{name}' id {u[0]} is already in the database", None) tweets = twitter_user.timeline(count=200, exclude_replies=True, include_rts=False, tweet_mode='extended') db_user = User(, name=twitter_user.screen_name, newest_tweet_id=(tweets[0].id if len(tweets) > 0 else None))
except ImportError as _: import ConfigParser as configparser import datetime import tweepy Config = configparser.ConfigParser() Config"settings.txt") cKey = Config['auth']['consumer_key'] cSecret = Config['auth']['consumer_secret'] aKey = Config['auth']['token_key'] aSecret = Config['auth']['token_secret'] auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumerKey, consumerSecret) consumerKey = cKey consumerSecret = cSecret accessToken = aKey accessTokenSecret = aSecret auth.set_access_token(accessToken, accessTokenSecret) api = tweepy.API(auth) #tweet post test tweet = str( + " test post :)" api.update_status(status=tweet) print("Success") print()
class MyStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener): auth1 = tweepy.OAuthHandler("33nl5R0LUYyeUmIzyGKBRerET", "WPF5NJIjPya0E4d3IX57bdo4zAb26Xt1AggsGhT1rvyfI5kbbA") auth1.set_access_token("615513817-VSgvKwpnMSmKEldVIcX4wWwkpsMsq6R41Nwuaaje", "jbFnTbSMSt6ZYOVgoDd0nRcEd9nQc3k1ARcqMf29gXtQS") #api1 = tweepy.API(auth1) def on_status(self, status, api1=tweepy.API(auth1)): = Stream(auth=api1.auth, listener=self, tweet_mode='extended') fulltweet = "" try: fulltweet = status.extended_tweet['full_text'] except: fulltweet = status.text if ((fulltweet.lower().find("@") == -1 or (fulltweet.lower().find("reporting with") >= 0 and fulltweet.lower().find("rt @") == -1 and fulltweet.lower().find("@wojespn") == -1)) and len(fulltweet) >= 5 and fulltweet.lower().find("http") == -1): #try: #reddit.subreddit("nba").submit( # title="[Wojnarowski] " # + fulltweet # [0:fulltweet.lower().find("htt")], # url="" # + str(, send_replies=False) #except: # print(colored("nba", "blue")) # traceback.print_exc() print(colored(fulltweet, "green")) subreddit = set() subreddit.add("nba") # endIndex = getEndIndex(fulltweet, 0) for key in nameToSubreddit: if ((" " + key.lower() + " ") or (key.lower() + "' ") or (" " + key.lower() + "' ")) in fulltweet.lower(): subreddit.add(nameToSubreddit[key]) for sub in subreddit: try: reddit.subreddit(sub).submit( title= "[Wojnarowski] " + fulltweet, url="" + str(, send_replies = False) except: print(colored(sub, "blue")) traceback.print_exc() continue else: print(colored("Caught retweet! The text was: " + fulltweet, "red"))
import typer import tweepy from typing import List creds = open("./auth.txt", "r") twitter_credentials = API_KEY = twitter_credentials[0] API_SECRET_KEY = twitter_credentials[1] ACCESS_TOKEN = twitter_credentials[2] ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = twitter_credentials[3] auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(API_KEY, API_SECRET_KEY) auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET) api = tweepy.API(auth) def main(tweet: List[str]): ret = ' '.join(tweet) typer.echo(ret) api.update_status(ret) if __name__ == '__main__':
import tweepy import json import pandas import credentials consumer_key = credentials.consumer_key consumer_secret = credentials.consumer_secret access_token = credentials.access_token access_token_secret = credentials.access_token_secret auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) count_dict = {} for i in range(1, 32): item = api.user_timeline(screen_name='@realdonaldtrump', count=100, page=i) for j in range(0, len(item)): created_at_raw = json.dumps(item[j]._json['created_at']) created_at_split = created_at_raw.split(" ") created_at_date = created_at_split[1] + "/" + created_at_split[2] if created_at_date in count_dict: count_dict[created_at_date] += 1 else: count_dict[created_at_date] = 1 for key, value in count_dict.items():
def __init__(self): auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(settings.consumer_key, settings.consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(settings.access_token, settings.access_token_secret) self.api = tweepy.API(auth)
"""Getting tweets and users from the Twitter DB""" from os import getenv import tweepy import spacy from .models import User, DB, Tweet TWITTER_AUTH = tweepy.OAuthHandler(getenv("TWITTER_API_KEY"), getenv("TWITTER_API_KEY_SECRET")) TWITTER = tweepy.API(TWITTER_AUTH) # loads word2vect Model nlp = spacy.load("my_model") def vectorize_tweet(tweet_text): return nlp(tweet_text).vector def add_or_update_user(username): """ Gets twitter user and tweets from twitter DB Gets user by "username" parameter. """ try: # gets back twitter user object twitter_user = TWITTER.get_user(username) # Either updates or adds user to our DB db_user = (User.query.get( or User(, name=username) DB.session.add(db_user) # Add user if don't exist
"""Retrieve tweets and users then create embeddings and populate DB""" from os import getenv import tweepy import spacy from .models import DB, Tweet, User TWITTER_API_KEY = getenv("TWITTER_API_KEY") TWITTER_API_KEY_SECRET = getenv("TWITTER_API_KEY_SECRET") TWITTER_AUTH = tweepy.OAuthHandler(TWITTER_API_KEY, TWITTER_API_KEY_SECRET) TWITTER = tweepy.API(TWITTER_AUTH) # nlp model nlp = spacy.load('my_model') def vectorize_tweet(tweet_text): return nlp(tweet_text).vector def add_or_update_user(username): try: # grabs user from twitter DB twitter_user = TWITTER.get_user(username) # adds or updates user db_user = (User.query.get( or User(, name=username) DB.session.add(db_user) # grabs tweets from twitter_user tweets = twitter_user.timeline( count=200, exclude_replies=True, include_rts=False,