def report_DAV__principal_match(self, request, principal_match): """ Generate a principal-match REPORT. (RFC 3744, section 9.3) """ # Verify root element if not isinstance(principal_match, element.PrincipalMatch): raise ValueError("%s expected as root element, not %s." % (element.PrincipalMatch.sname(), principal_match.sname())) # Only handle Depth: 0 depth = request.headers.getHeader("depth", "0") if depth != "0": log.err("Non-zero depth is not allowed: %s" % (depth,)) raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, "Depth %s not allowed" % (depth,))) # Get a single DAV:prop element from the REPORT request body propertiesForResource = None propElement = None principalPropElement = None lookForPrincipals = True for child in principal_match.children: if child.qname() == (dav_namespace, "prop"): propertiesForResource = prop_common.propertyListForResource propElement = child elif child.qname() == (dav_namespace, "self"): lookForPrincipals = True elif child.qname() == (dav_namespace, "principal-property"): # Must have one and only one property in this element if len(child.children) != 1: log.err("Wrong number of properties in DAV:principal-property: %s" % (len(child.children),)) raise HTTPError(StatusResponse( responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, "DAV:principal-property must contain exactly one property" )) lookForPrincipals = False principalPropElement = child.children[0] # Run report for each referenced principal try: responses = [] matchcount = 0 myPrincipalURL = self.currentPrincipal(request).children[0] if lookForPrincipals: # Find the set of principals that represent "self". # First add "self" principal = waitForDeferred(request.locateResource(str(myPrincipalURL))) yield principal principal = principal.getResult() selfItems = [principal,] # Get group memberships for "self" and add each of those d = waitForDeferred(principal.groupMemberships()) yield d memberships = d.getResult() selfItems.extend(memberships) # Now add each principal found to the response provided the principal resource is a child of # the current resource. for principal in selfItems: # Get all the URIs that point to the principal resource # FIXME: making the assumption that the principalURL() is the URL of the resource we found principal_uris = [principal.principalURL()] principal_uris.extend(principal.alternateURIs()) # Compare each one to the request URI and return at most one that matches for uri in principal_uris: if uri.startswith(request.uri): # Check size of results is within limit matchcount += 1 if matchcount > max_number_of_matches: raise NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits(max_number_of_matches) d = waitForDeferred(prop_common.responseForHref( request, responses, element.HRef.fromString(uri), principal, propertiesForResource, propElement )) yield d d.getResult() break else: # Do some optimisation of access control calculation by determining any inherited ACLs outside of # the child resource loop and supply those to the checkPrivileges on each child. filteredaces = waitForDeferred(self.inheritedACEsforChildren(request)) yield filteredaces filteredaces = filteredaces.getResult() children = [] d = waitForDeferred(self.findChildren("infinity", request, lambda x, y: children.append((x,y)), privileges=(element.Read(),), inherited_aces=filteredaces)) yield d d.getResult() for child, uri in children: # Try to read the requested property from this resource try: prop = waitForDeferred(child.readProperty(principalPropElement.qname(), request)) yield prop prop = prop.getResult() if prop: prop.removeWhitespaceNodes() if prop and len(prop.children) == 1 and isinstance(prop.children[0], element.HRef): # Find principal associated with this property and test it principal = waitForDeferred(request.locateResource(str(prop.children[0]))) yield principal principal = principal.getResult() if principal and isPrincipalResource(principal): d = waitForDeferred(principal.principalMatch(myPrincipalURL)) yield d matched = d.getResult() if matched: # Check size of results is within limit matchcount += 1 if matchcount > max_number_of_matches: raise NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits(max_number_of_matches) d = waitForDeferred(prop_common.responseForHref( request, responses, element.HRef.fromString(uri), child, propertiesForResource, propElement )) yield d d.getResult() except HTTPError: # Just ignore a failure to access the property. We treat this like a property that does not exist # or does not match the principal. pass except NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits: log.err("Too many matching components in principal-match report") raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse( responsecode.FORBIDDEN, element.NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits() )) yield MultiStatusResponse(responses)
def report_DAV__principal_property_search(self, request, principal_property_search): """ Generate a principal-property-search REPORT. (RFC 3744, section 9.4) """ # Verify root element if not isinstance(principal_property_search, davxml.PrincipalPropertySearch): raise ValueError("%s expected as root element, not %s." % (davxml.PrincipalPropertySearch.sname(), principal_property_search.sname())) # Only handle Depth: 0 depth = request.headers.getHeader("depth", "0") if depth != "0": log.err("Error in prinicpal-property-search REPORT, Depth set to %s" % (depth,)) raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, "Depth %s not allowed" % (depth,))) # Get a single DAV:prop element from the REPORT request body propertiesForResource = None propElement = None propertySearches = [] applyTo = False for child in principal_property_search.children: if child.qname() == (dav_namespace, "prop"): propertiesForResource = prop_common.propertyListForResource propElement = child elif child.qname() == (dav_namespace, "apply-to-principal-collection-set"): applyTo = True elif child.qname() == (dav_namespace, "property-search"): props = child.childOfType(davxml.PropertyContainer) props.removeWhitespaceNodes() match = child.childOfType(davxml.Match) propertySearches.append((props.children, str(match).lower())) def nodeMatch(node, match): """ See if the content of the supplied node matches the supplied text. Try to follow the matching guidance in rfc3744 section 9.4.1. @param prop: the property element to match. @param match: the text to match against. @return: True if the property matches, False otherwise. """ node.removeWhitespaceNodes() for child in node.children: if isinstance(child, davxml.PCDATAElement): comp = str(child).lower() if comp.find(match) != -1: return True else: return nodeMatch(child, match) else: return False def propertySearch(resource, request): """ Test the resource to see if it contains properties matching the property-search specification in this report. @param resource: the L{DAVFile} for the resource to test. @param request: the current request. @return: True if the resource has matching properties, False otherwise. """ for props, match in propertySearches: # Test each property for prop in props: try: propvalue = waitForDeferred(resource.readProperty(prop.qname(), request)) yield propvalue propvalue = propvalue.getResult() if propvalue and not nodeMatch(propvalue, match): yield False return except HTTPError: # No property => no match yield False return yield True propertySearch = deferredGenerator(propertySearch) # Run report try: resources = [] responses = [] matchcount = 0 if applyTo: for principalCollection in self.principalCollections(): uri = principalCollection.principalCollectionURL() resource = waitForDeferred(request.locateResource(uri)) yield resource resource = resource.getResult() if resource: resources.append((resource, uri)) else: resources.append((self, request.uri)) # Loop over all collections and principal resources within for resource, ruri in resources: # Do some optimisation of access control calculation by determining any inherited ACLs outside of # the child resource loop and supply those to the checkPrivileges on each child. filteredaces = waitForDeferred(resource.inheritedACEsforChildren(request)) yield filteredaces filteredaces = filteredaces.getResult() children = [] d = waitForDeferred(resource.findChildren("infinity", request, lambda x, y: children.append((x,y)), privileges=(davxml.Read(),), inherited_aces=filteredaces)) yield d d.getResult() for child, uri in children: if isPrincipalResource(child): d = waitForDeferred(propertySearch(child, request)) yield d d = d.getResult() if d: # Check size of results is within limit matchcount += 1 if matchcount > max_number_of_matches: raise NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits(max_number_of_matches) d = waitForDeferred(prop_common.responseForHref( request, responses, davxml.HRef.fromString(uri), child, propertiesForResource, propElement )) yield d d.getResult() except NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits: log.err("Too many matching components in prinicpal-property-search report") raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse( responsecode.FORBIDDEN, davxml.NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits() )) yield MultiStatusResponse(responses)