def create(self, start_date, end_date, include_subaccounts=values.unset, status_callback=values.unset, status_callback_method=values.unset): """ Create a new FeedbackSummaryInstance :param date start_date: Only include usage that has occurred on or after this date. :param date end_date: Only include usage that has occurred on or before this date. :param bool include_subaccounts: true to include feedback entries for the master account and all subaccounts. :param unicode status_callback: The URL that Twilio will request when the Feedback Summary is completed. :param unicode status_callback_method: The HTTP method Twilio will use to make requests to the StatusCallback URL. :returns: Newly created FeedbackSummaryInstance :rtype: """ data = values.of({ 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'IncludeSubaccounts': include_subaccounts, 'StatusCallback': status_callback, 'StatusCallbackMethod': status_callback_method, }) payload = self._version.create( 'POST', self._uri, data=data, ) return FeedbackSummaryInstance(self._version, payload, account_sid=self._solution['account_sid'], )
def page(self, category=values.unset, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of YesterdayInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param YesterdayInstance.Category category: The category :param date start_date: The start_date :param date end_date: The end_date :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of YesterdayInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'Category': category, 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return YesterdayPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, identity=values.unset, tag=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of BindingInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param date start_date: Only list Bindings created on or after the given date. :param date end_date: Only list Bindings created on or before the given date. :param unicode identity: Only list Bindings that have any of the specified Identities. :param unicode tag: Only list Bindings that have all of the specified Tags. :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of BindingInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'Identity':, lambda e: e), 'Tag':, lambda e: e), 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return BindingPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def create(self, start_date, end_date, include_subaccounts=values.unset, status_callback=values.unset, status_callback_method=values.unset): """ Create a new FeedbackSummaryInstance :param date start_date: The start_date :param date end_date: The end_date :param bool include_subaccounts: The include_subaccounts :param unicode status_callback: The status_callback :param unicode status_callback_method: The status_callback_method :returns: Newly created FeedbackSummaryInstance :rtype: """ data = values.of({ 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'IncludeSubaccounts': include_subaccounts, 'StatusCallback': status_callback, 'StatusCallbackMethod': status_callback_method, }) payload = self._version.create( 'POST', self._uri, data=data, ) return FeedbackSummaryInstance( self._version, payload, account_sid=self._solution['account_sid'], )
def page(self, date_created_before=values.unset, date_created=values.unset, date_created_after=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of RecordingInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param date date_created_before: The date_created :param date date_created: The date_created :param date date_created_after: The date_created :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of RecordingInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'DateCreated<': serialize.iso8601_date(date_created_before), 'DateCreated': serialize.iso8601_date(date_created), 'DateCreated>': serialize.iso8601_date(date_created_after), 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return RecordingPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, category=values.unset, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of LastMonthInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param LastMonthInstance.Category category: The category :param date start_date: The start_date :param date end_date: The end_date :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of LastMonthInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'Category': category, 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return LastMonthPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, identity=values.unset, tag=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of BindingInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param date start_date: Only include usage that has occurred on or after this date :param date end_date: Only include usage that occurred on or before this date :param list[unicode] identity: The `identity` value of the resources to read :param list[unicode] tag: Only list Bindings that have all of the specified Tags :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of BindingInstance :rtype: """ data = values.of({ 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'Identity':, lambda e: e), 'Tag':, lambda e: e), 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response ='GET', uri=self._uri, params=data, ) return BindingPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, category=values.unset, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of AllTimeInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param AllTimeInstance.Category category: Only include usage of this usage category. :param date start_date: Only include usage that has occurred on or after this date. :param date end_date: Only include usage that has occurred on or before this date. :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of AllTimeInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'Category': category, 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return AllTimePage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def create(self, start_date, end_date, include_subaccounts=values.unset, status_callback=values.unset, status_callback_method=values.unset): """ Create the FeedbackSummaryInstance :param date start_date: Only include feedback given on or after this date :param date end_date: Only include feedback given on or before this date :param bool include_subaccounts: `true` includes feedback from the specified account and its subaccounts :param unicode status_callback: The URL that we will request when the feedback summary is complete :param unicode status_callback_method: The HTTP method we use to make requests to the StatusCallback URL :returns: The created FeedbackSummaryInstance :rtype: """ data = values.of({ 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'IncludeSubaccounts': include_subaccounts, 'StatusCallback': status_callback, 'StatusCallbackMethod': status_callback_method, }) payload = self._version.create(method='POST', uri=self._uri, data=data, ) return FeedbackSummaryInstance(self._version, payload, account_sid=self._solution['account_sid'], )
def page(self, log_level=values.unset, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of AlertInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param unicode log_level: Only show alerts for this log-level. :param date start_date: Only show Alerts on or after this date. :param date end_date: Only show Alerts on or before this date. :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of AlertInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'LogLevel': log_level, 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return AlertPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, tag=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of UserBindingInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param date start_date: The start_date :param date end_date: The end_date :param unicode tag: The tag :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of UserBindingInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'Tag':, lambda e: e), 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return UserBindingPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, identity=values.unset, tag=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of BindingInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param date start_date: The start_date :param date end_date: The end_date :param unicode identity: The identity :param unicode tag: The tag :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of BindingInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'Identity': identity, 'Tag': tag, 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return BindingPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, category=values.unset, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, include_subaccounts=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of RecordInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param RecordInstance.Category category: The usage category of the UsageRecord resources to read :param date start_date: Only include usage that has occurred on or after this date :param date end_date: Only include usage that occurred on or before this date :param bool include_subaccounts: Whether to include usage from the master account and all its subaccounts :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of RecordInstance :rtype: """ data = values.of({ 'Category': category, 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'IncludeSubaccounts': include_subaccounts, 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response ='GET', uri=self._uri, params=data, ) return RecordPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, log_level=values.unset, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of AlertInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param unicode log_level: The log_level :param date start_date: The start_date :param date end_date: The end_date :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of AlertInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'LogLevel': log_level, 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return AlertPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, log=values.unset, message_date_before=values.unset, message_date=values.unset, message_date_after=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of NotificationInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param unicode log: Filter by log level :param date message_date_before: Filter by date :param date message_date: Filter by date :param date message_date_after: Filter by date :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of NotificationInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'Log': log, 'MessageDate<': serialize.iso8601_date(message_date_before), 'MessageDate': serialize.iso8601_date(message_date), 'MessageDate>': serialize.iso8601_date(message_date_after), 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return NotificationPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, actor_sid=values.unset, event_type=values.unset, resource_sid=values.unset, source_ip_address=values.unset, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of EventInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param unicode actor_sid: The actor_sid :param unicode event_type: The event_type :param unicode resource_sid: The resource_sid :param unicode source_ip_address: The source_ip_address :param date start_date: The start_date :param date end_date: The end_date :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of EventInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'ActorSid': actor_sid, 'EventType': event_type, 'ResourceSid': resource_sid, 'SourceIpAddress': source_ip_address, 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return EventPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def test_create_request(self): self.holodeck.mock(Response(500, '')) with self.assertRaises(TwilioException): self.client.api.v2010.accounts(sid="ACaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") \ .calls \ .feedback_summaries.create(start_date=date(2008, 1, 2), end_date=date(2008, 1, 2)) values = { 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(date(2008, 1, 2)), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(date(2008, 1, 2)), } self.holodeck.assert_has_request(Request( 'post', '', data=values, ))
def test_create_request(self): self.holodeck.mock(Response(500, '')) with self.assertRaises(TwilioException): self.client.api.v2010.accounts(sid="ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") \ .calls \ .feedback_summaries.create(start_date=date(2008, 1, 2), end_date=date(2008, 1, 2)) values = { 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(date(2008, 1, 2)), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(date(2008, 1, 2)), } self.holodeck.assert_has_request(Request( 'post', '', data=values, ))
def page(self, category=values.unset, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, include_subaccounts=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of ThisMonthInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param ThisMonthInstance.Category category: Only include usage of this usage category. :param date start_date: Only include usage that has occurred on or after this date. :param date end_date: Only include usage that has occurred on or before this date. :param bool include_subaccounts: The include_subaccounts :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of ThisMonthInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'Category': category, 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'IncludeSubaccounts': include_subaccounts, 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return ThisMonthPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, category=values.unset, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, include_subaccounts=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of RecordInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param RecordInstance.Category category: Only include usage of a given category :param date start_date: Filter by start date :param date end_date: Filter by end date :param bool include_subaccounts: Include usage from the master account and all subaccounts :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of RecordInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'Category': category, 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'IncludeSubaccounts': include_subaccounts, 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return RecordPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def fetch(self, date=values.unset): """ Fetch the DeactivationsInstance :param date date: The date to retrieve deactivated numbers for. :returns: The fetched DeactivationsInstance :rtype: """ data = values.of({'Date': serialize.iso8601_date(date), }) payload = self._version.fetch(method='GET', uri=self._uri, params=data, ) return DeactivationsInstance(self._version, payload, )
def create(self, start_date, end_date, include_subaccounts=values.unset, status_callback=values.unset, status_callback_method=values.unset): """ Create a new FeedbackSummaryInstance :param date start_date: Only include usage that has occurred on or after this date. :param date end_date: Only include usage that has occurred on or before this date. :param bool include_subaccounts: true to include feedback entries for the master account and all subaccounts. :param unicode status_callback: The URL that Twilio will request when the Feedback Summary is completed. :param unicode status_callback_method: The HTTP method Twilio will use to make requests to the StatusCallback URL. :returns: Newly created FeedbackSummaryInstance :rtype: """ data = values.of({ 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'IncludeSubaccounts': include_subaccounts, 'StatusCallback': status_callback, 'StatusCallbackMethod': status_callback_method, }) payload = self._version.create( 'POST', self._uri, data=data, ) return FeedbackSummaryInstance( self._version, payload, account_sid=self._solution['account_sid'], )
def page(self, category=values.unset, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, include_subaccounts=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of RecordInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param RecordInstance.Category category: Only include usage of a given category :param date start_date: Filter by start date :param date end_date: Filter by end date :param bool include_subaccounts: The include_subaccounts :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of RecordInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'Category': category, 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'IncludeSubaccounts': include_subaccounts, 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return RecordPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, category=values.unset, start_date=values.unset, end_date=values.unset, include_subaccounts=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of TodayInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param TodayInstance.Category category: The usage category of the UsageRecord resources to read :param date start_date: Only include usage that has occurred on or after this date :param date end_date: Only include usage that occurred on or before this date :param bool include_subaccounts: Whether to include usage from the master account and all its subaccounts :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of TodayInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'Category': category, 'StartDate': serialize.iso8601_date(start_date), 'EndDate': serialize.iso8601_date(end_date), 'IncludeSubaccounts': include_subaccounts, 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return TodayPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, log=values.unset, message_date_before=values.unset, message_date=values.unset, message_date_after=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of NotificationInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param unicode log: Filter by log level :param date message_date_before: Filter by date :param date message_date: Filter by date :param date message_date_after: Filter by date :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of NotificationInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'Log': log, 'MessageDate<': serialize.iso8601_date(message_date_before), 'MessageDate': serialize.iso8601_date(message_date), 'MessageDate>': serialize.iso8601_date(message_date_after), 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return NotificationPage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def page(self, date_created_before=values.unset, date_created=values.unset, date_created_after=values.unset, date_updated_before=values.unset, date_updated=values.unset, date_updated_after=values.unset, friendly_name=values.unset, status=values.unset, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of ConferenceInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param date date_created_before: Filter by date created :param date date_created: Filter by date created :param date date_created_after: Filter by date created :param date date_updated_before: Filter by date updated :param date date_updated: Filter by date updated :param date date_updated_after: Filter by date updated :param unicode friendly_name: Filter by friendly name :param ConferenceInstance.Status status: The status of the conference :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of ConferenceInstance :rtype: """ params = values.of({ 'DateCreated<': serialize.iso8601_date(date_created_before), 'DateCreated': serialize.iso8601_date(date_created), 'DateCreated>': serialize.iso8601_date(date_created_after), 'DateUpdated<': serialize.iso8601_date(date_updated_before), 'DateUpdated': serialize.iso8601_date(date_updated), 'DateUpdated>': serialize.iso8601_date(date_updated_after), 'FriendlyName': friendly_name, 'Status': status, 'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = 'GET', self._uri, params=params, ) return ConferencePage(self._version, response, self._solution)
def test_unset(self): value = values.unset actual = serialize.iso8601_date(value) self.assertEqual(values.unset, actual)
def test_str(self): actual = serialize.iso8601_date('2015-01-02') self.assertEqual('2015-01-02', actual)
def test_date(self): value =, 1, 2) actual = serialize.iso8601_date(value) self.assertEqual('2015-01-02', actual)