def test_worker_multiple_substantiations_succeed(self): """ If multiple builders trigger try to substantiate a worker at the same time, if the substantiation succeeds then all of the builds proceeed. """ controller = LatentController('local') config_dict = { 'builders': [ BuilderConfig(name="testy-1", workernames=["local"], factory=BuildFactory(), ), BuilderConfig(name="testy-2", workernames=["local"], factory=BuildFactory(), ), ], 'workers': [controller.worker], 'protocols': {'null': {}}, 'multiMaster': True, } master = self.successResultOf( getMaster(self, self.reactor, config_dict)) builder_ids = [ self.successResultOf('testy-1')), self.successResultOf('testy-2')), ] finished_builds = [] self.successResultOf( lambda key, build: finished_builds.append(build), ('builds', None, 'finished'))) # Trigger a buildrequest bsid, brids = self.successResultOf( waited_for=False, builderids=builder_ids, sourcestamps=[ {'codebase': '', 'repository': '', 'branch': None, 'revision': None, 'project': ''}, ], ) ) # The worker fails to substantiate. controller.start_instance(True) local_workdir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) local_workdir.createDirectory() controller.connect_worker(local_workdir) # We check that there were two builds that finished, and # that they both finished with success self.assertEqual([build['results'] for build in finished_builds], [SUCCESS] * 2)
def _backup_pcap(self, username, ip_addr): """ Backup existing pcap file. Used when restarting traffic capture for ACTIVE accounts and after the account expires. :param username (str): account username :param ip_addr (IPv4Address): IP address allocated for the account. """ log.debug("ACCOUNTS:: Backing up pcap for {} with IP {}.".format( username, str(ip_addr))) day_month_str ="%m%d%H%M") cur_pcap_file = "{}_{}.pcap".format(username, str(ip_addr)) new_path = os.path.join(self.path['pcaps'], "{}_{}".format(username, str(ip_addr))) new_path_fp = FilePath(new_path) if not new_path_fp.isdir(): log.debug("ACCOUNTS:: Creating directory {}".format(new_path)) new_path_fp.createDirectory() new_pcap_file = "{}_{}_{}.pcap".format(username, str(ip_addr), day_month_str) cur_pcap_file = os.path.join(self.path['pcaps'], cur_pcap_file) new_pcap_file = os.path.join(new_path, new_pcap_file) log.debug("ACCOUNTS:: Current pcap file {}".format(cur_pcap_file)) log.debug("ACCOUNTS:: New pcap file {}".format(new_pcap_file)) fp = FilePath(cur_pcap_file) backup_fp = FilePath(new_pcap_file) fp.moveTo(backup_fp) backup_fp.chmod(0654)
def test_path_relative(self): """ If the ``path`` argument is relative, the path is combined with the current working directory. The command is executed in that directory, and that directory is logged. """ base_path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) base_path.createDirectory() child_path = base_path.child('child') child_path.createDirectory() cmd = [sys.executable, '-c', 'import os, sys; sys.stdout.write(os.getcwd())'] old_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(base_path.path) self.addCleanup(os.chdir, old_cwd) self.setupStep( master.MasterShellCommand(command=cmd, path="child")) self.expectLogfile('stdio', child_path.path) self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, status_text=["Ran"]) d = self.runStep() @d.addCallback def check(_): headers = self.step_status.logs['stdio'].header.splitlines() self.assertIn(" in dir %s" % (child_path.path,), headers) return d
def getMaster(case, reactor, config_dict): """ Create a started ``BuildMaster`` with the given configuration. """ basedir = FilePath(case.mktemp()) basedir.createDirectory() config_dict['buildbotNetUsageData'] = None master = BuildMaster( basedir.path, reactor=reactor, config_loader=DictLoader(config_dict)) if 'db_url' not in config_dict: config_dict['db_url'] = 'sqlite://' # TODO: Allow BuildMaster to transparently upgrade the database, at least # for tests. master.config.db['db_url'] = config_dict['db_url'] yield master.db.setup(check_version=False) yield master.db.model.upgrade() master.db.setup = lambda: None yield master.startService() # and shutdown the db threadpool, as is normally done at reactor stop case.addCleanup(master.db.pool.shutdown) case.addCleanup(master.stopService) defer.returnValue(master)
def test_alwaysPreferPy(self): """ Verify that .py files will always be preferred to .pyc files, regardless of directory listing order. """ mypath = FilePath(self.mktemp()) mypath.createDirectory() pp = modules.PythonPath(sysPath=[mypath.path]) originalSmartPath = pp._smartPath def _evilSmartPath(pathName): o = originalSmartPath(pathName) originalChildren = o.children def evilChildren(): # normally this order is random; let's make sure it always # comes up .pyc-first. x = list(originalChildren()) x.sort() x.reverse() return x o.children = evilChildren return o mypath.child("").setContent(b"\n") compileall.compile_dir(mypath.path, quiet=True) # sanity check self.assertEqual(len(list(mypath.children())), 2) pp._smartPath = _evilSmartPath self.assertEqual(pp["abcd"].filePath, mypath.child(""))
def connect_worker(self, case): if RemoteWorker is None: raise SkipTest("buildbot-worker package is not installed") workdir = FilePath(case.mktemp()) workdir.createDirectory() self.remote_worker = RemoteWorker(, workdir.path, False) self.remote_worker.setServiceParent(self.worker)
def setupJobdir(self): jobdir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) jobdir.createDirectory() self.jobdir = jobdir.path for sub in 'new', 'tmp', 'cur': jobdir.child(sub).createDirectory() return self.jobdir
def test_alwaysPreferPy(self): """ Verify that .py files will always be preferred to .pyc files, regardless of directory listing order. """ mypath = FilePath(self.mktemp()) mypath.createDirectory() pp = modules.PythonPath(sysPath=[mypath.path]) originalSmartPath = pp._smartPath def _evilSmartPath(pathName): o = originalSmartPath(pathName) originalChildren = o.children def evilChildren(): # normally this order is random; let's make sure it always # comes up .pyc-first. x = originalChildren() x.sort() x.reverse() return x o.children = evilChildren return o mypath.child("").setContent("\n") compileall.compile_dir(mypath.path, quiet=True) # sanity check self.assertEquals(len(mypath.children()), 2) pp._smartPath = _evilSmartPath self.assertEquals(pp["abcd"].filePath, mypath.child(""))
def setupConfig(self, config_dict, startWorker=True): """ Setup and start a master configured by the function configFunc defined in the test module. @type config_dict: dict @param configFunc: The BuildmasterConfig dictionary. """ # mock reactor.stop (which trial *really* doesn't # like test code to call!) stop = mock.create_autospec(reactor.stop) self.patch(reactor, 'stop', stop) if startWorker: if self.proto == 'pb': proto = {"pb": {"port": "tcp:0:interface="}} workerclass = worker.Worker elif self.proto == 'null': proto = {"null": {}} workerclass = worker.LocalWorker config_dict['workers'] = [workerclass("local1", "localpw")] config_dict['protocols'] = proto m = yield getMaster(self, reactor, config_dict) self.master = m self.assertFalse(stop.called, "startService tried to stop the reactor; check logs") if not startWorker: return if self.proto == 'pb': # We find out the worker port automatically workerPort = list(itervalues(m.pbmanager.dispatchers))[ 0].port.getHost().port # create a worker, and attach it to the master, it will be started, and stopped # along with the master worker_dir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) worker_dir.createDirectory() self.w = Worker( "", workerPort, "local1", "localpw", worker_dir.path, False) elif self.proto == 'null': self.w = None if self.w is not None: self.w.startService() self.addCleanup(self.w.stopService) @defer.inlineCallbacks def dump(): if not self._passed: dump = StringIO.StringIO() print("FAILED! dumping build db for debug", file=dump) builds = yield"builds",)) for build in builds: yield self.printBuild(build, dump, withLogs=True) raise self.failureException(dump.getvalue()) self.addCleanup(dump)
def test_latent_max_builds(self): """ If max_builds is set, only one build is started on a latent worker at a time. """ controller = LatentController( 'local', max_builds=1, ) step_controller = StepController() config_dict = { 'builders': [ BuilderConfig(name="testy-1", workernames=["local"], factory=BuildFactory([step_controller]), ), BuilderConfig(name="testy-2", workernames=["local"], factory=BuildFactory([step_controller]), ), ], 'workers': [controller.worker], 'protocols': {'null': {}}, 'multiMaster': True, } master = self.successResultOf(getMaster(self, self.reactor, config_dict)) builder_ids = [ self.successResultOf('testy-1')), self.successResultOf('testy-2')), ] started_builds = [] self.successResultOf( lambda key, build: started_builds.append(build), ('builds', None, 'new'))) # Trigger a buildrequest bsid, brids = self.successResultOf( waited_for=False, builderids=builder_ids, sourcestamps=[ {'codebase': '', 'repository': '', 'branch': None, 'revision': None, 'project': ''}, ], ) ) # The worker fails to substantiate. controller.start_instance(True) local_workdir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) local_workdir.createDirectory() controller.connect_worker(local_workdir) self.assertEqual(len(started_builds), 1)
def create_service(): path = FilePath(test.mktemp()) path.createDirectory() pool = FilesystemStoragePool(path) service = VolumeService(FilePath(test.mktemp()), pool, reactor=Clock()) service.startService() test.addCleanup(service.stopService) return service
def cbConnect(self, directoryService): """ Callback from the directory service. From this point we're connected and authenticated. """ basepath = FilePath(os.path.expanduser('~/.distfs')) if not basepath.exists(): basepath.createDirectory() store = FileSystemStore(basepath.child('store').path) chunkFactory = Site(server.StoreResource(store)) locname = self['alias'] or directoryService.service # Listen for remote connections. This is for the other nodes # to access our store. port = self['port'] and int(self['port']) or 0 listeningPort = reactor.listenTCP(port, chunkFactory) keyStore = SQLiteDataStore(basepath.child('%s.db' % locname).path) dhtNode = KademliaNode(listeningPort.getHost().port, keyStore, reactor=reactor) # Listen locally so that applications can easily access the # store. reactor.listenUNIX( basepath.child('%s.http' % locname).path, chunkFactory) resolverPublisher = ResolverPublisher(dhtNode) controlFactory = control.ControlFactory(store, directoryService, dhtNode, resolverPublisher) reactor.listenUNIX( basepath.child('%s.ctrl' % locname).path, controlFactory) # Start a looping call that will publish chunks to the # overlay; do that every 6th hour. Delay the procedure a bit # so that the node has a chance to join the network. looping = task.LoopingCall(publishChunks, store, resolverPublisher) reactor.callLater(10, looping.start, 6 * 60 * 60, True) # Try joining the network. introducers = list() if self['introducer']: try: address, port = self['introducer'].split(':') except ValueError: address, port = self['introducer'], 8033 introducers.append((address, int(port))) dhtNode.joinNetwork(introducers) # At this point everything that can go (majorly) wrong has # been initialized and we can daemonize. if not self['no-daemon']: daemonize()
def cbConnect(self, directoryService): """ Callback from the directory service. From this point we're connected and authenticated. """ basepath = FilePath(os.path.expanduser('~/.distfs')) if not basepath.exists(): basepath.createDirectory() store = FileSystemStore(basepath.child('store').path) chunkFactory = Site(server.StoreResource(store)) locname = self['alias'] or directoryService.service # Listen for remote connections. This is for the other nodes # to access our store. port = self['port'] and int(self['port']) or 0 listeningPort = reactor.listenTCP(port, chunkFactory) keyStore = SQLiteDataStore(basepath.child('%s.db' % locname).path) dhtNode = KademliaNode(listeningPort.getHost().port, keyStore, reactor=reactor) # Listen locally so that applications can easily access the # store. reactor.listenUNIX(basepath.child('%s.http' % locname).path, chunkFactory) resolverPublisher = ResolverPublisher(dhtNode) controlFactory = control.ControlFactory(store, directoryService, dhtNode, resolverPublisher) reactor.listenUNIX(basepath.child('%s.ctrl' % locname).path, controlFactory) # Start a looping call that will publish chunks to the # overlay; do that every 6th hour. Delay the procedure a bit # so that the node has a chance to join the network. looping = task.LoopingCall(publishChunks, store, resolverPublisher) reactor.callLater(10, looping.start, 6*60*60, True) # Try joining the network. introducers = list() if self['introducer']: try: address, port = self['introducer'].split(':') except ValueError: address, port = self['introducer'], 8033 introducers.append((address, int(port))) dhtNode.joinNetwork(introducers) # At this point everything that can go (majorly) wrong has # been initialized and we can daemonize. if not self['no-daemon']: daemonize()
def getMaster(self, config_dict): """ Create a started ``BuildMaster`` with the given configuration. """ basedir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) basedir.createDirectory() master = BuildMaster( basedir.path, reactor=reactor, config_loader=DictLoader(config_dict)) master.config = master.config_loader.loadConfig() return master
def makeProjects(self, *versions): """ Create a series of projects underneath a temporary base directory. @return: A L{FilePath} for the base directory. """ baseDirectory = FilePath(self.mktemp()) baseDirectory.createDirectory() for version in versions: self.makeProject(version, baseDirectory) return baseDirectory
def test_absolute_args_no_box(self): """ When invoked as `build-vagrant-box`, specifying a box is required. """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) path.createDirectory() base_path = path.descendant(['bin', 'build-vagrant-box']) options = BuildOptions(base_path=base_path, top_level=path) self.assertRaises(UsageError, options.parseOptions, [])
def test_relative_args_with_box(self): """ When invoked as `build`, no box can be specified. """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) path.createDirectory() base_path = path.descendant(['somewhere', 'box-name', 'build']) options = BuildOptions(base_path=base_path, top_level=path) self.assertRaises(UsageError, options.parseOptions, ['--box', 'box'])
def test_path_is_renderable(self): """ The ``path`` argument of ``MasterShellCommand`` is renderable.` """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) path.createDirectory() cmd = [sys.executable, '-c', 'import os, sys; sys.stdout.write(os.getcwd())'] self.setupStep( master.MasterShellCommand(command=cmd, path=Interpolate(path.path))) self.expectLogfile('stdio', path.path) self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, status_text=["Ran"]) return self.runStep()
def _underUnderPathTest(self, doImport=True): moddir2 = self.mktemp() fpmd = FilePath(moddir2) fpmd.createDirectory() fpmd.child("").setContent("x = 123\n") self.packagePath.child("").setContent("__path__.append(%r)\n" % (moddir2,)) # Cut here self._setupSysPath() modinfo = modules.getModule(self.packageName) self.assertEquals( self.findByIteration(self.packageName + ".foozle", modinfo, importPackages=doImport), modinfo["foozle"] ) self.assertEquals(modinfo["foozle"].load().x, 123)
class PluginTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests which verify the behavior of the current, active Twisted plugins directory. """ def setUp(self): """ Save C{sys.path} and C{sys.modules}, and create a package for tests. """ self.originalPath = sys.path[:] self.savedModules = sys.modules.copy() self.root = FilePath(self.mktemp()) self.root.createDirectory() self.package = self.root.child('mypackage') self.package.createDirectory() self.package.child('').setContent("") FilePath(__file__).sibling('' ).copyTo(self.package.child('')) self.originalPlugin = "testplugin" sys.path.insert(0, self.root.path) import mypackage self.module = mypackage def tearDown(self): """ Restore C{sys.path} and C{sys.modules} to their original values. """ sys.path[:] = self.originalPath sys.modules.clear() sys.modules.update(self.savedModules) def _unimportPythonModule(self, module, deleteSource=False): modulePath = module.__name__.split('.') packageName = '.'.join(modulePath[:-1]) moduleName = modulePath[-1] delattr(sys.modules[packageName], moduleName) del sys.modules[module.__name__] for ext in ['c', 'o'] + (deleteSource and [''] or []): try: os.remove(module.__file__ + ext) except OSError, ose: if ose.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise
def test_isGitRepository(self): """ When called from a git repository, L{git.ensureGitRepository} returns a deferred that doesn't errback. """ basedir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) basedir.createDirectory() basedir.child('.git').setContent('blah-blah-blah') gitRepo = basedir.child('git-repo') # Create a git repository d = getProcessValue('git', ('init', gitRepo.path)) d.addCallback(lambda _: git.ensureGitRepository(gitRepo.path)) return d
def _underUnderPathTest(self, doImport=True): moddir2 = self.mktemp() fpmd = FilePath(moddir2) fpmd.createDirectory() fpmd.child("").setContent(b"x = 123\n") self.packagePath.child("").setContent( networkString("__path__.append({0})\n".format(repr(moddir2)))) # Cut here self._setupSysPath() modinfo = modules.getModule(self.packageName) self.assertEqual( self.findByIteration(self.packageName + ".foozle", modinfo, importPackages=doImport), modinfo['foozle']) self.assertEqual(modinfo['foozle'].load().x, 123)
def _underUnderPathTest(self, doImport=True): moddir2 = self.mktemp() fpmd = FilePath(moddir2) fpmd.createDirectory() fpmd.child("").setContent("x = 123\n") self.packagePath.child("").setContent( "__path__.append(%r)\n" % (moddir2, )) # Cut here self._setupSysPath() modinfo = modules.getModule(self.packageName) self.assertEqual( self.findByIteration(self.packageName + ".foozle", modinfo, importPackages=doImport), modinfo['foozle']) self.assertEqual(modinfo['foozle'].load().x, 123)
def test_raiseNotAGitRepository(self): """ When called from a directory that isn't part of a git repository, L{git.ensureGitRepository} raises L{git.NotAGitRepository}. Since trial is usually run in a subdirectory of the current repository, we need to convince C{git rev-parse} that we aren't in a repository. It turns out that if there is a file L{.git} in the directory that isn't of the format C{gitdir: path/to/git/dir} it considers that directory not part of a git repository. """ basedir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) basedir.createDirectory() basedir.child('.git').setContent('blah-blah-blah') return self.assertFailure(git.ensureGitRepository(basedir.path), git.NotAGitRepository)
def assertExtractedStructure(self, outputFile, dirDict): """ Assert that a tarfile content is equivalent to one described by a dict. @param outputFile: The tar file built by L{DistributionBuilder}. @type outputFile: L{FilePath}. @param dirDict: The dict that should describe the contents of the directory. It should be the same structure as the C{dirDict} parameter to L{createStructure}. @type dirDict: C{dict} """ tarFile =, "r:bz2") extracted = FilePath(self.mktemp()) extracted.createDirectory() for info in tarFile: tarFile.extract(info, path=extracted.path) self.assertStructure(extracted.children()[0], dirDict)
def test_dir(self): """ :py:`get_pathinfo` returns a :py:`PathInfo` when given a directory. """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) path.createDirectory() path_info = get_pathinfo(path) self.assertThat( path_info, MatchesStructure.byEquality( is_dir=True, is_file=False, is_link=False, exists=True, state=None, ), )
def createTestFiles(tempPath): """ Create test files in file system. @tempPath: path of temp directory @return: path of test files """ tempDir = FilePath(tempPath) tempDir.createDirectory() moduleInit = tempDir.child('') moduleInit.setContent(b"") # A module declares exception for function names. moduleA = tempDir.child('') moduleA.setContent(b""" obj, something = None, None func = getattr(obj, "foo_" + something) getattr(obj, "baz_%s" % something)() """) # A module declares exception for class names. moduleB = tempDir.child('') moduleB.setContent(b""" obj, something = None, None className = getattr(obj, "Bar_%s" % something) """) # A module contains invalid names. moduleTest = tempDir.child('') moduleTest.setContent(b""" # Not invalid names. def foo_SOMETHING(): pass class Bar_SOMETHING(): def baz_SOMETHING(): pass # Invalid names. def a_SOMETHING(): pass class B_SOMETHING(): def c_SOMETHING(): pass """) return tempDir.path
def test_worker_multiple_substantiations_succeed(self): """ If multiple builders trigger try to substantiate a worker at the same time, if the substantiation succeeds then all of the builds proceeed. """ controller = LatentController("local") config_dict = { "builders": [ BuilderConfig(name="testy-1", workernames=["local"], factory=BuildFactory()), BuilderConfig(name="testy-2", workernames=["local"], factory=BuildFactory()), ], "workers": [controller.worker], "protocols": {"null": {}}, "multiMaster": True, } master = self.getMaster(config_dict) builder_ids = [ self.successResultOf("testy-1")), self.successResultOf("testy-2")), ] finished_builds = [] self.successResultOf( key, build: finished_builds.append(build), ("builds", None, "finished")) ) # Trigger a buildrequest bsid, brids = self.successResultOf( waited_for=False, builderids=builder_ids, sourcestamps=[{"codebase": "", "repository": "", "branch": None, "revision": None, "project": ""}], ) ) # The worker fails to substantiate. controller.start_instance(True) local_workdir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) local_workdir.createDirectory() controller.connect_worker(local_workdir) # We check that there were two builds that finished, and # that they both finished with success self.assertEqual([build["results"] for build in finished_builds], [SUCCESS] * 2)
def test_getScriptsTopLevel(self): """ getScripts returns scripts that are (only) in the top level bin directory. """ basedir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) basedir.createDirectory() bindir = basedir.child("bin") bindir.createDirectory() included = bindir.child("included") included.setContent("yay included") subdir = bindir.child("subdir") subdir.createDirectory() subdir.child("not-included").setContent("not included") scripts = dist.getScripts(basedir=basedir.path) self.assertEqual(scripts, [included.path])
def createTestFiles(tempPath): """ Create test files in file system. @tempPath: path of temp directory @return: path of test files """ tempDir = FilePath(tempPath) tempDir.createDirectory() moduleInit = tempDir.child('') moduleInit.setContent("") # A module declares exception for function names. moduleA = tempDir.child('') moduleA.setContent(""" obj, something = None, None func = getattr(obj, "foo_" + something) getattr(obj, "baz_%s" % something)() """) # A module declares exception for class names. moduleB = tempDir.child('') moduleB.setContent(""" obj, something = None, None className = getattr(obj, "Bar_%s" % something) """) # A module contains invalid names. moduleTest = tempDir.child('') moduleTest.setContent(""" # Not invalid names. def foo_SOMETHING(): pass class Bar_SOMETHING(): def baz_SOMETHING(): pass # Invalid names. def a_SOMETHING(): pass class B_SOMETHING(): def c_SOMETHING(): pass """) return tempDir.path
class TestOpenSSHConfig(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = FilePath(self.mktemp()) def test_files(self): openSSHConfig.setupConfig(, 2222) for file in f = contents = f.close() self.assertTrue("%" not in contents) self.assertEquals(len(, 5) def test_commandOptions(self): for option in openSSHConfig.setupConfig(, 2222): self.assertTrue("%" not in option)
def addFakePlugin(testCase, dropinSource=""): """ For the duration of C{testCase}, add a fake plugin to twisted.plugins which contains some sample endpoint parsers. """ import sys savedModules = sys.modules.copy() savedPluginPath = plugins.__path__ def cleanup(): sys.modules.clear() sys.modules.update(savedModules) plugins.__path__[:] = savedPluginPath testCase.addCleanup(cleanup) fp = FilePath(testCase.mktemp()) fp.createDirectory() getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling(dropinSource).copyTo( fp.child(dropinSource)) plugins.__path__.append(fp.path)
def addFakePluginObject(testCase, pluginPackage, pluginObject): """ Add a fake plugin for the duration of the given test. """ dropinName = "a_fake_dropin" dropinQualifiedName = pluginPackage.__name__ + "." + dropinName module = sys.modules[dropinQualifiedName] = types.ModuleType( dropinQualifiedName) testCase.addCleanup(lambda: sys.modules.pop(dropinQualifiedName)) setattr(pluginPackage, dropinName, module) testCase.addCleanup(lambda: delattr(pluginPackage, dropinName)) # Should provide relevant plugin interface, IPlugin module.a_plugin = pluginObject tempDir = testCase.mktemp() fp = FilePath(tempDir) fp.createDirectory() pluginPackage.__path__.append(tempDir) fp.child("").touch()
def test_path_absolute(self): """ If the ``path`` argument is absolute, the command is executed in that directory, and that directory is logged. """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) path.createDirectory() cmd = [sys.executable, '-c', 'import os, sys; sys.stdout.write(os.getcwd())'] self.setupStep( master.MasterShellCommand(command=cmd, path=path.path)) self.expectLogfile('stdio', path.path) self.expectOutcome(result=SUCCESS, status_text=["Ran"]) d = self.runStep() @d.addCallback def check(_): headers = self.step_status.logs['stdio'].header.splitlines() self.assertIn(" in dir %s" % (path.path,), headers) return d
class FileSystemStore(object): """ Chunk store that stores chunks in a directory on the local file system. @ivar computes: a C{dict} that maps chunk ids to L{Deferreds} for hash computes that is currently taking place. """ implements(idistfs.IStore) def __init__(self, dir): self.dir = FilePath(dir) self.computes = dict() try: self.dir.createDirectory() except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: return raise
def getMaster(case, reactor, config_dict): """ Create a started ``BuildMaster`` with the given configuration. """ basedir = FilePath(case.mktemp()) basedir.createDirectory() master = BuildMaster(basedir.path, reactor=reactor, config_loader=DictLoader(config_dict)) if 'db_url' not in config_dict: config_dict['db_url'] = 'sqlite://' # TODO: Allow BuildMaster to transparently upgrade the database, at least for tests. master.config.db['db_url'] = config_dict['db_url'] yield master.db.setup(check_version=False) yield master.db.model.upgrade() master.db.setup = lambda: None yield master.startService() defer.returnValue(master)
def test_packageMissingPath(self): """ A package can delete its __path__ for some reasons, C{modules.PythonPath} should be able to deal with it. """ mypath = FilePath(self.mktemp()) mypath.createDirectory() pp = modules.PythonPath(sysPath=[mypath.path]) subpath = mypath.child("abcd") subpath.createDirectory() subpath.child("").setContent('del __path__\n') sys.path.append(mypath.path) __import__("abcd") try: l = list(pp.walkModules()) self.assertEqual(len(l), 1) self.assertEqual(l[0].name, 'abcd') finally: del sys.modules['abcd'] sys.path.remove(mypath.path)
def test_packageMissingPath(self): """ A package can delete its __path__ for some reasons, C{modules.PythonPath} should be able to deal with it. """ mypath = FilePath(self.mktemp()) mypath.createDirectory() pp = modules.PythonPath(sysPath=[mypath.path]) subpath = mypath.child("abcd") subpath.createDirectory() subpath.child("").setContent(b"del __path__\n") sys.path.append(mypath.path) __import__("abcd") try: l = list(pp.walkModules()) self.assertEqual(len(l), 1) self.assertEqual(l[0].name, "abcd") finally: del sys.modules["abcd"] sys.path.remove(mypath.path)
def test_absolute_args(self): """ When invoked as `build-vagrant-box`, :class:`BuildOption` takes the path relative to the top-level, and the box name from the passed argument. """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) path.createDirectory() base_path = path.descendant(['bin', 'build-vagrant-box']) options = BuildOptions(base_path=base_path, top_level=path) options.parseOptions(['--box', 'box-name']) self.assertEqual(options, { 'box': 'box-name', 'path': path.descendant(['vagrant', 'box-name']), 'build-server': '', 'branch': None, 'flocker-version': flocker_version, })
def test_absolute_args(self): """ When invoked as `build-vagrant-box`, :class:`BuildOption` takes the path relative to the top-level, and the box name from the passed argument. """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) path.createDirectory() base_path = path.descendant(['bin', 'build-vagrant-box']) options = BuildOptions(base_path=base_path, top_level=path) options.parseOptions(['--box', 'box-name']) self.assertEqual( options, { 'box': 'box-name', 'path': path.descendant(['vagrant', 'box-name']), 'build-server': '', 'branch': None, 'flocker-version': flocker_version, })
def setUp(self): f = FilePath(self.mktemp()) f.createDirectory() self.serverOptions, self.clientOptions = _openSSHConfig.setupConfig( f.path, 2222) class MyPP(protocol.ProcessProtocol): def __init__(self): self.readyDeferred = defer.Deferred() self.deferred = defer.Deferred() def processEnded(self, reason): self.deferred.callback("None") def errReceived(self, data): # because openSSH prints on stderr if "Server listening" in data: self.readyDeferred.callback("Ready") self.pp = MyPP() self.server = execCommand(self.pp, "/usr/sbin/sshd %s" % (self.serverOptions, )) self.ssht = SSHTester()
def makeProject(self, version, baseDirectory=None): """ Make a Twisted-style project in the given base directory. @param baseDirectory: The directory to create files in (as a L{FilePath). @param version: The version information for the project. @return: L{Project} pointing to the created project. """ if baseDirectory is None: baseDirectory = FilePath(self.mktemp()) baseDirectory.createDirectory() segments = version.package.split('.') directory = baseDirectory for segment in segments: directory = directory.child(segment) if not directory.exists(): directory.createDirectory() directory.child('').setContent('') directory.child('topfiles').createDirectory() directory.child('topfiles').child('README').setContent(version.base()) replaceProjectVersion(directory.child('').path, version) return Project(directory)