コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, *argz, **kwz):
     super(NFLogDump, self).__init__(*argz, **kwz)
     self.zmq_ctx = zmq.Context()
     self.zmq_optz = self.conf.traffic_dump.nflog_pipe_interface
     log.noise("Compiling regexes: {!r}".format(self.conf.patterns))
     self.patterns = dict((pat, re.compile(pat)) for pat in self.conf.patterns)
     self.last_dump = 0
コード例 #2
	def dispatch(self, msg, source=None):
		if msg != self.conf.command:
			log.noise('Ignoring unknown command: {!r} (source: {})'.format(msg, source))
		if not self.conf.direct: source = None # reply to whatever destination channel
		msg = '\n'.join(it.imap(self.handler.format, list(self.buffer)))
		reactor.callLater( 0, self.interface.dispatch,
			msg, source=self, user=source, direct=True )
コード例 #3
	def __init__(self, *argz, **kwz):
		super(SnortLog, self).__init__(*argz, **kwz)
		import zmq
		self.zmq = zmq
		self.zmq_ctx = zmq.Context()
		self.zmq_optz = self.conf.traffic_dump.nflog_pipe_interface
		log.noise('Compiling regex: {!r}'.format(self.conf.sig_match))
		self.regex = re.compile(self.conf.sig_match)
コード例 #4
	def __init__(self, *argz, **kwz):
		super(SnortRefs, self).__init__(*argz, **kwz)
		log.noise('Compiling regex: {!r}'.format(self.conf.sig_match))
		self.regex = re.compile(self.conf.sig_match)
		self.gid_ignore = set(it.imap(str, ( [self.conf.gid_ignore]
				if isinstance(self.conf.gid_ignore, (int, str)) else self.conf.gid_ignore )))\
			if self.conf.gid_ignore else set()
		self.sid_db_ts = 0
コード例 #5
	def handle_line(self, line, repo_lock=defer.DeferredLock()):
			line = line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip()
			match = re.search(r'(^|\s+)!pq\s+(?P<link>\S+)(\s+::\S+|$)', line)
			if not match:
				log.noise('Non-patchbot line, ignoring: {}'.format(line.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')))
			link = match.group('link').encode('ascii')
			if not re.search('https?://', link, re.IGNORECASE):
				log.warn('Incorrect non-http link, skipping: {}'.format(link))
		except UnicodeError as err:
			log.warn('Failed to recode line ({!r}): {}'.format(line, err))

		## Grab the patch
		dst_base = '{}.patch'.format(sha1(link).hexdigest())
		dst_path = self.dst_path.child(dst_base)
		if dst_path.exists():
			log.debug( 'Patch already exists'
				' (file: {}, link: {}), skipping'.format(dst_path, link) )
		# Not via tmpfile to prevent multiple downloads of the same paste
		try: yield downloadPage(link, dst_path.open('wb'), timeout=120)
			if dst_path.exists(): dst_path.remove()

		## Commit into repo and push
		yield repo_lock.acquire()
			for cmd, check in [
					(['add', dst_base], True),
					(['commit', '-m', 'New patch: {}'.format(link)], False),
					(['push'], True) ]:
				out, err, code = yield getProcessOutputAndValue(
					'/usr/bin/git', cmd, path=self.dst_path.path )
				if check and code:
						'Failed to commit/push new patch into repo',
						'Command: {}'.format(cmd), 'Exit code:  {}'.format(code),
						'Stdout:\n  {}'.format('\n  '.join(out.splitlines())),
						'Stderr:\n  {}'.format('\n  '.join(err.splitlines())) ]))
			else: log.debug('Successfully pushed paste: {}'.format(link))
		finally: repo_lock.release()
コード例 #6
	def __init__(self, *argz, **kwz):
		super(FilterPipe, self).__init__(*argz, **kwz)
		self.rules = OrderedDict()
		for name, rule in self.conf.rules.viewitems():
			if 'regex' in rule:
				log.noise('Compiling filter (name: {}): {!r}'.format(name, rule.regex))
				check = re.compile(rule.regex)
			else: check = None # boolean rule

			try: action, optz = rule.action.split('-', 1)
			except ValueError: action, optz = rule.action, list()
				if action == 'limit': optz = map(int, optz.split('/'))
				else: optz = [optz]

			self.rules[name] = check, action, optz, rule.get('match')
		self.rule_hits, self.rule_notes, self.rule_drops = dict(), set(), defaultdict(int)
コード例 #7
	def dispatch(self, msg):
		for name, (check, action, optz, attr) in self.rules.viewitems():
			try: msg_match = msg if not attr else (('{'+attr+'}').format(data=msg.data) or '')
			except Exception as err:
				log.noise('Filtering attr-get error ({}) for message: {!r}'.format(err, msg))
				msg_match = ''

			if not ( check.search(msg_match)
					if check is not None else bool(msg_match) ):
				if 'nomatch' in optz:
					if action == 'allow': return msg
					elif action == 'drop': return

			if action == 'limit':
				if name not in self.rule_hits: self.rule_hits[name] = deque()
				win, ts, (c, t) = self.rule_hits[name], time(), optz
				ts_thresh = ts - t
				while win[0] < ts_thresh: win.popleft()
				rate = len(win)
				if rate > c:
					log.noise(( 'Rule ({}) triggering rate'
						' above threshold ({}/{}): {}' ).format(name, c, t, rate))
					self.rule_drops[name] += 1
					if name not in self.rule_notes:
						return ( '  ...limiting messages matching'
								' filter-rule {} ({}/{}, dropped (for uptime): {})' )\
							.format(name, c, t, self.rule_drops[name])
					else: return
				return msg

			elif 'nomatch' not in optz:
				if action == 'allow': return msg
				elif action == 'drop': return

		if self.conf.policy == 'allow': return msg
コード例 #8
	def handle_change(self, stuff, path, mask):
		mask_str = inotify.humanReadableMask(mask)
		log.noise('Event: {} ({})'.format(path, mask_str))

		## Filtering
		path_real = path.realpath()
		if not path_real.isfile():
			log.debug( 'Ignoring event for'
				' non-regular file: {} (realpath: {})'.format(path, path_real) )
		dir_key = path_real.parent().realpath()
		if dir_key not in self.paths_watch:
			log.warn( 'Ignoring event for file outside of watched'
				' set of paths: {} (realpath: {})'.format(path, path_real) )
		for pat in self.paths_watch[dir_key]:
			if fnmatch(bytes(path.basename()), pat): break
			log.noise( 'Non-matched path in one of'
				' the watched dirs: {} (realpath: {})'.format(path, path_real) )

		## Get last position
		if self.paths_pos.get(path_real) is not None:
			pos, size, data = self.paths_pos[path_real]
			if self.file_end_check(path_real, pos, size=size, data=data):
				log.debug(( 'Event (mask: {}) for unchanged'
					' path, ignoring: {}' ).format(mask_str, path))
			if path_real.getsize() < pos:
				log.debug( 'Detected truncation'
					' of a path, rewinding: {}'.format(path) )
				pos = None
		else: pos = None

		## Actual processing
		line = self.paths_buff.setdefault(path_real, '')
		with path_real.open('rb') as src:
			if pos:
				pos = None
			while True:
				buff = src.readline()
				if not buff: # eof
					self.paths_pos[path_real] = self.file_end_mark(path_real, data=line)
				line += buff
				if line.endswith('\n'):
					log.noise('New line (source: {}): {!r}'.format(path, line))
					reactor.callLater(0, self.handle_line, line)
					line = self.paths_buff[path_real] = ''
					line, self.paths_buff[path_real] = None, line
コード例 #9
ファイル: routing.py プロジェクト: mk-fg/bordercamp-irc-bot
	def update(self, relays, channels, routes):

		def resolve(route, k, fork=False, lvl=0):
			if k not in route: route[k] = list()
			elif isinstance(route[k], types.StringTypes): route[k] = [route[k]]
			modules = list()
			for v in route[k]:
				if v not in routes: modules.append(v)
					for subroute in routes[v]:
						if fork is None:
							resolve(subroute, k, lvl=lvl+1)
							fork = route.clone()
							fork.pipe = (list(fork.pipe) + subroute.pipe)\
								if fork is True else (subroute.pipe + list(fork.pipe))
							resolve(subroute, k, fork=True, lvl=lvl+1)
							fork[k] = subroute[k]
			route[k] = modules

		for name, route in routes.viewitems():
			if not route.get('pipe'): route.pipe = list()
			route.name = name
			routes[name] = [route]
		for k, fork in ('pipe', None), ('src', True), ('dst', False):
			for name, route_set in routes.items():
				for route in route_set:
					if k == 'pipe':
						for v in route.pipe or list():
							if v in channels:
								log.fatal( 'Channels are not allowed'
									' in route.pipe sections (route: {}, channel: {})'.format(name, v) )
					resolve(route, k, fork=fork)

		pipes, pipes_chk = dict(), set()
		pipes_valid = set(relays).union(channels)
		for route in it.chain.from_iterable(routes.viewvalues()):
			if not route.src or not route.dst: continue
			for src, dst in it.product(route.src, route.dst):
				pipe = tuple([src] + route.pipe + [dst])
				if pipe in pipes_chk: continue
				for v in pipe:
					if v not in pipes_valid:
						log.fatal('Unknown route component (route: {}): {}'.format(route.name, v))
				pipes_chk.add(pipe) # to eliminate duplicates
				pipes.setdefault(src, list()).append((dst, route.pipe))
		log.noise('Pipelines (by src): {}'.format(pipes))

		# Add reverse (obj -> name) mapping to relays
		for name, relay_obj in relays.items(): relays[relay_obj] = name

		self.relays, self.channels, self.routes = relays.copy(), channels.copy(), pipes

		# Remove channels that aren't used in any of the routes
		self.channel_map, channels = dict(), set()
		for src, routes in self.routes.viewitems():
			for dst, pipe in routes: channels.add(dst)
		for channel in list(self.channels):
			if channel not in channels:
				log.debug('Ignoring channel, not used in any of the routes: {}'.format(channel))
				del self.channels[channel]
				alias, channel = channel, self.channels[channel]
				name = channel.get('name') or alias
				self.channel_map[name] = alias
コード例 #10
	def __init__(self, *argz, **kwz):
		super(Resolver, self).__init__(*argz, **kwz)
		log.noise('Compiling regex: {!r}'.format(self.conf.addr))
		self.regex = re.compile(self.conf.addr)
コード例 #11
ファイル: logtail.py プロジェクト: mk-fg/bordercamp-irc-bot
	def handle_line(self, line, path):
		log.noise('New line: {!r}'.format(line))
		event = RelayedEvent(force_unicode(line))
		event.data = AttrDict(path=path.path)
		reactor.callLater(0, self.interface.dispatch, event, source=self)
コード例 #12
ファイル: logtail.py プロジェクト: mk-fg/bordercamp-irc-bot
	def handle_change(self, stuff, path, mask):
		mask_str = inotify.humanReadableMask(mask)
		log.noise('Event: {} ({})'.format(path, mask_str))

		## Filtering
		path_real = path.realpath()
		if not path_real.isfile():
			log.debug( 'Ignoring event for'
				' non-regular file: {} (realpath: {})'.format(path, path_real) )
		dir_key = path_real.parent().realpath()
		if dir_key not in self.paths_watch:
			log.warn( 'Ignoring event for file outside of watched'
				' set of paths: {} (realpath: {})'.format(path, path_real) )
		for pat in self.paths_watch[dir_key]:
			if fnmatch(bytes(path.basename()), pat): break
			log.noise( 'Non-matched path in one of'
				' the watched dirs: {} (realpath: {})'.format(path, path_real) )
		for pat in self.exclude:
			if pat.search(path.path):
				log.noise( 'Matched path by exclude-pattern'
					' ({}): {} (realpath: {})'.format(pat, path, path_real) )

		## Get last position
		pos = self.paths_pos.get(path_real)
		if not pos: # try restoring it from xattr
			try: pos = pickle.loads(xattr(path_real.path)[self.conf.xattr_name])
			except KeyError:
				log.debug('Failed to restore last log position from xattr for path: {}'.format(path))
					'Restored pos from xattr ({}) for path {}: {!r}'\
					.format(self.conf.xattr_name, path_real, pos) )
		if pos:
			pos, size, data_hash = pos
			if self.file_end_check(path_real, pos, size=size, data_hash=data_hash):
				log.noise(( 'Event (mask: {}) for unchanged'
					' path, ignoring: {}' ).format(mask_str, path))
			if path_real.getsize() < pos:
				log.debug( 'Detected truncation'
					' of a path, rewinding: {}'.format(path) )
				pos = None

		## Actual processing
		buff_agg = self.paths_buff.setdefault(path_real, '')
		with path_real.open() as src:
			if pos:
				pos = None
			while True:
				pos = src.tell()
				try: buff, pos = self.read(src), src.tell()
				except StopIteration:
					buff_agg = ''
					src.seek(pos) # revert back to starting position
					buff, pos = self.read(src), src.tell()
				if not buff: # eof, try to mark the position
					if not buff_agg: # clean eof at the end of the chunk - mark it
						pos = self.file_end_mark(path_real, pos=pos, data=buff_agg)
						self.paths_pos[path_real] = pos
						xattr(path_real.path)[self.conf.xattr_name] = pickle.dumps(pos)
						log.noise( 'Updated xattr ({}) for path {} to: {!r}'\
							.format(self.conf.xattr_name, path_real, pos) )
				buff_agg = self.paths_buff[path_real] = self.process(buff_agg + buff, path)
コード例 #13
	def schedule_fetch(self, url, fast=False):
		interval = self.feeds[url].interval
		jitter = interval.jitter * interval.base * random.random()
		interval = jitter if fast else (interval.base + (jitter * random.choice([-1, 1])))
		log.noise('Scheduling fetch for feed (url: {}) in {}s'.format(url, interval))
		reactor.callLater(interval, self.fetch_feed, url)
コード例 #14
	def dispatch(self, msg):
		if not msg.strip(): return

		## Event lines are cached until EOE msg is encountered
		match = self._re_base.search(msg)
		if not match:
			log.warn('Failed to match audit event spec: {!r}'.format(msg))

		node, ev_id, ev_type, msg = (match.group(k) for k in ['node', 'ev_id', 'type', 'msg'])
		ev_key = node, ev_id

		if ev_key not in self._ev_cache:
			self._ev_cache[ev_key] = defaultdict(list)
			self._ev_cache[ev_key].update(ts=time.time(), node=node, ev_id=ev_id)
		ev = self._ev_cache[ev_key]

		if ev_type != 'EOE': # cache event data
		del self._ev_cache[ev_key]

		## Get "key" value for event, if present
		ev_key = None
		try: syscall, = ev['SYSCALL'] # currently handled events always have it
		except ValueError: pass
			try: ev_key = self.get_msg_val(syscall, 'key', ur'"(?P<val>[^"]+)"')
			except KeyError as err:
				log.noise('Failed to get ev_key from syscall: {}'.format(err))
		if not ev_key:
			log.noise('Unhandled event: {!r}'.format(ev))

		## Processing

		if ev_key in self.conf.events.watches.ev_keys:
			# Extract all necessary attributes
			ev_vals = dict(node=ev['node'], ev_id=ev['ev_id'], key=ev_key)
			for k in it.imap(''.join, it.product(['', 'e', 's', 'fs'], ['uid', 'gid'])):
				ev_vals[k] = self.get_msg_val(syscall, k)
			for k in 'comm', 'exe':
				ev_vals[k] = self.get_msg_val(syscall, k, ur'"(?P<val>[^"]+)"')
			ev_vals['tty'] = self.get_msg_val(syscall, 'tty', '(?P<val>\S+)')
			paths = ev_vals['paths'] = list()
			for msg in ev['PATH']:
				path = self.get_msg_val(msg, 'name', ur'(?P<val>"[^"]+"|\(null\)|[0-9A-F]+)')
				paths.append(dict( path=path,
					inode=self.get_msg_val(msg, 'inode', fallback='nil'),
					dev=self.get_msg_val(msg, 'dev', '(?P<val>[a-f\d]{2}:[a-f\d]{2})', fallback='nil') ))

			# Formatting
			err, tpl = None, force_unicode(self.conf.events.watches.template_path)
			ev_vals['paths'] = list()
			for val in paths:
				try: ev_vals['paths'].append(tpl.format(**val))
				except self._lookup_error as err: break
			if not err:
				ev_vals['paths'] = ', '.join(ev_vals['paths'])
				tpl, val = force_unicode(self.conf.events.watches.template), ev_vals
				try: event = tpl.format(**val)
				except self._lookup_error as err: pass
				event = RelayedEvent(event)
				event.data = ev_vals
				return event
			raise ValueError( 'Failed to format template {!r} (data: {}): {}'.format(tpl, val, err))
コード例 #15
	def __init__(self, *argz, **kwz):
		super(PkgMon, self).__init__(*argz, **kwz)
		log.noise('Compiling regexes: {!r}'.format(self.conf.seek))
		self.seek = map(re.compile, self.conf.seek)
コード例 #16
	def request(self, url, method='get', decode=None, encode=None, data=None):
		method, url = force_bytes(method).upper(), force_bytes(url)
		headers = {'User-Agent': self.user_agent}

		if method == 'GET' and self.use_cache_headers:
			# Avoid doing extra work
			cache = self.fetch_cache.get(url, dict())
			if 'cache-control' in cache and cache['cache-control'] >= time.time():
				defer.returnValue(None) # no need to re-process same thing
			if 'last-modified' in cache:
				headers['If-Modified-Since'] = rfc822date(cache['last-modified'])
			if 'etag' in cache: headers['If-None-Match'] = '"{}"'.format(cache['etag'])

		log.noise( 'HTTP request: {} {} (h: {}, enc: {}, dec: {}, data: {!r})'\
			.format(method, url[:100], headers, encode, decode, type(data)) )

		if data is not None:
			if encode is None:
				if isinstance(data, types.StringTypes): data = io.BytesIO(data)
			elif encode == 'form':
				headers.setdefault('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
				data = io.BytesIO(urlencode(data))
			elif encode == 'json':
				headers.setdefault('Content-Type', 'application/json')
				data = io.BytesIO(json.dumps(data))
			else: raise ValueError('Unknown request encoding: {}'.format(encode))
			data_raw, data = data, FileBodyProducer(data)
		else: data_raw = None
		if decode not in ['json', None]:
			raise ValueError('Unknown response decoding method: {}'.format(decode))

		requests = None # indicates fallback to requests module (for e.g. ipv6-only site)
		err = None
			res = yield self.request_agent.request( method, url,
				Headers(dict((k,[v]) for k,v in (headers or dict()).viewitems())), data )
		except error.DNSLookupError:
			import requests, socket
				res = yield self.sync_wrap(
					getattr(requests, method.lower()), url, headers=headers, data=data_raw )
			except ( socket.error, SyncTimeout,
				requests.exceptions.RequestException ) as err: pass
		except ( RequestTransmissionFailed,
			RequestNotSent, ResponseFailed ) as err: pass

		if err:
			if not self.hide_connection_errors:
				raise HTTPClientError(None, 'Lookup/connection error: {}'.format(err))
				log.debug('Lookup/connection error (supressed): {}'.format(err))
				defer.returnValue(None) # should also supress fast refetching

		code, phrase, version = (res.code, res.phrase, res.version)\
			if not requests else ( res.status_code,
				http.RESPONSES[res.status_code], ('HTTP', 1, 1) )
		log.noise( 'HTTP request done ({} {}): {} {} {}'\
			.format(method, url[:100], code, phrase, version) )
		if code in [http.NO_CONTENT, http.NOT_MODIFIED]: defer.returnValue(None)
		if code not in [http.OK, http.CREATED]: raise HTTPClientError(code, phrase)

		if not requests:
			data = defer.Deferred()
			data = yield data
			headers = dict((k, v[-1]) for k,v in res.headers.getAllRawHeaders())
				data = yield self.sync_wrap(getattr, res, 'text')
				headers = yield self.sync_wrap(getattr, res, 'headers')
			except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, SyncTimeout) as err:
				raise HTTPClientError(None, 'Sync connection error: {}'.format(err))

		if method == 'GET' and self.use_cache_headers:
			cache = dict((k.lower(), v) for k,v in headers.items())
			cache = dict( (k, cache[k]) for k in
				['last-modified', 'cache-control', 'etag'] if k in cache )
			# Update headers' cache
			if 'last-modified' in cache:
				ts = rfc822.parsedate_tz(cache['last-modified'])
				cache['last-modified'] = time.mktime(ts[:9]) + (ts[9] or 0)
			if 'cache-control' in cache:
				match = re.search(r'\bmax-age=(\d+)\b', cache.pop('cache-control'))
				if match: cache['cache-control'] = time.time() + int(match.group(1))
			if cache: self.fetch_cache[url] = cache

		defer.returnValue((json.loads(data) if decode is not None else data, headers))
コード例 #17
ファイル: routing.py プロジェクト: mk-fg/bordercamp-irc-bot
	def dispatch(self, msg, source, user=None, direct=False):
		if not isinstance(msg, list): msg = [msg]

		channels = dict()
		if direct and user:
			# Direct reply
			log.noise('Dispatching msg from {!r} directly to user: {!r}'.format(source, user))
			channels[user] = msg

			try: route = self.routes[self.relays.get(source) or source]
			except KeyError:
				log.noise('No routes to dispatch message to, dropping: {!r}'.format(msg))
			# Pull msg through all the pipelines and build dst channels / msgs buffer
			for dst, pipe in route:
				msg_copy = list(msg)
				for name in pipe:
					relay = self.relays[name]
					results = yield defer.DeferredList(list(
						defer.maybeDeferred(relay.dispatch, part) for part in msg_copy ))
					msg_copy = set()
					for chk, result in results:
						if not chk:
								'Detected pipeline failure (src: {}, dst: {}, pipe: {}, relay: {}, msg: {}): {}'\
								.format(source, dst, pipe, name, msg_copy, result) )
						elif isinstance(result, list): msg_copy.update(result)
						else: msg_copy.add(result)
					msg_copy = msg_copy.difference({None})
					if not msg_copy: break
					if dst in self.relays:
						extra_kwz = dict()
						if isinstance(dst, types.StringTypes): dst = self.relays[dst]
						if user and 'source' in inspect.getargspec(dst.dispatch).args:
							extra_kwz['source'] = user
						log.noise('Delivering msgs to dst relay: {}, extra_kwz: {}'.format(dst, extra_kwz))
						yield defer.DeferredList(list(
							defer.maybeDeferred(dst.dispatch, msg_copy, **extra_kwz)
							for msg_copy in msg_copy ))
						channels.setdefault(self.channels[dst].name, set()).update(msg_copy)

		# Check whether anything can be delivered to channels at all
		if not self.proto:
			log.warn( 'Failed to deliver message(s)'
				' ({!r}) to the following channels: {}'.format(msg, channels) )

		# Encode and deliver
		for channel, msg in channels.viewitems():
			for msg in msg:
				if not isinstance(msg, types.StringTypes):
					log.warn('Dropping non-string message: {!r}'.format(msg))
				if isinstance(msg, unicode):
					try: msg = msg.encode(self.irc_enc)
					except UnicodeEncodeError as err:
						log.warn('Failed to encode ({}) unicode msg ({!r}): {}'.format(self.irc_enc, msg, err))
						msg = msg.encode(self.irc_enc, 'replace')
				max_len = min( self.max_line_length,
					self.proto._safeMaximumLineLength('PRIVMSG {} :'.format(channel)) - 2 )
				first_line = True
				for line in irc.split(msg, length=max_len):
					if not first_line: line = '  {}'.format(line)
					if not self.dry_run: self.proto.msg(channel, line)
					else: log.info('IRC line (channel: {}): {}'.format(channel, line))
					first_line = False
コード例 #18
ファイル: routing.py プロジェクト: mk-fg/bordercamp-irc-bot
	def proto_msg(self, irc, user, nick, channel, msg):
		if channel not in self.channel_map:
			log.noise( 'Ignoring msg for unmonitored source'
				' (user: {!r}, nick: {!r}, channel: {!r})'.format(user, nick, channel) )
		self.dispatch(msg, source=self.channel_map[channel], user=nick)
コード例 #19
	def __init__(self, *argz, **kwz):
		super(Shortener, self).__init__(*argz, **kwz)
		log.noise('Compiling regex: {!r}'.format(self.conf.regex))
		self.regex = re.compile(self.conf.regex)
		self.client = HTTPClient()
コード例 #20
ファイル: irc.py プロジェクト: mk-fg/bordercamp-irc-bot
	def privmsg(self, user, channel, message):
		nick = user.split('!', 1)[0]
		if self.conf.nickname_lstrip: nick = nick.lstrip(self.conf.nickname_lstrip)
		log.noise('Got msg: {}'.format([user, nick, channel, message]))
		self.interface.proto_msg(self, user, nick, channel, message)
コード例 #21
	def check(self, name):
		check = self.conf.get('check_path')
		if check and check.path:
			path = check.path.format(name=name)
			log.noise('Checking package path: {}'.format(path))
			if glob(check.path.format(name=name)): return check.line
コード例 #22
ファイル: pipe_sub.py プロジェクト: mk-fg/bordercamp-irc-bot
	def dispatch(self, msg):
		msg_sub = self.regex.sub(self.conf.dst, msg)
		if msg == msg_sub: log.noise('RegexSub failed, msg: {!r}'.format(msg))
		return msg_sub