def authorize(args): if args.from_file: consumer_key, consumer_secret = __get_credentials_cache().values()[:2] else: consumer_key, consumer_secret = args.client if args.token: access_token, access_token_secret = args.token else: authorizer = TwitterAuthorizer(consumer_key, consumer_secret) print("Please access to this url: " + authorizer.get_authorization_url()) pin = input("And input pin code: ") access_token, access_token_secret = authorizer.get_token(pin) session = TwitterSession(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret) user_obj = session.account_verify_credentials() user_id = user_obj["id_str"] screen_name = user_obj["screen_name"] credentials = __get_credentials_cache(get_all=True, ignore=True) if credentials is not None: user_id_lst = [x["user_id"] for x in credentials] if credentials is None or user_id not in user_id_lst: __write_credentials_cache(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret, user_id, screen_name) else: index = user_id_lst.index(user_id) credentials[index]["consumer_key"] = consumer_key credentials[index]["consumer_secret"] = consumer_secret credentials[index]["access_token"] = access_token credentials[index]["access_token_secret"] = access_token_secret credentials[index]["screen_name"] = screen_name __overwrite_credentials_cache(credentials) print("Authorization successful!")
def shell_message(args): credentials = __get_credentials_cache(screen_name=args.account_name) session = TwitterSession(credentials["consumer_key"], credentials["consumer_secret"], credentials["access_token"], credentials["access_token_secret"]) if bool(args.file_path): for p in args.file_path: with open(p, "br") as f: file_data = b"".join(x for x in f) encoded_data = mybase64.byte_encode(file_data) session.direct_message_new(p + " encoded base64", args.screen_name, args.user_id) print(len(encoded_data)) for split_data in [encoded_data[i: i+10000] for i in range(0, len(encoded_data), 10000)]: session.direct_message_new(split_data, args.screen_name, args.user_id) session.direct_message_new(args.text, args.screen_name, args.user_id) print("Message successful!")
def shell_tweet(args): credentials = __get_credentials_cache(screen_name=args.account_name) session = TwitterSession(credentials["consumer_key"], credentials["consumer_secret"], credentials["access_token"], credentials["access_token_secret"]) if bool(args.screen_name): args.text = " ".join("@" + x for x in args.screen_name) + " " + args.text if bool(args.file_path): if len(args.file_path) > 4: print("Media upload limit is 4 by once!", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) media_ids = [session.media_upload(x) for x in args.file_path] session.status_update(args.text, media_ids) else: session.status_update(args.text) print("Tweet successful!")
* Creates a Markdown file that summarises the text of the thread """ import datetime as dt import json import os import sys from urllib.parse import urlparse from twitter_oauth import TwitterSession, save_tweet BACKUP_ROOT = ".twitter" if __name__ == '__main__': sess = TwitterSession(backup_root=BACKUP_ROOT) try: url = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: sys.exit(f"Usage: {__file__} <URL>") parts = urlparse(url) assert parts.netloc == "" _, username, status, tweet_id, *_ = parts.path.split("/") assert status == "status" thread = [] while True: print(f"Saving {tweet_id}")
HTML dumps, which are expected to be more "pure". """ import json import os import bs4 import requests import sys sys.path.append("..") from twitter_oauth import TwitterSession, DEFAULT_BACKUP_ROOT sess = TwitterSession() users_by_id = {} for f in os.listdir("backlog"): if f.startswith((".", "_")): continue # I'd like to come back and do these eventually, but I want an example of # what a real group DM conversation API response looks like first. if f.startswith("group_"): continue print(f) path = os.path.join("backlog", f)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 import sys from backup_dms import save_individual_dm from twitter_oauth import TwitterSession if __name__ == '__main__': try: direct_message_id = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: sys.exit(f"Usage: {__file__} <DM_ID>") sess = TwitterSession() event = sess.show_dm_event(event_id=direct_message_id) save_individual_dm(event=event, sess=sess)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 from twitter_oauth import TwitterSession, save_user_info if __name__ == "__main__": sess = TwitterSession() followers = sess.list_followers() save_user_info(followers, dirname="followers")
recipient_id = event["message_create"]["target"]["recipient_id"] user_ids = [sender_id, recipient_id] users = sess.lookup_users(user_ids) # Discard me! conversation_id = "__".join( sorted(u["screen_name"] for u in users.values() if u["screen_name"] != "alexwlchan")) out_dir = os.path.join(DEFAULT_BACKUP_ROOT, "direct_messages", conversation_id) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) dm_id = event["id"] out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f"{dm_id}.json") if os.path.exists(out_path): print(".", end="") else: print(dm_id) with open(out_path, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(json.dumps(event, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) if __name__ == '__main__': sess = TwitterSession() for event in sess.list_dm_events(): save_individual_dm(event=event, sess=sess)
def save_single_tweet_by_id(tweet_id, dirname): print(f"Saving {tweet_id} to {dirname}") sess = TwitterSession() tweet = sess.lookup_status(tweet_id) save_tweet(tweet, dirname=dirname)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 from twitter_oauth import TwitterSession, save_tweet if __name__ == '__main__': sess = TwitterSession() for tweet in sess.user_timeline(): save_tweet(tweet, dirname="user_timeline")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 from twitter_oauth import TwitterSession, save_user_info if __name__ == "__main__": sess = TwitterSession() friends = sess.list_friends() save_user_info(friends, dirname="friends")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 from twitter_oauth import TwitterSession, save_tweet if __name__ == '__main__': sess = TwitterSession() for tweet in sess.mentions_timeline(): save_tweet(tweet, dirname="mentions")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 from twitter_oauth import TwitterSession, save_tweet if __name__ == '__main__': sess = TwitterSession() for tweet in sess.list_favorites(): save_tweet(tweet, dirname="favorites")