コード例 #1
ファイル: ui.py プロジェクト: genmeblog/twixtbot
    def set_naf(self, naf, rotate=False):
	for h in reversed(self.history):
	    for o in h.objects:
	self.history = []
	self.known_moves = set()

	if not rotate:
	    xyp = lambda x, y: twixt.Point(x, y)
	    pp = lambda p: p
	    cp = lambda c: 1-c
	    xyp = lambda x, y: twixt.Point(y, x)
	    cp = lambda c: c
	    pp = lambda p: twixt.Point(p.y, p.x)

	objs = []
	for x, y, i in zip(*naf[:,:,8:].nonzero()):
	    objs.append(self._create_drawn_peg(xyp(x, y), cp(i&1)))

	for x, y, j in zip(*naf[:,:,:8].nonzero()):
	    link = twixt.Game.describe_link(j, x, y)
	    objs.append(self._create_drawn_link(pp(link.p1), pp(link.p2), cp(i&1)))

	nho = TBWHistory("nninputs")
	nho.objects = objs
コード例 #2
ファイル: ui.py プロジェクト: genmeblog/twixtbot
    def set_nn_inputs(self, pegs, links, rotate=False):
	for h in reversed(self.history):
	    for o in h.objects:
	self.history = []
	self.known_moves = set()

	if not rotate:
	    xyp = lambda x, y: twixt.Point(x, y)
	    pp = lambda p: p
	    cp = lambda c: 1-c
	    xyp = lambda x, y: twixt.Point(y, x)
	    cp = lambda c: c
	    pp = lambda p: twixt.Point(p.y, p.x)

	objs = []

	for x, y, i in zip(*pegs.nonzero()):
	    objs.append(self._create_drawn_peg(xyp(x, y), cp(i)))

	i_px_py = []
	# color = game.WHITE
	for vertical in [False, True]:
	    for diff_sign in [False, True]:
		for as_me in [False, True]:
		    index = ifelse0(vertical, twixt.Game.LINK_LONGY)
		    index += ifelse0(diff_sign, twixt.Game.LINK_DIFFSIGN)
		    index += 1 if as_me else 0
		    pad_x = ifelse0(vertical or diff_sign, 1)
		    pad_y = ifelse0(not vertical or diff_sign, 1)

		    i_px_py.append((index, pad_x, pad_y))

	for x, y, j in zip(*links.nonzero()):
	    index, pad_x, pad_y = i_px_py[j]
	    lx = x - pad_x
	    ly = y - pad_y
	    desc = twixt.Game.describe_link(index, lx, ly)
	    c1 = 2 - 2*pegs[desc.p1.x, desc.p1.y, 0] - pegs[desc.p1.x, desc.p1.y, 1]
	    c2 = 2 - 2*pegs[desc.p2.x, desc.p2.y, 0] - pegs[desc.p2.x, desc.p2.y, 1]
	    if c1 == 0 and c2 == 0:
		color = 0
	    elif c1 == 1 and c2 == 1:
		color = 1
		color = 2
	    objs.append(self._create_drawn_link(pp(desc.p1), pp(desc.p2), color))
	nho = TBWHistory("nninputs")
	nho.objects = objs
コード例 #3
ファイル: naf.py プロジェクト: genmeblog/twixtbot
def policy_index_point(thing, index):
    if isinstance(thing, twixt.Game):
        color = thing.turn
    elif isinstance(thing, int):
        color = thing
        raise ValueError("Bad type for thing")
    assert color in (0, 1)

    major, minor = divmod(index, twixt.Game.SIZE)

    assert 0 <= major and major < twixt.Game.SIZE - 2
    assert 0 <= minor and minor < twixt.Game.SIZE

    if color == twixt.Game.WHITE:
        return twixt.Point(major + 1, minor)
        return twixt.Point(minor, major + 1)
コード例 #4
ファイル: swapmodel.py プロジェクト: genmeblog/twixtbot
def points_and_locs():
    cum = 0.0
    locations = [0.0]
    points = []
    for x in range(1, twixt.Game.SIZE - 1):
        for y in range(twixt.Game.SIZE):
            point = twixt.Point(x, y)
            score = _point_score(point)
            weight = math.exp(math.log(0.5) * abs(score - 0.5) / _halflife)
            cum += weight

    return points, locations
コード例 #5
ファイル: naf.py プロジェクト: genmeblog/twixtbot
 def _init_front_bytes(self, b):
     if b[:self.HEADER_BYTES] != self.HEADER:
         raise ValueError("Header sanity error (%s)" %
     self.recents = []
     for i in range(self.NUM_RECENTS):
         x = ord(b[self.HEADER_BYTES + i * 2])
         y = ord(b[self.HEADER_BYTES + i * 2 + 1])
         if x == 255 and y == 255:
         if x >= twixt.Game.SIZE or y >= twixt.Game.SIZE:
             raise ValueError("Recent Point Error")
         self.recents.append(twixt.Point(x, y))
コード例 #6
    def _load_initial(self, override=False):
	self.cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM first_move_v2 WHERE model_id=%d" % (self.model_id))
	n = self.cur.fetchone()[0]
	if n:
	    if override:
		self.cur.execute("DELETE FROM first_move_v2 WHERE model_id=%d" % (mself.model_id))
		raise Exception("Rows already exist in first_move_v2")

	S = twixt.Game.SIZE
	M = S/2
	for x in range(1,M):
	    for y in range(M):
		p = twixt.Point(x, y)
		sql = "INSERT first_move_v2 (model_id, move, white, black, draws, visits) VALUES (%d, '%s', 0, 0, 0, 0)" % (self.model_id, str(p))
		print "sql:", sql
コード例 #7
def get_init_moves(fmdb_lock=None):
    if args.moves:
	return args.moves
    elif args.first_moves:
	if fmdb_lock:
	init_moves = fmdb_.select_move(2)
	if fmdb_lock:
	print "next first move:", str(init_moves)
	return init_moves
    elif args.random_first_moves:
	x = random.randint(1, twixt.Game.SIZE//2)
	y = random.randint(0, twixt.Game.SIZE//2)
	init_moves = twixt.Point(x, y)
	print "random first move:", str(init_moves)
	return init_moves
	return None
コード例 #8
ファイル: naf.py プロジェクト: genmeblog/twixtbot
    def hflip(self):
        tmp = numpy.flip(self.naf, 0)

        S = twixt.Game.SIZE
        vix = twixt.Game.LINK_LONGY
        self.naf = numpy.zeros((S, S, 11), dtype=numpy.uint8)
        self.naf[:, :, 10] = tmp[:, :, 10]
        for color in range(2):
            self.naf[:, :, 8 + color] = tmp[:, :, 8 + color]

            for diffsign in range(2):
                dix = diffsign * twixt.Game.LINK_DIFFSIGN
                adix = (1 - diffsign) * twixt.Game.LINK_DIFFSIGN
                # non verticals are easy
                self.naf[:, :, color + dix] = tmp[:, :, color + adix]
                # verticals need to be shifted.
                self.naf[:-1, :, color + dix + vix] = tmp[1:, :,
                                                          color + adix + vix]

        self.recents = [
            twixt.Point(twixt.Game.SIZE - 1 - p.x, p.y) for p in self.recents
コード例 #9
    def _select_move(self, visit_count, verbose):
        self.cur.execute("SELECT move, white, black, draws, visits FROM first_move_v2 WHERE model_id=%d" % (self.model_id))
        all_rows = list(self.cur.fetchall())
        N = sum([x[4] for x in all_rows])
        numerator = math.sqrt(2.0 * math.log(N + 1.0))
        if verbose:
            print "N=", N, "numerator=", numerator
            verbose_rows = []

        def row_util(row):
            move, white, black, draws, visits = row
            assert visits >= white + black + draws
            mean = (white + draws*0.5 + 0.5) / (1.0 + white + black + draws)
            if mean > 0.5:
                mean = 1.0 - mean
            util = mean + numerator / math.sqrt(1.0 + visits)
            if verbose:
                verbose_rows.append((move, white, black, draws, visits, visits-black-white-draws, mean, util))
                # print "%s w=%d b=%d d=%d v=%d xv=%d mean=%5.2f%% util=%5.2f%%" % (str(move), white, black, draws, visits, visits-black-white-draws, mean*100, util*100)
            return util

        best_row = max(all_rows, key=row_util)
        move = best_row[0]
        self.cur.execute("UPDATE first_move_v2 SET visits=visits+%d WHERE move=\"%s\" AND model_id=%d" % (visit_count, move, self.model_id))

        if verbose:
            n = 0
            for row in sorted(verbose_rows, key=lambda x:x[7], reverse=True):
                if n % 20 == 0:
                    print "%3s %5s %5s %5s %5s %3s %6s %6s" % ("mve", "white", "black", "draws", "visit", "xv", "mean", "util")
                n += 1
                print "%3s %5d %5d %5d %5d %3d %6.2f %6.2f" % (str(row[0]), row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6]*100.0, row[7]*100.0)

        return twixt.Point(move)
コード例 #10
ファイル: swapmodel.py プロジェクト: genmeblog/twixtbot
def first_move_report():
    points, locations = points_and_locs()
    cum = locations[-1]
    for i, p in enumerate(points):
        if p.x >= twixt.Game.SIZE // 2 or p.y >= twixt.Game.SIZE // 2:
        pct = 4.0 * (locations[i + 1] - locations[i]) / cum
        print "%3s %5.2f" % (str(p), pct * 100)

def choose_first_move():
    points, locations = points_and_locs()
    cum = locations[-1]

    z = random.uniform(0, cum)
    i = bisect.bisect(locations, z)
    if i == len(locations):
        i -= 1
    return points[i]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        print choose_first_move()
    elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "all":
    elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
        p = twixt.Point(sys.argv[1])
        print _point_score(p), want_swap(p)
コード例 #11
ファイル: one.py プロジェクト: genmeblog/twixtbot
if args.thinker:
    thinker = twixt.get_thinker(args.thinker, resources)
    tup = thinker.pick_move(game)
    if type(tup) == tuple:
	m, n = thinker.pick_move(game)
    else :
	m = tup

    # if m != "resign":
        # game.play(m)

    if args.think_report:
        _,rep = thinker.report.split("=")
        for m in rep.split(","):
	print thinker.report

if args.show_game_state:
    print "currently",game.COLOR_NAME[game.turn],"to play"
    if game.is_winning(game.BLACK):
	print "Black won"
    elif game.is_winning(game.WHITE):
	print "White won"
	count = 0
	if not game.can_win(game.BLACK):
	    print "Black cannot win"
	    count += 1
	if not game.can_win(game.WHITE):
	    print "White cannot win"