コード例 #1
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: silveregg/txboto
 def query_string(self, http_request):
     parameter_names = sorted(http_request.params.keys())
     pairs = []
     for pname in parameter_names:
         pval = txboto.utils.get_utf8_value(http_request.params[pname])
         pairs.append(quote(pname, safe='') + '=' +
                      quote(pval, safe='-_~'))
     return '&'.join(pairs)
コード例 #2
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: silveregg/txboto
 def canonical_query_string(self, http_request):
     # Note that we just do not return an empty string for
     # POST request. Query strings in url are included in canonical
     # query string.
     l = []
     for param in sorted(http_request.params):
         value = txboto.utils.get_utf8_value(http_request.params[param])
         l.append('%s=%s' % (quote(param, safe='-_.~'),
                             quote(value, safe='-_.~')))
     return '&'.join(l)
コード例 #3
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: silveregg/txboto
 def canonical_query_string(self, http_request):
     # POST requests pass parameters in through the
     # http_request.body field.
     if http_request.method == 'POST':
         return ""
     l = []
     for param in sorted(http_request.params):
         value = txboto.utils.get_utf8_value(http_request.params[param])
         l.append('%s=%s' % (quote(param, safe='-_.~'),
                             quote(value, safe='-_.~')))
     return '&'.join(l)
コード例 #4
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: silveregg/txboto
 def canonical_uri(self, http_request):
     # S3 does **NOT** do path normalization that SigV4 typically does.
     # Urlencode the path, **NOT** ``auth_path`` (because vhosting).
     path = urlparse(http_request.path)
     # Because some quoting may have already been applied, let's back it out.
     unquoted = unquote(path.path)
     # Requote, this time addressing all characters.
     encoded = quote(unquoted)
     return encoded
コード例 #5
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: silveregg/txboto
 def canonical_uri(self, http_request):
     path = http_request.auth_path
     # Normalize the path
     # in windows normpath('/') will be '\\' so we chane it back to '/'
     normalized = posixpath.normpath(path).replace('\\', '/')
     # Then urlencode whatever's left.
     encoded = quote(normalized)
     if len(path) > 1 and path.endswith('/'):
         encoded += '/'
     return encoded
コード例 #6
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: silveregg/txboto
 def _calc_signature(self, params, verb, path, server_name):
     txboto.log.debug('using _calc_signature_2')
     string_to_sign = '%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (verb, server_name.lower(), path)
     hmac = self._get_hmac()
     params['SignatureMethod'] = self.algorithm()
     if self._provider.security_token:
         params['SecurityToken'] = self._provider.security_token
     keys = sorted(params.keys())
     pairs = []
     for key in keys:
         val = txboto.utils.get_utf8_value(params[key])
         pairs.append(quote(key, safe='') + '=' +
                      quote(val, safe='-_~'))
     qs = '&'.join(pairs)
     txboto.log.debug('query string: %s' % qs)
     string_to_sign += qs
     txboto.log.debug('string_to_sign: %s' % string_to_sign)
     b64 = base64.b64encode(hmac.digest())
     txboto.log.debug('len(b64)=%d' % len(b64))
     txboto.log.debug('base64 encoded digest: %s' % b64)
     return (qs, b64)
コード例 #7
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: silveregg/txboto
 def _calc_signature(self, params, *args):
     txboto.log.debug('using _calc_signature_1')
     hmac = self._get_hmac()
     keys = params.keys()
     keys.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()))
     pairs = []
     for key in keys:
         val = txboto.utils.get_utf8_value(params[key])
         pairs.append(key + '=' + quote(val))
     qs = '&'.join(pairs)
     return (qs, base64.b64encode(hmac.digest()))
コード例 #8
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: silveregg/txboto
    def authorize(self, connection, **kwargs):
        if not getattr(self, '_headers_quoted', False):
            for key in self.headers:
                val = self.headers[key]
                if isinstance(val, six.text_type):
                    safe = '!"#$%&\'()*+,/:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~'
                    self.headers[key] = quote(val.encode('utf-8'), safe)
            setattr(self, '_headers_quoted', True)

        self.headers['User-Agent'] = UserAgent

        connection._auth_handler.add_auth(self, **kwargs)

        # I'm not sure if this is still needed, now that add_auth is
        # setting the content-length for POST requests.
        if 'Content-Length' not in self.headers:
            if 'Transfer-Encoding' not in self.headers or \
                    self.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] != 'chunked':
                self.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(self.body))
コード例 #9
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: silveregg/txboto
 def _escape_value(self, value):
     # This is changed from a previous version because this string is
     # being passed to the query string and query strings must
     # be url encoded. In particular STS requires the saml_response to
     # be urlencoded when calling assume_role_with_saml.
     return quote(value)