def call_with_nodehandle_sim_time(f): rosmaster = yield start_rosmaster() try: nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv( 'node', argv=[ '__ip:=', '__master:=' % (rosmaster.get_port(), ), ], anonymous=True, ) try: @apply @util.cancellableInlineCallbacks def clock_thread(): try: clock_pub = nh.advertise('/clock', Clock) t = genpy.Time.from_sec(12345) while True: clock_pub.publish(Clock(clock=t, )) yield util.wall_sleep(.01) t = t + genpy.Duration.from_sec(.1) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: yield nh.set_param('/use_sim_time', True) nh2 = yield NodeHandle.from_argv( 'node2', argv=[ '__ip:=', '__master:=' % (rosmaster.get_port(), ), ], anonymous=True, ) try: defer.returnValue((yield f(nh2))) finally: yield nh2.shutdown() finally: clock_thread.cancel() clock_thread.addErrback( lambda fail: fail.trap(defer.CancelledError)) finally: yield nh.shutdown() finally: yield rosmaster.stop()
def main(param_prefix, args): nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("on_the_fly_mission_runner", anonymous=True) image_sub = yield nh.subscribe(args.topic_name, Image) img = yield util.wrap_timeout(image_sub.get_next_message(), 5).addErrback(errback) np_img = image_helpers.get_image_msg(img, "bgr8") cv2.imshow(args.topic_name, np_img) t = Thresholder(np_img, 'hsv' if args.hsv else 'bgr') k = 0 while k != ord('q'): # q to quit without saving t.update_mask() k = cv2.waitKey(50) & 0xFF if k == ord('s'): # s to save parameters print "Saving params:" temp = t.to_dict() print temp nh.set_param(param_prefix, temp) break cv2.destroyAllWindows() reactor.stop()
def call_with_nodehandle_sim_time(f): rosmaster = yield start_rosmaster() try: nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv('node', argv=[ '__ip:=', '__master:=' % (rosmaster.get_port(),), ], anonymous=True, ) try: @apply @util.cancellableInlineCallbacks def clock_thread(): try: clock_pub = nh.advertise('/clock', Clock) t = genpy.Time.from_sec(12345) while True: clock_pub.publish(Clock( clock=t, )) yield util.wall_sleep(.01) t = t + genpy.Duration.from_sec(.1) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: yield nh.set_param('/use_sim_time', True) nh2 = yield NodeHandle.from_argv('node2', argv=[ '__ip:=', '__master:=' % (rosmaster.get_port(),), ], anonymous=True, ) try: defer.returnValue((yield f(nh2))) finally: yield nh2.shutdown() finally: clock_thread.cancel() clock_thread.addErrback(lambda fail: fail.trap(defer.CancelledError)) finally: yield nh.shutdown() finally: yield rosmaster.stop()
def _init(self): self.nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("mission_planner") global nh nh = self.nh global n n = yield Navigator(nh)._init() self.sub_database = yield nh.subscribe('/database/object_found', PerceptionObject, self.new_item) # self.servcl_exploration_yield = yield nh.get_service_client("/exploration/yield_control", std_msgs.msg.Bool) self.refresh() defer.returnValue(self)
def init_(self, sim_mode=False): """Initialize the txros aspects of the MissionPlanner b.""" self.nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("mission_planner") self.navigator = yield Navigator(self.nh)._init(sim_mode) self.helper = yield DBHelper(self.nh).init_() yield self.helper.begin_observing(self.new_item) # This needs to be called in case begin_observing doesn't call refresh self.refresh() defer.returnValue(self)
def init_(self, sim_mode=False): """Initialize the txros aspects of the MissionPlanner.""" self.nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("mission_planner") self.navigator = yield Navigator(self.nh)._init(sim_mode) self.helper = yield DBHelper(self.nh).init_() yield self.helper.begin_observing(self.new_item) self.pub_msn_info = yield self.nh.advertise("/mission_planner/mission", String) yield self.nh.sleep(1) # This needs to be called in case begin_observing doesn't call refresh self.refresh() defer.returnValue(self)
def init_(self, yaml_text, sim_mode=False): """Initialize the txros aspects of the MissionPlanner.""" self.sim_mode = sim_mode assert yaml_text is not None, "YOU NEED A YAML TEXT TO RUN A MISSION" self.nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("mission_planner") self.navigator = yield Navigator(self.nh)._init(sim_mode) self.missions_left, self.base_mission, self.tree, self.total_time = yield yaml_parse(yaml_text, self.navigator, self.total_time) self.pub_msn_info = yield self.nh.advertise("/mission_planner/mission", String) self.helper = yield DBHelper(self.nh).init_(navigator=self.navigator) yield self.nh.sleep(1) defer.returnValue(self)
def call_with_nodehandle(f): rosmaster = yield start_rosmaster() try: nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv('node', argv=['__ip:=', '__master:=' % (rosmaster.get_port(),), ], anonymous=True,) try: defer.returnValue((yield f(nh))) finally: yield nh.shutdown() finally: yield rosmaster.stop()
def init_(self, yaml_text, sim_mode=False): """Initialize the txros aspects of the MissionPlanner.""" self.sim_mode = sim_mode assert yaml_text is not None, "YOU NEED A YAML TEXT TO RUN A MISSION" self.nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("mission_planner") self.navigator = yield Navigator(self.nh)._init(sim_mode) self.missions_left, self.base_mission, self.tree, self.total_time = yield yaml_parse( yaml_text, self.navigator, self.total_time) self.pub_msn_info = yield self.nh.advertise("/mission_planner/mission", String) self.helper = yield DBHelper(self.nh).init_(navigator=self.navigator) yield self.nh.sleep(1) defer.returnValue(self)
def _init(self): self.nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("object_classifier") global nh nh = self.nh self.pub_obj_found = yield self.nh.advertise('/classifier/object', PerceptionObject) self.pub_object_searching = yield self.nh.advertise( '/classifier/looking_for', Marker) self.sub_unclassified = yield self.nh.subscribe( '/unclassified/objects', PerceptionObjects, self.new_objects) defer.returnValue(self)
def init_(self, yaml_text, sim_mode=False): self.sim_mode = sim_mode assert yaml_text is not None, "YOU NEED A YAML TEXT TO RUN A MISSION" """Initialize the txros aspects of the MissionPlanner.""" self.total_mission_count = len(yaml_text.keys()) self.nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("mission_planner") self.navigator = yield Navigator(self.nh)._init(sim_mode) self.pub_msn_info = yield self.nh.advertise("/mission_planner/mission", String) self.helper = yield DBHelper(self.nh).init_(navigator=self.navigator) yield self._load_missions(yaml_text) if self.base_mission is not None: self.total_mission_count -= 1 yield self.nh.sleep(1) defer.returnValue(self)
def main(): """Main method to the test node""" nh, args = yield NodeHandle.from_argv_with_remaining("navigator_test") available_missions = [ mission_name for mission_name in dir(navigator_tests) if mission_name[0] != '_' ] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NaviGator Test') parser.add_argument('tests', type=str, nargs='+', help='Test(s) from the navigator_tests folder to run.') args = parser.parse_args(args[1:]) if "list" in args.tests: print "\nAvailable tests:\n *", print '\n * '.join(available_missions) print defer.returnValue(reactor.stop()) for test in args.tests: # Make sure all missions exist before we run assert test in available_missions, "'{}' test not found".format(test) for test in args.tests: fprint("Running Test!\n", title="TEST") to_run = getattr(navigator_tests, test) to_run = _import(to_run) to_run = to_run(nh) to_run.create_spoofs() result = yield to_run.run_tests() if result is None: fprint("{} finished with no result.".format(test), title="TEST") else: for r in result: fprint("{} finished with:".format(test), title="TEST") print r defer.returnValue(reactor.stop())
def _init(self): self.nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("my_object_database") global nh nh = self.nh self.pub_object_found = yield self.nh.advertise( '/database/object_found', PerceptionObject) self.pub_object_markers = yield self.nh.advertise( '/database/objects_classified', MarkerArray) self.pub_object_curr = yield self.nh.advertise( '/database/objects_curr', Marker) self.serv_single_query = yield self.nh.advertise_service( '/database/single', ObjectDBSingleQuery, self.query_single) self.serv_full_query = yield self.nh.advertise_service( '/database/full', ObjectDBFullQuery, self.query_full) self.sub_object_classification = yield self.nh.subscribe( '/classifier/object', PerceptionObject, self.new_object) defer.returnValue(self)
def main(): """Main method to the test node""" nh, args = yield NodeHandle.from_argv_with_remaining("navigator_test") available_missions = [mission_name for mission_name in dir(navigator_tests) if mission_name[0] != '_'] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Navigator Test') parser.add_argument('tests', type=str, nargs='+', help='Test(s) from the navigator_tests folder to run.') args = parser.parse_args(args[1:]) if "list" in args.tests: print "\nAvailable tests:\n *", print '\n * '.join(available_missions) print defer.returnValue(reactor.stop()) for test in args.tests: # Make sure all missions exist before we run assert test in available_missions, "'{}' test not found".format(test) for test in args.tests: fprint("Running Test!\n", title="TEST") to_run = getattr(navigator_tests, test) to_run = _import(to_run) to_run = to_run(nh) to_run.create_spoofs() result = yield to_run.run_tests() if result is None: fprint("{} finished with no result.".format(test), title="TEST") else: for r in result: fprint("{} finished with:".format(test), title="TEST") print r defer.returnValue(reactor.stop())
def main(): nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("testing") n = yield _Navigator(nh)._init() print (yield n.vision_request('sonar'))
def main(): nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("navigator_singleton") n = yield Navigator(nh)._init() fprint((yield n.vision_proxies['start_gate'].get_response()))
def main(): nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("testing") n = yield _Navigator(nh)._init() print(yield n.vision_request('sonar'))
def main(): nh = yield NodeHandle.from_argv("testing") n = yield Navigator(nh)._init() yield n.vision_proxies['tester'].get_response()