コード例 #1
ファイル: delete_common.py プロジェクト: nunb/calendarserver
def deleteResource(request, resource, resource_uri, depth="0"):
    Handle a resource delete with proper quota etc updates
    if not resource.exists():
        log.error("File not found: %s" % (resource,))
        raise HTTPError(responsecode.NOT_FOUND)

    # Do quota checks before we start deleting things
    myquota = waitForDeferred(resource.quota(request))
    yield myquota
    myquota = myquota.getResult()
    if myquota is not None:
        old_size = waitForDeferred(resource.quotaSize(request))
        yield old_size
        old_size = old_size.getResult()
        old_size = 0

    # Do delete
    x = waitForDeferred(delete(resource_uri, resource.fp, depth))
    yield x
    result = x.getResult()

    # Adjust quota
    if myquota is not None:
        d = waitForDeferred(resource.quotaSizeAdjust(request, -old_size))
        yield d
    yield result
コード例 #2
def deleteResource(request, resource, resource_uri, depth="0"):
    Handle a resource delete with proper quota etc updates
    if not resource.exists():
        log.error("File not found: %s" % (resource, ))
        raise HTTPError(responsecode.NOT_FOUND)

    # Do quota checks before we start deleting things
    myquota = waitForDeferred(resource.quota(request))
    yield myquota
    myquota = myquota.getResult()
    if myquota is not None:
        old_size = waitForDeferred(resource.quotaSize(request))
        yield old_size
        old_size = old_size.getResult()
        old_size = 0

    # Do delete
    x = waitForDeferred(delete(resource_uri, resource.fp, depth))
    yield x
    result = x.getResult()

    # Adjust quota
    if myquota is not None:
        d = waitForDeferred(resource.quotaSizeAdjust(request, -old_size))
        yield d

    yield result
コード例 #3
def storeResource(
    source=None, source_uri=None, data=None,
    destination=None, destination_uri=None,
    Function that does common PUT/COPY/MOVE behaviour.
    @param request:           the L{txweb2.server.Request} for the current HTTP request.
    @param source:            the L{DAVFile} for the source resource to copy from, or None if source data
                              is to be read from the request.
    @param source_uri:        the URI for the source resource.
    @param data:              a C{str} to copy data from instead of the request stream.
    @param destination:       the L{DAVFile} for the destination resource to copy into.
    @param destination_uri:   the URI for the destination resource.
    @param deletesource:      True if the source resource is to be deleted on successful completion, False otherwise.
    @param depth:             a C{str} containing the COPY/MOVE Depth header value.
    @return:                  status response.
        assert request is not None and destination is not None and destination_uri is not None
        assert (source is None) or (source is not None and source_uri is not None)
        assert not deletesource or (deletesource and source is not None)
    except AssertionError:
        log.error("Invalid arguments to storeResource():")
        log.error("request=%s\n" % (request,))
        log.error("source=%s\n" % (source,))
        log.error("source_uri=%s\n" % (source_uri,))
        log.error("data=%s\n" % (data,))
        log.error("destination=%s\n" % (destination,))
        log.error("destination_uri=%s\n" % (destination_uri,))
        log.error("deletesource=%s\n" % (deletesource,))
        log.error("depth=%s\n" % (depth,))

    class RollbackState(object):
        This class encapsulates the state needed to rollback the entire PUT/COPY/MOVE
        transaction, leaving the server state the same as it was before the request was
        processed. The DoRollback method will actually execute the rollback operations.
        def __init__(self):
            self.active = True
            self.source_copy = None
            self.destination_copy = None
            self.destination_created = False
            self.source_deleted = False
        def Rollback(self):
            Rollback the server state. Do not allow this to raise another exception. If
            rollback fails then we are going to be left in an awkward state that will need
            to be cleaned up eventually.
            if self.active:
                self.active = False
                log.error("Rollback: rollback")
                    if self.source_copy and self.source_deleted:
                        log.error("Rollback: source restored %s to %s" % (self.source_copy.path, source.fp.path))
                        self.source_copy = None
                        self.source_deleted = False
                    if self.destination_copy:
                        log.error("Rollback: destination restored %s to %s" % (self.destination_copy.path, destination.fp.path))
                        self.destination_copy = None
                    elif self.destination_created:
                        log.error("Rollback: destination removed %s" % (destination.fp.path,))
                        self.destination_created = False
                    log.error("Rollback: exception caught and not handled: %s" % Failure())

        def Commit(self):
            Commit the resource changes by wiping the rollback state.
            if self.active:
                log.error("Rollback: commit")
                self.active = False
                if self.source_copy:
                    log.error("Rollback: removed source backup %s" % (self.source_copy.path,))
                    self.source_copy = None
                if self.destination_copy:
                    log.error("Rollback: removed destination backup %s" % (self.destination_copy.path,))
                    self.destination_copy = None
                self.destination_created = False
                self.source_deleted = False
    rollback = RollbackState()

        Handle validation operations here.

        Handle rollback setup here.

        # Do quota checks on destination and source before we start messing with adding other files
        destquota = waitForDeferred(destination.quota(request))
        yield destquota
        destquota = destquota.getResult()
        if destquota is not None and destination.exists():
            old_dest_size = waitForDeferred(destination.quotaSize(request))
            yield old_dest_size
            old_dest_size = old_dest_size.getResult()
            old_dest_size = 0
        if source is not None:
            sourcequota = waitForDeferred(source.quota(request))
            yield sourcequota
            sourcequota = sourcequota.getResult()
            if sourcequota is not None and source.exists():
                old_source_size = waitForDeferred(source.quotaSize(request))
                yield old_source_size
                old_source_size = old_source_size.getResult()
                old_source_size = 0
            sourcequota = None
            old_source_size = 0

        # We may need to restore the original resource data if the PUT/COPY/MOVE fails,
        # so rename the original file in case we need to rollback.
        overwrite = destination.exists()
        if overwrite:
            rollback.destination_copy = FilePath(destination.fp.path)
            rollback.destination_copy.path += ".rollback"
            rollback.destination_created = True

        if deletesource:
            rollback.source_copy = FilePath(source.fp.path)
            rollback.source_copy.path += ".rollback"
        Handle actual store operations here.

        # Do put or copy based on whether source exists
        if source is not None:
            response = maybeDeferred(copy, source.fp, destination.fp, destination_uri, depth)
            datastream = request.stream
            if data is not None:
                datastream = MemoryStream(data)
            md5 = MD5Stream(datastream)
            response = maybeDeferred(put, md5, destination.fp)

        response = waitForDeferred(response)
        yield response
        response = response.getResult()

        # Update the MD5 value on the resource
        if source is not None:
            # Copy MD5 value from source to destination
            if source.hasDeadProperty(TwistedGETContentMD5):
                md5 = source.readDeadProperty(TwistedGETContentMD5)
            # Finish MD5 calc and write dead property
            md5 = md5.getMD5()

        # Update the content-type value on the resource if it is not been copied or moved
        if source is None:
            content_type = request.headers.getHeader("content-type")
            if content_type is not None:

        response = IResponse(response)
        # Do quota check on destination
        if destquota is not None:
            # Get size of new/old resources
            new_dest_size = waitForDeferred(destination.quotaSize(request))
            yield new_dest_size
            new_dest_size = new_dest_size.getResult()
            diff_size = new_dest_size - old_dest_size
            if diff_size >= destquota[0]:
                log.error("Over quota: available %d, need %d" % (destquota[0], diff_size))
                raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
                    (dav_namespace, "quota-not-exceeded")
            d = waitForDeferred(destination.quotaSizeAdjust(request, diff_size))
            yield d

        if deletesource:
            # Delete the source resource
            if sourcequota is not None:
                delete_size = 0 - old_source_size
                d = waitForDeferred(source.quotaSizeAdjust(request, delete_size))
                yield d

            delete(source_uri, source.fp, depth)
            rollback.source_deleted = True

        # Can now commit changes and forget the rollback details

        yield response
        # Roll back changes to original server state. Note this may do nothing
        # if the rollback has already ocurred or changes already committed.