コード例 #1
ファイル: closure_type.py プロジェクト: cournape/parakeet
 def field_value(closure_arg):
   obj = type_conv.from_python(closure_arg)
   parakeet_type = type_conv.typeof(closure_arg)
   if isinstance(parakeet_type, StructT):
     return ctypes.pointer(obj)
     return obj
コード例 #2
ファイル: adverb_api.py プロジェクト: lucciano/parakeet
def get_par_args_repr(nonlocals, nonlocal_types, args, arg_types, return_t):
  # Create args struct type
  fields = []
  arg_counter = 0
  for arg_type in nonlocal_types:
    fields.append((("arg%d" % arg_counter), arg_type))
    arg_counter += 1
  for arg_type in arg_types:
    fields.append((("arg%d" % arg_counter), arg_type))
    arg_counter += 1
  fields.append(("output", return_t))

  class ParArgsType(core_types.StructT):
    _fields_ = fields

    def __hash__(self):
      return hash(tuple(fields))
    def __eq__(self, other):
      return isinstance(other, ParArgsType)

  args_repr = ParArgsType()
  c_args = args_repr.ctypes_repr()
  arg_counter = 0
  for arg in nonlocals:
    obj = type_conv.from_python(arg)
    field_name = "arg%d" % arg_counter
    t = type_conv.typeof(arg)
    if isinstance(t, core_types.StructT):
      setattr(c_args, field_name, ctypes.pointer(obj))
      setattr(c_args, field_name, obj)
    arg_counter += 1
  for arg in args:
    obj = type_conv.from_python(arg)
    field_name = "arg%d" % arg_counter
    t = type_conv.typeof(arg)
    if isinstance(t, core_types.StructT):
      setattr(c_args, field_name, ctypes.pointer(obj))
      setattr(c_args, field_name, obj)
    arg_counter += 1
  return args_repr, c_args
コード例 #3
ファイル: tuple_type.py プロジェクト: iskandr/ndtypes
  def from_python(self, python_tuple, _keep_forever = []):
    # _keep_forever.append(python_tuple)
    converted_elts = []
    for elt in python_tuple:
      parakeet_type = type_conv.typeof(elt)
      c_elt = parakeet_type.from_python(elt)

      if isinstance(parakeet_type, StructT):
        c_elt = ctypes.pointer(c_elt)
    return self.ctypes_repr(*converted_elts)
コード例 #4
ファイル: tuple_type.py プロジェクト: iskandr/parakeet
    def from_python(self, python_tuple, _keep_forever=[]):
        # _keep_forever.append(python_tuple)
        converted_elts = []
        for elt in python_tuple:
            parakeet_type = type_conv.typeof(elt)
            c_elt = parakeet_type.from_python(elt)

            if isinstance(parakeet_type, StructT):
                c_elt = ctypes.pointer(c_elt)
        return self.ctypes_repr(*converted_elts)
コード例 #5
def from_python(python_value):
  if isinstance(python_value, np.ndarray):
    elt_size = python_value.dtype.itemsize 
    strides = []
    for s in python_value.strides:
    return abstract_array(strides)
  elif isinstance(python_value, tuple):
    return abstract_tuple(from_python_list(python_value))
    parakeet_type = type_conv.typeof(python_value)
    parakeet_value = type_conv.from_python(python_value)
    return from_internal_repr(parakeet_type, parakeet_value)
コード例 #6
ファイル: adverb_api.py プロジェクト: lucciano/parakeet
def par_allpairs(fn, x, y, **kwds):
  axis = kwds.get('axis', 0)
  assert axis == 0, "Other axes not yet implemented"

  untyped, closure_t, nonlocals, args, arg_types = \
      prepare_adverb_args(fn, [x, y], kwds)

  xtype, ytype = arg_types
  elt_result_t, typed_fn = \
      type_inference.specialize_AllPairs(closure_t, xtype, ytype)

  # Actually, for now, just split the first one.  Otherwise we'd have to carve
  # the output along axis = 1 and I don't feel like figuring that out.
  num_iters = len(args.positional[0])
  dont_slice_position = 1 + len(nonlocals)

  nonlocal_types = [type_conv.typeof(arg) for arg in nonlocals]
  args_repr, c_args = get_par_args_repr(nonlocals, nonlocal_types, args,
                                        arg_types, elt_result_t)

  # TODO: Use axes other than 0
  outer_shape = (len(x), len(y))
    combined_args = args.prepend_positional(nonlocals)
    linearized_args = \
        untyped.args.linearize_without_defaults(combined_args, iter)
    inner_shape = shape_eval.result_shape(typed_fn, linearized_args)

    output_shape = outer_shape + inner_shape
    dtype = array_type.elt_type(typed_fn.return_type).dtype
    output = np.zeros(shape = output_shape, dtype = dtype)
    single_iter_rslt = run_function.run(fn, x[0], y[0])

    output = allocate_output(outer_shape, single_iter_rslt, c_args,
  output_obj = type_conv.from_python(output)
  gv_output = ctypes.pointer(output_obj)
  c_args.output = gv_output

  wf = gen_par_work_function(adverbs.AllPairs, untyped,
                             nonlocals, nonlocal_types,
                             args_repr, arg_types, dont_slice_position)
  exec_in_parallel(wf, args_repr, c_args, num_iters)

  return output
コード例 #7
ファイル: adverb_api.py プロジェクト: lucciano/parakeet
def prepare_adverb_args(python_fn, args, kwargs):
  Fetch the function's nonlocals and return an ActualArgs object of both the arg
  values and their types

  closure_t = type_conv.typeof(python_fn)
  assert isinstance(closure_t, closure_type.ClosureT)
  if isinstance(closure_t.fn, str):
    untyped = syntax.Fn.registry[closure_t.fn]
    untyped = closure_t.fn

  nonlocals = list(untyped.python_nonlocals())
  adverb_arg_values = ActualArgs(args, kwargs)

  # get types of all inputs
  adverb_arg_types = adverb_arg_values.transform(type_conv.typeof)
  return untyped, closure_t, nonlocals, adverb_arg_values, adverb_arg_types
コード例 #8
ファイル: type_inference.py プロジェクト: lucciano/parakeet
 def keyword_fn(local_name, value):
   return type_conv.typeof(value)
コード例 #9
ファイル: type_inference.py プロジェクト: lucciano/parakeet
 def expr_Const():
   return typed_ast.Const(expr.value, type_conv.typeof(expr.value))
コード例 #10
ファイル: type_inference.py プロジェクト: lucciano/parakeet
 def keyword_fn(_, v):
   return type_conv.typeof(v)
コード例 #11
ファイル: type_inference.py プロジェクト: cournape/parakeet
 def transform_Const(self, expr):
   return syntax.Const(expr.value, type_conv.typeof(expr.value))
コード例 #12
ファイル: array_type.py プロジェクト: lucciano/parakeet
def typeof_slice(s):
  start_type = type_conv.typeof(s.start)
  stop_type = type_conv.typeof(s.stop)
  step_type = type_conv.typeof(s.step)
  return make_slice_type(start_type, stop_type, step_type)
コード例 #13
ファイル: adverb_api.py プロジェクト: lucciano/parakeet
def par_each(fn, *args, **kwds):
  if 'axis' in kwds:
    axis = kwds['axis']
    del kwds['axis']
    axis = 0
  assert axis == 0, "Map over axis %d not yet supported" % axis
  untyped, closure_t, nonlocals, args, arg_types = \
      prepare_adverb_args(fn, args, kwds)

  elt_result_t, typed_fn = type_inference.specialize_Map(closure_t, arg_types)

  # TODO: Why do we have to do this?  Shouldn't we just check that the length
  #       of each arg along the axis dimension is the same, and then use that
  #       common length?  I.e., why can't adverbs have args of different ranks
  #       so long as they share the same length in the axis dimension?
  #r = adverb_helpers.max_rank(arg_types)
  #for (arg, t) in zip(args, arg_types):
  #  if t.rank == r:
  #    max_arg = arg
  #    break
  #num_iters = max_arg.shape[axis]
  num_iters = args.positional[0].shape[axis]

  nonlocal_types = [type_conv.typeof(arg) for arg in nonlocals]
  args_repr, c_args = get_par_args_repr(nonlocals, nonlocal_types, args,
                                        arg_types, elt_result_t)

  outer_shape = (num_iters,)
    # mysterious segfaults likely related to a mistake in shape inference but
    # seem to get fixed by defaulting to actually running the first iter

    combined_args = args.prepend_positional(nonlocals)
    linearized_args = \
        untyped.args.linearize_without_defaults(combined_args, iter)
    inner_shape = shape_eval.result_shape(typed_fn, linearized_args)
    print inner_shape

    output_shape = outer_shape + inner_shape

    dtype = array_type.elt_type(elt_result_t).dtype
    output = np.zeros(shape = output_shape, dtype = dtype)
    output_obj = type_conv.from_python(output)
    gv_output = ctypes.pointer(output_obj)
    setattr(c_args, "output", gv_output)

    print "Warning: shape inference failed for parallel each"
    single_iter_rslt = \
      run_function.run(fn, *[arg[0] for arg in args.positional])
    output = allocate_output(outer_shape, single_iter_rslt, c_args,

  wf = gen_par_work_function(adverbs.Map, untyped,
                             nonlocals, nonlocal_types,
                             args_repr, arg_types, [])

  exec_in_parallel(wf, args_repr, c_args, num_iters)
  return output
コード例 #14
def typeof_slice(s):
  start_type = type_conv.typeof(s.start)
  stop_type = type_conv.typeof(s.stop)
  step_type = type_conv.typeof(s.step)
  return make_slice_type(start_type, stop_type, step_type)