コード例 #1
ファイル: protocol_jms.py プロジェクト: targeted/pythomnic3k
    def load_from_stream(cls, stream: with_attr("readline"), bol_b: bytes, eol_b: bytes):

        params = {}

        def decode_line(b):
            key, value = b.split(b"=", 1)
            key, value = key.decode("ascii"), a2b_base64(value).decode("utf-8")
            params[key] = value

        # the output lines may contain garbage emitted by any java
        # library and they are therefore filtered and checksummed

        valid_line = regex(b"^.*(?:" + bol_b + b"|" + cls._bol_b + b")" +
                           b"([0-9A-F]{8})( ?[A-Za-z0-9+/=_]*)" +
                           b"(?:" + eol_b + b"|" + cls._eol_b + b").*$")

        def get_next_line(prev_crc32 = 0):
            while True:
                b = stream.readline()
                if not b:
                    return None
                b = b.rstrip()
                if not b:
                valid_parts = valid_line.findall(b)
                if len(valid_parts) != 1:
                    pmnc.log.warning("skipping unexpected output: {0:s}".format(str(b)[2:-1]))
                next_crc32, bb = int(valid_parts[0][0], 16), valid_parts[0][1]
                if next_crc32 != crc32(bb, prev_crc32):
                    pmnc.log.warning("skipping broken output: {0:s}".format(str(b)[2:-1]))
                return bb, next_crc32

        curr_lines = []
        next_line_crc32 = get_next_line()
        if next_line_crc32 is None:
            return None

        next_line, curr_crc32 = next_line_crc32
        while next_line:
            if next_line.startswith(b" "):
                if curr_lines:
                    raise Exception("invalid folding")
                if curr_lines:
                    del curr_lines[:]
            next_line_crc32 = get_next_line(curr_crc32)
            if next_line_crc32 is None:
                raise Exception("unexpected eof")
            next_line, curr_crc32 = next_line_crc32

        if curr_lines:

        return cls(**params)
コード例 #2
ファイル: protocol_smpp.py プロジェクト: targeted/pythomnic3k
    def __init__(self, name: str,
                 in_q: with_attr("push"),
                 out_q: with_attr("pop"),
                 inflight: with_attr("add", "remove"),
                 server_address: (str, int),
                 connect_timeout: float,
                 response_timeout: float,
                 system_id: str,
                 password: str,
                 system_type: str,
                 esme_ton: byte,
                 esme_npi: byte,
                 esme_addr: str,
                 bind_pdu: one_of(BindReceiverPDU, BindTransmitterPDU, BindTransceiverPDU)):

        self._name = name

        # input and output queues and inflight requests registry are external
        # to the connection object and remain persistent across disconnects to
        # prevent losing packets

        self._in_q = in_q
        self._out_q = out_q
        self._inflight = inflight

        self._server_address = server_address
        self._connect_timeout = connect_timeout
        self._response_timeout = response_timeout

        self._bind_pdu = \
            bind_pdu.create(system_id = system_id.encode("ascii", "replace"),
                            password = password.encode("ascii", "replace"),
                            system_type = system_type.encode("ascii", "replace"),
                            interface_version = 0x34,
                            addr_ton = esme_ton,
                            addr_npi = esme_npi,
                            address_range = esme_addr.encode("ascii", "replace"))

        self._bound = Event()
        self._failed = Event()
コード例 #3
ファイル: protocol_jms.py プロジェクト: targeted/pythomnic3k
    def save_to_stream(self, stream: with_attr("write", "flush"), fold_width: int):

        for k, v in self.items():
            encoded = k.encode("ascii") + b"=" + b2a_base64(v.encode("utf-8")).rstrip()
            first_line, encoded = encoded[:fold_width], encoded[fold_width:]
            stream.write(first_line + b"\n")
            for folded_line in [ b" " + encoded[i:i+fold_width-1]
                                 for i in range(0, len(encoded), fold_width-1) ]:
                stream.write(folded_line + b"\n")

コード例 #4
def _notifications_report(html: with_attr("write"), query: dict_of(str, str),
                          request: dict, response: dict) -> nothing:

    # reassemble the canonical URL query

    canonical_query = "&".join("{0:s}={1:s}".format(k, v) for k, v in query.items())

    # format header

    cage_at_node = "cage {0:s} at node {1:s}".format(__cage__, __node__)

    # write page header

               "<head>" +
               css_style.format(css_font_family = pmnc.config.get("css_font_family")) +
               "<title>Notifications report for " + cage_at_node + "</title>"
               "<body class=\"default\">"
               "<a href=\"/performance\">perf</a>" + _decorate("  {0:s}<br/>".format(cage_at_node.center(58))) +
               _decorate("most recent health monitor notifications".center(69)) + "<br/><br/>")

    # extract stored notifications and loop through it

    last_day = None

    for notification in reversed(pmnc.notify.extract()):

        message = _quote(notification["message"])

        timestamp = notification["timestamp"]
        day = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime("%b %d")
        hms = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime("%H:%M:%S")

        level = notification["level"]
        if level == "INFO":
            level = "<span class=\"c4\">INFO&nbsp;</span>"
        elif level == "WARNING":
            level = "<span class=\"c1\">WARN&nbsp;</span>"
        elif level == "ERROR":
            level = "<span class=\"c0\">ERROR</span>"
        elif level == "ALERT":
            level = "<strong><span class=\"c0\">ALERT</span></strong>"

        if day != last_day:
            html.write(_decorate(" {0:s} ----------------------------------------------------------------<br/>\n".format(day)))
            last_day = day

                   format(hms, level, message))

    # complete the response


    # require a refresh within a configured time

    refresh_seconds = pmnc.config.get("refresh_seconds")
    response["headers"]["refresh"] = \
        "{0:d};URL=/notifications?{1:s}".format(refresh_seconds, canonical_query)
コード例 #5
def _performance_report(html: with_attr("write"), query: dict_of(str, str),
                        request: dict, response: dict) -> nothing:

    # fetch the performance dump, this can return None

    stats = pmnc.performance.extract()
    if stats is None:
        html.write("<html><body>cage {0:s} has nothing to report yet"

    # extract main thread pool stats

    req_active, req_pending, req_rate = pmnc.interfaces.get_activity_stats()

    # extract global transaction rate

    xa = pmnc.transaction.create(); xa.execute()
    txn_rate = xa.get_transaction_rate()

    base_time, stats_dump, app_perf = stats
    base_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(base_time)

    # see data for what objects is available, will have to display at least one graph for each

    monitored_objects = set(tuple(k.split(".", 2)[:2]) for k in stats_dump.keys())
    requested_objects = set(tuple(k.split(".", 2)[:2]) for k in query.keys())

    displayed_objects = {}
    for object_type, object_name in monitored_objects - requested_objects:
        reading, mode = default_reading_modes[object_type]
        displayed_objects["{0:s}.{1:s}.{2:s}".format(object_type, object_name, reading)] = mode

    # add/override explicitly requested graphs from the URL query

    for k, v in query.items():
        if k in stats_dump:
            displayed_objects[k] = v

    # reassemble the canonical URL query

    canonical_query = _format_modified_query(displayed_objects)

    # format horizontal time scales

    base_minute = base_dt.minute % 10
    hrule = "---- "  + _hrule[base_minute:][:59] + "   -----"
    plus_count = hrule.count("+")

    base_dt10m = datetime.fromtimestamp(base_time // 600  * 600)
    base_dt10m -= timedelta(minutes = (plus_count - (base_minute != 0 and 1 or 0)) * 10)
    hhmms = [ (base_dt10m + timedelta(minutes = i * 10)).strftime("%H:%M")
              for i in range(plus_count) ]

    hscale = " " * (hrule.index("+") - 2) + "     ".join(hhmms)
    hscale += " " * (len(hrule) - len(hscale) - 5) + base_dt.strftime("%H:%M")

    hrule = _decorate(hrule)
    hscale = _decorate(hscale)

    # format header

    cpu_ut_percent = int(app_perf.get("cpu_ut_percent", 0.0))
    cpu_kt_percent = int(app_perf.get("cpu_kt_percent", 0.0))

    if cpu_kt_percent > 0:
        cpu_percent = "{0:d}*{1:d}".format(cpu_ut_percent, cpu_kt_percent)
        cpu_percent = "{0:d}".format(cpu_ut_percent)

    cage_at_node = "cage {0:s} at node {1:s}".format(__cage__, __node__)
    activity_info = "{0:d}{1:s} req, {2:.01f} req/s, {3:.01f} txn/s, {4:d} M RAM, {5:s} % CPU".\
                    format(req_active, req_pending and "*{0:d}".format(req_pending) or "",
                           req_rate, txn_rate, app_perf.get("wss", 0), cpu_percent)

    # write page header

               "<head>" +
               css_style.format(css_font_family = pmnc.config.get("css_font_family")) +
               "<title>Performance report for " + cage_at_node + "</title>"
               "<body class=\"default\">"
               "<a href=\"/notifications\">logs</a>" + _decorate("  {0:s}<br/>".format(cage_at_node.center(58))) +
               _decorate("      {0:s}  {1:s}<br/><br/>\n".format(activity_info.center(58), base_dt.strftime("%b %d"))))

    html.write("<span style=\"line-height: 1.0;\">\n" + hscale + "<br/>\n" + hrule + "<br/>\n")

    # loop through the statistics items to display

    for k, mode in sorted(displayed_objects.items()):

        if k not in stats_dump: # invalid interface/resource name in URL ?

        s1m, s10s = stats_dump[k]
        s10s = s10s[:5]
        object_type, object_name, reading = k.split(".", 2)

        if mode == "collapsed": # draw collapsed graph

            def append_bars(b):
                result = ""
                for i, v in enumerate(b):
                    c = _collapsed_bar(v)
                    high = v is not None and v[1] or 0
                    result += "<span_class=\"c{0:d}\">{1:s}</span>".format(4 - high // 8, c)
                return result

            line = "<nobr>     {0:s}   {1:s}  ".format(append_bars(s1m), append_bars(s10s))

            # append the clickable expand link

            expand_query = _format_modified_query(displayed_objects, expand = k)
            html.write("<a href=\"/performance?{0:s}\">{1:s} {2:s} ({3:s})</a></nobr><br/>".\
                       format(expand_query, object_type, object_name, legends[reading]))

        elif mode == "expanded": # draw expanded graph

            bars1m = list(zip(*map(_expanded_bar, s1m)))
            bars10s = list(zip(*map(_expanded_bar, s10s)))

            def append_bars(b, i):
                result = ""
                b = b[4 - i]
                for j in range(len(b)):
                    c = b[j]
                    if c.startswith("~"):
                        result += "<span_class=\"c{0:d}i\">{1:s}</span>".format(i, c[1:]) # note the underscore, will be converted to space
                        result += c
                return result

            # expanded form has vertical scale, different for rates and times

            if "_time" in k:
                ref = _ref_times
            elif "_rate" in k:
                ref = _ref_rates

            # draw each of the 5 horizontal bars

            opt_readings = optional_readings[object_type]

            for i in range(5):

                line = "<nobr>" + ref[i] + "<span class=\"c{0:d}\">".format(i)
                _line = append_bars(bars1m, i)
                _line += "</span> ~ <span_class=\"c{0:d}\">".format(i) + append_bars(bars10s, i) + "  "
                line += _decorate(_line) + "</span>"

                if i == 0: # append the clickable collapse link
                    collapse_query = _format_modified_query(displayed_objects, collapse = k)
                    line += "<a href=\"/performance?{0:s}\">{1:s} {2:s}</a>".\
                            format(collapse_query, object_type, object_name)
                elif i <= len(opt_readings): # append the clickable selector links
                    opt_reading = opt_readings[i - 1]
                    modify_query = _format_modified_query(displayed_objects, replace = (k, opt_reading))
                    line += "{0:s}<a href=\"/performance?{1:s}\">{2:s}</a>{3:s}".\
                            format(reading == opt_reading and _decorate("&raquo; ") or _decorate("  "),
                                   modify_query, legends[opt_reading],
                                   reading == opt_reading and _decorate(" &laquo;") or _decorate("  "))

                html.write(line + "</nobr><br/>\n")

        html.write(hrule + "<br/>\n")

    # complete the response

    html.write(hscale + "<br/>\n</span>\n</body></html>")

    # require a refresh within a configured time

    refresh_seconds = pmnc.config.get("refresh_seconds")
    response["headers"]["refresh"] = \
        "{0:d};URL=/performance?{1:s}".format(refresh_seconds, canonical_query)
コード例 #6
def parse_stream(stream: with_attr("read", "tell")) -> odict:
    return bs_to_py(BSON_Document.parse(stream))
コード例 #7
def serialize_to_stream(document: dict, stream: with_attr("write", "flush")):
コード例 #8
def parse_stream(stream: with_attr("read", "tell")) -> odict:
    return bs_to_py(BSON_Document.parse(stream))
コード例 #9
def serialize_to_stream(document: dict, stream: with_attr("write", "flush")):