コード例 #1
def standard_build(self):
    if type(self) is types.InstanceType:
        # old-style instance
        return types.InstanceType(self.__class__)
        # new-style instance
        return type(self).__new__(type(self))
コード例 #2
    def constructor(cls, callable):
        '''Return a closure that constructs the original `callable` type from a function.'''

        # `callable` is a function type, so just return a closure that returns it
        if isinstance(callable, types.FunctionType):
            return lambda func: func

        # if it's a method type, then we just need to extract the related properties to construct it
        elif isinstance(callable, types.MethodType):
            return lambda method, self=callable.im_self, cls=callable.im_class: types.MethodType(
                method, self, cls)

        # if it's a property decorator, we just need to pass the function as an argument to the decorator
        elif isinstance(callable, (staticmethod, classmethod)):
            return lambda method, mt=callable.__class__: mt(method)

        # if it's a method instance, then we just need to instantiate it so that it's bound
        elif isinstance(callable, types.InstanceType):
            return lambda method, mt=callable.__class__: types.InstanceType(
                mt, dict(method.__dict__))

        # otherwise if it's a class or a type, then we just need to create the object with its bases
        elif isinstance(n, (types.TypeType, types.ClassType)):
            return lambda method, t=callable.__class__, name=callable.__name__, bases=callable.__bases__: t(
                name, bases, dict(method.__dict__))

        # if we get here, then we have no idea what kind of type `callable` is
        raise internal.exceptions.InvalidTypeOrValueError(callable.__class__)
コード例 #3
ファイル: _json.py プロジェクト: 18636800170/videoWebsie
def failureFromJSON(failureDict):
    Load a L{Failure} from a dictionary deserialized from JSON.

    @param failureDict: a JSON-deserialized object like one previously returned
        by L{failureAsJSON}.
    @type failureDict: L{dict} mapping L{unicode} to attributes

    @return: L{Failure}
    @rtype: L{Failure}
    # InstanceType() is only available in Python 2 and lower.
    # __new__ is only available on new-style classes.
    newFailure = getattr(Failure, "__new__", None)
    if newFailure is None:
        f = types.InstanceType(Failure)
        f = newFailure(Failure)

    if not _PY3:
        # Python 2 needs the failure dictionary as purely bytes, not text
        failureDict = asBytes(failureDict)

    typeInfo = failureDict["type"]
    failureDict["type"] = type(typeInfo["__name__"], (), typeInfo)
    f.__dict__ = failureDict
    return f
コード例 #4
def makewidget(master, klass, path):
    path = str(path)
    self = types.InstanceType(klass)
    self._name = path[len(master._w) + 1:]
    self._w = path
    self.children = {}
    master.children[self._name] = self
    self.master = master
    self.tk = master.tk
    return self
コード例 #5
 def getExplorer(self, object, identifier):
     oid = id(object)
     if oid in self.data:
         # XXX: This potentially returns something with
         # 'identifier' set to a different value.
         return self.data[oid]
         klass = typeTable.get(type(object), ExplorerGeneric)
         e = types.InstanceType(klass, {})
         self.data[oid] = e
         klass.__init__(e, object, identifier)
         return e
コード例 #6
 def reconstructor(cls, n):
     if isinstance(n, types.FunctionType):
         return lambda f: f
     if isinstance(n, types.MethodType):
         return lambda f: types.MethodType(f, n.im_self, n.im_class)
     if isinstance(n, (staticmethod,classmethod)):
         return lambda f: type(n)(f)
     if isinstance(n, types.InstanceType):
         return lambda f: types.InstanceType(type(n), dict(f.__dict__))
     if isinstance(n, (types.TypeType,types.ClassType)):
         return lambda f: type(n)(n.__name__, n.__bases__, dict(f.__dict__))
     raise NotImplementedError, type(func)
コード例 #7
ファイル: _utils.py プロジェクト: FFengIll/ida-minsc
 def reconstructor(cls, n):
     '''Return a closure that returns the original callable type for a function.'''
     if isinstance(n, types.FunctionType):
         return lambda f: f
     if isinstance(n, types.MethodType):
         return lambda f: types.MethodType(f, n.im_self, n.im_class)
     if isinstance(n, (staticmethod, classmethod)):
         return lambda f: type(n)(f)
     if isinstance(n, types.InstanceType):
         return lambda f: types.InstanceType(type(n), dict(f.__dict__))
     if isinstance(n, (types.TypeType, types.ClassType)):
         return lambda f: type(n)(n.__name__, n.__bases__, dict(f.__dict__))
     raise internal.exceptions.InvalidTypeOrValueError(type(n))
コード例 #8
 def process_request(self, sock_params):
     # The actual request handling takes place in __init__, so we need to
     # set minimum_chunk_size before __init__ executes and we don't want to modify
     # class variable
     sock, address = sock_params
     proto = types.InstanceType(self.protocol)
     if self.minimum_chunk_size is not None:
         proto.minimum_chunk_size = self.minimum_chunk_size
     proto.capitalize_response_headers = self.capitalize_response_headers
         proto.__init__(sock, address, self)
     except socket.timeout:
         # Expected exceptions are not exceptional
         if self.debug:
             # similar to logging "accepted" in server()
             self.log_message('(%s) timed out %r' % (self.pid, address))
コード例 #9
def getMBeanAttribute(name, value, path):
    Helper method to get an MBeanAttribute object. This uses the type system to access the required MBeanAttribute type,
    if a type is not provided then the default is to use 'MBeanAttribute'.
    result = MBeanAttributeTypes.MBeanAttribute(name, value, path)
    classifier = classify(name)
    if classifier != None :
        pbTypeDict = getAttributeType(classifier)
        if pbTypeDict != None :
            attributeClass = getattr(MBeanAttributeTypes, pbTypeDict["pbAttributeType"])
            attributeObj = types.InstanceType(attributeClass)
            attributeObj.__init__(name, value, path)
            attributeObj.isOffline = getBooleanAttributeFromTypeDict(pbTypeDict, "isOffline")
            attributeObj.isPostConfig = getBooleanAttributeFromTypeDict(pbTypeDict, "isPostConfig")
            result = attributeObj

    result.mbeanAttributePath = getMBeanPath(name)
    return result
コード例 #10
ファイル: _json.py プロジェクト: BarnetteME1/indeed_scraper
def failureFromJSON(failureDict):
    Load a L{Failure} from a dictionary deserialized from JSON.

    @param failureDict: a JSON-deserialized object like one previously returned
        by L{failureAsJSON}.
    @type failureDict: L{dict} mapping L{unicode} to attributes

    @return: L{Failure}
    @rtype: L{Failure}
    newFailure = getattr(Failure, "__new__", None)
    if newFailure is None:
        failureDict = asBytes(failureDict)
        f = types.InstanceType(Failure)
        f = newFailure(Failure)
    typeInfo = failureDict["type"]
    failureDict["type"] = type(typeInfo["__name__"], (), typeInfo)
    f.__dict__ = failureDict
    return f
コード例 #11
def instantiate(cls, nonmovable=False):
    "Create an empty instance of 'cls'."
    if isinstance(cls, type):
        return cls.__new__(cls)
        return types.InstanceType(cls)
コード例 #12
def failure2Copyable(fail, unsafeTracebacks=0):
    f = types.InstanceType(CopyableFailure, fail.__dict__)
    f.unsafeTracebacks = unsafeTracebacks
    return f
コード例 #13
class Server(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
    def __init__(self,

        self.outstanding_requests = 0
        self.socket = socket
        self.address = address
        if log:
            self.log = log
            self.log = sys.stderr
        self.app = app
        self.keepalive = keepalive
        self.environ = environ
        self.max_http_version = max_http_version
        self.protocol = protocol
        self.pid = os.getpid()
        self.minimum_chunk_size = minimum_chunk_size
        self.log_x_forwarded_for = log_x_forwarded_for
        self.log_output = log_output
        self.log_format = log_format
        self.url_length_limit = url_length_limit
        self.debug = debug

    def get_environ(self):
        d = {
            'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr,
            'wsgi.version': (1, 0),
            'wsgi.multithread': True,
            'wsgi.multiprocess': False,
            'wsgi.run_once': False,
            'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http',
        # detect secure socket
        if hasattr(self.socket, 'do_handshake'):
            d['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
            d['HTTPS'] = 'on'
        if self.environ is not None:
        return d

    def process_request(self, (socket, address)):
        # The actual request handling takes place in __init__, so we need to
        # set minimum_chunk_size before __init__ executes and we don't want to modify
        # class variable
        proto = types.InstanceType(self.protocol)
        if self.minimum_chunk_size is not None:
            proto.minimum_chunk_size = self.minimum_chunk_size
        proto.__init__(socket, address, self)
コード例 #14
ファイル: aot.py プロジェクト: levanhong05/MeshMagic
    def unjellyAO(self, ao):
        """Unjelly an Abstract Object and everything it contains.
        I return the real object.
        t = type(ao)
        if t is types.InstanceType:
            #Abstract Objects
            c = ao.__class__
            if c is Module:
                return reflect.namedModule(ao.name)

            elif c in [Class, Function] or issubclass(c, type):
                return reflect.namedObject(ao.name)

            elif c is InstanceMethod:
                im_name = ao.name
                im_class = reflect.namedObject(ao.klass)
                im_self = self.unjellyAO(ao.instance)
                if im_name in im_class.__dict__:
                    if im_self is None:
                        return getattr(im_class, im_name)
                    elif isinstance(im_self, crefutil.NotKnown):
                        return crefutil._InstanceMethod(
                            im_name, im_self, im_class)
                        return types.MethodType(im_class.__dict__[im_name],
                                                im_self, im_class)
                    raise TypeError("instance method changed")

            elif c is Instance:
                klass = reflect.namedObject(ao.klass)
                state = self.unjellyAO(ao.state)
                if hasattr(klass, "__setstate__"):
                    inst = types.InstanceType(klass, {})
                    self.callAfter(inst.__setstate__, state)
                    inst = types.InstanceType(klass, state)
                return inst

            elif c is Ref:
                o = self.unjellyAO(ao.obj)  #THIS IS CHANGING THE REF OMG
                refkey = ao.refnum
                ref = self.references.get(refkey)
                if ref is None:
                    self.references[refkey] = o
                elif isinstance(ref, crefutil.NotKnown):
                    self.references[refkey] = o
                elif refkey is None:
                    # This happens when you're unjellying from an AOT not read from source
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Multiple references with the same ID: %s, %s, %s!" %
                        (ref, refkey, ao))
                return o

            elif c is Deref:
                num = ao.refnum
                ref = self.references.get(num)
                if ref is None:
                    der = crefutil._Dereference(num)
                    self.references[num] = der
                    return der
                return ref

            elif c is Copyreg:
                loadfunc = reflect.namedObject(ao.loadfunc)
                d = self.unjellyLater(ao.state).addCallback(
                    lambda result, _l: _l(*result), loadfunc)
                return d


        elif t in _SIMPLE_BUILTINS:
            return ao

        elif t is types.ListType:
            l = []
            for x in ao:
                self.unjellyInto(l, len(l) - 1, x)
            return l

        elif t is types.TupleType:
            l = []
            tuple_ = tuple
            for x in ao:
                if isinstance(self.unjellyInto(l,
                                               len(l) - 1, x),
                    tuple_ = crefutil._Tuple
            return tuple_(l)

        elif t is types.DictType:
            d = {}
            for k, v in ao.items():
                kvd = crefutil._DictKeyAndValue(d)
                self.unjellyInto(kvd, 0, k)
                self.unjellyInto(kvd, 1, v)
            return d

            raise TypeError("Unsupported AOT type: %s" % t)

        del self.stack[-1]