コード例 #1
class TestWriteCache:
        (("unknownkey", "content1"), ("another-one", "content2")),
    def test_write_cache_write_key_name_in_data_dir_when_data_path_absent(
            self, tmpdir, key, content):
        """When key is not in data_paths, write content to data_dir/key."""
        cfg = UAConfig({"data_dir": tmpdir.strpath})
        expected_path = tmpdir.join(PRIVATE_SUBDIR, key)

        assert not expected_path.check(), "Found unexpected file {}".format(
        assert None is cfg.write_cache(key, content)
        assert expected_path.check(), "Missing expected file {}".format(
        assert content == cfg.read_cache(key)

    def test_write_cache_creates_secure_private_dir(self, tmpdir):
        """private_dir is created with permission 0o700."""
        cfg = UAConfig({"data_dir": tmpdir.strpath})
        # unknown keys are written to the private dir
        expected_dir = tmpdir.join(PRIVATE_SUBDIR)
        assert None is cfg.write_cache("somekey", "somevalue")
        assert True is os.path.isdir(
            expected_dir.strpath), "Missing expected directory {}".format(
        assert 0o700 == stat.S_IMODE(os.lstat(expected_dir.strpath).st_mode)

    def test_write_cache_creates_dir_when_data_dir_does_not_exist(
            self, tmpdir):
        """When data_dir doesn't exist, create it."""
        tmp_subdir = tmpdir.join("does/not/exist")
        cfg = UAConfig({"data_dir": tmp_subdir.strpath})

        assert False is os.path.isdir(
            tmp_subdir.strpath), "Found unexpected directory {}".format(
        assert None is cfg.write_cache("somekey", "someval")
        assert True is os.path.isdir(
            tmp_subdir.strpath), "Missing expected directory {}".format(
        assert "someval" == cfg.read_cache("somekey")

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("key,value", (("dictkey", {
        "1": "v1"
    }), ("listkey", [1, 2, 3])))
    def test_write_cache_writes_json_string_when_content_not_a_string(
            self, tmpdir, key, value):
        """When content is not a string, write a json string."""
        cfg = UAConfig({"data_dir": tmpdir.strpath})

        expected_json_content = json.dumps(value)
        assert None is cfg.write_cache(key, value)
        with open(tmpdir.join(PRIVATE_SUBDIR, key).strpath, "r") as stream:
            assert expected_json_content == stream.read()
        assert value == cfg.read_cache(key)

        ((DataPath("path", False), 0o644), (DataPath("path", True), 0o600)),
    def test_permissions(self, tmpdir, datapath, mode):
        cfg = UAConfig({"data_dir": tmpdir.strpath})
        cfg.data_paths = {"path": datapath}
        cfg.write_cache("path", "")
        assert mode == stat.S_IMODE(os.lstat(cfg.data_path("path")).st_mode)

    def test_write_datetime(self, tmpdir):
        cfg = UAConfig({"data_dir": tmpdir.strpath})
        key = "test_key"
        dt = datetime.datetime.now()
        cfg.write_cache(key, dt)
        with open(cfg.data_path(key)) as f:
            assert dt.isoformat() == f.read().strip('"')
コード例 #2
 def test_data_path_returns_public_path_for_public_datapath(self):
     cfg = UAConfig({"data_dir": "/my/d"})
     cfg.data_paths["test_path"] = DataPath("test_path", False)
     assert "/my/d/test_path" == cfg.data_path("test_path")