コード例 #1
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: RushabShah/FINAL
def create():
		return render_template('index.html',msg="success datasource creation")
コード例 #2
def create_datasource():
    print name,str(tags),description

    api = ApiClient(token='4L4TakYO3sro5gmwWS5KDPztF8WTRq')
    all_datasources = api.get_datasources()
    print type(all_datasources)
    for i in all_datasources:
        if str(i) == name:
            print name+' is there'
    if not already_present:
        new_datasource = api.create_datasource({"name": name, "tags": tags, "description": description}) 	#create new datasource
        print "datasource created\n"
    return render_template('datasource.html',name=name,tags=str(tags),description=description,already_present=already_present)
コード例 #3
def make_devices(m):
    #apilist = []
    data_sources = []
    new_variable1 = []
    new_variable2 = []
    new_variable3 = []
    new_variable4 = []
    for i in range(m):
        api = ApiClient(token='BBFF-vwaOtO0NBWQL7oqbg7I4GAIRUs91Bo')
        #apilist.append(ApiClient(token = 'BBFF-vwaOtO0NBWQL7oqbg7I4GAIRUs91Bo'))

        #new_datasource = api.create_datasource({"name": "Health_status", "description": "Has health parameters that can depict the health status"})
                "Has health parameters that can depict the health status"

            "name": "Temperature score",
            "unit": "unitless"
            "name": "Heart Rate score",
            "unit": "unitless"
            "name": "Blood Pressure score",
            "unit": "unitless"
            "name": "Health score",
            "unit": "unitless"
    return new_variable1, new_variable2, new_variable3, new_variable4, data_sources
コード例 #4
from ubidots import ApiClient

api = ApiClient(token='RBgwxE0fSTaFS7IH7EqIya2Nl6yVek')
ctrlVarFloraBox=api.create_datasource({"name":"Ctrl floraBox"})
ctrlActFloraBox=api.create_datasource({"name":"Ctrl Actuators floraBox"})
varFloraBox=api.create_datasource({"name":"Variables floraBox"})

#Ctrl Actuadores

ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CAACR 1","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Air Circulation"})
ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CAAHE 1","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Air Heater"})
ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CAAHU 1","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Air Humidifier"}) 
ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CAAVE 1","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Air Ventilation"}) 
ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CALMI 1","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Light Mother"}) 
ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CALPN 1","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Light Panel 1"})
ctrlActFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CALPN 2","unit":"bool","name":"Ctrl Light Panel 2"})

#Ctrl Variables

ctrlVarFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CSACO 1","unit":"ppp","name":"Ctrl CO2"})
ctrlVarFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CSAHU 1","unit":"%","name":"Ctrl Air Humidity"})
ctrlVarFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CSATM 1","unit":"°C","name":"Ctrl Air Temp"})
ctrlVarFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CSWEC 1","unit":"mS/cm","name":"Ctrl Water EC"})
ctrlVarFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"CSWPH 1","unit":"PH","name":"Ctrl Water PH"})


varFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"AACR 1","unit":"bool","name":"Air Circulation"})
varFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"AAHE 1","unit":"bool","name":"Air Heater"})
varFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"AAHU 1","unit":"bool","name":"Air Humidifier"}) 
varFloraBox.create_variable({"description":"AAVE 1","unit":"bool","name":"Air Ventilation"}) 
コード例 #5
ファイル: airpi.py プロジェクト: johnnieb63/AirPi
        GPIO.output(cspin, True)
        adcout >>= 1       					# first bit is 'null' so drop it
        return adcout
# Code to connect a Ubidots
   api = ApiClient("75617caf2933588b7fd0da531155d16035138535") # Connect to Ubidots. Don't forget to put your own apikey
   for curDs in api.get_datasources():						# Check if there's any Data Source with the name AirPi
	if curDs.name == "AirPi":
		dS = curDs
   if dS is None:
   	  dS = api.create_datasource({"name":"AirPi"})			# If doesn't exist it'll create a Data Source with the name Airpi
   lightValue = getVarbyNames("Light_level",dS)
   if lightValue is None:
	  lightValue = dS.create_variable({"name": "Light_level","unit": "lux"}) # Create a new Variable for light
   nitrogen = getVarbyNames("Nitrogen_dioxide_concentration",dS)
   if nitrogen is None:
	  nitrogen = dS.create_variable({"name": "Nitrogen_dioxide_concentration", "unit": "ppm"}) # Create a new Variable for NO2 level
   mic = getVarbyNames("Noise_level", dS)
   if mic is None:
	  mic = dS.create_variable({"name": "Noise_level","unit": "mV"}) # Create a new Variable for noise level
   carbon = getVarbyNames("Carbon_monoxide_concentration",dS)
   if carbon is None:
コード例 #6
ファイル: ubi.py プロジェクト: sanu11/Senior-Year-Assignments
from ubidots import ApiClient

api = ApiClient(token='SwWv78hxFMR42afpUyIKGKtwnNBtEV')
new_datasource = api.create_datasource({
    "name": "third",
    "tags": ["a", "b"],
    "description": "trying"
})  #create new datasource
print "datasource created\n"
new_variable = new_datasource.create_variable({
    "name": "variable0",
    "unit": "kg"
})  #create a new variable in the datasource
print "variable0 created\n"
new_variable1 = new_datasource.create_variable({
    "name": "variable1",
    "unit": "kg"
print "variable1 created"
new_variable.save_values([  #saving multiple values
        'timestamp': 1380558972614,
        'value': 2
    }, {
        'timestamp': 1380558972915,
        'value': 4
    }, {
        'timestamp': 1380558973516,
        'value': 5
    }, {
        'timestamp': 1380558973617,
コード例 #7
def main():
    #global last_temp
    # initialize the lastMinute variable to the current time to start
    last_minute = datetime.datetime.now().minute
    # on startup, just use the previous minute as lastMinute
    last_minute -= 1
    if last_minute == 0:
        last_minute = 59

    # ========================================================
    # Code to connect a Ubidots
    # ========================================================
        api = ApiClient("A1E-baee7da49300eee20eb148229cf1ead45d71") # Connect to Ubidots. Don't forget to put your own apikey
        #api = ApiClient("A1E-6ea6e644f236c649a0a43105e276658540d9") # Connect to Ubidots. Don't forget to put your own apikey

        print("Inizializza Ubidots")

        for curDs in api.get_datasources():                        # Check if there's any Data Source with the name AirPi
            print("Inizializza Ubidots for get_datasources")
            if curDs.name == "PiSenseHat":
                dS = curDs

        print("Inizializza Ubidots get_datasources")

        if dS is None:
            dS = api.create_datasource({"name":"PiSenseHat"})            # If doesn't exist it'll create a Data Source with the name Airpi

        print("Inizializza Ubidots dS")

        temp_ds = getVarbyNames("Temperature",dS)
        if temp_ds is None:
            temp_ds = dS.create_variable({"name": "Temperature", "unit": "C"})    #Create a new Variable for temperature

        print("Inizializza Ubidots temp_c")

        humidity_ds = getVarbyNames("Humidity",dS)
        if humidity_ds is None:
            humidity_ds = dS.create_variable({"name": "Humidity","unit": "%"}) # Create a new Variable for humidity

        print("Inizializza Ubidots humidity")

        pressure_ds = getVarbyNames("Pressure",dS)
        if pressure_ds is None:
            pressure_ds = dS.create_variable({"name": "Pressure","unit": "hPa"}) # Create a new Variable for temperature

        print("Ubidots Initialization complete")
        print("Can't connect to Ubidots")

    # infinite loop to continuously check weather values
    while 1:
        # The temp measurement smoothing algorithm's accuracy is based
        # on frequent measurements, so we'll take measurements every 5 seconds
        # but only upload on measurement_interval
        current_second = datetime.datetime.now().second
        # are we at the top of the minute or at a 5 second interval?
        if (current_second == 0) or ((current_second % 5) == 0):
            # ========================================================
            # read values from the Sense HAT
            # ========================================================
            # Calculate the temperature. The get_temp function 'adjusts' the recorded temperature adjusted for the
            # current processor temp in order to accommodate any temperature leakage from the processor to
            # the Sense HAT's sensor. This happens when the Sense HAT is mounted on the Pi in a case.
            # If you've mounted the Sense HAT outside of the Raspberry Pi case, then you don't need that
            # calculation. So, when the Sense HAT is external, replace the following line (comment it out  with a #)
            calc_temp = get_temp()
            # with the following line (uncomment it, remove the # at the line start)
            # calc_temp = sense.get_temperature_from_pressure()
            # or the following line (each will work)
            # calc_temp = sense.get_temperature_from_humidity()
            # ========================================================
            # At this point, we should have an accurate temperature, so lets use the recorded (or calculated)
            # temp for our purposes
            temp_c = round(calc_temp, 1)
            temp_f = round(c_to_f(calc_temp), 1)
            humidity = round(sense.get_humidity(), 0)
            # convert pressure from millibars to inHg before posting
            pressure = round(sense.get_pressure(), 1) # * 0.0295300
            print("Temp: %sF (%sC), Pressure: %s mbar, Humidity: %s%%" % (temp_f, temp_c, pressure, humidity))

            # get the current minute
            current_minute = datetime.datetime.now().minute
            # is it the same minute as the last time we checked?
            if current_minute != last_minute:
                # reset last_minute to the current_minute
                last_minute = current_minute
                # is minute zero, or divisible by 10?
                # we're only going to take measurements every MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL minutes
                if (current_minute == 0) or ((current_minute % MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL) == 0):
                    # get the reading timestamp
                    now = datetime.datetime.now()
                    print("\n%d minute mark (%d @ %s)" % (MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL, current_minute, str(now)))
                    # did the temperature go up or down?
                    celcius = temp_c
                    humpercent = humidity

                    celcius_color = [0,255,0] # Green
                    humpercent_color = [0,255,255] # Cyan
                    negative_celcius_color = [0,0,255] # Blue
                    negative_humpercent_color = [255,0,0] # Red
                    empty = [0,0,0] # Black

                    if celcius < 0:
                        celcius = abs(celcius)
                        celcius_color = negative_celcius_color
                    if humpercent < 0:
                        humpercent = abs(humpercent)
                        humpercent_color = negative_humpercent_color

                    # Map digits to the display array
                    pixel_offset = 0
                    index = 0
                    for index_loop in range(0, 4):
                        for counter_loop in range(0, 4):
                            display[index] = number[int(celcius/10)*16+pixel_offset]
                            display[index+4] = number[int(celcius%10)*16+pixel_offset]
                            display[index+32] = number[int(humpercent/10)*16+pixel_offset]
                            display[index+36] = number[int(humpercent%10)*16+pixel_offset]
                            pixel_offset = pixel_offset + 1
                            index = index + 1
                        index = index + 4

                    # Color the temperatures
                    for index in range(0, 64):
                        if display[index]:
                            if index < 32:
                                display[index] = celcius_color
                                display[index] = humpercent_color
                            display[index] = empty

                    # Clear the display
                    sense.low_light = True # Optional
                    # Display scroll messagge with temp hum and pressure
                    msg = "Temp: %sC Hum: %s%% Press: %s mbar" % (temp_c, humidity, pressure)
                    sense.show_message(msg, text_colour=[0,255,255], scroll_speed=0.1)

                    # set last_temp to the current temperature before we measure again
                    #last_temp = temp_c
                    # Post values to Ubidots
                    print("Upload dei valori su Ubidots...")
                        print("Upload dei valori su Ubidots... Failed; retry later")    
                    # Display temperature and humidity
        # wait a second then check again
        # You can always increase the sleep value below to check less often
        time.sleep(1)  # this should never happen since the above is an infinite loop
コード例 #8
def main():
    global last_temp

    # initialize the lastMinute variable to the current time to start
    last_minute = datetime.datetime.now().minute
    # on startup, just use the previous minute as lastMinute
    last_minute -= 1
    if last_minute == 0:
        last_minute = 59

    # ========================================================
    # Code to connect a Ubidots
    # ========================================================
        api = ApiClient(
        )  # Connect to Ubidots. Don't forget to put your own apikey
        #api = ApiClient("A1E-6ea6e644f236c649a0a43105e276658540d9") # Connect to Ubidots. Don't forget to put your own apikey

        print("Inizializza Ubidots")

        for curDs in api.get_datasources(
        ):  # Check if there's any Data Source with the name AirPi
            print("Inizializza Ubidots for get_datasources")
            if curDs.name == "PiSenseHat":
                dS = curDs

        print("Inizializza Ubidots get_datasources")

        if dS is None:
            dS = api.create_datasource(
                {"name": "PiSenseHat"}
            )  # If doesn't exist it'll create a Data Source with the name Airpi

        print("Inizializza Ubidots dS")

        temp_ds = getVarbyNames("Temperature", dS)
        if temp_ds is None:
            temp_ds = dS.create_variable({
                "name": "Temperature",
                "unit": "C"
            })  #Create a new Variable for temperature

        print("Inizializza Ubidots temp_c")

        humidity_ds = getVarbyNames("Humidity", dS)
        if humidity_ds is None:
            humidity_ds = dS.create_variable({
                "name": "Humidity",
                "unit": "%"
            })  # Create a new Variable for humidity

        print("Inizializza Ubidots humidity")

        pressure_ds = getVarbyNames("Pressure", dS)
        if pressure_ds is None:
            pressure_ds = dS.create_variable({
                "name": "Pressure",
                "unit": "hPa"
            })  # Create a new Variable for temperature

        print("Ubidots Initialization complete")
        print("Can't connect to Ubidots")

    # infinite loop to continuously check weather values
    while 1:
        # The temp measurement smoothing algorithm's accuracy is based
        # on frequent measurements, so we'll take measurements every 5 seconds
        # but only upload on measurement_interval
        current_second = datetime.datetime.now().second
        # are we at the top of the minute or at a 5 second interval?
        if (current_second == 0) or ((current_second % 5) == 0):
            # ========================================================
            # read values from the Sense HAT
            # ========================================================
            # Calculate the temperature. The get_temp function 'adjusts' the recorded temperature adjusted for the
            # current processor temp in order to accommodate any temperature leakage from the processor to
            # the Sense HAT's sensor. This happens when the Sense HAT is mounted on the Pi in a case.
            # If you've mounted the Sense HAT outside of the Raspberry Pi case, then you don't need that
            # calculation. So, when the Sense HAT is external, replace the following line (comment it out  with a #)
            calc_temp = get_temp()
            # with the following line (uncomment it, remove the # at the line start)
            # calc_temp = sense.get_temperature_from_pressure()
            # or the following line (each will work)
            # calc_temp = sense.get_temperature_from_humidity()
            # ========================================================
            # At this point, we should have an accurate temperature, so lets use the recorded (or calculated)
            # temp for our purposes
            temp_c = round(calc_temp, 1)
            temp_f = round(c_to_f(calc_temp), 1)
            humidity = round(sense.get_humidity(), 0)
            # convert pressure from millibars to inHg before posting
            pressure = round(sense.get_pressure(), 1)  # * 0.0295300
            print("Temp: %sF (%sC), Pressure: %s mbar, Humidity: %s%%" %
                  (temp_f, temp_c, pressure, humidity))

            # get the current minute
            current_minute = datetime.datetime.now().minute
            # is it the same minute as the last time we checked?
            if current_minute != last_minute:
                # reset last_minute to the current_minute
                last_minute = current_minute
                # is minute zero, or divisible by 10?
                # we're only going to take measurements every MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL minutes
                if (current_minute == 0) or ((current_minute %
                                              MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL) == 0):
                    # get the reading timestamp
                    now = datetime.datetime.now()
                    print("\n%d minute mark (%d @ %s)" %
                          (MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL, current_minute, str(now)))
                    # did the temperature go up or down?
                    if last_temp != temp_f:
                        if last_temp > temp_f:
                            # display a blue, down arrow
                            # display a red, up arrow
                        # temperature stayed the same
                        # display red and blue bars
                    # set last_temp to the current temperature before we measure again
                    last_temp = temp_f

                    # Post values to Ubidots
                    print("Upload dei valori su Ubidots...")
                        temp_ds.save_value({'value': temp_c})
                        humidity_ds.save_value({'value': humidity})
                        pressure_ds.save_value({'value': pressure})
                            "Upload dei valori su Ubidots... Failed; retry later"

        # wait a second then check again
        # You can always increase the sleep value below to check less often
            1)  # this should never happen since the above is an infinite loop