コード例 #1
    def test_default_basic_single_cell_solver(self, cell_model, theta):
        "Test basic single cell solver."
        time = Constant(0.0)
        model = cell_model
        Model = cell_model.__class__

        if Model == supported_cell_models[3] and theta > 0:
            pytest.xfail("failing configuration (but should work)")

        model.stimulus = Expression("1000*t", t=time, degree=1)

        info_green("\nTesting %s" % model)
        vec_solve = self._run_solve(model, time, theta)

        if Model == supported_cell_models[3] and theta == 0:
            pytest.xfail("failing configuration (but should work)")

        if Model in self.references and theta in self.references[Model]:
            ind, ref_value = self.references[Model][theta]
            print("vec_solve", vec_solve.get_local())
            print("ind", ind, "ref", ref_value)

            assert_almost_equal(vec_solve[ind], ref_value, 1e-10)
            info_red("Missing references for %r, %r" % (Model, theta))
コード例 #2
    def _setup_solver(self, Model, Scheme, time=0.0, stim=None, params=None):
        ''' Generate a new solver object with the given start time, stimulus and parameters. '''
        # Create model instance
        if isinstance(Model, str):
            Model = eval(Model)
        model = Model(params=params)

        # Initialize time and stimulus (note t=time construction!)
        if stim is None:
            stim = Expression("1000*t", t=time, degree=1)

        # Initialize solver
        mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(5)
        params = CardiacODESolver.default_parameters()
        params["scheme"] = Scheme

        solver = CardiacODESolver(mesh, time, model, I_s=stim, params=params)

        # Create scheme
        info_green("\nTesting %s with %s scheme" % (model, Scheme))

        # Start with native initial conditions
        (vs_, vs) = solver.solution_fields()

        return solver
コード例 #3
    def test_ReplayOfSplittingSolver_IsExact(self, Solver, solver_type, tol):
        """Test that basic and optimised splitting solvers yield
        very comparative results when configured identically."""

        self.tlm_adj_setup(Solver, solver_type)

        success = replay_dolfin(tol=tol, stop=True)
        assert success
コード例 #4
    def test_AdjointModelOfSplittingSolver_PassesTaylorTest(self, Solver, solver_type):
        """Test that basic and optimised splitting solvers yield
        very comparative results when configured identically."""

        J, Jhat, m, Jics = self.tlm_adj_setup(Solver, solver_type)

        # Check adjoint model correctness
        info_green("Compute gradient with adjoint linear model")
        dJdics = compute_gradient(J, m, forget=False)

        assert (dJdics is not None), "Gradient is None (#fail)."
        conv_rate = taylor_test(Jhat, m, Jics, dJdics, seed=1.)

        # Check that minimal convergence rate is greater than some given number
        assert_greater(conv_rate, 1.9)
コード例 #5
    def _setup_solver(self, Model, Scheme, mesh, time, stim=None, params=None):
        # Create model instance
        model = Model(params=params)

        # Initialize time and stimulus (note t=time construction!)
        if stim is None:
            stim = Expression("1000*t", t=time, degree=1)

        # Initialize solver
        params = CardiacODESolver.default_parameters()
        params["scheme"] = Scheme
        solver = CardiacODESolver(mesh, time, model, I_s=stim, params=params)

        # Create scheme
        info_green("\nTesting %s with %s scheme" % (model, Scheme))

        # Start with native initial conditions
        (vs_, vs) = solver.solution_fields()

        return solver
コード例 #6
bc = DirichletBC(V, 0.0, "on_boundary")
solve(F == 0, u, bc)

# The functional of interest is the normed difference between desired
# and simulated temperature profile
x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
u_desired = exp(-1 / (1 - x[0] * x[0]) - 1 / (1 - x[1] * x[1]))
J = assemble(0.5 * inner(u - u_desired, u - u_desired) * dx)

# Run the optimisation
rf = ReducedFunctional(J, Control(m))
ub = 0.5
lb = interpolate(Constant(-1), V)  # Test 2 different ways of imposing bounds

m_opt = minimize(rf,
                 bounds=(lb, ub),
                     "disp": True,
                     "maxiter": 5

assert min(m_opt.vector().get_local()) > lb((0, 0)) - 0.05
info_red("Skipping bound check in L-BFGS-B test")
# Skipping this test for now until I have figured out what is going wrong
#assert max(m_opt.vector().array()) < ub + 0.05
assert abs(rf(m_opt)) < 1e-3

info_green("Test passed")