def get_aspect_ratios2d(mesh, python=False): """ Computes the aspect ratio of each cell in a 2D triangular mesh :arg mesh: the input mesh to do computations on :kwarg python: compute the measure using Python? :rtype: firedrake.function.Function aspect_ratios with aspect ratio data """ P0 = firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0) if python: P0_ten = firedrake.TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0) J = firedrake.interpolate(ufl.Jacobian(mesh), P0_ten) edge1 = ufl.as_vector([J[0, 0], J[1, 0]]) edge2 = ufl.as_vector([J[0, 1], J[1, 1]]) edge3 = edge1 - edge2 a = ufl.sqrt(, edge1)) b = ufl.sqrt(, edge2)) c = ufl.sqrt(, edge3)) aspect_ratios = firedrake.interpolate( a * b * c / ((a + b - c) * (b + c - a) * (c + a - b)), P0 ) else: coords = mesh.coordinates aspect_ratios = firedrake.Function(P0) op2.par_loop( get_pyop2_kernel("get_aspect_ratio", 2), mesh.cell_set, aspect_ratios.dat(op2.WRITE, aspect_ratios.cell_node_map()), coords.dat(op2.READ, coords.cell_node_map()), ) return aspect_ratios
def meshMetric(mesh): """ Extract mesh size tensor from a given ``mesh``. This returns the physical element metric tensor, ``G`` as a UFL object. """ dx_dxiHat = 0.5 * ufl.Jacobian(mesh) dxiHat_dx = inv(dx_dxiHat) G = dxiHat_dx.T * dxiHat_dx return G
def get_scaled_jacobians2d(mesh, python=False): """ Computes the scaled Jacobian of each cell in a 2D triangular mesh :arg mesh: the input mesh to do computations on :kwarg python: compute the measure using Python? :rtype: firedrake.function.Function scaled_jacobians with scaled jacobian data. """ P0 = firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0) if python: P0_ten = firedrake.TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0) J = firedrake.interpolate(ufl.Jacobian(mesh), P0_ten) edge1 = ufl.as_vector([J[0, 0], J[1, 0]]) edge2 = ufl.as_vector([J[0, 1], J[1, 1]]) edge3 = edge1 - edge2 a = ufl.sqrt(, edge1)) b = ufl.sqrt(, edge2)) c = ufl.sqrt(, edge3)) detJ = ufl.JacobianDeterminant(mesh) jacobian_sign = ufl.sign(detJ) max_product = ufl.Max( ufl.Max(ufl.Max(a * b, a * c), ufl.Max(b * c, b * a)), ufl.Max(c * a, c * b) ) scaled_jacobians = firedrake.interpolate(detJ / max_product * jacobian_sign, P0) else: coords = mesh.coordinates scaled_jacobians = firedrake.Function(P0) op2.par_loop( get_pyop2_kernel("get_scaled_jacobian", 2), mesh.cell_set, scaled_jacobians.dat(op2.WRITE, scaled_jacobians.cell_node_map()), coords.dat(op2.READ, coords.cell_node_map()), ) return scaled_jacobians
uddot_exact = diff(udot_exact, t) f = resLHS_strong(uddot_exact, u_exact) # Galerkin weak residual: w = TestFunction(spline.V) res_weak = (inner(rho * uddot_alpha, w) + inner(P(u_alpha), spline.grad(w)) - inner(f, w)) * spline.dx # DC term: def norm2(u, eps=0.0): return sqrt(inner(u, u) + eps**2) c_s = sqrt((K + 4.0 * mu / 3.0) / rho) dxi_dxiHat = 0.5 * ufl.Jacobian(spline.mesh) dx_dxi = spline.parametricGrad(spline.F + u_alpha) dx_dxiHat = dx_dxi * dxi_dxiHat dxiHat_dx = inv(dx_dxiHat) G = dxiHat_dx.T * dxiHat_dx h_K2 = tr(inv(G)) h = sqrt(h_K2) nu_DC_res = h*C_DC*norm2(resLHS_strong(uddot_alpha,u_alpha)-f)\ /norm2(gradx(u_alpha,udot_alpha),eps=Constant(DOLFIN_EPS)) nu_DC_max = 0.5 * rho / J(u_alpha) * C_max * c_s * h nu_DC = ufl.Min(nu_DC_res, nu_DC_max) def D_op(u, udot): return sym(gradx(u, udot)) res_DC = nu_DC*inner(D_op(u_alpha,udot_alpha),D_op(u_alpha,w))\
if (GALERKIN): DYN_SUBSCALES = False ########################## # Quadrature degree to use in all integrals: QUAD_DEG = 6 # Use fixed quadrature rule. (Automatic degree estimation skyrockets # due to the residual-based stabilization terms.) dx = dx(metadata={"quadrature_degree": QUAD_DEG}) # Mesh and derivation of mesh-size metric: mesh = BoxMesh(Point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Point(math.pi, math.pi, math.pi), Nel, Nel, Nel) dx_dxiHat = 0.5 * ufl.Jacobian(mesh) G = inv(dx_dxiHat.T * dx_dxiHat) # Definition of the Taylor--Hood element, augmented with the fine-scale # pressure: cell = mesh.ufl_cell() u_el = VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, 2, quad_scheme="default") p_el = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 1, quad_scheme="default") pPrime_el = p_el # Unfortunately, a mixed element including the quadrature representation of # uPrime does not work, as requesting derivatives of any of the other # components leads to the form compiler attempting to differentiate all # components, including the quadrature space for which derivatives are # ill-defined. X_el = MixedElement([u_el, p_el, pPrime_el])