コード例 #1
def integrate_rhs(family, degree):
    power = 5
    m = UnitSquareMesh(2**power, 2**power)
    layers = 10

    # Populate the coordinates of the extruded mesh by providing the
    # coordinates as a field.
    # TODO: provide a kernel which will describe how coordinates are extruded.

    mesh = ExtrudedMesh(m, layers, layer_height=0.1)

    horiz = ufl.FiniteElement(family, "triangle", degree)
    vert = ufl.FiniteElement(family, "interval", degree)
    prod = ufl.TensorProductElement(horiz, vert)

    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, prod, name="fs")

    f = Function(fs)

    populate_p0 = op2.Kernel(
void populate_tracer(double *x[], double *c[])
  x[0][0] = ((c[1][2] + c[0][2]) / 2);
}""", "populate_tracer")

    coords = f.function_space().mesh().coordinates

    op2.par_loop(populate_p0, f.cell_set, f.dat(op2.INC, f.cell_node_map()),
                 coords.dat(op2.READ, coords.cell_node_map()))

    g = assemble(f * dx)

    return np.abs(g - 0.5)
コード例 #2
ファイル: embedded.py プロジェクト: xywei/firedrake
 def __init__(self, element):
     cell = element.cell()
     degree = element.degree()
     family = lambda c: "DG" if c.is_simplex() else "DQ"
     if isinstance(cell, ufl.TensorProductCell):
         scalar_element = ufl.TensorProductElement(
             *(ufl.FiniteElement(family(c), cell=c, degree=d)
               for (c, d) in zip(cell.sub_cells(), degree)))
         scalar_element = ufl.FiniteElement(family(cell),
     shape = element.value_shape()
     if len(shape) == 0:
         DG = scalar_element
     elif len(shape) == 1:
         shape, = shape
         DG = ufl.VectorElement(scalar_element, dim=shape)
         DG = ufl.TensorElement(scalar_element, shape=shape)
     self.embedding_element = DG
     self._V_DG_mass = {}
     self._DG_inv_mass = {}
     self._V_approx_inv_mass = {}
     self._V_inv_mass_ksp = {}
     self._DG_work = {}
     self._work_vec = {}
     self._V_dof_weights = {}
コード例 #3
def integrate_rhs(family, degree):
    power = 5
    m = UnitSquareMesh(2 ** power, 2 ** power)
    layers = 10

    # Populate the coordinates of the extruded mesh by providing the
    # coordinates as a field.
    # TODO: provide a kernel which will describe how coordinates are extruded.

    mesh = ExtrudedMesh(m, layers, layer_height=0.1)

    horiz = ufl.FiniteElement(family, "triangle", degree)
    vert = ufl.FiniteElement(family, "interval", degree)
    prod = ufl.TensorProductElement(horiz, vert)

    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, prod, name="fs")
    f = Function(fs)

    coords = f.function_space().mesh().coordinates

    domain = ""
    instructions = """
    x[0,0] = 0.5 * (c[1,2] + c[0,2])

    par_loop((domain, instructions), dx, {'x': (f, INC), 'c': (coords, READ)},
             is_loopy_kernel=True, kernel_kwargs={"requires_zeroed_output_arguments": True})

    g = assemble(f * dx)

    return np.abs(g - 0.5)
コード例 #4
ファイル: functionspace.py プロジェクト: celdred/themis
def make_scalar_element(mesh, family, degree, vfamily, vdegree):
    """Build a scalar :class:`ufl.FiniteElement`.

    :arg mesh: The mesh to determine the cell from.
    :arg family: The finite element family.
    :arg degree: The degree of the finite element.
    :arg vfamily: The finite element in the vertical dimension
        (extruded meshes only).
    :arg vdegree: The degree of the element in the vertical dimension
        (extruded meshes only).

    The ``family`` argument may be an existing
    :class:`ufl.FiniteElementBase`, in which case all other arguments
    are ignored and the element is returned immediately.

    if isinstance(family, ufl.FiniteElementBase):
        return family

    cell = mesh.ufl_cell()

    if isinstance(cell, ufl.TensorProductCell) \
       and vfamily is not None and vdegree is not None:
        la = ufl.FiniteElement(family, cell=cell.sub_cells()[0], degree=degree)
        # If second element was passed in, use it
        lb = ufl.FiniteElement(vfamily, cell=ufl.interval, degree=vdegree)
        # Now make the TensorProductElement
        return ufl.TensorProductElement(la, lb)
        return ufl.FiniteElement(family, cell=cell, degree=degree)
コード例 #5
def test_tensor_prod_simple(ufl_A, ufl_B):
    tensor_ufl = ufl.TensorProductElement(ufl_A, ufl_B)

    tensor = create_element(tensor_ufl)
    A = create_element(ufl_A)
    B = create_element(ufl_B)

    assert isinstance(tensor, finat.TensorProductElement)

    assert tensor.factors == (A, B)
コード例 #6
def test_tensor_prod_simple(ufl_A, ufl_B):
    tensor_ufl = ufl.TensorProductElement(ufl_A, ufl_B)

    tensor = create_element(tensor_ufl)
    A = create_element(ufl_A)
    B = create_element(ufl_B)

    assert isinstance(tensor, FIAT.TensorProductElement)

    assert tensor.A is A
    assert tensor.B is B
コード例 #7
def test_tensor_prod_simple(ufl_A, ufl_B):
    tensor_ufl = ufl.TensorProductElement(ufl_A, ufl_B)

    tensor = create_element(tensor_ufl)
    A = create_element(ufl_A)
    B = create_element(ufl_B)

    assert isinstance(tensor, supported_elements[tensor_ufl.family()])

    assert tensor.A is A
    assert tensor.B is B
コード例 #8
def make_scalar_element(mesh, family, degree, vfamily, vdegree):
    """Build a scalar :class:`ufl.FiniteElement`.

    :arg mesh: The mesh to determine the cell from.
    :arg family: The finite element family.
    :arg degree: The degree of the finite element.
    :arg vfamily: The finite element in the vertical dimension
        (extruded meshes only).
    :arg vdegree: The degree of the element in the vertical dimension
        (extruded meshes only).

    The ``family`` argument may be an existing
    :class:`ufl.FiniteElementBase`, in which case all other arguments
    are ignored and the element is returned immediately.

    .. note::

       As a side effect, this function finalises the initialisation of
       the provided mesh, by calling :meth:`.MeshTopology.init` (or
       :meth:`.MeshGeometry.init`) as appropriate.
    if isinstance(family, ufl.FiniteElementBase):
        return family

    topology = mesh.topology
    cell = topology.ufl_cell()

    if isinstance(cell, ufl.TensorProductCell) \
       and vfamily is not None and vdegree is not None:
        la = ufl.FiniteElement(family,
        # If second element was passed in, use it
        lb = ufl.FiniteElement(vfamily,
        # Now make the TensorProductElement
        return ufl.TensorProductElement(la, lb)
        return ufl.FiniteElement(family, cell=cell, degree=degree)
コード例 #9
ファイル: ufl_expr.py プロジェクト: kalogirou/firedrake
def reconstruct_element(element, cell=None):
    """Rebuild element with a new cell."""
    if cell is None:
        return element
    if isinstance(element, ufl.FiniteElement):
        family = element.family()
        degree = element.degree()
        return ufl.FiniteElement(family, cell, degree)
    if isinstance(element, ufl.VectorElement):
        sub = reconstruct_element(element.sub_elements()[0], cell=cell)
        dim = len(element.sub_elements())
        return ufl.VectorElement(sub, dim=dim)
    if isinstance(element, ufl.TensorElement):
        sub = reconstruct_element(element.sub_elements()[0], cell=cell)
        shape = element.value_shape()
        symmetry = element.symmetry()
        return ufl.TensorElement(sub, shape=shape, symmetry=symmetry)
    if isinstance(element, ufl.EnrichedElement):
        eles = [reconstruct_element(e, cell=cell) for e in element._elements]
        return ufl.EnrichedElement(*eles)
    if isinstance(element, ufl.RestrictedElement):
        return ufl.RestrictedElement(
            reconstruct_element(element.sub_element(), cell=cell),
    if isinstance(element,
                  (ufl.InteriorElement, ufl.HDivElement, ufl.HCurlElement,
                   ufl.BrokenElement, ufl.FacetElement)):
        return type(element)(reconstruct_element(element._element, cell=cell))
    if isinstance(element, ufl.TensorProductElement):
        return ufl.TensorProductElement(*element.sub_elements(), cell=cell)
    if isinstance(element, ufl.MixedElement):
        eles = [
            reconstruct_element(e, cell=cell) for e in element.sub_elements()
        return ufl.MixedElement(*eles)
    raise NotImplementedError(
        "Don't know how to reconstruct element of type %s" % type(element))