def __init__(self, mainWindow): QObject.__init__(self) # To control the user interface elements self.__mainWindow = mainWindow self.__state = self.STATE_STOPPED self.__stopAtFirstLine = None self.__procWrapper = None self.__procuuid = None self.__fileName = None self.__runParameters = None self.__debugSettings = None self.__breakpointModel = BreakPointModel(self) self.__watchpointModel = WatchPointModel(self) self.__breakpointModel.rowsAboutToBeRemoved.connect( self.__deleteBreakPoints) self.__breakpointModel.sigDataAboutToBeChanged.connect( self.__breakPointDataAboutToBeChanged) self.__breakpointModel.dataChanged.connect(self.__changeBreakPoints) self.__breakpointModel.rowsInserted.connect(self.__addBreakPoints) self.sigClientClearBreak.connect(self.__clientClearBreakPoint) self.sigClientBreakConditionError.connect( self.__clientBreakConditionError) self.__handlers = {} self.__initHandlers()
def __init__(self, cacheDir): QObject.__init__(self) self.__md5ToFileName = {} self.__threads = {} self.__cacheDir = os.path.normpath(cacheDir) + os.path.sep if os.path.exists(self.__cacheDir): if os.path.isdir(self.__cacheDir): if os.access(self.__cacheDir, os.W_OK): self.__loadCache() self.__saveCache() else: logging.error('The plantUML render cache directory (' + self.__cacheDir + ') does not ' 'have write permissions. There will be no ' 'plantUML rendering') self.__cacheDir = None else: logging.error('The plantUML render cache directory path (' + self.__cacheDir + ') exists and ' 'is not a directory. There will be no pluntUML ' 'rendering') self.__cacheDir = None else: # Try to create the dir try: os.mkdir(self.__cacheDir) except Exception as exc: logging.error( 'Error creating pluntUML render cache directory ' + self.__cacheDir + ': ' + str(exc) + ' There will be no plantUML rendering') self.__cacheDir = None
def __init__(self, cacheDir): QObject.__init__(self) self.__urlToFileName = {} self.__threads = {} self.__cacheDir = os.path.normpath(cacheDir) + os.path.sep if os.path.exists(self.__cacheDir): if os.path.isdir(self.__cacheDir): if os.access(self.__cacheDir, os.W_OK): self.__loadCache() self.__saveCache() else: logging.error( 'The web resource cache directory (%s) ' 'does not have write permissions. There ' 'will be no web resource downloading', self.__cacheDir) self.__cacheDir = None else: logging.error( 'The web resource cache directory path (%s) ' 'exists and is not a directory. There will be ' 'no web resource downloading', self.__cacheDir) self.__cacheDir = None else: # Try to create the dir try: os.mkdir(self.__cacheDir) except Exception as exc: logging.error( 'Error creating the web resource cache directory ' '%s: %s ' 'There will be no web resource downloading', self.__cacheDir, str(exc)) self.__cacheDir = None
def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) PluginManager.__init__(self, None, [SETTINGS_DIR + "plugins", "/usr/share/codimension3-plugins", VENV_PLUGINS_PATH], "cdmp") self.inactivePlugins = {} # Categorized inactive plugins self.activePlugins = {} # Categorized active plugins self.unknownPlugins = [] # Unknown plugins
def __init__(self, path, serverPort, redirected, kind): QObject.__init__(self) self.procuuid = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.path = path self.redirected = redirected self.kind = kind self.state = None self.startTime = None self.finishTime = None self.__serverPort = serverPort self.__clientSocket = None self.__proc = None
def __init__(self, manager, pluginID, plugin): QObject.__init__(self) self.manager = manager self.pluginID = pluginID self.plugin = plugin self.thread = None # VCSPluginThread self.indicators = {} # ID -> VCSIndicator self.__getPluginIndicators() self.thread = VCSPluginThread(plugin) self.thread.start() self.thread.VCSStatus.connect(self.__onStatus)
def __init__(self, mainWindow): QObject.__init__(self) self.__mainWindow = mainWindow self.__processes = [] self.__prologueProcesses = [] self.__tcpServer = QTcpServer() self.__tcpServer.newConnection.connect(self.__newConnection) self.__tcpServer.listen(QHostAddress.LocalHost) self.__waitTimer = QTimer(self) self.__waitTimer.setSingleShot(True) self.__waitTimer.timeout.connect(self.__onWaitTimer) self.__prologueTimer = QTimer(self) self.__prologueTimer.setSingleShot(True) self.__prologueTimer.timeout.connect(self.__onPrologueTimer)
def __init__(self, excludeFilters, dirToWatch): QObject.__init__(self) self.__dirWatcher = QFileSystemWatcher(self) # data members self.__excludeFilter = [] # Files exclude filter self.__srcDirsToWatch = set() # Came from the user self.__fsTopLevelSnapshot = {} # Current snapshot self.__fsSnapshot = {} # Current snapshot # Sets of dirs which are currently watched self.__dirsToWatch = set() self.__topLevelDirsToWatch = set() # Generated till root # precompile filters for flt in excludeFilters: self.__excludeFilter.append(re.compile(flt)) # Initialise the list of dirs to watch self.__srcDirsToWatch.add(dirToWatch) self.__topLevelDirsToWatch = self.__buildTopDirsList( self.__srcDirsToWatch) self.__fsTopLevelSnapshot = self.__buildTopLevelSnapshot( self.__topLevelDirsToWatch, self.__srcDirsToWatch) self.__dirsToWatch = self.__buildSnapshot() # Here __dirsToWatch and __topLevelDirsToWatch have a complete # set of what should be watched # Add the dirs to the watcher dirs = [] for path in self.__dirsToWatch | self.__topLevelDirsToWatch: dirs.append(path) self.__dirWatcher.addPaths(dirs) self.__dirWatcher.directoryChanged.connect(self.__onDirChanged) # self.debug() return
def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) DebuggerEnvironment.__init__(self) SearchEnvironment.__init__(self) FileSystemEnvironment.__init__(self) RunParametersCache.__init__(self) FilePositions.__init__(self) FileEncodings.__init__(self) self.__dirWatcher = None # Avoid pylint complains self.fileName = "" self.userProjectDir = "" # Directory in ~/.codimension3/uuidNN/ self.filesList = set() self.props = copy.deepcopy(_DEFAULT_PROJECT_PROPS) # Precompile the exclude filters for the project files list self.__excludeFilter = [] for flt in Settings()['projectFilesFilters']: self.__excludeFilter.append(re.compile(flt))
def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) self.dirCache = VCSStatusCache() # Path -> VCSStatus self.fileCache = VCSStatusCache() # Path -> VCSStatus self.activePlugins = {} # Plugin ID -> VCSPluginDescriptor self.systemIndicators = {} # ID -> VCSIndicator self.__firstFreeIndex = 0 self.__readSettingsIndicators() self.__dirRequestLoopTimer = QTimer(self) self.__dirRequestLoopTimer.setSingleShot(True) self.__dirRequestLoopTimer.timeout.connect( self.__onDirRequestLoopTimer) GlobalData().project.sigProjectChanged.connect(self.__onProjectChanged) GlobalData().project.sigFSChanged.connect(self.__onFSChanged) GlobalData().pluginManager.sigPluginActivated.connect( self.__onPluginActivated) # Plugin deactivation must be done via dismissPlugin(...) return
def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) DebuggerEnvironment.__init__(self) SearchEnvironment.__init__(self) FileSystemEnvironment.__init__(self) RunParametersCache.__init__(self) FilePositions.__init__(self) FileEncodings.__init__(self) FlowUICollapsedGroups.__init__(self) self.minTextZoom = None self.minCFlowZoom = None self.__values = deepcopy(_DEFAULT_SETTINGS) # make sure that the directory exists if not os.path.exists(SETTINGS_DIR): os.makedirs(SETTINGS_DIR) RunParametersCache.setup(self, SETTINGS_DIR) DebuggerEnvironment.setup(self, SETTINGS_DIR) SearchEnvironment.setup(self, SETTINGS_DIR) FileSystemEnvironment.setup(self, SETTINGS_DIR) FilePositions.setup(self, SETTINGS_DIR) FileEncodings.setup(self, SETTINGS_DIR) FlowUICollapsedGroups.setup(self, SETTINGS_DIR) self.webResourceCache = WebResourceCache(SETTINGS_DIR + os.path.sep + 'webresourcecache') self.plantUMLCache = PlantUMLCache(SETTINGS_DIR + os.path.sep + 'plantumlcache') # Save the config file name self.__fullFileName = SETTINGS_DIR + "settings.json" # Create file if does not exist if not os.path.exists(self.__fullFileName): # Save to file self.flush() return readErrors = [] # Load the previous session settings try: with open(self.__fullFileName, "r", encoding=SETTINGS_ENCODING) as diskfile: diskValues = json.load(diskfile, object_hook=settingsFromJSON) except Exception as exc: # Bad error - save default self.__saveErrors('Could not read setting from ' + self.__fullFileName + ': ' + str(exc) + 'Overwriting with the default settings...') self.flush() return for item, val in diskValues.items(): if item in self.__values: if type(self.__values[item]) != type(val): readErrors.append("Settings '" + item + "' type from the disk file " + self.__fullFileName + ' does not match the expected one. ' 'The default value is used.') else: self.__values[item] = val else: readErrors.append('Disk file ' + self.__fullFileName + " contains extra value '" + item + "'. It will be lost.") # If format is bad then overwrite the file if readErrors: self.__saveErrors("\n".join(readErrors)) self.flush() SearchEnvironment.setLimit(self, self.__values['maxSearchEntries']) FileSystemEnvironment.setLimit(self, self.__values['maxRecentFiles'])
def __init__(self): IPlugin.__init__(self) QObject.__init__(self) self.ide = IDEAccess(self)