def __init__(self) -> None: self.text_color = (200, 200, 200) self.next_text = Text("next", self.text_color, 20, Position(290, 20)) self.lines_cleared_block = UIBlock(Position(290, 120)) self.lines_cleared_block.add( Text("cleared", self.text_color, 20, Position(0, 0))) self.lines_cleared_block.add( Text("0", self.text_color, 20, Position(0, 0))) self.score_block = UIBlock(Position(290, 180)) self.score_block.add(Text("score", self.text_color, 20, Position(0, 0))) self.score_block.add(Text("0", self.text_color, 20, Position(0, 0))) self.level_block = UIBlock(Position(290, 240)) self.level_block.add(Text("level", self.text_color, 20, Position(0, 0))) self.level_block.add(Text("0", self.text_color, 20, Position(0, 0))) self.pause = Text("PAUSE", (255, 255, 255), 20, Position(s.GAME_W // 2, s.GAME_H // 2)) self.game_over = Text("GAME OVER", (255, 255, 255), 20, Position(s.GAME_W // 2, s.GAME_H // 2)) self.score_plate = NameInput() self.fps = Text("fps: 60", self.text_color, 20, Position(290, 400))
def __init__(self) -> None: self.move_timer = 0 self.text = Text("select player", (200, 200, 200), 30, Position(s.WIN_W / 2, 50)) self.text2 = Text( "Start to change current player name", (200, 200, 200), 15, Position(s.WIN_W / 2, 75), ) self.text3 = Text("A to play", (200, 200, 200), 15, Position(s.WIN_W / 2, 95)) self.name_input = NameInput() self.name_input_enabled = False self.player_button = SwitcherButton( save.score_list.players, 0, (200, 200, 200), 20, Position(s.WIN_W / 4 + 20, s.WIN_H / 2), horizontal=True, ) self.level_button = SwitcherButton( list(map(str, range(31))), 0, (200, 200, 200), 20, Position(s.WIN_W * 3 / 4, s.WIN_H / 2), horizontal=False, )
def initialize(self): """Luo sprite ryhmän, jossa pelilaatat on asetettu järjestykseen. """ board = size = score = text = "Score: " + str(score) margin = 15 W = self.cell_size * - margin * 2 score_x = self.m_x + margin score_y = self.m_y - (self.cell_size - margin) self.texts.add( Text(text, score_x, score_y, 30, (255, 255, 255), W, 50, (0, 0, 180))) highscore = text = "Best score: " + str(highscore) margin = 15 score_x = self.m_x + self.cell_size * + margin score_y = self.m_y - (self.cell_size - margin) self.texts.add( Text(text, score_x, score_y, 30, (255, 255, 255), self.screen_size[0] - score_x - margin, 50, (0, 0, 180))) for y in range(size): for x in range(size): value = board[y][x] normalized_x = x * self.cell_size + self.m_x normalized_y = y * self.cell_size + self.m_y self.tiles.add( Tile(0, normalized_x, normalized_y, self.cell_size, color=None, image=self.files.get_tile0_img_str(), files=self.files)) # tausta if value == 0: continue self.tiles.add( Tile(value, normalized_x, normalized_y, self.cell_size, color=None, image=self.files.get_tile_img_str(), files=self.files)) # tile self.update_buttons() self.all_sprites.add(self.tiles, self.texts)
def update_score(self) -> None: self.score_screen = [] self.score_screen.append( Text("High scores:", (200, 200, 200), 30, Position(s.WIN_W / 2, 50))) for i, score in enumerate(high_score.score_list.score_list): self.score_screen.append( Text( (score[0] + ": " + str(score[1])) if score[1] != 0 else "...vacant...", (200, 200, 200), 20, Position(s.WIN_W / 2, 100 + (i + 1) * 30), ))
def drawAdditionalContent(self): textSprite = Text(text="Pause", fontSize=50, location=(self.pageSize[POS_X] / 2, self.pageSize[POS_Y] / 2), alignment=CENTER_MIDDLE) textSprite.update() self.popUpPage.blit(textSprite.image, textSprite.rect)
def draw_bloc(self, x, y, width, height, text, size): """ Draw all twwet bloc. """ bloc = pygame.Surface((width, height), pygame.SRCALPHA) pygame.draw.rect(bloc, self.colors['blue_light_t'], (0, 0, width, height), 0) pygame.draw.rect(bloc, self.colors['white'], (0, 0, width, height), 1) Text(bloc, text, 0, 0, width, height, size) self.screen.blit(bloc, (x, y))
def __init__(self) -> None: = "enter your name" self.letter = "A" self.buttons = [] self.move_timer = 0 self.plate = pygame.Surface((300 * s.scale, 300 * s.scale)) self.game_over = Text("Name change", (255, 255, 255), 30, Position(s.WIN_W // 2, s.WIN_H // 4)) self.name_text = Text(, (255, 255, 255), 30, Position(s.WIN_W // 2, s.WIN_H * 2 // 4)) self.press_a_btn = Text( "A to select letter", (255, 255, 255), 15, Position(s.WIN_W // 2, s.WIN_H * 3 // 4), ) self.press_start_btn = Text( "Start to confirm", (255, 255, 255), 15, Position(s.WIN_W // 2, s.WIN_H * 3 // 4 + 15), ) self.press_b_btn = Text( "B to clear letter", (255, 255, 255), 15, Position(s.WIN_W // 2, s.WIN_H * 3 // 4 + 30), ) x0 = 0 y0 = 0 for letter in LETTERS: x = x0 * 15 * s.scale + 90 * s.scale y = y0 * 20 * s.scale + 75 * s.scale self.buttons.append( Button(letter, letter, 14, Position(x, y), self.plate)) x0 += 1 if x0 == 9: x0 = 0 y0 += 1
def __init__( self, options: list, current_index: int, color: tuple, size: int, position: Position, horizontal: bool = True, ) -> None: self._options = options self._current_index = current_index self.color = color self.size = size self.position = position self.horizontal = horizontal self._text = Text(options[current_index], color, size, position) if horizontal: self.width = int(size * (len(options[current_index])) / 3.3 + 5) self.ar1 = Arrow( Position(self._text.position.x - self.width, self._text.position.y), size, horizontal=True, flip=False, tag="Left", ) self.ar2 = Arrow( Position(self._text.position.x + self.width, self._text.position.y), size, horizontal=True, flip=True, tag="Right", ) else: self.ar1 = Arrow( Position(self._text.position.x, self._text.position.y - size), size, horizontal=False, flip=False, tag="Up", ) self.ar2 = Arrow( Position(self._text.position.x, self._text.position.y + size), size, horizontal=False, flip=True, tag="Down", )
def drawAdditionalContent(self, data, appendButtons=[]): self.allSprites = [] text = Text(text="Player %s Win!" % (data + 1), fontSize=50, alignment=CENTER_MIDDLE, location=(self.pageSize[POS_X]/2, self.pageSize[POS_Y]/4), basePoint=self.popUpPageBasePoint) self.allSprites.append(text) for appendButton in appendButtons: buttonSprite = Button(appendButton["func"], buttonSize=(150, 40), text=appendButton["name"], fontSize=30, location=(self.pageSize[POS_X] if appendButton["location"][POS_X] == PARENT_SIZE_WIDTH else appendButton["location"][POS_X], self.pageSize[POS_Y] if appendButton["location"][POS_Y] == PARENT_SIZE_HEIGHT else appendButton["location"][POS_Y]), alignment=appendButton["alignment"], basePoint=self.popUpPageBasePoint) buttonSprite.listen(appendButton["listener"]) self.allSprites.append(buttonSprite)
def __init__(self, func, fontType=DEFAULT_FONT_TYPE, fontSize=DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, textColor=WHITE, text="", buttonLifeTimer=CONTINUANCE, textIndex=0, location=(0, 0), alignment=TOP_LEFT, backgroundColor=GREEN, buttonSize=(150, 40), hoverColor=DARK_GREEN, basePoint=(0, 0)): super().__init__() self.buttonSize = buttonSize self.backgroundColor = backgroundColor self.hoverColor = hoverColor self.buttonLifeTimer = buttonLifeTimer self.basePoint = basePoint self.textLocation = (self.buttonSize[POS_X] / 2, self.buttonSize[POS_Y] / 2) self.buttonBasePoint = location self.effect = func self.alignment = alignment self.textSprite = Text(fontType, fontSize, textColor, text, textIndex=textIndex, location=self.textLocation, alignment=CENTER_MIDDLE, basePoint=self.basePoint) self.buildImage(self.backgroundColor)
def update_pop_ups(self, tag: str, b_press=set()): """Renderöi pop-up ikkunat näkyville tagin perusteella. Myös sen napit. Args: tag (str): mikä pop-up ikkuna halutaan näkyville. b_press (set(str), valinnainen): Renderöi kaikki setissä olevat napit painetuiksi. """ size = (350, 250) x = (self.screen_size[0] - size[0]) // 2 y = (self.screen_size[1] - size[1]) // 2 restart_pop = Tile(0, x, y, color=(100, 100, 100)) restart_pop.color = (230, 200, 200) restart_pop.image = pg.transform.scale(restart_pop.img, size) self.pop_ups.add(restart_pop) # Buttons: margin = 15 b_size = (90, 35) if "b_yes" in b_press: b_color = (0, 100, 0) else: b_color = (0, 200, 0) b_yes = Button(tag="b_yes", text="Yes", text_color=(240, 240, 240), img_file_str=self.files.get_button_img_str(), b_color=b_color, position=(x + size[0] // 2 - b_size[0] * 1.5 + 20, y + size[1] // 1.5), size=b_size, rotate=0) if "b_no" in b_press: b_color = (100, 0, 0) else: b_color = (200, 0, 0) b_no = Button(tag="b_no", text="No", text_color=(240, 240, 240), img_file_str=self.files.get_button_img_str(), b_color=b_color, position=(x + size[0] // 2 + b_size[0] * .5 - 20, y + size[1] // 1.5), size=b_size, rotate=0) self.pop_up_buttons.add(b_yes) self.pop_up_buttons.add(b_no) # Text: x = x + margin y = y + margin s = "" if tag == "restart": s = "Are you sure you want restart?" elif tag == "menu": s = "Return to the main menu?" text = Text(s, x, y, 25, (255, 255, 255), size[0] - margin * 2, 40, (100, 100, 100)) self.pop_ups.add(text)
def draw(self): self.scoreSprite = Text(text=self.getText(self.scores[0].score, self.scores[1].score)) return self.scoreSprite
def draw(self): self.scoreSprite = Text(text=self.getText(self.scoreC.score)) return self.scoreSprite
def process(self): # Load Image slitherPosterImg = utility.loadImage("2017_slither_poster") slitherPosterImg = utility.resizeImage(slitherPosterImg, (800, 600)) slitherPosterRect = slitherPosterImg.get_rect() = SCREEN_MID # Load Sound introBMG = utility.loadSound("BGM") introBMG.set_volume(0.3) # event mEventDistributor = pygameEventDistributor(GAME_INTRO_LISTENING_EVENT) mEventDistributor.listen( Request("GameIntro_quit", self._quit, addtionalTarget=pygame.QUIT)) mTickEventHandler = tickEventHandler.TickEventHandler( mEventDistributor) # button settings buttonSize = (150, 40) fontSize = 30 padding_x = 150 padding_y = 150 # make button player1Btn = Button(self.returnP1HS, text="1 player", alignment=BOTTOM_LEFT, location=(0 + padding_x, SCREEN_HEIGHT - padding_y), buttonSize=buttonSize, fontSize=fontSize) player1Btn.listen(mTickEventHandler) player2Btn = Button(self.returnP2C, text="2 players", alignment=BOTTOM_RIGHT, location=(SCREEN_WIDTH - padding_x, SCREEN_HEIGHT - padding_y), buttonSize=buttonSize, fontSize=fontSize) player2Btn.listen(mTickEventHandler) quitBtn = Button(self._quit, text="quit", alignment=BOTTOM_MIDDLE, location=(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT), buttonSize=buttonSize, fontSize=fontSize, backgroundColor=RED) quitBtn.listen(mTickEventHandler) # make text title = Text(color=BLUE, text="Slither Game by Enjoeyland", fontSize=40, location=(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 4), alignment=TOP_MIDDLE) # merge(make intro page) groupIntro = pygame.sprite.Group() groupIntro.add(player1Btn) groupIntro.add(player2Btn) groupIntro.add(quitBtn) groupIntro.add(title) utility.playSound(introBMG, loops=PLAY_INFINITELY) while self.__changedGameState == None: mEventDistributor.distribute() self.screen.fill(SCREEN_BACKGROUND) self.screen.blit(slitherPosterImg, (0, 0)) groupIntro.update() groupIntro.draw(self.screen) pygame.display.update() pygame.time.Clock().tick(10) introBMG.fadeout(2) return self.__changedGameState