def __init__(self): Sink.__init__(self) disabledButton = Button("Disabled Button") disabledCheck = CheckBox("Disabled Check") normalButton = Button("Normal Button") normalCheck = CheckBox("Normal Check") panel = VerticalPanel() radio0 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 0") radio1 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 1") radio2 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 2 (Disabled)") radio3 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 3") hp=HorizontalPanel() panel.add(hp) hp.setSpacing(8) hp.add(normalButton) hp.add(disabledButton) hp=HorizontalPanel() panel.add(hp) hp.setSpacing(8) hp.add(normalCheck) hp.add(disabledCheck) hp=HorizontalPanel() panel.add(hp) hp.setSpacing(8) hp.add(radio0) hp.add(radio1) hp.add(radio2) hp.add(radio3) disabledButton.setEnabled(False) disabledCheck.setEnabled(False) radio2.setEnabled(False) panel.setSpacing(8) self.initWidget(panel)
def __init__(self): disabledButton = Button("Disabled Button") disabledCheck = CheckBox("Disabled Check") normalButton = Button("Normal Button") normalCheck = CheckBox("Normal Check") panel = VerticalPanel() radio0 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 0") radio1 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 1") radio2 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 2 (Disabled)") radio3 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 3") hp = HorizontalPanel() panel.add(hp) hp.setSpacing(8) hp.add(normalButton) hp.add(disabledButton) hp = HorizontalPanel() panel.add(hp) hp.setSpacing(8) hp.add(normalCheck) hp.add(disabledCheck) hp = HorizontalPanel() panel.add(hp) hp.setSpacing(8) hp.add(radio0) hp.add(radio1) hp.add(radio2) hp.add(radio3) disabledButton.setEnabled(False) disabledCheck.setEnabled(False) radio2.setEnabled(False) panel.setSpacing(8) self.setWidget(panel)
def __init__(self): panel = VerticalPanel() panel.add(CheckBox("Get groceries")) panel.add(CheckBox("Walk the dog")) panel.add(CheckBox("Start Web 2.0 company")) panel.add(CheckBox("Write cool app in GWT")) panel.add(CheckBox("Get funding")) panel.add(CheckBox("Take a vacation")) self.setWidget(panel) self.setStyleName("mail-Tasks")
def __init__(self, owner, caption, day): CheckBox.__init__(self, caption) = day self.addClickListener(owner.dayCheckBoxListener) self.setChecked(owner.calendar.getDayIncluded(day))
def __init__(self): text = "This is a <code>ScrollPanel</code> contained at " text += "the center of a <code>DockPanel</code>. " text += "By putting some fairly large contents " text += "in the middle and setting its size explicitly, it becomes a " text += "scrollable area within the page, but without requiring the use of " text += "an IFRAME." text += "Here's quite a bit more meaningless text that will serve primarily " text += "to make this thing scroll off the bottom of its visible area. " text += "Otherwise, you might have to make it really, really small in order " text += "to see the nifty scroll bars!" contents = HTML(text) scroller = ScrollPanel(contents) scroller.setStyleName("ks-layouts-Scroller") dock = DockPanel() dock.setHorizontalAlignment(HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER) north0 = HTML("This is the <i>first</i> north component", True) east = HTML("<center>This<br>is<br>the<br>east<br>component</center>", True) south = HTML("This is the south component") west = HTML("<center>This<br>is<br>the<br>west<br>component</center>", True) north1 = HTML("This is the <b>second</b> north component", True) dock.add(north0, DockPanel.NORTH) dock.add(east, DockPanel.EAST) dock.add(south, DockPanel.SOUTH) dock.add(west, DockPanel.WEST) dock.add(north1, DockPanel.NORTH) dock.add(scroller, DockPanel.CENTER) Logger("Layouts", "TODO: flowpanel") flow = FlowPanel() for i in range(8): flow.add(CheckBox("Flow " + i)) horz = HorizontalPanel() horz.setVerticalAlignment(HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE) horz.add(Button("Button")) horz.add(HTML("<center>This is a<br>very<br>tall thing</center>", True)) horz.add(Button("Button")) vert = VerticalPanel() vert.setHorizontalAlignment(HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER) vert.add(Button("Small")) vert.add(Button("--- BigBigBigBig ---")) vert.add(Button("tiny")) menu = MenuBar() menu0 = MenuBar(True) menu1 = MenuBar(True) menu.addNewItem("menu0", False, None, menu0) menu.addNewItem("menu1", False, None, menu1) menu0.addNewItem("child00") menu0.addNewItem("child01") menu0.addNewItem("child02") menu1.addNewItem("child10") menu1.addNewItem("child11") menu1.addNewItem("child12") Logger("Layouts", "TODO: htmlpanel") id = HTMLPanel.createUniqueId() text = "This is an <code>HTMLPanel</code>. It allows you to add " text += "components inside existing HTML, like this:" + "<span id='" + id text += "'></span>" + "Notice how the menu just fits snugly in there? Cute." html = HTMLPanel(text) DOM.setStyleAttribute(menu.getElement(), "display", "inline") html.add(menu, id) panel = VerticalPanel() panel.setSpacing(8) panel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER) panel.add(self.makeLabel("Dock Panel")) panel.add(dock) panel.add(self.makeLabel("Flow Panel")) panel.add(flow) panel.add(self.makeLabel("Horizontal Panel")) panel.add(horz) panel.add(self.makeLabel("Vertical Panel")) panel.add(vert) panel.add(self.makeLabel("HTML Panel")) panel.add(html) self.setWidget(panel) self.setStyleName("ks-layouts")