def add_user(): username = input("Enter username: "******"Enter password: "******"Enter email address: ").strip() # Validate username. validated = validate_username(username, password, email) if validated == 1: ui_.message_out(username, g_.s, 'No Duplicate entries exist.') proceed = create_user_in_table(username, password, email) ui_.message_out(username, g_.s, 'User created confirmed.') if proceed != 1: return 0 elif validated == -1: ui_.message_out('', g_.e, 'Username or Password or email is blank.') return 0 elif validated == -2: ui_.message_out('', g_.e, 'Email address already registered.') return 0 else: ui_.message_out('', g_.e, 'Username exists.') add_user() creat_user_log_file(username) create_user_config_file(username) main_3.main(username, 'activate_service_1') main_3.main(username, 'add_folder') main_3.main(username, 'run') return username
def create_user_in_table(username, password, email): try: file_path = g_.root + g_.folder_db + 'users.csv' user_details = open(file_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') user_details.write('\n' + username + ',' + password + ',' + email) user_details.close() ui_.message_out(username, g_.s, 'User added.') except: return 0 return 1
def find_next_photo(username): file_path = g_.root + g_.folder_db + username + '_sequence.csv' data = pd.read_csv(file_path) rows = data.loc[data['uploaded'] == 'not-done'] if rows.empty: ui_.message_out(username, g_.e, "No more photographs to share.") time.sleep(15) return '' else: folder_no = rows.iloc[0]['folder_no'] photo_path = rows.iloc[0]['file_path'] return [folder_no, photo_path]
def check_signin(username, password): file_path = g_.root + g_.folder_db + 'users.csv' # user_details = open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') user_list = pd.read_csv(file_path) # user_details.close() # So user_list is a table with all usernames and passwords. row = user_list.loc[(user_list['username'] == username)] if row.empty: return 0 else: try: if str(row.iloc[0]['password']).strip() != password: ui_.message_out('', g_.e, 'Password did not match') return 0 except: return 0 # username and password match. ui_.message_out(username, g_.s, 'User signed in.') return 1
def fb_page_post_image(username, file, graph, description, count): with open(file, "rb") as image: graph.put_photo(image=image, message=description) notification.notify("Uploaded:", str(file)) ui_.message_out(username, g_.s, 'Uploaded ' + str(file)) # Update the log log = g_.root + g_.folder_db + 'db.csv' log_content = open(log, 'a', encoding='utf-8') log_content.write( str( + ',' + "Uploaded" + ',' + str(file) + '\n') log_content.close() # Update count number. count = count + 1 counter = g_.root + g_.folder_db + 'count.txt' counter_content = open(counter, 'w', encoding='utf-8') counter_content.write(str(count)) counter_content.close() time.sleep(60) return count
def main(user, text): if text.strip() == 'add_folder': proceed = func_sequence.add_folder(user) if proceed == 1: ui_.message_out(user, g_.s, 'Folder is added successfully.') confirm = input("Add another folder?").strip() if confirm in g_.yes: main(user, 'add_folder') elif text == 'sign_up': proceed = func_sequence.add_user() if proceed != 0: ui_.message_out(proceed, g_.s, 'User created.') elif text == 'run': main_bg.run_service_1(user) elif text == 'activate_service_1': func_sequence.activate_service(user, 1) ui_.message_out(user, g_.s, user) else: ui_.message_out('', g_.e, text + ' is not a recognised command.')
def add_folder(username): # Authorise Dropbox. [Out of Scope of this program. We work with predefined user; Me.] folder_name = input("Enter folder name: ").strip() if folder_name != '': # Check if the folder exists. folder_exists = check_folder_exists(folder_name) # Finds the most relevant link for the folder. link = f_.create_link(folder_name) # Finding the link. # Shortens the link using short_link = f_.shorten_link(link) # Shortened link. # Creates the folder number: try: num = get_latest_folder_no(username) num = num + 1 except: num = 1 # Enters the folder, link, shortened link to the database. to_folder_rec(username, num, folder_name, link, short_link) # Randomises the files. proceed = sequence_files(username, num, folder_name) if proceed == 1: ui_.message_out(username, g_.s, 'Randomised List made.') return 1 if proceed == 0: ui_.message_out(username, g_.e, 'Randomised List failed.') return 0 else: ui_.message_out(username, g_.e, 'No folder name entered.') return 0
def run_service_1(username): # Service 1: Fetch photographs from the schedule and upload on Facebook. # Check if service 1 is active for the username. is_active = is_service_active('service_1', username) if is_active != 'active': ui_.message_out(username, g_.e, 'Service is not active.') return 0 elif is_active == 'failed': ui_.message_out(username, g_.e, 'Could not connect to user_services database.') return 0 else: ui_.message_out( username, g_.s, 'Started the service "Upload to Facebook at regular interval."') print(g_.selected_fb_time) while is_active == 'active': curr_time = str( + ":" + str( if curr_time in g_.selected_fb_time: is_active = is_service_active('service_1', username) if is_active == 'active': print("shob active ache.") # Read from the scheduled csv file: Get folder no. and file path. folder_und_path = find_next_photo(username) print(folder_und_path) if not folder_und_path: print("No photographs to share") if folder_und_path != '': folder_no = folder_und_path[0] photo_path = folder_und_path[1] photo_available = is_photo_available( username, photo_path) if not photo_available: ui_.message_out(username, g_.e, 'No more photographs to share.') folder_no = '' photo_path = '' elif photo_available[0] != 'works': # If the photo is not available, choose the next available one. folder_no = photo_available[0] photo_path = photo_available[1] if folder_no != '': # Find the long link, short link. long_link_und_short_link = find_links( username, folder_no) print(long_link_und_short_link) long_link = long_link_und_short_link[0] short_link = long_link_und_short_link[1] # Fetch a description using the long link. description = summarise.get_summary_description( long_link, 'fb') # Check if the shortened link exist. if short_link != '': description = description + " Check out more at " + short_link # Upload the image with the description. page_graph = f_.fb_page_graph_build( g_.page_id, g_.client_token) try: with open(g_.root + 'temp_', "rb") as image: page_graph.put_photo(image=image, message=description) ui_.message_out(username, g_.s, 'Uploaded: ' + str(photo_path)) except: ui_.message_out( username, g_.e, 'Upload failed: ' + str(photo_path)) # Delete the temporary file. os.remove(g_.root + 'temp_') # Mark the file as done. mark_the_file_done(username, photo_path) # Put to sleep for 59 seconds. time.sleep(59) return 1
proceed = func_sequence.add_user() if proceed != 0: ui_.message_out(proceed, g_.s, 'User created.') elif text == 'run': main_bg.run_service_1(user) elif text == 'activate_service_1': func_sequence.activate_service(user, 1) ui_.message_out(user, g_.s, user) else: ui_.message_out('', g_.e, text + ' is not a recognised command.') if __name__ == '__main__': username = func_sequence.signin() if username != 'error': ok_continue = 1 while ok_continue == 1: selection = input("Input the following options:\n" "'add_folder' to add folder\n") main(username, selection) ok_continue = input("Would you want to continue? ") if ok_continue in g_.yes: ok_continue = 1 else: ui_.message_out('', g_.e, 'Signing in failed.') ok_continue = input("Would you like to sign up?") if ok_continue in g_.yes: main('', 'sign_up') else: ui_.message_out('', g_.i, 'Bye.')