コード例 #1
ファイル: ui_wizard.py プロジェクト: jtomase/matplotlib
def ui_wizard(ui, parent):

    # Create the copy of the 'context' we will need while editing:
    context = ui.context
    ui._context = context
    new_context = {}
    for name, value in context.items():
        new_context[name] = value.clone_traits()
    ui.context = new_context

    # Now bind the context values to the 'info' object:

    # Create the Tkinter wizard window:
    ui.control = wizard = wz.Wizard(parent, -1, ui.view.title)

    # Create all of the wizard pages:
    pages = []
    editor_pages = []
    info = ui.info
    shadow_group = ui.view.content.get_shadow(ui)
    min_dx = min_dy = 0
    for group in shadow_group.get_content():
        page = UIWizardPage(wizard, editor_pages)
        fill_panel_for_group(page, group, ui)

        # Size the page correctly, then calculate cumulative minimum size:
        sizer = page.GetSizer()
        size = sizer.CalcMin()
        min_dx = max(min_dx, size.GetWidth())
        min_dy = max(min_dy, size.GetHeight())

        # If necessary, create a GroupEditor and attach it to the right places:
        id = group.id
        if id or group.enabled_when:
            page.editor = editor = GroupEditor(control=page)
            if id:
                page.id = id
                info.bind(id, editor)
            if group.enabled_when:
                ui.add_enabled(group.enabled_when, editor)

    # Size the wizard correctly:
    wizard.SetPageSize(wx.Size(min_dx, min_dy))

    # Set up the wizard 'page changing' event handler:
    wz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING(wizard, wizard.GetId(), page_changing)

    # Size the wizard and the individual pages appropriately:
    prev_page = pages[0]

    # Link the pages together:
    for page in pages[1:]:
        prev_page = page

    # Finalize the display of the wizard:
        ui.control.ui = None
        ui.control = None
        ui.result = False

    # Position the wizard on the display:

    # Run the wizard:
    if wizard.RunWizard(pages[0]):
        # If successful, apply the modified context to the original context:
        original = ui._context
        for name, value in ui.context.items():
        ui.result = True
        ui.result = False

    # Clean up loose ends, like restoring the original context:
    ui.control = None
    ui.context = ui._context
    ui._context = {}
コード例 #2
def ui_wizard(ui, parent):
    """ Creates a wizard-based wxPython user interface for a specified UI
    # Create the copy of the 'context' we will need while editing:
    context = ui.context
    ui._context = context
    new_context = {}
    for name, value in context.items():
        if value is not None:
            new_context[name] = value.clone_traits()
            new_context[name] = None

    ui.context = new_context

    # Now bind the context values to the 'info' object:

    # Create the wxPython wizard window:
    title = ui.view.title
    if title == '':
        title = DefaultTitle
    ui.control = wizard = wz.Wizard(parent, -1, title)

    # Create all of the wizard pages:
    pages = []
    editor_pages = []
    info = ui.info
    shadow_group = ui.view.content.get_shadow(ui)
    min_dx = min_dy = 0
    # Create a dictionary mapping each contained group in shadow_group to
    # its id and enabled_when fields.
    group_fields_mapping = {}
    for group in shadow_group.get_content():
        # FIXME: When the group's id or enabled_when or visible_when is
        # set, the "fill_panel_for_group" will create a new Panel to hold the
        # contents of the group (instead of adding them to the page itself).
        # This leads to an incorrect sizing of the panel(not sure why
        # actually): example would be 'test_ui2.py' in
        # Traits/integrationtests/ui. In addition,
        # it leads to incorrect bindings (of the id) on the UIInfo object:
        # the id is bound to the GroupEditor created in "fill_panel.."
        # instead of the PageGroupEditor created here.
        # A simple solution is to clear out these fields before calling
        # "fill_panel_for_group", and then reset these traits.
        group_fields_mapping[group] = (group.id, group.enabled_when)
        (group.id, group.enabled_when) = ('', '')
        page = UIWizardPage(wizard, editor_pages)
        fill_panel_for_group(page, group, ui)

        # Size the page correctly, then calculate cumulative minimum size:
        sizer = page.GetSizer()
        size = sizer.CalcMin()
        min_dx = max(min_dx, size.GetWidth())
        min_dy = max(min_dy, size.GetHeight())

        # If necessary, create a PageGroupEditor and attach it to the right
        # places:
        (group.id, group.enabled_when) = group_fields_mapping[group]
        if group.id or group.enabled_when:
            page.editor = editor = PageGroupEditor(control=page)
            if group.id:
                page.id = group.id
                info.bind(page.id, editor)
            if group.enabled_when:
                ui.add_enabled(group.enabled_when, editor)

    # Size the wizard correctly:
    wizard.SetPageSize(wx.Size(min_dx, min_dy))

    # Set up the wizard 'page changing' event handler:
    wz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING(wizard, wizard.GetId(), page_changing)

    # Size the wizard and the individual pages appropriately:
    prev_page = pages[0]

    # Link the pages together:
    for page in pages[1:]:
        prev_page = page

    # Finalize the display of the wizard:
        ui.control.ui = None
        ui.control = None
        ui.result = False

    # Position the wizard on the display:

    # Restore the user_preference items for the user interface:

    # Run the wizard:
    if wizard.RunWizard(pages[0]):
        # If successful, apply the modified context to the original context:
        original = ui._context
        for name, value in ui.context.items():
            if value is not None:
                original[name] = None
        ui.result = True
        ui.result = False

    # Clean up loose ends, like restoring the original context:
    ui.context = ui._context
    ui._context = {}
コード例 #3
ファイル: ui_wizard.py プロジェクト: 5n1p/traitsui
def ui_wizard ( ui, parent ):
    """ Creates a wizard-based wxPython user interface for a specified UI
    # Create the copy of the 'context' we will need while editing:
    context     = ui.context
    ui._context = context
    new_context = {}
    for name, value in context.items():
        if value is not None:
            new_context[ name ] = value.clone_traits()
            new_context[ name ] = None

    ui.context = new_context

    # Now bind the context values to the 'info' object:

    # Create the wxPython wizard window:
    title = ui.view.title
    if title == '':
        title = DefaultTitle
    ui.control = wizard = wz.Wizard( parent, -1, title )

    # Create all of the wizard pages:
    pages        = []
    editor_pages = []
    info         = ui.info
    shadow_group = ui.view.content.get_shadow( ui )
    min_dx = min_dy = 0
    # Create a dictionary mapping each contained group in shadow_group to
    # its id and enabled_when fields.
    group_fields_mapping = {}
    for group in shadow_group.get_content():
        # FIXME: When the group's id or enabled_when or visible_when is
        # set, the "fill_panel_for_group" will create a new Panel to hold the
        # contents of the group (instead of adding them to the page itself).
        # This leads to an incorrect sizing of the panel(not sure why
        # actually): example would be 'test_ui2.py' in
        # Traits/integrationtests/ui. In addition,
        # it leads to incorrect bindings (of the id) on the UIInfo object:
        # the id is bound to the GroupEditor created in "fill_panel.."
        # instead of the PageGroupEditor created here.
        # A simple solution is to clear out these fields before calling
        # "fill_panel_for_group", and then reset these traits.
        group_fields_mapping[group] = (group.id, group.enabled_when)
        (group.id, group.enabled_when) = ('', '')
        page = UIWizardPage( wizard, editor_pages )
        pages.append( page )
        fill_panel_for_group( page, group, ui )

        # Size the page correctly, then calculate cumulative minimum size:
        sizer = page.GetSizer()
        sizer.Fit( page )
        size   = sizer.CalcMin()
        min_dx = max( min_dx, size.GetWidth() )
        min_dy = max( min_dy, size.GetHeight() )

        # If necessary, create a PageGroupEditor and attach it to the right
        # places:
        (group.id, group.enabled_when) = group_fields_mapping[group]
        if group.id or group.enabled_when:
            page.editor = editor = PageGroupEditor( control = page )
            if group.id:
                page.id = group.id
                editor_pages.append( page )
                info.bind( page.id, editor )
            if group.enabled_when:
                ui.add_enabled( group.enabled_when, editor )

    # Size the wizard correctly:
    wizard.SetPageSize( wx.Size( min_dx, min_dy ) )

    # Set up the wizard 'page changing' event handler:
    wz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING( wizard, wizard.GetId(), page_changing )

    # Size the wizard and the individual pages appropriately:
    prev_page = pages[0]
    wizard.FitToPage( prev_page )

    # Link the pages together:
    for page in pages[1:]:
        page.SetPrev( prev_page )
        prev_page.SetNext( page )
        prev_page = page

    # Finalize the display of the wizard:
        ui.control.ui = None
        ui.control    = None
        ui.result     = False

    # Position the wizard on the display:
    ui.handler.position( ui.info )

    # Restore the user_preference items for the user interface:
    restore_window( ui )

    # Run the wizard:
    if wizard.RunWizard( pages[0] ):
        # If successful, apply the modified context to the original context:
        original = ui._context
        for name, value in ui.context.items():
            if value is not None:
                original[ name ].copy_traits( value )
                original[ name ] = None
        ui.result = True
        ui.result = False

    # Clean up loose ends, like restoring the original context:
    save_window( ui )
    ui.context  = ui._context
    ui._context = {}
コード例 #4
ファイル: ui_wizard.py プロジェクト: gkliska/razvoj
def ui_wizard ( ui, parent ):
    # Create the copy of the 'context' we will need while editing:
    context     = ui.context
    ui._context = context
    new_context = {}
    for name, value in context.items():
        new_context[ name ] = value.clone_traits()
    ui.context = new_context
    # Now bind the context values to the 'info' object:
    # Create the Tkinter wizard window:
    ui.control = wizard = wz.Wizard( parent, -1, ui.view.title )
    # Create all of the wizard pages:
    pages        = []
    editor_pages = []
    info         = ui.info
    shadow_group = ui.view.content.get_shadow( ui )
    min_dx = min_dy = 0
    for group in shadow_group.get_content():
        page = UIWizardPage( wizard, editor_pages )
        pages.append( page )
        fill_panel_for_group( page, group, ui )
        # Size the page correctly, then calculate cumulative minimum size:
        sizer = page.GetSizer()
        sizer.Fit( page )
        size   = sizer.CalcMin()
        min_dx = max( min_dx, size.GetWidth() )
        min_dy = max( min_dy, size.GetHeight() )
        # If necessary, create a GroupEditor and attach it to the right places:
        id = group.id
        if id or group.enabled_when:
            page.editor = editor = GroupEditor( control = page )
            if id:
                page.id = id
                editor_pages.append( page )
                info.bind( id, editor )
            if group.enabled_when:
                ui.add_enabled( group.enabled_when, editor )
    # Size the wizard correctly:                
    wizard.SetPageSize( wx.Size( min_dx, min_dy ) )
    # Set up the wizard 'page changing' event handler:
    wz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING( wizard, wizard.GetId(), page_changing )
    # Size the wizard and the individual pages appropriately:
    prev_page = pages[0]
    wizard.FitToPage( prev_page )
    # Link the pages together:
    for page in pages[1:]:
        page.SetPrev( prev_page )
        prev_page.SetNext( page )
        prev_page = page
    # Finalize the display of the wizard:
        ui.control.ui = None
        ui.control    = None
        ui.result     = False
    # Position the wizard on the display:
    ui.handler.position( ui.info )
    # Run the wizard:
    if wizard.RunWizard( pages[0] ):
        # If successful, apply the modified context to the original context: 
        original = ui._context
        for name, value in ui.context.items():
            original[ name ].copy_traits( value )
        ui.result = True
        ui.result = False
    # Clean up loose ends, like restoring the original context:
    ui.control  = None
    ui.context  = ui._context
    ui._context = {}