コード例 #1
 def changePassword(self, user_agent, ip, _email, _alt_email, useAsNewUidFlag, pid, rid, source, app_code, password, mode):
       This will call the web-service to get the Password Reseted.
       @param usr_agent: User Agent of the Browser
       @param ip: IP address of the user
       @param _email: Email Id, which has been used for signup /id he has access to get the verification mail.
       @param _alt_email: Email Id, he has access to get the verification mail.
       @param useAsNewUidFlag: If User want to use alternative email as primary login id.
       @param pid: profile id Of the user.
       @param rid: request Id for this change password.
       @param source: Source through which change password approved.
       @param app_code: Application code from which its initiated.
       @param password: New Password.
       @param mode: Which mode user tried to reseting the password.
       @return: Return the response received from Web-service
     # for the Data Form to be sent over network
     forms = {"mode": mode, "client_meta": user_agent, "ip": ip, "email": _email, "alt_email":_alt_email, "pwd": password,
              "change_new_uid_flag": useAsNewUidFlag, "pid":pid, "rid": rid, "source": source}
     data = urllib.urlencode(forms, doseq=True);
     # form the URL
     WEB_BASE_URL = getattr(settings, "REST_BASE_URL", None);
     WEB_BASE_URL += 'changepassword'
     # make instance of rest client
     client = RestClient();
     return client.postWithAuthHeader(WEB_BASE_URL, data);
コード例 #2
    def authenticate(self, usr_agent, ip, usr_id, pwd, keepmelogin):
          This will call the web-service to get the user authenticated.
          @param usr_agent: User Agent of the Browser
          @param ip: IP address of the user
          @param usr_id: User ID entered by the user.
          @param pwd: Password Entered by the user.
          @param keepmelogin: Keep me login flag, checked by the user
          @return: Return the response received from Web-service
        # for the Data Form to be sent over network
        forms = {
            "type": "form",
            "client_meta": usr_agent,
            "ip": ip,
            "user_id": usr_id,
            "pwd": pwd,
            "keepmelogin": keepmelogin,
            "id_type": self.getTypeOfUserId(usr_id)
        data = urllib.urlencode(forms, doseq=True)

        # form the URL
        WEB_BASE_URL = getattr(settings, "REST_BASE_URL", None)
        WEB_BASE_URL += 'auth'
        # make instance of rest client
        client = RestClient()
        return client.postWithAuthHeader(WEB_BASE_URL, data)
コード例 #3
    def requestForNewToken(self, app_code, mode, pid, rid, _email, _alt_email,
                           user_ip, user_agent):
           This will make the web-service call to send the new token mail.
           @param app_code: Application Code Where Request came from
           @param mode: The way user tries to reset the password, it might be by his own mail or by alternative email.
           @param pid: Profile Id of the user.
           @param rid: Request ID that has been previously created.
           @param _email: An Email ID, which he has registered
           @param _alt_email: AlterNative Email through which user wants the token.
           @param user_ip: Client IP
           @param user_agent: Client Agent.
           @return: A response message gets from the service call
        # for the Data Form to be sent over network
        forms = {
            "mode": mode,
            "client_meta": user_agent,
            "ip": user_ip,
            "email": _email,
            "alt_email": _alt_email,
            "pid": pid,
            'rid': rid,
            'app': app_code
        data = urllib.urlencode(forms, doseq=True)

        # form the URL
        WEB_BASE_URL = getattr(settings, "REST_BASE_URL", None)
        WEB_BASE_URL += 'forgotPassword/re-send/mail'
        # make instance of rest client
        client = RestClient()
        return client.postWithAuthHeader(WEB_BASE_URL, data)
コード例 #4
    def forgotPassword(self, user_agent, ip, _email, _alt_email, _recent_pwd,
                       _reset_option, destination):
          This will call the web-service to get the Password Reseted.
          @param usr_agent: User Agent of the Browser
          @param ip: IP address of the user
          @param email: Email Id, which has been used for signup /id he has access to get the verification mail.
          @param _alt_email: Email Id, he has access to get the verification mail.
          @param _recent_pwd: Most Recent Password he has been used in case he has lost access.
          @param _reset_option: mode might be 1 or 2, 1 means reseting by his own mail, 2 means reseting by other email.
          @param destination: A destination where user will be navigated back once validated.
          @return: Return the response received from Web-service
        # for the Data Form to be sent over network
        forms = {
            "mode": _reset_option,
            "client_meta": user_agent,
            "ip": ip,
            "email": _email,
            "alt_email": _alt_email,
            "pwd": _recent_pwd,
            'des': destination
        data = urllib.urlencode(forms, doseq=True)

        # form the URL
        WEB_BASE_URL = getattr(settings, "REST_BASE_URL", None)
        WEB_BASE_URL += 'forgotPassword'
        # make instance of rest client
        client = RestClient()
        return client.postWithAuthHeader(WEB_BASE_URL, data)
コード例 #5
 def authenticate(self, usr_agent, ip, usr_id, pwd, keepmelogin):
       This will call the web-service to get the user authenticated.
       @param usr_agent: User Agent of the Browser
       @param ip: IP address of the user
       @param usr_id: User ID entered by the user.
       @param pwd: Password Entered by the user.
       @param keepmelogin: Keep me login flag, checked by the user
       @return: Return the response received from Web-service
     # for the Data Form to be sent over network
     forms = {"type": "form", "client_meta": usr_agent, "ip": ip, "user_id": usr_id, "pwd": pwd, "keepmelogin": keepmelogin, "id_type":self.getTypeOfUserId(usr_id)}
     data = urllib.urlencode(forms, doseq=True);
     # form the URL
     WEB_BASE_URL = getattr(settings, "REST_BASE_URL", None);
     WEB_BASE_URL += 'auth'
     # make instance of rest client
     client = RestClient();
     return client.postWithAuthHeader(WEB_BASE_URL, data);
コード例 #6
 def forgotPassword(self, user_agent, ip, _email, _alt_email, _recent_pwd, _reset_option, destination):
       This will call the web-service to get the Password Reseted.
       @param usr_agent: User Agent of the Browser
       @param ip: IP address of the user
       @param email: Email Id, which has been used for signup /id he has access to get the verification mail.
       @param _alt_email: Email Id, he has access to get the verification mail.
       @param _recent_pwd: Most Recent Password he has been used in case he has lost access.
       @param _reset_option: mode might be 1 or 2, 1 means reseting by his own mail, 2 means reseting by other email.
       @param destination: A destination where user will be navigated back once validated.
       @return: Return the response received from Web-service
     # for the Data Form to be sent over network
     forms = {"mode": _reset_option, "client_meta": user_agent, "ip": ip, "email": _email, "alt_email":_alt_email, "pwd": _recent_pwd, 'des': destination}
     data = urllib.urlencode(forms, doseq=True);
     # form the URL
     WEB_BASE_URL = getattr(settings, "REST_BASE_URL", None);
     WEB_BASE_URL += 'forgotPassword'
     # make instance of rest client
     client = RestClient();
     return client.postWithAuthHeader(WEB_BASE_URL, data);
コード例 #7
 def requestForNewToken(self, app_code, mode, pid, rid, _email, _alt_email, user_ip, user_agent):
        This will make the web-service call to send the new token mail.
        @param app_code: Application Code Where Request came from
        @param mode: The way user tries to reset the password, it might be by his own mail or by alternative email.
        @param pid: Profile Id of the user.
        @param rid: Request ID that has been previously created.
        @param _email: An Email ID, which he has registered
        @param _alt_email: AlterNative Email through which user wants the token.
        @param user_ip: Client IP
        @param user_agent: Client Agent.
        @return: A response message gets from the service call
     # for the Data Form to be sent over network
     forms = {"mode": mode, "client_meta": user_agent, "ip": user_ip, "email": _email, "alt_email":_alt_email, "pid": pid, 'rid': rid, 'app':app_code}
     data = urllib.urlencode(forms, doseq=True);
     # form the URL
     WEB_BASE_URL = getattr(settings, "REST_BASE_URL", None);
     WEB_BASE_URL += 'forgotPassword/re-send/mail'
     # make instance of rest client
     client = RestClient();
     return client.postWithAuthHeader(WEB_BASE_URL, data);