コード例 #1
def main():
    global rate
    daq_device = None
    ai_device = None
    ai_info = None

    descriptor_index = 0
    range_index = 0
    interface_type = InterfaceType.USB
    low_channel = 0
    high_channel = 3
    samples_per_channel = 10000
    rate = 100
    flags = AInScanFlag.DEFAULT
    event_types = (DaqEventType.ON_DATA_AVAILABLE
                   | DaqEventType.ON_END_OF_INPUT_SCAN
                   | DaqEventType.ON_INPUT_SCAN_ERROR)

    ScanParams = namedtuple('ScanParams',
                            'buffer high_chan low_chan descriptor status')

    # set the scan options for a FINITE scan ... to set the scan options for
    # a continuous scan, uncomment the line that or's the SO_CONTINUOUS option
    # into to the scanOptions variable
    scan_options = ScanOption.DEFAULTIO
    # scan_options |= ScanOption.CONTINUOUS

        # Get descriptors for all of the available DAQ devices.
        devices = get_daq_device_inventory(interface_type)
        number_of_devices = len(devices)
        if number_of_devices == 0:
            raise Exception('Error: No DAQ devices found')

        print('Found', number_of_devices, 'DAQ device(s):')
        for i in range(number_of_devices):
            print('  ',
                  ' (',

        # Create the DAQ device object from the specified descriptor index.
        daq_device = DaqDevice(devices[descriptor_index])

        # Get the AiDevice object and verify that it is valid.
        ai_device = daq_device.get_ai_device()
        if ai_device is None:
            raise Exception('Error: The DAQ device does not support analog '

        # Verify the device supports hardware pacing for analog input.
        ai_info = ai_device.get_info()
        if not ai_info.has_pacer():
            raise Exception(
                '\nError: The specified DAQ device does not support'
                ' hardware paced analog input')

        # Establish a connection to the DAQ device.
        descriptor = daq_device.get_descriptor()
        print('\nConnecting to', descriptor.dev_string, '- please wait...')

        # The default input mode is SINGLE_ENDED.
        input_mode = AiInputMode.SINGLE_ENDED
        # If SINGLE_ENDED input mode is not supported, set to DIFFERENTIAL.
        if ai_info.get_num_chans_by_mode(AiInputMode.SINGLE_ENDED) <= 0:
            input_mode = AiInputMode.DIFFERENTIAL

        # Get the number of channels and validate the high channel number.
        number_of_channels = ai_info.get_num_chans_by_mode(input_mode)
        if high_channel >= number_of_channels:
            high_channel = number_of_channels - 1
        channel_count = high_channel - low_channel + 1

        # Get a list of supported ranges and validate the range index.
        ranges = ai_info.get_ranges(input_mode)
        if range_index >= len(ranges):
            range_index = len(ranges) - 1

        # Allocate a buffer to receive the data.
        data = create_float_buffer(channel_count, samples_per_channel)

        # Store the user data for use in the callback function.
        scan_status = {'complete': False, 'error': False}
        user_data = ScanParams(data, high_channel, low_channel, descriptor,

        # Enable the event to be notified every time 100 samples are available.
        available_sample_count = 100
        daq_device.enable_event(event_types, available_sample_count,
                                event_callback_function, user_data)

        print('\n', descriptor.dev_string, 'ready', sep='')
        print('    Function demonstrated: daq_device.enable_event()')
        print('    Channels: ', low_channel, '-', high_channel)
        print('    Input mode: ', input_mode.name)
        print('    Range: ', ranges[range_index].name)
        print('    Samples per channel: ', samples_per_channel)
        print('    Rate: ', rate, 'Hz')
        print('    Scan options:', display_scan_options(scan_options))
            input('\nHit ENTER to continue\n')
        except (NameError, SyntaxError):


        # Start the finite acquisition.
        rate = ai_device.a_in_scan(low_channel, high_channel, input_mode,
                                   ranges[range_index], samples_per_channel,
                                   rate, scan_options, flags, data)

        # Wait here until the scan is done ... events will be handled in the
        # event handler (eventCallbackFunction).
        # The scan_status values are set in the event handler callback.
        while not scan_status['complete'] and not scan_status['error']:

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except (ValueError, NameError, SyntaxError):
    except Exception as e:
        print('\n', e)
        if daq_device:
            if daq_device.is_connected():
                # Stop the acquisition if it is still running.
                if ai_device and ai_info and ai_info.has_pacer():
コード例 #2
ファイル: daq.py プロジェクト: MediaByte/Olympus
class DAQ:
    def __init__(self, options, cb):
        self.serial = options['serial']
        self.rate = int(options['rate'])
        self.samples_per_channel = int(options['samples_per_channel'])
        self.low_channel = int(options['low_channel'])
        self.high_channel = int(options['high_channel'])
        self.channel_count = int(self.high_channel) - int(self.low_channel) + 1
        self.flags = AInScanFlag.DEFAULT
        self.scan_option = ScanOption.CONTINUOUS
        self.event_types = DaqEventType.ON_DATA_AVAILABLE | DaqEventType.ON_END_OF_INPUT_SCAN | DaqEventType.ON_INPUT_SCAN_ERROR
        self.ScanParams = namedtuple('ScanParams', 'buffer high_chan low_chan')
        self.event_callback = cb
        self.status = ScanStatus
        self.daq_device = None
        self.ai_device = None
        self.data = None
        self.input_mode = None
        self.scan_event_parameters_daq = None
        self.range = options['range']

    def configure_mode(self, mode):
        if mode == "DIFFERENTIAL":
            self.input_mode = AiInputMode.DIFFERENTIAL
        elif mode == "SINGLE_ENDED":
            self.input_mode = AiInputMode.SINGLE_ENDED

        if self.range == '1':
            self.range = Range.BIP1VOLTS
        elif self.range == '2':
            self.range = Range.BIP2VOLTS
        elif self.range == '4':
            self.range = Range.BIP4VOLTS
        elif self.range == '5':
            self.range = Range.BIP5VOLTS
        elif self.range == '10':
            self.range = Range.BIP10VOLTS
        elif self.range == '20':
            self.range = Range.BIP20VOLTS
        elif self.range == '15':
            self.range = Range.BIP15VOLTS
        elif self.range == '30':
            self.range = Range.BIP30VOLTS
        elif self.range == '60':
            self.range = Range.BIP60VOLTS

    def initialize(self):
        connected_devices = get_daq_device_inventory(InterfaceType.USB)
        number_of_devices = len(connected_devices)

        if number_of_devices == 0:
            raise Exception(

        for daqs in connected_devices:
            if daqs.unique_id == self.serial:
                self.daq_device = DaqDevice(daqs)
                self.ai_device = self.daq_device.get_ai_device()

        self.daq_data = create_float_buffer(self.channel_count,
        self.scan_event_parameters_daq = self.ScanParams(
            self.daq_data, self.high_channel, self.low_channel)

        return True

    def begin_acquisition(self):
            self.event_types, self.channel_count * self.samples_per_channel,
            self.event_callback, self.scan_event_parameters_daq)

        self.ai_device.a_in_scan(self.low_channel, self.high_channel,
                                 self.input_mode, self.range,
                                 self.samples_per_channel, self.rate,
                                 self.scan_option, self.flags, self.daq_data)